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In Your Shadow

Page 22

by Middleton, J

  She reaches up and tries to grab his mask so she could see his face. He grabs her hand and holds it down to her side with so much force it was cutting off her circulation. Fighting the tears that were forming in her eyes she looked over and finally seen John in the corner of her eye. He was pushing his way through the crowd. He was almost to her.

  “Tell me who you are, what is your name?” Trying to distract him.

  He laughed under his breath and his eyes became narrow as he looked at her with cold dark eyes.

  “I know that laugh, why can’t I remember who he is?” She thought.

  “Let me go are I will scream.” Her voice loud.

  “Well scream, you think anyone is going to here you over the music. Look around Katie no one is paying attention. They are too drunk to realize what is happening.”

  She was trying to fight the tears from running down her face as she stared into the dark hollow face behind the mask.

  “Did you kill Mitch?” Her voice loud angry.

  He laughs so creepy it sent chills down her spine. Then he lowers his face to her ear and kisses the top of it. A tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes saw John just a few feet from her.

  Trying to push from his grip, he was to strong. Suddenly, as he looks into her eyes he freezes for no reason. He grabs her arm and drags her behind him. Trying to pull away from his grip she almost tripped over her dress. With one hand holding the side up the other foot caught the hem. Pulling back against him to catch her balance she manages to break free. Turning quickly around John was standing a few inches from her. Falling into his arms he grabs her waist and pulls her to him. Tom looked back for a second before he quickly turns and pushes his way through the crowd.

  “Go to your dad!” He demands.

  Katie couldn’t’ move she was frozen from fear as she watch John chase after him. Tom bumps into a couple and it cause his hat to fall off. Looking hard in the crowd hoping he would turn around so she could see his face, but he disappeared behind the crowded room.

  Tears rolled down her face. Trembling in fear as her mind went back to Mitch.

  “I can’t go through another nightmare again. I can’t let him kill John to!”

  She pulls her dress up with both hands and moves through the crowd. She moves as fast as she can to get to her father’s office. Swinging the door open, the room was empty as she slams it behind her. She runs to his desk and pulls out the bottom drawer and there laid his pistol. Checking to see if it was loaded. There were six bullets in the chamber she hides the gun in her dress. Taking her shoes off she runs to the foyer looking for John. She sees him running behind the man towards the front door. Moving quickly though the crowd and out the door. There she saw them on the ground locked into each other with fist flying. John rolled over and the man was on top of him. Katie pulled out the gun and pointed toward the sky and pulled the trigger and fired one shot. The man breaks free and starts to run. She points the gun at him and shots. He tumbles and hits the ground hard. Her ears were still ringing from the shot. She stood there in shock and couldn’t move, her arms out straight holding the pistol out with her finger still on the trigger. John moves behind her and puts his hand around her hand and lowers the gun.

  The gun hit the ground, she looked up to where the man fell and he was gone. He managed to get away.

  “Wait here I will go after him.”

  “NO! Please don’t.”

  He could see the state she was in so he pulled her into his chest as she reaped.

  “What is going on?” Her father voice heard from behind them.

  “Katie are you alright!”

  “Yes daddy I am fine.” Looking up into his eyes.

  “The security guard came and got me and said you had a gun.”

  Katie looked over and seen one man pick the gun up off the ground. They were looking around the yard to see if they could see anything. Katie was listening to John as he was filling her father in on what was going on. She watches John point to an area where Tom had fell.

  “Katie why didn’t you tell me what was going on!”

  “I don’t know daddy. I didn’t want you to worry.” She said as a tear rolled down her eye.

  “Don’t ever keep something like from me again?” Daniel was so angry of the fact she could have got killed.

  “I will be right back stay here with John. Do not leave his side do you hear me?” Her father voice firm and loud.

  She watched him walked across the yard to were the security guard was stand. Daniel stopped as he noticed there was blood on the ground. He was shocked that she hit him.

  They followed it to the parking area and it disappear. There was nothing put an empty place were a car use to be.

  “Damn!” Daniel looked over to the officer that was standing in front of him.

  “Sir we will catch him. He hasn’t got far.”

  Daniel turned and seen her daughter in Johns arms. He was holding on to her tightly. Walking slowly back to her he could see she was trembling. She turned her head to look at him but never said a word.

  “He’s gone, but we will find him. Let get your two back in the house and shut this party down.”

  “Sir, and officer tabbed him on the shoulder.


  “I think you need to see this.”

  “I will be right back take Katie in the house.”

  “I am coming with you Daddy.”

  “NO! Go inside.” He answered her quickly not giving her a chance to debate it.

  John lead Katie back into the house, they walked over to the bar and he poured her a stiff drink.

  “Here drink this!”

  She didn’t hesitate and down it. Just as she finished Olivia walks up behind her.

  “Well there you two are, I have been looking everywhere for you.” Looking down at her dress she noticed her toe was sticking out from under the material.

