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In Your Shadow

Page 20

by Middleton, J

  “Your face looks beautiful the shade of red.” He whispered in her ear.

  Leaning her head down she cut a piece of salmon off and brought it to her mouth.

  John managed to eat with perfect manners with one hand. A few times he made eye contact with her rubbing his nose in her hair.

  “John how about moving our drinks to the living room.”

  “Certainly sir.”

  Everyone moved their beverages into the next room. Katie stood by the large fireplace as the heat covered her body. John shortly move to her side and put his arm around her. It felt like he had just touch a furnace she was hot. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. When the kiss ended, everyone was staring at them. Olivia was steady watching. She was amazed how effected this man was.

  “Well I have to say sir I am going to turn in for the evening it has been a long day.”

  “Of course John, we have a big day tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight Katie.”

  “Goodnight daddy.”

  Daniel watched them go up the stairs as Olivia wasn’t far behind them. She looked like a duck out of water with her bright red dress and her black boots. Daniel just nods his head and giggles to himself.

  John opened the bedroom door and lead her in.

  “Well I guess I will go to bed now.” Olivia said with sarcasm in her voice.

  “Good night Olivia” John said as he shut the door behind them.

  “Well some night.” Olivia mumbled.

  John stood there so close to Katie he could see her pulse beating in her neck.

  “Hey, Katie, how about a movie,” Olivia’s loud voice beaming thought the door.

  “Goodnight Olivia” Katie and John said at the same time.

  They started to laugh as he pulled her close to him.

  Chapter 23

  Tom opened his eyes to nothing but darkness. Picking his phone up the light came on and it was four thirty in the morning. Blinking a couple of times, a dim light came toward him, it was her. Smiling with her deep green eyes glowing, her brown hair long across her breast. His heart started racing, as his breath became rapid. He blinks his eyes and the light of her was gone. The darkness went back around him like a blanket.

  “I can’t stay mad at you.”

  He smiles as he sits up in the bed and turns the lamp on. Moving slowly to the bathroom he splashes water on his face, looking into his reflection. His face was covered with stubble.

  “I need to shave and look nice. She likes clean shaven men.” He mumbled.

  Grabbing the razor, he shaved his face living nothing but bare skin. He glazed in the mirror again he looked like a different man. Smiling at himself he turns and leaves the bathroom, and reached for his cloths. Hurrying out the door it was almost 5:20, he had to get to her house before she went to work. He pulled out of the driveway down the long spooky drive, a few rabbits jumped out in front of him. He didn’t even slow down he almost hit them. His hands were sweating as he gripped the steering wheel. It was still dark but he could see the sun coming over the arising making orange and red colors. He seen the interstate a few feet ahead that meant he was closer to her. Traffic was getting heavy he started to panic.

  “I have to get there before she leaves.”

  Finally, he seen her street, hurrying off the interstate he was looking for a place to park. There was nothing close to her house all the places where full. He seen a place a few blocks from her but he couldn’t see anything.

  “Dam I will have to walk.”

  Frustrated, and now he had to walk and stay hidden. This wasn’t starting off to be a good Thursday morning. Grabbing his jacket of the seat and slams the car door. The streets light was going off as light started to peek through the corners of the building. The streets were getting busy as people were headed to work. He found a place between two building that he could stand. He had prefect vision of her door. He disappeared though the crowd and positioned himself at the opening of a ten-foot gap between the buildings. Standing there looking over at her window the light was still on from yesterday. He looks down at his watch it read 6.45 am.

  “She should be moving around soon.”

  “Excuse me sir, you have light.” A gray hair man stopped and ask.

  “No I don’t smoke.”

  The gentleman walks off, as his eyes still focused on her house. Minutes had pasted still no movement. He leans against the wall holding his body up, watching the people walk by. He was already getting aggregated because everyone was around. It seemed like an hour had passed before he looked down again at his watch and it was 8:00 o’clock.

  “Where is she? Why isn’t her lights coming on?” Something is wrong.” His voice low. Moving from his position he goes to the corner and crosses over. Stopping right in front of her door. Mrs. Smith her neighbor came out of her apartment with a cigarette in her hand. He turned around and walked a few feet and sat down on some steps. Watching the neighbor from the corner of his eye. Waiting for her to go back in, his eyes was still on her window. Still no movement, looking at his watch, 8:45 it read.

  “What is going on? Why hasn’t she left? Suddenly a man came out of his door beside him as he got up quickly and walked back to the corner. He hurried back to where he was standing. He stood there waiting and waiting for something, some form of life. Nothing moved, no lights.

  At this point he didn’t know what to do, he knew she wasn’t at work because she hasn’t left her house. Squatting down, he stayed in that position so long his legs where crapping. The last time he looked at his watch it ready 2:00 p.m. He was just about to give up then a white moving van pulled up in front of her door.

  “Damn it, now I can’t see.” He watched the truck put his emergency flashers on.

  Moving again he was furious no knowing what was going on. Making his way across the street again, just as he turned the curve he noticed they were taking things out of house close to hers. The closer her got he realized it was her house.

