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Bad Virgin

Page 9

by Kelli Callahan

  “The rumors about Braden’s father are true?” His face reflected shock. “I thought it was just something the students were making up.”

  “No, it’s all true.” I nodded. “I need you here at this school, Mr. Matthews, but I’m going to need you to grow a fucking backbone. You’re a teacher. These kids can either learn from you or they can wallow in their mediocrity. If you really want to leave Grantham University, then I’ll write you the letter you want. Before you make that decision final though, I’d like you to consider what I’m about to say.”

  “Okay...” His face had started to lose color as he realized who he was sitting in front of.

  “My brother will be back in a couple of weeks. I don’t plan to hand him the keys to a kingdom in disarray. You know what I did with Bethany Lewis, but you need to consider this—I don’t plan to stop. Even when my brother returns, I plan to keep seeing her. I might even marry her some day. Bethany isn’t your problem. The students aren’t your problem. The problem is you. You won’t stand up to them. You live in fear of them and their parents, but I’m telling you this—I will handle anything that happens. If they fuck with you, I’ll snap them in half. That’s the kind of leader I am.” I slammed my hand down hard on the desk and Mr. Matthews practically jumped out of his chair. “Grantham University is changing and you can be part of the solution or you can get the fuck out of my school.”

  “I—I need time to think.” He pulled his hands close to his chest and started wringing them together.

  “You have until Monday. Either you figure out how to fucking deal with your class, or you can leave. I don’t give a shit either way. I want you here, but if you don’t want to support the change I’m trying to bring to this school, then you’re just wasting my time.” I leaned back in my chair again.

  I WASN’T SURE WHAT Mr. Matthews would decide, but my words to him were real. If he couldn’t support me, then he didn’t belong on my staff. I preferred to have him there, even with all of his faults. I saw the same kind of lost spirit in him that I saw in my brother when I got out of prison. Mr. Matthews knew the truth and what he decided to make of it was on him.

  I pulled out my bottle of whiskey and took a swig before getting up to leave for the day. Bethany had tried to come see me and it seemed like I had lost my chance to see her. It would be an agonizing weekend without her touch but there was nothing I could do about it. Mr. Matthews had dominated my time, but the discussion was necessary, even if thoughts of having Bethany in my arms were burning me up inside. I hoped she would still be around when I walked out of my office, but all I saw was Braden standing across the hallway. It was definitely too late for him to be at school, but the smirk on his face suggested he was waiting on me.

  “Mr. Thorne.” He grinned and walked towards me.

  “What do you want, Braden?” I let out a sigh and stared at him.

  “I just wanted you to know that my father...” Braden chuckled. “He has a big surprise for you next week.”

  “Is that so?” I shook my head with another sigh. “Hasn’t he already figured out that he shouldn’t mess with me?”

  “Enjoy your weekend.” Braden started walking away from me without acknowledging my words. “Next weekend is going to be epic.”

  I regretted not exchanging numbers with Bethany as I stood in the hallway. All of the classrooms were empty—just like my arms. She was supposed to be in detention, so I checked there just to make sure, although I didn’t expect to find her waiting for me. My conversation with Mr. Matthews had taken far too long. I locked up the school and headed to my car with my blood boiling. I was angry at Mr. Matthews and angry at Braden—both of them had put stress on me that would last through the weekend. I wasn’t sure what Braden’s father had in store for me, but I wasn’t surprised. I had put him in place, but he did seem to give up fairly easily for someone as rich and powerful as he was. I hoped that the surprise had nothing to do with Bethany. I didn’t think Mr. Matthews had said anything and I trusted Bethany not to share it with someone like Braden, but I couldn’t help but worry when I got home. My brother was still in good spirits, which was a welcome change. We sat up late into the night talking again before he finally went to bed and I stretched out on the couch.

  I really hope this doesn’t come crashing down next week.

