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Page 13

by Julia Sykes

  I darted across the sidewalk, careful to keep out of view of the window. Then I took up my position, pressing my side against the warm bricks as I listened.


  I could hear the distant rumble of masculine voices, but nothing coherent. They must be farther back in the house.

  Oh, well. If they weren’t in the window’s sight line, I could risk glancing inside. Going up onto my toes, I peered through the glass. The room was empty, but artificial light spilled into it from an open doorway set into the corner. I glimpsed an old stove through the opening and part of a table. A pretty Latina woman was visible in profile. She leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed over her chest. I imagined Dex was sitting across from her. The expression on her face wasn’t at all trusting.

  Maybe it was for the best that he hadn’t taken me in with him.

  Not that I’d admit that to him. I’d just—

  “What do you think you’re doing, puta?” The masculine voice was heavily accented and far too close.

  I whirled to find a tattooed man looming over me. He was relatively thin, but his muscles were still defined, his frame wiry and tall. I took a step back.

  “What are you doing at my cousin’s house?” he questioned. “You looking for someone?” He glanced over at Dex’s official-looking black sedan where it was parked at the curb, and then his gaze flicked over my professional attire. “You a fed?” he asked, his voice growing heavy with menace. His hand shot out, his fingers fisting in my blouse as he jerked me toward him.

  I reacted immediately, landing a punch across his jaw. He reeled back, his face slack with shock. But only half a heartbeat passed before his features twisted with rage.

  Oh, shit.

  I turned to run, but his fingers tangled in my hair. I cried out as he jerked me back against his chest. I jammed my elbow into his stomach. He grunted, but he didn’t release me. His arm wrapped around my neck, squeezing. I dug my fingernails into his forearm. He snarled and tightened his grip. My head started feeling oddly light, and I gasped for air.

  “Let her go.” Dex’s face blurred, but I could make out his huge form, gun drawn.

  Black spots danced across my vision, and in my panic, my body went into fight mode. My self-defense training kicked in, and I brought my heel down hard on the top of my attacker’s foot.

  He cursed, and his arm left my neck. I sagged, and he shoved me forward. Strong arms caught me.

  “Javier!” Dex called out. “I need you out here.”

  “What happened?”

  “Hernandez ran for it. That way.”

  I heard heavy footfalls slapping against the pavement, moving away from us.

  “I’m getting you out of here.”

  He lifted me up and tucked me against his chest. My vision cleared, and Dex’s face came into sharp relief. His features were drawn tight with rage. I shrank back, but I couldn’t put any distance between us with his iron arms around me.

  Despite the angry tension in his muscles, he was gentle when he placed me in the passenger seat. He wasn’t so gentle when he snarled at the sight of the open handcuffs, my pin sticking out of the lock. He slammed the car door and quickly got in the other side. The tires squealed as he hit the accelerator hard, speeding us away from danger.

  “Smith,” Dex snapped. I looked over and realized he was on his phone. “Get a team to Ana Lucia’s place. Hernandez is on the run. Javier went after him, but I want the whole neighborhood searched. And someone needs to make sure Ana is okay.” There was a brief pause. “No, I can’t help. I have to deal with Chloe.”

  Oh, fuck.

  A new kind of fear threaded through my belly. Dex didn’t look at me, but I could feel his fury pulsing through the car, pressing up against me. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but I’d never seen him like this. He’d always seemed so sweet and gentle, if domineering. I suddenly saw him as the very deadly FBI agent he was.

  “Listen, Dex, I’m—”

  “Don’t say anything,” he ordered. His voice was soft, dangerous. “You do not have permission to speak.”

  “What? I don’t need your—”

  “Quiet. Every word that leaves your lips will add to your punishment. Am I clear?”

  “Punishment? Dex, be serious.”

  “I am serious. And that’s four more. I asked you a question.” He speared me with a glacial blue stare. “You do not have permission to speak. Am. I. Clear?” He enunciated each word, making them lash against me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I managed a ragged whisper.

