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In Your Shadow

Page 15

by Middleton, J

  Katie looked at Susan with this surprised look on her face.

  “It’s nothing, no it can’t be the person that left the flower, they will call back.” Katie chants under her breath, trying to hide the panic that came across her face.

  “They didn’t leave a name are anything.”

  “No, they didn’t.”

  “I guess it wasn’t important then. Thanks Susan I will see you in the morning.”

  Katie walked to the elevator and got on. It was dead silent. Her heart was beating hard against her chest as she noticed John had a worried look on his face but never said a word. With no warning he pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her. Making her forget everything that had happened today. His arms were so strong, but yet gentle. When he closed them around her it felt like she was wrapped in a cocoon, and nothing could touch her. She held him tightly breathing in his scent. This was the place she wanted to be, the warmth of his body against hers. Closing her eyes, she took in a few deep breaths letting out her stress of her day. Nothing could touch her here in his arms.

  The elevator stopped as he released her just in time as the door swung open. A couple was standing in the threshold waiting to get on. They stepped out on to the main floor as her paranoia set in. Looking around with the corner of her eyes to see if she notices anyone different. She felt like everyone’s eyes was on her watching her every move. She could see thought the glass doors her driver was standing there with the door opened. John is right behind her almost close enough to feel the heat coming from his breath. He could feel the tension around her. She reaches the car and gets in John slides in behind her.

  Johns fingers entwined into hers as he gave her a tight squeezed. The warmth of his hands went up her arm and down her body like electric blanket. Looking up to his face his eyes was on hers. He could read her well, her eyes told a story. The fear and the panic was running though her and he could see it. Before she could speech a word they had pulled up at her town house. John opened the door and helped her out. She handed him the keys and waved to the driver.

  “Good evening Ms. Katie.” the voice came from her neighbor that was sitting on the steps next door. She was late forties with short hair, very pleasant smile. Her English bull dog was sitting in her lap.

  “Good evening Emma.” She replied back as she reached her door. John put the key in lock and started to turn it but he didn’t hear it click.

  “The door wasn’t locked”. He thought.

  Katie noticed a brown envelope sticking out halfway from under her door mate. Looking over at John he reaches down and picked it up as he pushed the door opened. He closes the door behind him and notices a man’s cologne in the air. He knew right then that someone had been in her house. That wasn’t his cologne. This kind was a stronger and bolder.

  He looked over at Katie and she didn’t seem to notice the smell. She walked to a small room off to her right. Sitting her computer and purse down on a desk. She turns around and stared straight into him.

  John is still holding the envelope in his hand. He watches her take her shoes off and walks toward him.

  “I will take that.” She reaches for the envelope. Almost afraid to open it.

  He hands her the brown folder, flipping it over to see if there is an address are anything. Nothing is own it, no name, no address, just blank. She opens it up and pulls out a white piece of paper and starts reading.

  “As I am saying goodnight at the end of my day, and you are not here, but not far away. My heart is so empty, and so lonely inside. I wipe away a tear. I am trying to hide. I will hold you near in my heart. When these nights together can’t be ours, and time has kept us apart. I close my eyes and see you here. I will be waiting for you with a bottle of wine and a glass for two. I close my eyes and there you will be, just waiting, waiting for me. I begin to smile, and gently close my eyes lessoning the time, that we will be together and you will be mine. I can see you oh how beautiful you are. But you are not here, but yet not far. There is no question, it is you that I need. I sit here alone waiting with hope and you in my heart, no longing wanting us to be apart. Suddenly in a distance a shadow appears, a tear rolls down my face and the image is clear. I’m in your shadow that appears. Just liked I hoped I would be standing there with you next to me. I’m your shadow that you see, I am coming for you that is the way things will be.”

  Her face turned white as her body trembled reading it over and over again. Letting it fall from her hands looking up at John like she had seen a ghost.

  “Oh my god. Mitch use to say these words I’m your shadow. No it can’t be, he is dead. Who is this? Why are they doing this?” These thoughts are going through her head spinning around so fast it made her dizzy. All the memorize from that evening are flashing back.

  “Could Mitch be alive is this his words? Who is doing this to me?”

  “What’s wrong? What is it?” John grabs the paper off the floor and read it.

  “Katie, you need to call the police. This is a stalker.”

  She never answered him she stood there in silences as tears started to form in her eyes. Turning away from him trying to calm herself down so he wouldn’t notice her fear.

  “Katie” he said as he gently turns her around to face him as his arm went around her shoulders.

  He could feel her body tremble as he pulled her close to him. Burying her head in his chest she felt so vulnerable. She didn’t like this feeling, she was strong and ruthless. Now she is falling apart.

  “Get a grip Katie.” The voice in her head was shouting.

  Looking up into his eyes searching for something, peace, love, comfort, something to make it all go away. Anything to get her mind off the past and what was going on now. His lips went down on her, tasting the salt from her tears. He kisses her hard and passionate leaving her feeling safe once again. Pulling away from him she walks to the kitchen grabbing a glass out of the cabinet she pours her a shot of whiskey. Downing the glass quickly she pours another. She didn’t notice that John was right behind her.

