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Driven Wild

Page 14

by Jaye Peaches

  He had been in the cadets, had been given training in unarmed combat, boxing too. However, he was fighting off three men and the odds were stacked against him even with his pugilistic skills.

  Where was the gun?

  Leah hunted around for a substitute weapon. Her handbag, slung about her body, an expensive fashion accessory, had a deep pocket. Grabbing a handful of rubble, she stuffed the stones into the handbag, weighing it down. Scurrying around the car, she ran up to one of assailants, swinging her handbag around and aimed for his head as if it were a tennis ball.

  The blow landed spot on and he fell backwards, clutching his scalp. She continued to swing, trying to avoid hitting Rick, who was weakening rapidly. His face had gone pale, his frame collapsing in as if he had no energy.

  She tried a different tactic. Swinging the handbag upwards, she caught another man between the legs. He howled, clutching at his groin, and fell to his knees. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other man, the one she had struck about the head, crawling towards the car, hand outstretched as if reaching for the something.

  The gun. Having fallen out of Rick’s hand, it had landed underneath the car. Leah stamped her stiletto heel on the back of the crawling man’s hand, gouging and twisting. His other hand grabbed her ankle, jerking it, and she began to stumble backwards.

  Leah hit the ground with a hard thump, knocking the air out of her lungs. Fear had kept her going, but now her nervous state was becoming a hindrance. She sensed they were on the losing side. Rick couldn’t fight off three men and she had no might in her muscles to help him.

  In the distance, there were sirens, the ‘nee-nah’ sounds growing steadily louder. Leah prayed the police were coming to them. About them were other buildings, perhaps occupied. Somebody had summoned help.

  The three Italian men froze, two on the ground, one grappling with the exhausted Rick. They listened and the sirens came closer, then the blue flashing lights could be seen at the bottom of the road. Two police cars.

  Shouting incomprehensible words at the others in his own tongue, the man accosting Rick let him go, and Leah watched her lover slump to the ground. The two injured men picked themselves off the ground, clutching their wounds, and scrambled towards their car.

  Leah paid no attention to the flight of the men as her eyes were on Rick. She could see no obvious injuries nor blood, yet he was incapacitated. Crawling towards him, she could hear the problem before she touched him. His breath rasped and wheezed, the familiar pant of an asthma attack, except this one far more serious than previous ones.

  His lips had gone a bluish colour, his eyes half open and mouth gaping, sucking air into his inflamed windpipe.

  “It’s alright, Rick,” said Leah, putting his head on her lap. “I’m safe. The police are here.”

  Looking across, she saw the police cars had barricaded the black car in and it had no way to escape. One man had legged it with a constable in hot pursuit; the other two had been caught, wrestled to the ground with batons.

  “Help!” she called out. “Please help. He needs an ambulance!”

  She didn’t think they had heard her at first, but one policeman jogged over, having handcuffed his prisoner to a railing. Leah rambled, trying to explain the situation while holding Rick’s hand in hers. She pointed under the vehicle to the gun.

  “He’s my bodyguard. You have to help him,” she pleaded.

  “We’ve radioed in for an ambulance, miss,” said the policeman. “Keep him calm.”

  Leah tried her best. She spoke soothing words to Rick, stroked his hair, talked about mountains, the crisp cool air and how his lungs would fill up with fresh oxygen. The wheezing remained audible, but his panting grew slower. She couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad sign. Rick’s eyes had been staring at her face as she spoke, unmoving and watery. Then they began to flicker, gradually closing as he fought to stay conscious.

  “Please, Rick, don’t go,” said Leah, tearful, panicking at his deteriorating condition. “Stay with me. I love you. You know I do. I have since the first time I saw your shiny black shoes. I will go wherever you go. I don’t care about my money, my job, Liverpool. Just stay with me!” she pleaded, tears cascading down her cheeks.

  His body felt heavy in her arms, his motionless legs and arms appeared floppy. His lip was slightly cut and his cheek bruised. He had fought hard and his knuckles had turned red from punching. He had been more than her driver that day, he had been her guardian and protector. The secret role her father had given to him—her bodyguard.

  Her long hair flopped over his face and she cried hot desperate tears.

  “Leah,” rasped a faint, barely perceivable voice. Flicking her hair away, she looked at his face. Hazel eyes stared back at her, wide open and alive.

  “I love you, my beauty,” he said hoarsely. It took all his energy to speak to her and then his eyelids drooped and the hazel was gone.


  Leah stared out of the small window of the aeroplane. She could see the lights flashing at the end of the wing, a beacon in the dim morning light. She was leaving behind one life and flying into another. A new start—everything left behind and all she had on the flight was a suitcase of clothes. The ones she had designed and made had been forfeited.

  The estate solicitors would sell her house and its contents too, along with her MG. She had resigned from her job, seeing no purpose in keeping it or pretending she would be back. The hardest part had been saying good-bye to her friends, especially Jane.