  “What is going on?” moving faster.

  When he got up to the front door it was wide open. Without thinking he runs in and there are boxes on the floor, few men were packing down some of her thing.

  “What are you doing? Where is Katie?’ his voice loud.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Who are you?” a man asks as he moved closer to him.

  “That’s not important, where is Katie?” Demanding answers, storming thought the house looking in every room. She was no were to be found, when he turned around a tall man was standing in front of him.

  “I need to know where Katie is, and what is going on?” His voice harsh, and demanding.

  “Sir you are going to have to leave before I call the police.”

  “I just need some answers.” He said as he started rumbling though some papers on her desk. Her papers falling to the floor, but no glue to where she was, nothing.

  Tom watches the man get his phone out of his pocket. Panic hit, sweat forming on his forehead, he didn’t give him time to dial the number he runs out the door. Running as fast as he could, weaving though anyone that got in his way. Finally, he makes it to his car feeling like he was going to collapse at any second. Sitting down in his seat he was gashing for air trying to breath air into his lungs. His heart pounding so hard he was pouring sweat. He looks in his mirror as the gentleman was standing in the street with the phone to his eyes looking around.

  “What if he saw me get in my car?”

  His hands trembling as he puts the keys in the imagination and drives off. Watching constantly in his window. He was livid, passing every car that got in front of him. Driving like a mad man until he reaches a parking lot, he pulls over and parks beside an over large truck. The white double cab truck was large it hid his car from site. His body was trembling, taking deep breaths to slow his heart rate. He felt around for his mobile phone which he had discarded a few ago. He sees it and he picks it up and dials her office. The secretary answers on the second ring.

sp; “Ms. Jackson Office can I help you.”

  “Yes can I speak with Katie Please.”

  “Sir she isn’t in today can I help you.”

  He slams down his phone in the seat.

  “You never take a day off. What is going on? I knew I should have done something a long time ago. I will find you and when I do so help me.” He yells, it was so loud it echoed in his ears.

  Breathing in and out, his mind spinning.

  “Where could she be? It will be New Year’s Eve tomorrow, where did she go. She better not be with him.”

  Exhausted he leans his head back in the seat looking up at the interior of his car. Finally, he calms down still looking out his mirror constantly. When he realized that no one was following him lets out a deep breath in a sign of relief.

  “What am I going to do now? Where did you go? I have to find you.”

  His mind full of unanswered question. Then it finally accrued to him she might have left something in her office that would lead him to her. Putting the car in drive he pulls out of the parking lot, headed to her building. Traffic was at a standstill as he tried to push forward.

  “This can’t be happening to me, not now.”

  Looking over he seen a parking meter, he cuts in between two cars as they lay on their horn, and parks. Looking down at the time 6:30 it read. Getting out of the car and slowly makes his way up the sidewalk. With her building in view he seen her sectary get in a car. Stopping at a large stone block he leans against it. He waits there for thirty minutes until everyone had left. He walks up the steps and opens the large glass doors.

  “Yes there opened.” He thought.

  His heart racing as he hurries to the elevator. Pushing the bottom, he watches the light hit every floor. Finally, it stops and the doors pop open as he held his breath. He takes a deep breath and gets on his hand shacking. His adrenaline pumping hard though his veins as he pushed the twentieth floor. He had become brave and not caring. Standing on the side of the wall the door dings and opens. Slowly he walks through the door, there was no one in the foyer. He headed to her office. The door was closed he grabbed the door handle and tried to turn the knob. It was locked, shacking the knob hard, it still didn’t pop open. He looks up as he hears a light click sound, and there at the corner of wall a camera was pointed straight at him. He jumps back as he released the door handle and pulled his hoody further over his face. Running to the elevator he pushes the button continually until it opened. It seemed like it was taking forever for the door to open. It pops open and he hurried in.

  “The camera got a picture of my face, that is just great. When did she install that system it never was there before?” his thoughts are getting carried away as sweat was running down his cheek.

  The elevator dinged as the door flew open. He jumps off and heads for the door as he heard a man yelling at him.


  He walks faster, afraid to turn around.

  “Hey stop!” he yells again.

  Tom runs out the glass door and down the steps jumping behind a large concrete column. His heart beating faster and faster, he took in a deep breath and holds it. As he hears the guard running down the steps. He stops a man at the bottom.

  “Sir did you see someone coming out of this building.”

  “No sir, I haven’t “

  Tom could hear the guard walking closer to him.

  “I am caught.”

  At this point adrenaline was running though his veins so fast he could hear his every beat in his pulse. Taking in another deep breath, the foot prints stop, by that time he was trembling, his legs were shacking so bad he almost fell to the ground. Standing there frozen to the wall, he was afraid to turn around. A few minutes passed and her heard the footprints again. They were more at a distance. Letting out a deep breath he knew he had gone back in. He took off walking as fast as he could. When he got to the parking lot he jumped in his car and turned the ignition. Hearing the sound of the engine gave him a sense of security. Breathing in and out he finally looked back, there was no sign of him. He put the car in drive and eased past his building. From the corner of his eye he could see a police car parked in front. They were walking up the long steps.

