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Black Dahlia: Book 2 of the Black Burlesque Series, BBW, BWWM romance

Page 7

by Tiffany Patterson

  Then you set my very soul on fire

  Love, oh love, oh careless love

  All my happiness bereft

  You've filled my heart with weary old blues

  Now I'm walkin', talkin' to myself

  What few people knew was this song held special meaning for Mercedes. When she’d first heard it a few years ago, it spoke to her reluctance to fall in love or desire to marry. She’d seen the pain her mother endured because of love. She saw the way her father betrayed her mother and repeatedly cheated. She’d even seen other women and friends in her life cry over no good men. Her own best friend had fallen in love with a man who emotionally abused and cheated on her in the bed they shared. She’d held Devyn as she cried over her ex-boyfriend, and while Devyn was happy now, that situation was just another reminder for Mercedes that love was often painful. Mercedes vowed that would never be her. She never wanted to get that deep with anyone, at the expense of her own sanity.

  Love, oh love, oh careless love

  Night and day, I weep and moan

  You brought the wrong man into this life of mine

  For my sins, till judgment I'll atone

  By the time Eartha Kitt ended her lamentations on the sins of loving the wrong man, Mercedes was left in her thong, boots, and navy blue pasties with tassels. She shimmied her shoulders making the tassels swing, and blowing a kiss to the audience. Before exiting the stage she glanced over and found Raul’s gaze transfixed on her. He was clapping proudly as he let his eyes roam her body. Mercedes felt the heat rise in her body at his perusal. She’d been doing burlesque for years, and was no stranger to men openly ogling her body. She usually enjoyed it, as long as they kept their hands to themselves. But Raul’s look had the ability to make her blush and feel like a schoolgirl having her first crush. Exiting the stage on the same side as Raul, she felt his heated gaze on her as she walked past.

  “That was wonderful, querida,” he whispered in her ear, before they turned and made their way down the hallway.

  “Thank you,” was all she said, as she followed him down the hall. She didn’t want to examine the pride she felt at his compliment. This was only her first performance of two for the night. She didn’t have time to wonder about how Raul made her feel. She needed to get backstage, change into her second costume of the night and prepare for her final performance.

  Due to the safety concerns, Mercedes was given a private room to change in. She entered the small locker room, and found her discarded costume already waiting for her. She packed the costume into her bag and began removing her second costume from the locker. She had another half an hour before her next performance, so she was in no rush to change. She sat taking off the thigh high boots, and slid on a pair of fishnet stockings, followed by her long red skirt. She changed her pasties to a pair of heart shaped red ones with tassels, and put on a long sleeve, red halter top that buttoned up in back. Ordinarily, she’d have one of the other girls help her button it, but she was alone. Just as she was wondering how to secure the top, there was a knock on the door.

  “Mercedes it’s me,” Raul announced through the door. Mercedes felt her nipples harden at the sound of his voice. She shook her head at her body’s response to his voice.

  “Just a second!” she yelled through the door, as she slipped her foot into her second pair of four inch heels for the evening. Walking to the door, she opened it slightly just to make sure it was Raul. He’d already scolded her once about not being safe enough opening doors, she did not want a repeat of that. She was in too good a mood. Performing always gave her the release she needed and she was still on a high from her earlier performance and couldn’t wait to hit the stage for her next one. Her second performance was to the version of Candyman by the Mambo Kings. This was a more upbeat performance than the first and she intended to let her fun, sexy side show.

  “Hi. Can you help me button this?” Mercedes asked, as she opened the door to let Raul in. She turned her back to show him the buttons, before she even let him respond.

  “Uh, sure,” he said seemingly thrown off by her abruptness, but he quickly recovered.

  “You were wonderful out there.” Mercedes felt his fingers lightly skim her back as he fastened the buttons. Her skin tingled at the feel of the skin to skin contact. When she felt his breath on the back of her neck, she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. That was when Mercedes looked up and saw they were facing the full length mirror and Raul’s eyes were on her mouth. He dragged his eyes up to meet hers, and gave her a smirk, as if he knew what his closeness was doing to her. Mercedes cleared her throat.