  He finally released me from his intimidating gaze. I sucked in a breath and looked down at my lap. My fingers twisted together as we rode in silence, my anxiety growing with every long minute that passed.

  I was in so much trouble.



  During the short drive to my apartment, I did my best to master my residual fear for her and the rage I’d felt toward the man who’d threatened her. Not to mention my frustration with her. What had possessed her to pick that lock and linger by the townhouse? Hadn’t I said the neighborhood was dangerous? Hadn’t I ordered her not to wander off?

  My knuckles turned white against the steering wheel. I’d obviously been too soft on her. I’d struggled to earn her respect ever since I’d first met her. She needed a lesson in obedience. She needed to know that when I gave her an order, especially for her own safety, she was to do as she was told.

  I’d found her spirited nature charming, thinking her sassiness was cute. I’d been too indulgent with her. I’d taken her into my care, had promised her protection, but that was impossible if she continued to defy me when it mattered most.

  I parked outside my building and ushered her out of the car. She tried to edge away from me, but I wrapped my arm around her waist and kept her close. She wouldn’t escape me so easily.

  And I had to admit to myself that I needed to touch her, to know that she was safe. I planned a thorough inspection of her body once we reached the privacy of my apartment. I’d make sure she wasn’t injured or in pain.

  The only discomfort I wanted her to feel was a very hot, sore bottom.

  I didn’t release her until we reached my apartment, and even then I only broke contact briefly so I could unlock the door. I kicked it shut behind us.

  “Dex, I—”

  “That’s two more,” I cut her off before she could add to her punishment. “You’ve been warned.”

  She pressed her lips together, holding in further protests. Then I noticed her pale cheeks, her wide eyes.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” I promised, making my voice gentler. “Do you understand that?”

  “But you’re going to punish me,” she whispered.

  “Yes. You’re going to get a thorough spanking. It won’t be pleasant, but it won’t harm you.”

  “What if I don’t want a spanking?”

  I gave her a wry smile. “Naughty girls usually don’t. This won’t be the fun kind. It will be discipline. You disobeyed my orders. You put yourself in danger when I expressly warned you not to leave the car.”

  She squared her shoulders. “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  “When it comes to your safety, I do.”

  “You have a real hero complex, you know that, right?” she huffed.

  “Maybe I do,” I allowed. “But you needed saving.”

  “I’m not a damsel in distress.”

  “Aren’t you? I’m fairly certain I just rescued you.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “What happened to sweet, nerdy Dex? I want him back.”

  “He’s standing right in front of you. This is part of who I am, Chloe. I care about you. I care about your safety and your happiness. That’s why I need to discipline you now.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “A spanking won’t make me happy.”

  “Not at first. But you’ll feel better after.”

  “You’re so sure of that, are you?”

  I gr
ipped her chin between my thumb and forefinger, tipping her head back so she had no choice but to stare up at me. I inserted myself firmly in her personal space, letting her feel my presence. Her breath stuttered, and her pupils dilated.

  “I’m sure,” I told her with cool confidence. “I’m sure, because I know you’re a sweet sub under all that fire. You want to be protected, cherished.”

  “I think you just like bossing me around,” she said, but there was no true spite in her tone.

  “You don’t really think that, do you?” The question was rhetorical. I could tell she was throwing up the last of her defenses in an attempt to hide from her more primal needs.

  She drew in a shuddering breath. “No,” she admitted softly. “I don’t think that. I know you want me to be safe. I’m sorry I left the car. I was just so annoyed with you for cuffing me.”

  I chuckled. “You can be as annoyed as you like. And you can give me hell for it, if you want. I can take it. Just don’t put yourself in danger like that ever again.”

  She glanced away. “Okay.”

  I tilted her chin up further, calling her gaze back to mine. “Tell me. I want you to promise me you’ll never disobey me in the field again.”