  “Oh shit the camera. Now they will know who I am, that is just what I need.”

  He pushed hard on the gas petal flying past a few cars. Jumping on the interstate he hit 90. His body covered in sweat as his legs were trembling. Looking down at his speed he finally slowed down as he approached his exit. Furious and full of anger, he flies down his road sending a cloud of dust behind him. Throwing his car in park he runs in his house and slams the door.

  “Now what am I going to do. Katie what have you done. Everything is your fault, everything.” He is yelling at the top of his lungs until he had no air left.

  He falls down on his bed beating his fist into the pillow. Hitting it so hard white cotton flies everywhere. His feet ache, his back aches, he is a mess from the inside and out. Minutes had passed before he finally stopped. His head was pounding so hard it was matching the rhythm of his heart. Covering his hands over his face he lays there in complete silence. The only sound you could here was the beating of his accelerating heart. Hours had past he was still in the same position. Dozing off and on, rolling from one side of the bed to another. Finally, after a restless night he opens his eyes seeing the darkness of the room. The air was heavy and cold. His head rolls sleepily against the pillow, closing his eyes again. He could hear Katie’s soft voice. It felt so close he could touch her. He could feel her kissing her shoulder and wrapping her arms around him. Everything that had happened didn’t mean anything now, he could feel her. He would never leave the thought of her being his now. He forced his eyes open and could still feel her so close to him.

  “Your mine.” He whispers.

  Sitting up in the bed he reaches for the lamb and turns it on. Looking around at the dinginess of this cabin.

  “I hate this you are always in my dreams and not my arms. I have had enough of this.”

  He gets up wiping the sweat off his forehead, as he walks to the kitchen. Frustrated and full of rage, he looks at the sun beaming though his window. Taking a few sips of his coffee, he gets up and dresses.

  “It’s time to come get you,” he thought.

  Chapter 24

  John’s lips covered her tasting the sweet wine on her lips. His mouth consuming every inch of her. His kiss full of longing and desires. Backing her up to the bed with his deep eyes hungry with desires, his lips moved to her shoulders. His hands unzipping her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Pulling away from her, he takes his shirt off and finishes undressing. His clothes hit the ground. Standing their staring at her beautiful body he got closer to her. Her arms tighten around his neck as he picks her up and lays her down on the bed. Wanting him more than she wanted her next breath. His hot breath touched her ears and moved down her neck sending shivers down her body. His tongue playing with her every inch of her body. The feel was heightening her sense, almost to unbearable. Every nerve in her body was alive and tingling, the pressure was building. She shivered feeling his burning naked flesh against hers as he slid into her. His mouth covered hers and she sighed into his kiss. His hips thrust forward and she was instantly filled. Her consumed her, dominate her as he pulled back and entered her again. Katie absorbed every sensation, every thrust. He was making her body sing with pleasure. Their bodies were both slick with sweat and moved against each other like a slide. His lips moved to her neck and back up to her lips one move time, as if he wanted to possess every part of her. They both came back to reality slowly, as he rolled to her side. His arms around her body, holding her possessively. Her heart was thundering, with her hair mussed. He kissed her on the top of the head before he rolled out of bed. Looking up at him his hair was adorably mussed and his eyes was raking over her nude body as if he was ready for it again. Laying quietly in the bed she watched him go to the bathroom. Katie rolled to her back, her mind racing and her
heart pounding. A few minutes later she watched him crawl back in beside her pulling her close to him. Her head lying against his chest as she closed her eyes.

  Katie woke up the morning in his arms after their incredible night of passion. She was surrounded by the tantalizing scent of him. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t had any nightmares in a long time. Her mind was at ease finally. Rolling over to her side he was on his back still asleep. She traced his chest with her fingers before sliding out of bed. Closing the door to the bathroom she started her a shower. Not wanting to wash his scent of off her body. Just smelling him gave her a sense of security and pleasure, something she had been missing in her life. Stepping into the hot steamy water, letting it hit her in the face and head rolling down her body. Her mind was still on the fantastic night she just had with him. She jumped as she felt his hands go around her as her head leaded back into his chest. He was just what she needed to start her day off. They stood there and let the water hit them as their bodies relaxed. Turning her around his lips covered hers as the water ran between them.

  She pulled away hearing a loud knock on her bedroom door. Rolling her eyes with a slight grin on her face.

  “They couldn’t of timed it any better.”

  “Katie you up” Olivia’s was heard over the water.

  “I got this.” He said.

  “Oh no you are not going out there in a towel.”

  “Who said I was going to use a towel?”

  “John, don’t you dare.”

  He got out of the shower laughing as the knock got louder. Katie was right behind him grabbing his robe and wrapping it around her. She watched him grab his pants and put them on. Before she could get to the door he opened it. Standing in front of her bare chested with water still running off his body.


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