  “Thank you,” she said in response, to his compliment.

  “You’re welcome. There you go. You’re all set,” he stated as he smoothed his arms down her shoulders. Mercedes took a step forward and turned to face him.

  “Are you enjoying the show so far?” she asked moving to put on the rest of her costume accessories.

  “Aside from the fact you’re kind of working?” she added.

  “Yup, I’m enjoying myself immensely. Never had so much fun on a job before,” he said giving her another sexy smile.

  A job? She wondered if that was how he thought of her, all the while avoiding eye contact with him. She shook her head to rid herself of that thought, then continued putting in her gold dangly earrings.

  “Good. I’m glad. Is this your first burlesque show ever?” She asked.

  “No, I’ve been to a couple before in Brazil and Vegas, but this one is special,” he said, giving her a heated look.

  Mercedes smiled. “Cause you’re working?”

  “No,” he replied honestly. Their eyes locked for a few moments. Mercedes was shocked at the desire Raul openly displayed. She knew his eyes were a mirror of her own, and she quickly turned her head.

  “I’ll let you finish getting dressed. I just wanted to check on you,” he stated before turning and walking to the door. “I’ll be right outside the door if you need anything.”

  Mercedes took a deep breath when the door closed with Raul on the opposite side. She knew something was happening between them, and wasn’t sure how she felt about it. Before she could think too long and hard about it, she checked the time and realized she now only had ten minutes before her next performance. She hurriedly changed her lipstick color to a shiny red and gave herself cat-eyes with black eyeliner before giving herself one last look in the mirror. She grabbed her black cane, she was using for her performance tonight and headed out the door. Raul greeted her with a smile.

  “Ready?” he asked looking her up and down.

  “Yup, it’s show time!” she said, excitedly, as Raul walked ahead of her, for safety purposes. Once they arrived at the side of the stage, they both looked on as another performer completed her performance. The emcee came up to tell the audience they were taking a five minutes break, and they would return with a very special performance. That was Mercedes’ cue to get in position.

  “Good luck, Dahlia!” came a voice from behind. Mercedes and Raul turned to see a performer from earlier. Essence Almighty was her stage name. She and Mercedes had met numerous times throughout the years often performing in the same clubs.

  “Thank you. You were great Essence,” Mercedes returned.

  “Thanks babe,” Essence said, before turning her eyes on Raul. She eyed him up and down lustily.

  “I don’t think we’ve met. They call me Essence, but you can call me whatever you want,” she flirted. Mercedes found herself annoyed at Essence’s open flirtation, which she knew was silly. Raul wasn’t hers. He was there helping her. Doing a job. Isn’t that what he’d called it-a job?

  Raul smiled, but Mercedes found herself relieved when she noticed it didn’t reach his eyes. “Nice to meet you, Essence. I’m Raul.”

  “Dahlia, where’d you meet this charmer?” Essence asked Mercedes, but kept her eyes on Raul.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” she mumbled.

  “I’m sorry?” Essence asked.

/>   “Oh, you know just on the corner somewhere,” Mercedes retorted. She didn’t want to tell Essence that he was actually there for safety reasons. She hadn’t told anyone outside of management and the owner of her troubles and wanted to keep it that way. Besides, Raul advised her not to. He believed whoever her stalker was could be someone she met or knew through performing. The trio heard the emcee return to the stage and begin her introduction.

  “It was good seeing you, Dahlia. Good luck. Nice meeting you Raul,” she said, winking at him before heading towards the changing room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together one more time for the incredible, the illustrious, the unbelievably sexy, Black Dahliaaaaa.”