  Chapter 14: Bethany

  I was going to wait for Anton, even after I saw him deeply engrossed in conversation with Mr. Matthews, but Braden was waiting when I left the office. He didn’t tell me exactly what was going on, but he did tell me enough to let me know that Anton was in real trouble. His father had a plan to bring him down once and for all. Technically, Braden and his father thought they were bringing Sloane down, but it would be both of the brothers that suffered. After the encounter with Braden, I tried to linger, but I didn’t want him to be suspicious. When the conversation with Mr. Matthew seemed to be taking longer than I hoped it would, I decided that I didn’t have any choice but to go home. My mother had mentioned that she wanted to have a sit-down dinner and I didn’t want any questions if I came in so late that the food was cold. I could have managed a quickie with Anton, but I couldn’t wait on him all night, even if my body was practically begging me to consider it.

  “So, when do we get to see some of those awesome grades you’re getting?” My mother pushed a plate of ham towards me.

  “Good grades?” My father raised his eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “Bethany is going to graduate this year.” My mother beamed with pride.

  “Is that right?” My father’s face was normally expressionless, but when he heard my mother’s words, he smiled.

  “It’s going to take a lot of work, but I don’t plan to spend another year wasting your donations at Grantham.” I pulled a piece of ham from the plate, passed it to my father, and then reached for the mashed potatoes.

  “Maybe you could get her a job at your company once she has her high school diploma?” My mother’s words carried more of a demand than a question.

  “Yeah, I’m sure we could work something out. We normally hire college graduates, but if you work hard this year, we might be able to bring you on board.” He nodded and shrugged.

  “What if I want to go to college?” I looked at my mother and then to my father.

  “To party or to graduate?” My father’s eyebrows raised.

  “A little of both.” I grinned and shrugged.

  “Considering how long it has taken you to graduate high school...” My mother’s words trailed off.

  “If you want to go to college, and you’re serious about it, we’ll keep making donations to Grantham University.” My father nodded. “If you do well there for a couple of semesters, we can definitely get you into a real school.”

  I didn’t push the conversation further. I was just happy to have a discussion like that with my parents when my future had previously been dismissed. I definitely didn’t mind staying at Grantham, especially if Anton would be there. I wasn’t sure if his brother would actually come back. Anton seemed to think would, but I didn’t think he could keep up with Anton’s changes. Anton was definitely the Principal the school needed, even if he didn’t have a single year of college under his belt. He understood things in a way his brother never did and he stood up for himself. If the real Mr. Thorne returned, I didn’t think we would see the changes hold. I was mean to him, but I wasn’t the only one. I also couldn’t help but worry about what Braden said. I didn’t think he knew the truth, but he clearly had an agenda.

  I DIDN’T GET MUCH SLEEP Friday night. Anton was in my dreams and every time I closed my eyes, I could see him right there in front of me with the same desire in his intense stare I had seen so many times. I needed his touch—I craved it. When the sun finally came up, I showered and headed downstairs. I was up even earlier than my parents. I fixed some coffee and drank it on the back porch while I quickly put away a cigarette. My parents didn’t acknowledge my habit even if they knew and I always avoided fla
unting it. When they finally got up, my mother cooked breakfast and after I was done, I headed back up to my room. I couldn’t wait until Monday to see Anton again. I could risk another week of being kept apart praying for the weekend.

  School had become an easy excuse, so I told my parents I would spending some time at the library. They seemed impressed and didn’t ask any questions. I got into my car and headed over to Mr. Thorne’s house. I parked a couple of houses down and watched the driveway. I couldn’t knock on the door if Sloane was there, so all I could do was hope that he would leave. When I finally saw his car leave the driveway, I practically ran to the front door.

  “Bethany?” Anton opened the door with a look of surprise on his face.

  “I missed you.” I stepped into his hug and wrapped my arms around him.

  “What are you doing here? My brother can’t find out about this.” He held me, but I could sense apprehension in his touch.

  “I waited until he was gone—please tell me he will be gone for a while.” I leaned back from his embrace and looked into his eyes.