  “I’ll obey you, Sir. In the field,” she added, one corner of her lips ticking up in a saucy smile.

  I laughed again. “Naughty,” I chided. “You’ve more than earned your spanking.”

  Her eyes flew wide. “Wait. We just talked. A lot. You’re not going to count all those words, are you?”

  “No, little one. We needed to talk things out. I didn’t want you to be scared of me.”

  “I’m not scared of you. I trust you.”

  “Thank you for that.” I knew how difficult it must be for her to trust after her ex hurt her.

  I diverted my thoughts from the bastard before it brought my fury back. I’d only barely managed to master my rage at Hernandez.

  “Did Hernandez hurt you?” I asked gently.

  “No. I gave him as good as I got.”

  I cupped her jaw, lifting her face so I could inspect her neck. There didn’t appear to be any bruises forming.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “Really.”

  “I’m going to make sure.” I grasped the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it up her torso.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to check for injures.”

  “I already told you I’m not hurt,” she said, but she automatically lifted her arms so I could tug the shirt over her head.

  I fixed her with a steady stare as I unbuttoned her jeans. “I will examine you to my satisfaction.”

  “But he barely touched me,” she protested weakly. “He just had a good grip on my neck, and that part of me is fine.”

  “I want to examine you, so that’s what I’m going to do. You will be a good girl and let me. Unless you want to add to your punishment?”

  “You’re really going to punish me?”

  “Oh, yes. You’ve more than earned a little discipline. And you’re tired of arguing with me, aren’t you?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts together so her lacy pink bra barely contained her nipples. “You can’t argue with a brick wall,” she grumbled.

  I grinned and pulled her jeans down her legs, taking her panties along with them. Then I gripped her wrists and pulled her arms away from her chest.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me,” I chided.

  “I wasn’t hiding. I was annoyed.”

  I chuckled. “Still annoyed, hmmm? Let’s see if I can make you forget about that.”

  I shifted my grip on her chin so I could cup her jaw, keeping her in place while I brought my lips down on hers. While our first kiss had been rough with unleashed passion, this time I was determined to take her slowly. I claimed her mouth with steady, dominant strokes. She instantly melted for me, softening on a sigh.

  Keeping my mouth on hers, I reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. She allowed the delicate garment to slide to the floor, leaving her completely bare for me. I ran my hands down her sides, tracing the curve of her waist before gripping her hips. I could feel the heat of her naked body pulsing through my suit.

  I shrugged out of my jacket and broke the kiss so I could un-holster my SIG. I placed it on the table by the front door and returned my attention to her. She watched me with rapt attention as I removed my tie and rolled up my shirtsleeves, preparing to discipline her.

  She swallowed and stepped away from me. Her back hit the wall.

  Her eyes were wide, her breathing rapid and shallow. She reminded me of a hunted doe, and I fully intended to capture her.

  I grasped her wrists and guided her back to me. She moved with fluid grace, all thoughts of resistance gone.

  My gaze raked down her feminine form, my eyes devouring every inch of her. I was relieved to note that there weren’t any bruises that might have been hidden by her clothing. She truly was unharmed; she was whole and perfect. And ready to be spanked.

  Keeping my hold on her wrists, I led her into my bedroom. Her eyes remained locked on me, completely transfixed. I knew in that moment that she’d never been truly dominated before. I’d suspected that she was new to real D/s, that I’d been the first to bring forth her submission. Now, I’d deliver her first punishment. She might have engaged in sensation play in the past, but she didn’t know what it meant to be taken in hand. To have a Dominant care for her enough to give her the structure she needed. Chloe was intelligent and passionate, but she was also reckless. I wouldn’t allow that kind of behavior to continue.

  I sat on the edge of my bed and guided her over my lap. She didn’t resist or argue. I enjoyed our banter, but we were past that now. We were already deep into the power exchange, and I hadn’t even touched her yet. My whole world centered on her, and the heady sense of power that came with domination began to flood my mind as she meekly positioned herself where I wanted her.