  “Katie, didn’t you wear your shoes!”

  “I took them off.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Wow that looks so attractive.” She nods her head at her.

  Katie tried to pull herself together and put a fake smile across her face, but it wasn’t working. She was trembling too bad to hide it. Olivia looked at her with a strange look, she could sense something was wrong. Katie always had something smart to say to her, but she was speechless.

  “What’s going on? What’s the matter with you?”

  “Nothing, I am just getting tried. You know I don’t do parties well.” She quickly answered trying to roll it off as that.

  “Well you and Mr. Hot Pants. Oh I’m sorry John go to bed.” Olivia answered knowing there was more to the story, but this wasn’t the time to find out.

  “Oh I am as soon as I talk to my father.”

  “So, are you having a good time.”

  “I guess these people here are a different kind of crazy. This isn’t my type of fun but I have enjoyed myself.”

  “That’s good, I see dad. I will talk to you in a minute.”

  Katie pulled on Johns arm and they walked to a far corner were they seen him come in the front door with a few security guards. It didn’t take her but a few minutes to get to him.

  “Daddy what’s the matter?”

  “I will talk to you later about it, let’s get the guest out of here first.”

  Johns hand had a grip on hers, he wasn’t going to let her slip away. They followed him to the podium and he stood there and done a little speech. When he finished everyone was courting down.

  “It’s that’s time.” She turned to John as the crowd yelled five, four, three, two, one and happy new year. Confetti fell from the ceiling and covered the floors. Katie could see it fall in front of her as John pulled her into his arms and his lips covered hers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. When he released his lips his eyes were still on hers.

  Staring into them deep ocean blue eyes, she was lost in a sea of forever. Her heart sunk, as butterflies took flight in t
he pit of her stomach. He held her close, pressing her nose to her neck and inhaling her scent. Like fresh roses, it was driving him wild wanting her more. He keeps his lips just a breath away from hers. Moving his face to hers again his lips went down on hers as her heart was consumed. His hand runs down her back, it was a reminder that he controlled her soul. She breaks from his lips as she looks up into his eyes and sees passion and glowing desires.

  “Happy new year Katie, I will make this year better for you.” He smiled.

  “Happy new year to you John.” Smiling back at him returning her mouth to his.

  “Happy New Year love birds” Olivia was heard in their ears again.

  They turned and looked at her.

  “Same to you.” Katie answered.

  They sat down keeping her father in eye view as he was escorting people out the door. Some were too drunk to leave so they had to get a room upstairs.

  She was trying to get his attention. It was eating her up to know what he had found out. Her nerves were on edge just knowing this man was still out there.

  John knew something was going on because they were making the men take off their mask as they were leaving.

  “What’s going on John?” Katie looked up at him.

  “I don’t know but I am sure he will tell us soon.”

  “Let’s go over there” pulling on his hand.

  “No Katie I think we need to stay here. He will come to us. Besides Olivia is on her way over here.”

  “That is just great?” she smiled as she approached.

  “Well I guess I am going to bed. I have had enough of this for one night. Plus, these shoes are killing me.”

  “See you in the morning.” As she turned and walked away.

  “Here drink this,” he hands her a night cap.

  She took a sip out of the glass, and it took her breath and she started coughing.

  “That was strong?” As it burned her throat.

  “That will calm you down some Katie?”

  “If it doesn’t it will sure knock me out!”

  She sits the glass down on the cabinet and didn’t realize that she was still shaking from the adrenalin rush. She finally stopped trembling as a feeling of warmth run though her blood stream. The alcohol was doing its job. He was right she slowly stopped shacking. Looking around she could see the room was clearing out. Her father was no longer at the front entrance of the house. He eyes scanned the room but didn’t see him. Finally, she sees him walking towards her with two guards on his side. She walked a few steps as she got closer to her.

  “Daddy are you alright!”

  “I am fine” pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her.

  “Katie I don’t know what I would do if something had happened to you. I couldn’t bare it.” His arms tight around her.

  “Daddy it didn’t and it want.”

  “You are right it’s not. You are staying here until this is resolved.”

  She pulls away from him and looks into his eyes.

  “Daddy I am staying at John’s if that will make you feel better. My house will be ready the end of the week and I will move in there. It has a lot of security cameras.”

  “How safe is John’s place?”

  “Sir it is safe I assure you. I will keep her there even if I have to work at home. She will not leave the house without me are someone security around her.” Looking over at Katie with this surprised look on her face.

  She knew better then to argue in front of him.

  “Tell me daddy what is going on, what did they find out?”

  “Well it seems like they have linked him with someone from this house.”

  “What? How do you know that?”

  “Well his cloths were left in the bathroom upstairs when he changed into his suit.”

  “When did he get in and who let him in?” Fear ran though faster than a strike of lightening.

  “He was upstairs! Did you have someone search the house. Is he still around here now!” Fear was in her voice more now than before.

  Just knowing he was in the same house made shivers run down her spine.