  Forgetting all about Essence, Mercedes strutted on stage, clapping her hands to the electric beat of the music. This was her upbeat performance of the night. The rhythm electrified her, and she circled her hips as she spun her back to the audience and shook her ass to the beat. She spun back around and high kicked, allowing the crowd to see her fishnet covered legs. The claps and shouts increased, further igniting Mercedes’ playful side. She raised one side of her skirt before dropping it, teasing the audience over and over again, before she reached around and unbuttoned the skirt and let it slide down her firm legs. Kicking the skirt to the side, she dropped down to the stage, spread eagle and lifted and ground her hips to the beat, earning more applause from the audience. She stood and swiveling her hips and reaching around to undo the buttons at the back of her crop top. Slowly, she unbuttoned them one by one, and teased the audience some more before side stepping across the stage, and ripping off the shirt, and tossing it to the side. She bent at the waist, rotating her backside, before whipping her head back and coming up slowly, revealing her pasty-clad breasts and shaking them for the crowd to end the routine. Mercedes blew a kiss to the crowd before taking a final bow and exiting the stage.

  Mercedes exited the opposite side of the stage as Raul. She felt light as the adrenaline rush from her performance continued. She felt like she was floating as she walked down the hallway as she noticed out of the corner of her eye Raul walking behind her. She smiled as she entered her private changing room humming to herself and closed the door. Removing her boots and fishnet stockings, she put on a long, flowy grey skirt, removed her pasties and put on a black grey and white V-neck t-shirt. Just as she was finishing changing a knock on her door alerted her.

  “It’s your costume,” Raul yelled through the door.

  “Thank you,” Mercedes said as she pulled the door open, and retrieved her costume from him. Usually the stage kittens brought the costumes back, but because of the obvious safety concerns, Raul opted to collect the costume at the door, and hand it to Mercedes. She quickly packed and was ready to head out in a matter of minutes. She had another performance the following night, and it was after eleven. She was ready to get back to the hotel, bathe and get into bed.

  “Ready to head out or did you want to watch the rest of the show?” Raul asked as she opened the door.

  “I’m ready to go, unless you wanted to stay?”

  “Nope, I’m good. Let’s go,” he said, putting his hand on the small of her back. They had taken a car to the club, and were taking one back to the hotel, which was only about a fifteen minute drive. Once they got to the hotel, Raul escorted Mercedes to her room, took her keycard to open the door. Sliding the key into the door, he told Mercedes to wait, while he checked the room as a precaution. Mercedes peeked in the room as he turned the lights on and carefully checked all the corners and even under the bed. She admired how his muscles bunched and tightened under his clothing. Still feeling the adrenaline from performing, she could feel herself growing hot with arousal as she licked her lips. At that precise moment, Raul turned to see her eyeing him seductively. He waved her in the room, letting her know it was safe. He walked to stand in front of her, with a casual smile.

  “You were really great tonight,” he said in low voice.

  “Did I live up to my reputation?” she asked playfully.

  “You exceeded it,” he said as his hand reached up to sweep a curl behind her ear. His light touch sent chills through her body. She let her gaze roam over his face, until their eyes met. They stared at one another for a few heartbeats. Without a conscious thought, both moved in closer to one another at the same time. Next thing she knew, Mercedes felt Raul’s lips moving over hers. The feel of his lips on hers took Mercedes back to the first time they’d done this, in a different hotel. She felt his tongue on her lips, nudging her lips open. When she parted her lips on a sigh, Raul let his tongue explore her mouth. Mercedes let her eyes drift closed as she allowed him to plunder her mouth. His hand slid up her back to cup the back of her head. Mercedes let her hands slide around his waist as he pressed himself even closer into her body. She felt his hands move down her back to cup her ass, pulling her closer to his growing arousal. Mercedes moved her hands up to Raul’s head pulling him tighter against her lips, and pressing her breasts against his chest. Raul began moving her backwards towards the bed. Before she knew it, the back of her knees hit the bed. Raul continued to kiss a path down the column of Mercedes’ neck. She grabbed the front of his buttoned down shirt and pulled him down on top of her as she collapsed to the bed. His weight on top of her felt right. Raul placed kisses on the sides of Mercedes’ mouth, before moving down to her neck and the tops of her breasts. His progress was impeded by her thin t-shirt. Moving lower, he pushed the shirt up exposing soft, dark brown skin. He placed kisses down her stomach, stopping to dip his tongue in her belly button. Mercedes’ moans and the rise and fall of her chest let him know she enjoyed his touch. Raul needed more, and he could tell by Mercedes’ half-lidded gaze filled with desire that she did too. Raul moved down her body, pulling her long skirt as he went, exposing the black lacy thong she wore underneath.