  “Yeah he’s—he’s meeting with someone.” I felt like there was more to the story, but I didn’t pry.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” I grinned and slid a hand down his chest, caressing his cock through his shorts when my hand ventured below the waist.

  “I missed you too.” He let out a sigh and started to kiss my neck.

  His touch was incredible. It immediately sent flurries of excitement through my body. His hands went underneath my shirt and squeezed my breasts through my bra for a moment before he locked his lips on mine. I melted into his kiss and the world stopped spinning. We were alone in our moment and our passion was erupting. He pulled my shirt over my head, breaking the kiss for a moment. The instant my shirt was on the floor, he was ravaging me with another kiss. His tongue slid between my lips and danced with mine. I had to break it when his shirt was pushed past his chin, but he was already working on my jeans. It didn’t take us long to tear apart the clothing barrier keeping our skin from touching, and once it did, we sank down onto the couch. Our lips continued to resonate the fire of our desire as our bodies reacted. His cock started to engorge with his lust and I stroked it until it was practically throbbing.

  “Is everything okay with Mr. Matthews?” I looked up at him.

  “I don’t want to talk about Mr. Matthews right now.” He started shifting his hips to move his cock against my hand faster.

  I stretched a leg over his abdomen and let my knee rest on the opposite side so that I was straddling him. I lifted up and adjusted my hips until I was directly over his cock with the glans pressed against my pussy. I was so wet and turned on after being without him so long that it wasn’t difficult to start sliding down his shaft once he was past my labia. I let out a gasp of pleasure when I felt his girth stretching my pussy and going deeper. I had gone from a virgin who talked a big game to a girl that craved sex. Anton’s hands caressed my body while I slowly brought myself closer to his hips. I lifted up until his cock was against my labia again before starting to move down it. A throaty-moan of excitement came out in a growl from within him as he felt my pussy clenching his cock once more while I sank towards the couch. It almost went deep enough to touch my g-spot, but I couldn’t quite get it all the way in. I shifted my hips, put my hands on his chest, and started to ride the part that was already inside me, letting it go a little deeper each time I descended.

  “It feels like an eternity since I’ve been inside you.” A gasp escaped his lungs when my speed picked up and I could feel his cock pulsate with excitement.

  “It has been even longer for me—the last time you didn’t even want my pussy.” I teased him and smiled as I moved my hips again.

  “You didn’t complain once you found out how good it could be.” He squeezed my hips and his breathing picked up.

  “You’re right—but this is all I want right now.” I threw my head back as I felt him finally touch my g-spot and send a surge of pleasure through my body.

  My labia pressed against his pelvis and I rested there for a moment to let my body adjust to having him all the way inside of me. I pushed with my knees and flexed my thigh muscles to lift up, bouncing on top of him while my pussy consumed his length each time time I started to descend on his shaft. The surges of pleasure kept my body on fire once the spark of pleasure was lit. His hands drifted across my body, squeezing my breasts as he flicked his thumb against the hard nipples, before sliding back down to my hips again. His touch was incredible. It stoked the fire even more while I rode him. I loved the way he made my body come to life and I didn’t want to be anywhere else except in that moment with him. I kept his cock against my g-spot as long as I could, making the thrusts shorter as I picked up speed. My pussy was wet and begging for more as it saturated his balls with my lust. I felt like I could ride him until the sun went down and came back up without putting the fire completely out.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He moved a hand to my breast and squeezed it again. “I could stare at you riding my cock all day long.”

  The pleasure was surging through me so much that while my lips parted to utter a response, the only thing that came out was a quick burst of breath and a moan. The intensity in his eyes started to flash with the same lust I had seen the first time he had me. My body was getting close to the release I craved and I could feel his cock throbbing inside me with the same desire boiling to the point of no return. He started to shift his hips along with mine, bringing them up as I descended. The hammering motion added even more fuel to the fire and made me start to moan louder each time he drove himself deeper than I could get him on my own. He wrapped his arms around my hips and tilted me over slightly so that he could fuck me even faster. Our bodies collided each time we moved against each other, both of us roaring with moans and hurried breaths while we chased our desires. There was nothing we could do to slow down the impending storm in both of our bodies. I was so close to an orgasm that every thrust felt like it was going to push me over the edge as I stayed suspended in the ultimate moment of bliss.