  I ran a reverent hand down the length of her spine, caressing the curve of her ass. She shivered, but her body was hot against mine.

  “I’m going to give you ten for getting out of the car when I expressly ordered you not to,” I told her, my voice settling into its deepest register. “And six more for talking out of turn. When we’re finished, you’re going to apologize for disobeying me. And you’re going to mean it.”

  “I am sorry,” she said quietly.

  I stroked her soft skin. “I know you are, princess. But you need this as much as I do. I’m going to take care of you. You need to let me.”

  She didn’t answer aloud, but she went limp across my lap, giving in.

  Satisfied that she was prepared, I delivered the first slap. I barely put any power into the blow; I didn’t want to truly harm her. The sting of my palm would be enough to chastise her.

  She gasped and rocked forward, squirming against me. I gathered up her wrists in one hand, pinning them at the small of her back. She sighed and softened again, finding security in my hold. Her reactions were perfect, confirming my earliest suspicions that she was a true sub at her core.

  “You are so beautiful,” I rumbled, hardly realizing that I spoke aloud.

  I smacked her a second time, the hit mirroring the first. I fell into a steady, firm rhythm, striking a different spot with each blow so the heat of my discipline spread throughout her ass and upper thighs. She squealed her discomfort, but she didn’t writhe or resist in any way. Halfway through her punishment, her keening cries took on a huskier tone, and the scent of feminine arousal rose up around me.

  By the time I delivered the final blow, she moaned with need. I trailed my fingertips across her enflamed skin, and she shuddered and gasped.

  “You were very good for me,” I praised. “It’s time to apologize.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” the words were rough with lust.

  “You’re forgiven, sweet sub. Now, I think you’ve earned a reward.”

  I lifted her up and repositioned
her so her body was stretched out on my bed, her arms raised above her.

  “Stay,” I ordered, squeezing her wrists briefly before leaving her to go to my closet. I hadn’t brought a woman back to my apartment in years, but I had everything I needed in my kit bag that I took to the club.

  I retrieved a pair of handcuffs and returned to her, smiling. “You won’t try to pick the lock this time, will you?” I teased.

  She shook her head, her lashes lowering as her lids grew heavy with lust. “No, Sir.”

  I closed the silvery cuffs around her wrists, hooking the short chain that connected them around one of the metal slats on my headboard. I might not have used this bed for bondage in a long time, but I remembered the best points to restrain a naughty sub.

  When she was secured in place for me, I stared down at her with a wicked grin.

  “I believe you accused me of having a hero complex. Maybe you’re right. I rescued you; now I get to ravage you.”

  Her breath caught. “The villain does the ravaging, not the hero.”

  I grasped her thighs and slowly guided them apart, revealing her glistening pink pussy. “Not in my fairytale, princess.”

  I positioned myself between her spread legs, lowering myself until my face hovered just above her thighs.

  “This pretty pussy is mine now, sweet damsel,” I told her. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted. “Please.” She lifted her hips, her body begging me to touch her where she craved it most.

  I didn’t make her wait any longer. I tasted her, running my tongue along her slit before flicking it over her clit. She cried out and thrust up toward me, seeking more stimulation. My fingers curled into her thighs as I pressed her back into the mattress, holding her where I wanted her. I might be servicing her, but her pleasure came on my terms.

  I licked and sucked, alternating between teasing caresses and firm pressure. She peaked quickly, struggling to rock against my mouth despite my hold on her. I lavished attention on her clit through her orgasm, keeping the heat of my mouth on her pussy as I finally released her from my grip. She ground against my face, finding her bliss on my tongue. I reveled in the flavor of her ecstasy, finding satisfaction in bringing her release. Even though she was the one writhing in pleasure, I found my own high in drawing it from her.


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