  “Fuck,” he swore under his breath. Seeing her on stage nearly nude was one thing, but having her this close, feeling her supple skin, and hearing the hitch of her breath as he placed his on the top of her panty-clad mound, drove his desire higher than ever.

  “Eat me.” It wasn’t a question and Raul sure as hell wasn’t in the mood to turn down a free meal.

  “With pleasure, Querida,” Raul happily obliged. Quickly dispersing of Mercedes’ skirt and thong, he dipped his head, first licking her pussy lips. At the first swipe of his tongue, Mercedes instinctively raised her hips, urging him on. The taste of her juices on his tongue had Raul moaning. She tasted of honey and a taste that was pure Mercedes. He wanted more. Raul lost all patience, and began swirling his tongue around her lips, moving up to her clit. When he wrapped his lips around her clit, Mercedes moaned loudly, moving her hips and pushing her pussy into his face.

  “More, Raul.” At Mercedes’ urging, Raul began sucking in earnest. Mercedes hands moved up to cup her breasts. Pushing her bra and t-shirt out of the way, she pinched and plucked at her nipples. Her hips had a mind of their own as they jerked trying to get as close to Raul’s mouth as possible. When she felt Raul slide a finger into her wet core, she cried out in sweet agony.

  “Ahhh, you feel so fucking good,” she panted, just as Raul inserted a second finger. She felt him curl his fingers inside her as his mouth sucked even harder on her clit. The contact with her g-spot and the pressure on her clit had her orgasm sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her hips moved on their own accord, and Raul continued to suck her through it all.

  Mercedes released her breasts, dropping her arms by her sides as she let her breath return to normal. Raul crawled back up her body rested his weight on his elbows, staring down at Mercedes.

  “You taste delectable,” he said, his voice thick with arousal. He pressed a kiss to her parted lips. Mercedes immediately opened her mouth wider, tasting herself on his lips. Licking his bottom lip she sucked it into her mouth, nibbling at it before letting go. Raul pulled back staring into her eyes. She saw a range of emotions behind those beautiful brown eyes of his. Lust, desire
, hesitance. It was all there before he blinked and they were all gone.

  “I want you to come somewhere with me tomorrow,” he said continuing to look down into her eyes.

  Mercedes blinked, “What?”

  “Tomorrow morning. I want to take you somewhere,” he explained.

  Still struggling to catch her breath Mercedes remained silent for a minute.


  He smiled that same mischievous smile that made her stomach flutter.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  She eyed him cautiously, wondering where he wanted to take her. And more importantly, why had he stopped. She could feel his thick erection against her thigh. She knew he was turned on. She also knew by the look in his eyes that he really wanted her to say yes to his request. In that moment, Mercedes wanted nothing more than to make Raul happy.

  She nodded, “Sure, why not?”

  Raul’s eyes lit up, as if wherever he was taking her had special meaning to him. “Great,” he said pressing another kiss to her lips, “Be ready by 9:30 tomorrow morning.” His excitement pleased Mercedes.


  Slowly, Raul raised himself up off the bed. He turned to take one last look at Mercedes, naked on the bed. Never shy about her nudity she reveled in the desire she saw burning in his eyes. She allowed her gaze to sweep down his body to the bulge in his pants and smiled.

  “I’ll let you turn in. Just knock on the door if you need anything,” he said gesturing to the door that separated their two rooms.

  “Don’t forget to put the chain on,” he reminded her as he pulled the door closed.

  After a few minutes, Mercedes got up and put the chain on and locked the door. She sighed caught somewhere between wishing Raul hadn’t stopped them from fucking and being grateful he had. She now knew that Raul’s mouth wasn’t just useful for charming the pants off a woman, but just as efficient in making sure a woman was happy she took her pants off to begin with. She didn’t know where this was headed with Raul, but she knew if she wasn’t careful she would end up, in over her head.


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