  “Katie I have had the whole house searched and he isn’t hear. From what we saw he is hurt pretty bad. We have calls out to all the hospitals we will find him. Listen dear you need to go get some rest, I am going to as soon as I check with the security one more time.”

  “I can wait on your daddy.”

  “No Katie go own to bed it has been a very stressful night.”

  “Okay” not wanting to leave his side but she knew he was right.

  John took her hand and lead her up the stair case. Looking over to their side she seen her father wave at her. It brought tears to her eyes once again. She didn’t want to leave his side, her mind going crazy thinking the stalker could be still in the house.

  John opened her door to the bedroom and closed it behind her. She put her arms around him and held him tightly, not wanting to pull away. He held her close to him for several minute before looking up into his eyes. Tears were rolling down her cheek again.

  “It’s going to be alright Katie. We will find him and it will all be over soon.”

  “I hope so.” Her voice low.

  “Here let me help you out of this dress.”

  As much as he wanted to make love to her now, he knew she needed comfort more than sex at this point. His body was carving her like a drug, but she needed her rest and reassurance.

  After undressing they crawled in bed and he pulled her close to him. She was wrapped up in his body like a blanket. Laying there listening to her breath it soon put him to sleep.

  Chapter 26

  Blood pouring out of his leg, covering the seat and dripping down onto the floor broad.

  “Damn it, I can’t believe she shot me. You choose him over me. Oh NO! You are mine don’t you understand! Next time I will leave you know choose you will be with me.”

  He mumbles to himself trying to push the gas with his foot. Pain shooting though his body like someone had just broke every bone in his body.

  “Is this what it felt like when I shot you. Oh my little shadow you are going to feel much more then this soon real soon.”

  His forehead pouring sweat, as his legs throbs hard. With his trembling hands he continues to drive. He pulls over on the side of the road and rips his sleeve off his shirt. Wrapping it around the wound and pulling tightly. Letting out a scream as the shock waves of pain shots up though his head. Taking deep breaths trying to slow his heart rate down and try to concentrate. His leg finally ease’s up enough for him to get back on the highway. He had almost an hour drive home. The car had the aroma of his blood, just like the night of the shooting.

  “Oh this is a familiar smell.”

  It brought back some memories of Katie. Lying there next to Mitch in the dark ooze.

  Looking down he realizes that he had lost to much blood, he had to find a way to stop it. His pants and seat was covered in a dark color sticky ooze. Nausea hit his stomach so he pulled over to the side again. Opening the door, he stuck his head out of the car as he though up all over the ground. Beads of sweat rolled to the ground as he lifted his head and pressed it against the seat.

  He heard cars honking as they went by but he didn’t care. It seemed like hours had passed as he finally looked down and the bleeding had stopped. He felt dizzy and sick to his stomach again.

  “I have to get back to the cabin, I can’t be found like this.”

  Pulling back on the highway every time he would push the gas his upper half of his leg would bleed again. This went on for at least an hour before he finally reached the dark gravel room.

  “Finally home” he cried out.

  Pulling up as close as he could get to the door. He leaps inside and slams the door behind him. The sound echoed loudly though the house. He went straight to the bathroom and started taking his pants off. The clothing was hard to pull off it had started to stick to his worn.

  He cried out as he pull
ed the pants leg off. Sitting on the side of the tub, he looked down at the small hole in the top part of his leg.

  “Why did you do this? Why Katie?” he screams out.

  Starting the shower as he steps in the force of the water hit his face and body. Looking down as the water dripped off his face he could see a puddle red water ran down the drain. It was a dark color as it covered the floor under his feet. Just staring at it like he was in a trance, with his arm against the wall holding himself up. He was still in disbelieve on what had just accord. Finally, he steps out of the shower with blood still easing out of his worn.

  “This is just great. I have to go get it look at I’m losing to much blood. I can’t go into town. Damn it Katie? Why did you do this to me? All I have ever done is love you. You will pay for what you have done.” His loud voice filled the room.

  Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around it, pulling it tight around the wound. He moved across the bloody clothes that were laying on the floor. Putting on a pair of jagging pants and t-shirt he grabbed his jacket and hopped to his car. Turning the key to the ignition he pulled out of his driveway and headed down the long gravel road. He knew there was a small clinic not far from him. Pulling up to the small neighbor hospital, he gets out and goes it.

  “Can I help you?” a woman behind the desk ask.

  “I have lost a lot blood and I need to see a doctor.”

  The nurse moved from her desk and looked down and she could see drops of blood on the floor by his feet. She grabbed a wheel chair and rolled him to the examining room.

  “A doctor will be with you shortly.”

  Sitting up in the bed in a hospital grown waiting for someone to come in. Looking down at the large bandage that was wrapped around his leg. He didn’t know how he was going to explain this. He couldn’t tell them the real truth are he would go to jail. His mind going crazy as the doctor walked in the door.

  An hour passed before the shot wore off.


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