  “I’m gonna cum!” His words passed his lips quickly and a growl followed that resonated deep within his body.

  “Me too!” I nodded my head and my breath rushed out of me in quick, hurried pants.

  The speed of our bodies moving against each other reached a fever pitch and perspiration glistened on both of us. My head went back and my eyes rolled into my skull for a moment when I felt his pulsations get faster. The surge of my orgasm began and I squealed with pleasure. I bounced on his cock with my pussy spasming and my muscles clenching. My body quivered against him and then I felt his throbbing cock erupt. The combination of our lust sent both of us spiraling into a shared orgasm while our bodies released the pent up desire. I rode him until his pulsations stopped and my muscles started to relax. Our breath slowed down as I came to a rest with his cock still inside me. His head sank into the pillow on the couch and I slowly fell forward. He caught me in his powerful arms and pulled me against his chest while I slowly pulled myself off his cock. The instant he was no longer inside me, I felt the separation and emptiness but his arms squeezed me tight. The heat between our bodies started to evaporate with the lust quelled, and a chill ran through me while the afterglow made my eyes heavy. He pulled a sheet that had been thrown to the floor over our bodies and let it rest on my shoulders.

  “I wish I could fall asleep like this every night.” He slowly moved his hands across my body, tracing my skin.

  “Me too...” I nodded against his chest and lightly kissed his pectoral muscle right above his nipple where a circular pattern of dark ink was tattooed.

  “I want to apologize to your brother.” My eyes remained closed, but I felt him shift.

  “What? Why?” There was tension in his touch when he heard my words.

  “I was so mean to him. I don’t want to be that terrible person anymore.” My lips were almost numb with the feeling still drained from them, bu
t my emotions were in overdrive after my orgasm.

  “Apparently, you just needed a good spanking to turn your whole life around.” He chuckled lightly.

  “No.” I grinned and chuckled along with him. “I needed you. I needed someone who wouldn’t put up with my bullshit. My feet never touched the ground before I met you. I just floated along from one disaster to the next, leaving a stain on everything I touched.”

  “So you’ve given up on trying to blackmail me? I noticed that you’ve been working harder at school—or I guess I should say that you’re finally putting in some manner of effort.” He leaned his neck forward and kissed my forehead. “I’m really proud of you.”

  “I do want to graduate.” My heart thumped faster when I heard his praise. “Blackmail definitely wasn’t the answer—I just fell back into my old routine because it was what I knew best.”

  “I’ll do anything I can to help you as long as you’re putting in the effort and earning the grades. I’m not sure an apology will change much with my brother. He’s actually finding peace now—I don’t think he’ll be the same man when he returns to Grantham.” He kissed my forehead again.

  “I’m glad. He’s a good person. I just wish I could have seen that before I tormented him so much. I’ve grown up a lot in the last two weeks....” My words drifted off and my eyes felt heavier as the calmness of our embrace mixed with the exhaustion of what we had done.

  I felt so safe in Anton’s arms. There was nowhere else I wanted to be. With his support, I could do what I had set my mind to—I could actually graduate. He helped me find a piece of myself that had been lost when I ventured into adulthood. I wasn’t the best kid before that and I tormented my high school teachers long before I ever arrived at Grantham University, but I just put my foot to the pedal of debauchery when I got there. I fed off the atmosphere in the beginning and once I let myself become horrible, I was kindling for everyone else’s fire. It took someone like Anton to call me on my bullshit, hold me accountable—and even punish me—to put the brakes on my crazy train. I was so thankful for him. I didn’t know what the future would hold for us once he was gone from Grantham, but I knew he had changed my life for the better. I wasn’t sure I could exist without him.


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