  “Katie why don’t you come stay with me?”

  She turns around and he his standing a few feet from her, with a worried look on his face.

  “I’m not going to let someone run me out of my house.” She said as she downed the shot glass.

  “Katie you are not fine, let me help you.” He walked her hand tremble as she sat the glass down. Her eyes cried of fear.

  “Look I appreciate the help but I have work to do. I’m not letting someone frighten me away.” Trying to compose herself.

  “Don’t look at it like that, for your safety. You don’t know who this is are what they are capable of.”

  “John I am not afraid of them. Plus, I will be moving soon so I don’t have to worry.”

  “Katie….” Before he could get the sentence out of her mouth the doorbell rings.

  She walks past him to the door. Her hand still shaking and her heart beating fast as she eases the door open. It was a delivery man holding a long formal dress.

  “Ms. Katie Jackson.”


  “This is for you?”

  He hands her a dress wrapped in plastic covering. She signs the delivery paper and he turns and walks away. With a smile on her face she looks down and there was another lily sitting on her door mate. She drops the dress and rushes out to her steps.

  “Sir” she yells.

  The gentleman turns around.


  “Did you put that flower on my door step?”

  “No, it was already there when I got there.”

  “Did you see anyone?”

  “Just a dark hair man walking to his car.”

  “What did he look like?”

  “He was medium built. 5’7 maybe. I don’t know no. I didn’t pay that much attention.”

  “Did you see him come from my door?

  “No I just seen him walking to a car. I don’t know who left the flower.”

  “What k
ind of car did he get it?”

  “Gray older model.” He paused and looked at her with this puzzled look.

  “Why all these question?”

  “I was just wondering if you saw who dropped the flower.”

  “No I didn’t” he said as he walked to his delivery truck and drove off.

  She stood outside looking down the street, but never saw anyone that fit that description. When she turned around John was holding her dress across his arm and looking down at the flower. She walked past him through the door. He shut the door behind him and locked it. Leaving the flower on the door mate. He followed her in as he laid the dress on the back of a chair. “Now will you please come with me.” He said as was a few feet from her.

  There was silence in the room she never answered. It was like she went back into her shell. Just like when he first meets her. He stood in the door way of the kitchen as she poured her another drink. Her hands were trembling as she tried to hold the glass in her hand. He walked up behind her and grabbed the glass and sat it down on the corner.

  “Talk to me.”

  She turns around looking him in the eye, with a tear rolling down her cheek. He gently takes his finger and wipes the tear from her cheek.

  “Katie I don’t like seeing you like this.”

  “I don’t understand who is doing this.”

  “I don’t know but I will find out.”

  She walks past him and goes to the bedroom and sits on the bed burying her face in her. John sits down beside her and his arms went around her. Gently he pulls her to him holding her close to him. Listening to her cry he was lost on what to do are say. Anger set in as his mind wondered why someone would do such a thing.

  “Could this be the man that killed her husband?”

  All these thoughts going through his head, the only thing he could do is keep her safe. They sat there for it seemed like an hour until she finally stopped crying. She looked up at him with her eyes swollen from tears, and sadness filled her eyes.

  “John I think it is someone in my past that is doing this.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Well the words in the letter, my husband us to say.”

  “What? You think he is alive.”

  “No, Yes, No, he can’t be, I buried him.” She was so confused.

  “I don’t understand then.”

  “He used to say I’m your shadow, the note said I’m in your shadow. The letter sound like Mitch. It’s close to his words. It’s almost identical.”

  Her stomach clenched, as she closed her eyes and took deep breath. Trembling with the thought he could be alive.

  John looked shocked.

  “Could this really be her husband. “Why would he fake his death? Why would he put her though that? She has to be wrong about that.

  “Maybe it’s not connected, could it be someone that is trying to frighten you in to believing it?”

  “I don’t know but it just brings back the nightmare all over again. I want it to end.”

  “What can I do to help you Katie? Tell me what to do?”

  “There is nothing you can do, nothing John.” Tears filled her eyes again.

  “Please come with me to my house, I don’t think you need to be here.”

  “I don’t really want to but I have to say it does sound tempting. I have so much work to do, and I have to get ready to move. I have to stay busy.”

  “Katie I will hire some movers and you want have to mess with all of that. Plus, you can work at my house. I would feel better knowing you are safe.”

  Katie gets up off the bed when her head started to spin around. She quickly sat back down.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I drunk a little too much whiskey but, I’m fine.”

  John knew she had three shots but that wasn’t enough to make her light headed something else was wrong.

  “I will be right back. I’m getting you some water.”

  He walks to the kitchen and picks the whiskey bottle up with a towel. Looking at the bottom of it there was some white residue, it looked like a powder subsist.

  “It looked like someone as drugged her bottle. I knew someone had been in here. I have to get her out of here now.” Anger ran though him knowing that someone had been here.

