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Page 21

by Julia Sykes

  I’d never been more grateful for Sam’s super-skills as a hacker. “Give it to me,” I ordered. “And call in a team.”

  “I’ll get backup for you. They should be able to get there in sixteen minutes.”

  “Fuck sixteen minutes. I want them there now.”

  “Let me make the call.” She hung up on me.

  I turned my most intimidating glare on the paramedic. “We’re not going to the hospital.”

  I had no idea how long I’d been out. He could have done anything to her while I was powerless to go after her, to protect her.

  I barked our new destination at the driver and prayed the ambulance could get me to her in fewer than sixteen minutes. Every second she was with that psycho was another second she was at risk. He’d violated her once before. If he hurt her…

  She’s strong. She’s a fighter.

  I had to believe she was okay. I couldn’t bear to think about the alternative.



  I could feel my heartbeat in my head, my brain pounding against the inside of my skull in time with its even throb. Fear bloomed in my gut as I stirred back to wakefulness. I couldn’t quite remember why, but my fright was instinctive.

  I’m with Dex, I tried to reason. I’d been kissing him, and…


  “Wake up, baby.”

  Baby. Dex didn’t call me that. I was always his princess.

  Fear escalated to pure, icy terror. I gasped as my chest seized, my eyes flying open. I immediately squeezed them shut tight again.

  Nightmare. It’s just a nightmare. Wake up, wake up!

  “The drugs will take a little while to wear off,” Neil said. “I got them from my animal clinic. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I couldn’t think of any other way to get you away from that huge motherfucker. He never leaves you alone.”

  “Dex,” I choked on his name. If Neil was with me, something must be wrong. Dex wouldn’t let my ex-husband anywhere near me. I opened my eyes, searching Neil’s face. “What happened? Where is he?”

  His handsome features twisted in a scowl, his dark green eyes tightening. “Dead by now, I’m sure. I shot him.”

  My stomach turned, my mind sticking. Dex couldn’t be dead. Nothing could hurt my strong Master.

  “You never should have cheated on me,” Neil seethed over my mounting horror.

  “I didn’t,” I argued reflexively. “We’re not together.”

  “We will be again,” he said with grim determination. “I’ve set it all up for you: your fantasies.” He gestured around us.

  I tried to look past him, my vision wavering with residual effects from the drugs. When the world righted itself, I realized I was in a dank, dimly-lit room. It resembled the dungeon themed playroom in Decadence.

  But we weren’t in Decadence.

  “Where…” I forced words past the bile in my throat. “Where are we?”

  “We’re at my place. I fixed up the basement for you. I read your books. I’m going to give you what you want. You won’t leave me again.”

  This was deranged. It couldn’t be real. Maybe if I fought against it, I could escape the nightmare.

  “I left because you were a controlling bastard. I left because you raped me.”

  His nostrils flared, and his jaw ticked. “That’s a nasty word,” he said. “I’m your husband. I only took what was rightly mine. You’re mine, Chloe.”

  I closed my eyes again, willing myself to wake up, or at the very least for the dream to change. My head still felt slightly fuzzy, the world around me surreal.

  “Dex,” I whispered aloud. Think about Dex.

  A sharp slap across my face cleared the last of the cobwebs from my mind. When I opened my eyes, Neil was still glaring down at me.

  “Never say his name again. He’s dead. You belong to me now. You always have.”

  “No,” I moaned in horror.

  He’s not dead. He’s not.

  I had to get away from Neil and make my way back to Dex. When I found him, he’d be okay: smiling and unharmed, his big body shielding me from anyone who might hurt me.

  I took several deep breaths and assessed the room again. I lay on a bed that was set into a far corner of the room. My eyes skipped over the chains and other bondage devices that crowded the small space, not pausing until my gaze fell on the shiny metal door.

  “I soundproofed the basement as best I could,” Neil supplied. “You can scream as much as you want. I know you like that.”