  “Visit me,” Leah had pleaded. “I’ll pay for the ticket.”

  “You won’t be able to stop me. Get settled and give me the word and I’ll be over in a shot.” The friends hugged, holding each other tight, mixing tears with laughter.

  Leah gripped the armrests, heart thumping hard in her chest. It was a familiar sensation, ever since her attempted kidnap, as she came to terms with the changes in her life. The police had questioned the three Italians. The men had said nothing, not a peep according to the inspector. The police concluded she had been the victim, a wealthy heiress and an easy target for her abductors. They praised her driver, her bodyguard and his actions, a valiant man to take on three thugs.

  Leah had said nothing to dissuade them from their conclusion. She had kept quiet about Rick and his connections to the Sicilian underworld and why the men were just as much after him as they were her. She did it to protect Rick, his honour and dignity. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to hide Rick’s past from the authorities.

  Her clenched hand drew his attention and he wrapped his over the top, slotting his fingers between hers.

  “Good view?” he asked, peering over her shoulder.

  “Not yet, cloudy,” she said. “Soon we’ll see the Atlantic Ocean. We’re over Ireland at the moment.”

  “No regrets?” he asked. A question he had posed to her many times since that fateful Friday.

  “No,” she said firmly. “And don’t ask again!”

  He smiled and leaning towards her, kissed her cheek. “Just checking, beauty.”

  “It was a joint decision, Rick,” she said, turning away from the window to face him. “A new life in Canada.”

  “I’m just… crazy about you, Leah, and that you would give up everything for me,” he said, smiling.

  “I sold my shares in the company and now we have the money to do whatever we wish. I will design dresses, perhaps start up my own little business and you can drive your taxi—Vancouver is perfect. We’ll buy that little cabin in the mountains to retreat to on weekends and you can breathe in fresh air and say good-bye to your asthma.”

  “I know.” He squeezed her hand tight. “I love hearing your plans. All being well, if I can get this asthma under control, they might let me join the police.”

  “Our plans.” Leah chewed her lip. “They won’t come after us, will they?”

  “Leah, I kept quiet about my past. I could have blabbed to the police about why those gangsters came after us, but I did
n’t. They have been locked up for assault and will be sent packing back to Sicily eventually. With fortune on our side, nobody will bother with me. I’m just a lowly henchman.”

  “Not any longer,” she reminded him. “You have new responsibilities.”

  “I do,” he said.

  The stewardess halted by their seats. “Drinks? Gin? Wine? Or a fruit juice?”

  Leah went to open her mouth for a glass of wine and caught Rick’s raised eyebrow; she pouted at him and then ordered an orange juice. “Spoilsport,” she muttered to Rick.

  “It’s a long flight and you don’t want to get dizzy,” he said pointedly. “And remember what I told you before we boarded?”

  Leah squirmed in her seat. “Of course.”

  “That if you were naughty and didn’t do as you were told, I would spank you,” he whispered the last words close to her ear.

  Leah clutched her hands in her lap, blushing pink. “I might,” she said slowly, “forget.”

  Rick shook his head at her, his hazel eyes bright under the strip lighting of the cabin, the chocolate hair brushed close to his face. No sign of the terrible blueness; instead his rich skin tone held sway, he was alive and sitting next to her.

  “I have to go to the toilet,” she said sweetly.

  Rick stood up to let her out and then followed her down the aisle. She swished her hips at him as she ambled past the other passengers. Reaching the cubicle door, she opened it. She recognised his expression; it made her tingle inside, seeing him look so serious and amused at the same time. Her belly began to flip-flop excitedly and he gave her a small nudge, pushing her into the cubicle.

  “What!” she exclaimed quietly as he shut the door behind them both.

  “Perhaps you need a reminder, Miss Leah.”

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Jaye Peaches

  Taught to Serve

  Though she is both beautiful and intelligent, Casey has bounced from one job to another as a result of her failure to truly apply herself. As she sits on a park bench crying after yet another dismissal, things show no sign of changing anytime soon… until a passing stranger sees the tears in her eyes and comes to her rescue. The handsome, smartly dressed man by the name of Robert informs her that he is in need of a personal assistant and she might be a good fit.

  Casey soon learns that her new boss will be a demanding one, and insufficient attention to detail will earn her a trip over his knee for a bare bottom spanking. To her surprise, Rob’s firm discipline only increases her attraction to him, and their relationship quickly grows into a passionate romance. She finds that Rob can be just as firm a boyfriend as he is a boss, but even as he teaches her to submit to him completely he also shows her pleasure—and love—beyond anything she has known before.

  Jaye Peaches Links

  You can keep up with Jaye Peaches via her blog, her Facebook page, and her Amazon and Goodreads profiles, using the following links:

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  More Stormy Night Books by Jaye Peaches

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