  Katie could no longer hold her eyes open. Before she could even take another breath she was passed out. All she could see was darkness around her. Forcing one eye open she could see a blurry face that looked like John. After that it was just pure black, no sound, no nothing.

  He hurries to the bedroom and she was asleep on the bed. He grabs some of her clothes and her dress and put them in some luggage that he had found in her closet. After gathering her things, he called his driver and told him to hurry. He put her cloths and computer by the door as he picked her up and carried her to the sofa in the living room. He could still feel her breathing as her breath was shallow and low. He looked out the window and seen his driver, he opened the door and gave him her things. Reaching down and picking her up he walks out the door and hurries to the car. Laying her gently on the seat. Running back to her door he locked it with a key and turns the knob to make sure it was locked. Looking down at the sidewalks to see if any one looked suspicious, he didn’t notice anything. The streets only had a few people walking and things were normal.

  He slides in the car next to her, glazing out the window he noticed he left at light on. He wasn’t going back to turn it off because it made it look like she was home.

  “Let’s go Sam.”

  Taking in a deep breath he watched everyone they past.

  Chapter 19

  They were coming up to his penthouse as Sam told him to go in the service elevator. He pulls up in the parking garage right next to the elevator. John opens his door and grabs Katie and carries her to the elevator. He puts in a code that takes him all the way up to his door.

  “Sam bring her things.” John hurries in the elevator with her in his arms.

  It went quickly up to the top floor. The door comes open right in the foyer of his penthouse. He takes her to the bedroom and lays her down. Looking down at her flawless skin and her rosy cheeks, her full lips that looked so inviting. Hair wavy and long that spread out around her head and shoulder, she looked like an angel sent from heaven. His heart was melting for this angel; she was all he needed.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Pulling a blanket over her body. At this point John was livid and frustrated. He grabs his phone out of his pocket and walks to another room.

  He calls his friend Kenneth, the company’s attorney and close friend. He knew how to find things out about people.

  Kenneth answered on the first ring. John sat down at his bar and filled him in on what was going on. He kept his voice down low so she couldn’t hear him.

  “What a mess? I will see what I can find out for you, be careful.”

  After he hung up John poured him a glass of rum with a twist of lime. He downed the drink quickly and hurried back to the bedroom. Katie was still sleeping soundly, he walked to bathroom and ran some water in the tub. He was going to give her a bath, he had no idea what drug was in her system. After the tub got full he changed into his sweat pants and walked over to Katie. She was moving some in her sleep, mumbling something but he couldn’t make it out.

  “Katie wake up” his hands went over her shoulders shaking her.

  Her eyes come open but she couldn’t get focus on anything. She felt as if she was too drunk to move, her body was heavy and her head was spinning. She managed to keep her eyes opened long enough to see John’s face looking down at her. They closed again as she drifted back off to sleep.

  John pulled the blanket off of her and started undressing her. He was going to wake her up even if he had to pour water on her face. Finally, when he pulled the last bit of her clothing off. Taking her into his arms he carried her to the bathroom. Stepping into the tub with her wrapped around his body as she rested against his chest. Sitting down
slowly in the warm water. Feeling the rhythm of her heart beating against his chest. He knew now that a level of his life had changed forever. Everything was extremely clear she was meant to be in his life and he now believed in love at first sight. He glazed down at her lovely face as her eyes started to come open.

  “What am I doing in the bath tub?” her voice slurry and her memory fuzzy.

  “Glad to see you awake.” He gently uses a warm cloth and went over her shoulders and over her forehead.

  “What time is it, and why am I in the tub?”

  “Katie it is seven o’clock and I put you here to wake you up.”

  “I only drunk a little too much that’s all.”

  “We will talk about it when you come out of your state.”

  “What state?”

  He giggled to himself knowing she was getting back to her old self now. Her mouth with twenty question.

  “Tell me something, why are you in pants.”

  “That we will talk about to.”

  “I can’t wait to here.” She giggles under her breath.

  Her head was still spinning but her body wasn’t as heavy as before. She could move her limps and sit up without falling over.

  “Can you sit up.”

  “Of course.”

  “Good because I have to get out of the wet pants they are rubbing my skin.”

  “John I don’t remember coming here, how did I get here.”

  “I brought you here.”

  “Why don’t I remember that?”

  “Because you were comatose.”

  “Oh, what made you decide to bring me here.”

  “So full of questions I see you are feeling much better.”

  John watches her pull away from him and go into a sitting position.

  He pulls his legs from beside her and stands up putting on leg out of the tub at a time. Watching her closely making use she wasn’t going to fall backward. When he dropped the wet pants on the floor he climbed back into to the warm water placing her body next to his chest again.

  Katie could feel the hardness in his body as she was pressed against him. Laying her head against his hot warm chest, she could feel his erection against her lower back. She was still little weak as her legs felt like Jell-O. She didn’t like the fact that she couldn’t remember the trip over here and why she was here in the first place.


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