  I swallowed hard and found his eyes, their green hue and thick lashes so horribly familiar. I’d fallen in love with those eyes. They were so pretty, for a man. As were his full lips, which contrasted with his square, masculine jaw. How had I ever found him desirable? A monster loomed over me. The same monster who had torn into my body and violated me.

  “I don’t want this, Neil,” I tried to reason with him, keeping my voice as steady as possible. “This isn’t consensual.”

  He cocked his head at me. “Of course it’s consensual. You’re my wife. You gave yourself to me on the day you promised to spend the rest of your life with me. You tried to break that promise, but I’ve chosen to forgive you. I recognize that I didn’t really understand your needs back then. I do now. You’ll be happy with me again.”

  “If you ever loved me, let me walk out that door right now,” I demanded. “Show me that there’s some good in you. Otherwise, you’re just the scumbag rapist I divorced three years ago.”

  “I already told you I don’t like that word,” he snarled.

  He reached for me, but I moved before he could make contact. Remembering my self-defense training, I straightened two fingers and jammed them into his throat. He fell back, choking. I shoved past him, getting to my feet. The world spun, the drugs still swirling in my system. My knees hit the concrete floor.

  Get up!

  I forced my eyes to find the door and pushed myself up. I stumbled toward it, my body thudding against the metal. Before I could fumble at the handle, Neil hit me hard from behind. His fingers tangled in my hair, and he wrenched my head back. My scream ended abruptly when he slammed my head against the door. Pain cracked through my skull, and I dropped. His booted foot collided with my ribs, sending agony exploding through my chest and robbing me of breath.

  Darkness flickered across my eyes. I felt him lifting me up. Then he dropped me. I cried out when my damaged ribs collided with the mattress.

  He wrenched my arms above my head, and cold metal closed around my wrists. I recognized the feel of handcuffs. They bit into my skin when I yanked against them, and I realized I was trapped.

  My breath came in short, sharp gasps, each one sending pain knifing through my chest as I began to hyperventilate.

  Neil’s fists curled into my thin lace dress, ripping it open with one jerk of his strong arms. I tried to cover myself, but all I earned were lacerations on my wrists as the cuffs cut me.

  “Stop,” I begged, my voice ragged with pain and terror. “Neil, please. Please, stop!”

  He didn’t. His hands were on me, touching me. My skin crawled, my stomach heaved.

  My scream clashed with the bang of the metal door smashing against the concrete wall. A furious roar echoed throughout the room, and fear flashed across Neil’s face before he was ripped away from me. There was a sickening crack as bone snapped, followed by an agonized shout.

  “Dex,” I sobbed out his name. My Master was alive.

  And he was in the grip of righteous rage. His fist came down on Neil’s face, and something crunched as the finer bones in his cheek gave way. My ex-husband’s head snapped to the side, blood flying from his mouth to splatter against the dull gray floor.

  Dex pulled his fist back again, but Jason suddenly burst into the room. He cursed and grabbed Dex, holding him back.

  Dex snarled and shook him off, going for Neil. I knew in that moment that my ex-husband wouldn’t survive if Dex hit him again. His fire blue eyes gleamed with lethal fury. />
  “Dex!” I called out to him. He froze. “Dex, don’t.” I didn’t want him to be responsible for taking a life because of me, even if that life was Neil’s.

  Slowly, he turned toward me, his fiery gaze finding me. His eyes flicked over my exposed body. He turned back to Neil with a snarl.

  “Dex, please,” I said softly. “I need you.”

  He was with me in an instant, his big hands cupping my face. I studied him, too, my gaze leaving his to inspect his body. For the first time, I registered that he was shirtless, and blood-soaked bandages covered his shoulder.

  “You’re hurt!” I cried, my arms jerking against the cuffs as I reached for him. I didn’t feel the pain of the metal digging into my torn wrists. I was too focused on the horror of his injury. “Neil said he shot you. You have to get to a hospital.”

  Blood was seeping from beneath the bandages, dripping down his hard-muscled chest.

  “I’m fine,” he insisted roughly.

  Pain lashed at my wrists again. I winced and looked up to find Jason unlocking them and pulling them free.

  “Careful,” Dex growled at him as I bit back a whimper. He shot a glower at Jason. “Where’s that bus?”

  “Ambulance is outside,” Jason answered, coolly in control. “And you’re getting in it. Both of you.”

  “I’m okay,” I tried to reassure them. “Dex, go. You’re bleeding so much.” I started to push myself up, but pain lanced through me. I cried out and fell back onto the mattress, clutching at my ribs.

  Paramedics were suddenly at my side, checking me over.

  “Help him,” I gasped out, waving at Dex. Why didn’t anyone seem concerned that his chest was painted crimson?

  “I’ll go to the hospital when you do,” he declared. “I’m not leaving here without you.”

  He got to his feet. His face went white, and Jason caught him before he collapsed.

  “Nope,” Jason declared. “You’re going now, you massive bastard. You might be able to survive a bullet, but even you can’t keep going when you lose this much blood.” He sagged under Dex’s weight. “Someone give me a hand,” he barked out. “I’m not dragging him all the way to the hospital.”

  I pushed away the medic who was hovering over me, gritted my teeth, and carefully got to my feet. I tugged the remnants of my dress around me, covering myself.

  “I’m here,” I promised Dex. “I’m coming with you. See?”

  The medic who had attended me shifted his focus to supporting Dex. Between him and Jason, they were able to get him to the ambulance. By the time the door closed behind us and we sped off, Dex’s eyes were closed, his skin far too pale.

  “Stay with me,” I ordered, squeezing his limp hand. “Don’t you dare leave me.”

  The medics hustled me out of the way and went to work. I sat back, willing Dex to obey me. He had to survive.

  “Hi, princess.” His deep voice was little more than a rasp, but he managed a smile for me.

  I wanted to throw my arms around him, but I was mindful of his injury. He still looked far too pale where he lay in his hospital bed. I settled for clutching his hand in mine.

  “You’re okay,” I said, as much to reassure myself as him. “The bullet went straight through your shoulder. Mostly, you just lost a ton of blood. What were you thinking?” I demanded. “You could have died!”

  His expression suddenly turned fierce. “I would have died, if that’s what it took to get to you. That motherfucker—” He stopped short, his hand curling to a fist as he eyed the bandages around my wrists. “He hurt you.”

  “I’m fine,” I promised, trying to calm him. “It’s just a few cuts and a broken rib. I’ll heal up in no time.”

  His blue eyes burned. “But did he hurt you?”

  I knew what he was asking but couldn’t bring himself to say aloud.

  “He didn’t rape me,” I said quietly. “You got there in time. Thank you.”

  “I should have killed him,” he ground out.

  “I didn’t want you to. I didn’t want you to have to live with that.”

  His jaw tightened. “I would have slept just fine, knowing he could never hurt you again.”

  I touched his cheek, calling him back to me. “He won’t. He can’t. He’s going to jail for a long time. And I don’t think he’ll ever want to face you again. In fact, I don’t think he’s even woken up yet. Last I heard from CPD, he was still in surgery. You shattered his arm. Along with a few other things, I’m sure.” I didn’t feel a shred of sympathy toward the man who’d hurt me. He deserved all the pain Dex had given him.

  “I’d like to go break more of him,” Dex growled.

  “You’ve done more than enough,” I assured him. “Now, if you don’t calm down, I’ll call the nurse in here to up your pain meds and put you back under. I don’t like how riled up you’re getting. It can’t be good for you, in your condition.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he warned. “I’ve spent too much time sleeping. I don’t want to take my eyes off you. I’m going to take care of you.”

  I gave him a wry smile. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to let me take care of you for a while. When they discharge you from the hospital, you’re going to come stay with me until you’re better.”

  His blond brows rose. “Only until I’m better? Or am I allowed to stay longer?”

  My hand tightened around his. “Of course you can stay as long as you want.”

  He smiled. “Good. Because I was thinking forever might be a good length of time.”

  “What?” I asked, breathless.

  “I’m moving back to Chicago,” he declared. “We can live at your house or get a new place. It doesn’t really matter to me.”

  “But…” I stammered. “But your job, your life in New York…”

  “I can transfer back,” he said smoothly. “And I never really lived in New York. It was more like I put my life on pause. You’ve kicked it back into play.”

  A laugh bubbled from my chest. “Did you just try to make a gaming joke?”

  His grin turned rueful. “Tried and failed, apparently.” He tugged on my hand. “Now, come here.”

  I kept my distance. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  His countenance turned stern. “I believe I gave you an order, sweet sub.”

  I let out an exasperated huff, but I was grinning when I lowered my mouth to his. His lips were curved up in a smile, too. Joy expanded in my chest as I kissed him. Dex was going to move to Chicago. We were going to be together. This sweet, domineering man was all mine: my Master, my perfect hero.



  Six Months Later

  “Dex!” Chloe gasped out my name on a giggle. “That tickles.”

  I swatted her bare thigh. “Stay still,” I ordered with mock-sternness. “You’re going to mess up my signature. If you do, I’ll just have to cross it out and start all over again.”

  “This is silly,” she groaned, but she stopped squirming, her naked body going still. She was stretched out on our bed, her hands held above her head and her legs spread for me like a good girl.

  “There’s nothing silly about marking what’s mine,” I told her smoothly as I touched the tip of the gold marker to her inner thigh. The words PROPERTY OF already shined against her skin, my untidy scrawl stretching from her knee to her pussy lips. I turned my attention to her right leg, slowly dragging out the letters to spell my name in all caps: DEXTER SCOTT. Her skin pebbled in response to the light stimulation, and the scent of her arousal teased through the air around me. My attention riveted to her glistening pussy.

  “Don’t,” she panted in warning. “We’re going to be late for my signing as it is. I can’t believe I let you take the time to doodle on me like this.”

  “Doodling? I’m branding you, princess. And I’m not finished. Give me your hand.”

  She rolled her eyes in exasperation, but she was smiling when she placed her right hand in mine.

  “No,” I c
orrected her. “The other one.”

  Bemused, she complied. Grasping her hand, I tugged her up to a sitting position. She watched me with curiosity as I directed her palm up and touched the tip of the marker to the base of her ring finger. The gold ink left a neat, gleaming line around her skin as I spread her fingers to work between them.

  Her breath caught when I turned her hand over and completed the outline of the gold band. Her chocolate eyes met mine, wide with longing.

  “I think a princess cut diamond would be appropriate,” I said, drawing in a small rectangular shape. “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s perfect,” she said, her voice rough with emotion.

  I beamed at her. “Not quite,” I said. “It should be bigger.” I reached into my pocket and retrieved the small, velvet-covered box. Her jaw dropped when I snapped it open to reveal the sparkling princess cut diamond set in white gold. I took the ring out of the box and placed it at the tip of her finger, then captured her gaze in mine.

  “Chloe Martin,” I said solemnly. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have my family with you. I want you to be mine in every way possible. Because I’m already yours. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “Yes!” she burst out. “Oh, Dex. Yes!”

  Grinning, I slid the ring onto her finger and pulled her in for a searing, possessive kiss. I kept my lips locked on hers for long minutes, memorizing the feel of her in my arms, with my ring on her finger.

  I finally broke our kiss so I could speak. “Come on, princess. You’re going to be late for your signing.”

  “It’s at Dusk. I’m sure everyone will find a way to occupy themselves if I don’t show up,” she countered, bringing her lips close to mine again.

  I pulled away, tapping her nose with my forefinger in reprimand. “That would be rude, little sub. Besides, I have more planned for you later. We’re going to Dusk.” I pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “No pouting.”


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