The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 8

by B J Wane

  “It’s your turn to use your mouth on me, little one. I want you to clean yourself off me before taking me into your mouth.”

  Kayla hadn’t been as selfish with her lovers as they had apparently been with her and she wasn’t green when it came to sucking a guy off. However, the sight of his cock glistening with her own juices was a bit disconcerting. Okay, she admitted only to herself, maybe she wouldn’t be too crazy about everything he would subject her to, but she’d be damned if she’d let him know that.

  She felt positively decadent kneeling before him with her top still shoved above her breasts and her skirt rucked up around her waist, but somehow being exposed in such a way was a turn on as much as the way his eyes kept straying from her mouth to her bare, hard tipped breasts, to the still damp curls shielding her still pulsing pussy. A turn on that helped her lower her head and reach out with her tongue to take her first taste of herself. Licking slowly up his shaft, she decided it wasn’t pleasant, but in a perverse sort of way it was exciting and that was enough to have her licking every inch of his hard flesh with relish before slowly taking him as deep into her mouth as she could. Loving the way he stretched and filled her mouth just as he did her pussy, she savored every swipe of her tongue around his ridged girth and the feel of his silk covered hardness against her lips. She took a moment to learn the shape, feel and taste of his crown, explored just under the plum shaped cap then slowly started down his shaft again.

  Grasping her head, Brett bit back a moan as she effectively turned the tables on him and, after thoroughly licking all the evidence of her own orgasm from his cock, took him into the deep, warm, wet cavern of her mouth. Within seconds he knew she wasn’t a novice at giving head as her tongue and lips expertly licked and sucked at his length until he felt his balls drawing up as her fingers lightly stroked over them. Tightening his hands in her silky, dark hair, he thrust up into her mouth with a curse then tried pulling back, but she was having none of that as she wrapped her arms around his hips and anchored herself to him.

  “Damn it, Kayla, move back or I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  Kayla simply shook her head, moaned around his cock and sucked harder. More than she wanted to have another orgasm of her own right now, she wanted to feel him jerking out his release down her throat, wanted to know she could make him lose control and drive him over the edge like he did her. She was rewarded by her persistence when his hands, thighs and cock all stiffened on, under and in her as he erupted with a shout that could probably be heard in the office next door.

  Chapter Six

  Brett watched her dress, her expressive face revealing her sated pleasure, and wondered what stunt she was possibly already planning in that pretty, determined head. He had out and out told her to stay away from the second floor of the club, told her he wasn’t for her and he didn’t play with such young, naïve women, all to no avail. The outdoor spanking and sex with the potential of being seen hadn’t deterred her and neither had the first taste of his belt followed by his refusal to call her. He was beginning to think that maybe, the only way to deter her from her dogged pursuit was to give her what she thought she wanted. Maybe an evening spent with him, and possibly a third, on the private second floor of Casey’s was exactly what she needed to experience to realize how wrong he and his lifestyle was for her.

  As she slipped into her black heels, he rose and went to her. Cupping her upturned face in his hands, he captured her smile in a hard kiss before asking, “You still free tomorrow night?” and watching her entire face fill with pleasure.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” Kayla held her breath, hoping, praying he was finally going to initiate their next get together.

  Stepping back, he nodded, saying coolly, “Meet me at Casey’s at eight o’clock. You can be my guest upstairs tomorrow night.”

  Wanting to do a jig but holding back her giddy excitement, she asked coyly, “Should I shop tomorrow for something in the fetish category?”

  Raising a dark brow, he said, “Wear whatever you want, little one, you won’t have it on long.”

  Kayla left Brett’s office smiling both inside and out, adding office sex to her growing list of new and adventurous sexual exploits as she contemplated his statement regarding her wardrobe and what he might do to and with her tomorrow night.

  Brett spent a restless night alternating between cursing himself for inviting Kayla to the club with him and imagining all the things he wanted to do to that lush little body. By the time he woke, his body damp with sweat and his hand wrapped around his hard cock, he was already late getting down to the stables. He, Colin and Donovan each had their own homes on the five acres they had each selected for themselves. Donovan’s sprawling, wide open ranch was located within walking distance of the stables since he worked damn near twenty four/seven with the horses. Colin and Brett’s were further away from the breeding and training facilities and would require driving the few miles to reach them. Even though Brett and Colin each had separate jobs from the family business of raising, breeding, training then selling their prized American Saddlebred horses, they both put hours in at the stables each week, especially on Saturdays.

  Groaning in frustration, Brett squeezed his engorged flesh then pumped vigorously on his cock, taking a brief moment to cup his damp, ‘little’ head and smear the seepage on his palm before spreading it down his length to ease his way. Irritated at his uncharacteristic late awakening and that thoughts of Kayla and what he wanted to do to her tonight were the cause of it, he wasted no time getting himself off, relieving himself of the lust his plans had wrought and the worry that they would prove to be either too much or not enough for her. Brett didn’t want to do anything to completely dim that rare, but endearing enthusiasm she had for pursuing what she thought she wanted, but he also didn’t want to encourage her.

  Shoving aside his misgivings, he arched up into his fisting hand, cupped his sac with the other one and spewed across his stomach, his orgasm ripping through him with the speed of a freight train and left him hoping he wasn’t headed straight towards a train wreck.

  An hour later he strode into the stables to be greeted by Donovan’s surly, “Where the hell’ve you been,” and four guilt ridden looks on the faces of their young hired hands.

  “Sorry, but I’m pretty sure I’m not responsible for whatever bug crawled up your ass. What’s going on?”

  Stepping forward, Tony, a tall, lanky kid with sandy hair and brown eyes, replied, “It’s my fault, sir. I was the one responsible for checking that area. I’ll pack up my things and leave this morning as soon as we find the rest of the horses.”

  Raising a brow, Donovan stated coolly, “Did I say you were fired or that I wanted you gone?”

  “Well, no, but I thought…”

  With a slice of his hand, he cut the kid off and growled, “I’ll let you know when and if I want you gone. In the meantime, the four of you get back out there and help the rest of my crew until every mare is back in her stall, hopefully safe and sound.”

  Brett waited until Tony, Keith, Ethan and Jimmy hurried out to the trucks and pulled out before looking back at Donovan. Ever since Donovan had returned from the war and his imprisonment seven years ago, he was known to blow a gasket over small things and fought almost regularly to keep his temper and rages under control. It hadn’t helped matters to have lost their father less than two years after he was stateside, and Donovan, always the quiet, more reserved of the three of them, kept even more to himself.

  “Care to talk about it?” Brett asked even though he doubted that Donovan would be too forthcoming.

  “I blew up when Belle came limping into the stables an hour ago followed by Ethan running in saying the north pasture gate had been left open. All fifteen mares are now God knows where.”

  Ethan was the quietest of the four, a tall guy with unruly brown hair and serious hazel eyes, and it was hard to picture him in a frantic state. Belle was a favorite of Donovan’s, so much so that he had announced that
her current pregnancy would be her last and he would be keeping her for him personally. “So either one or all of the guys were negligent this morning when they rode the fence lines.” It was the student’s job to check all the gates in the pastures first thing every morning, either before they left for classes or before they started in on Saturday chores. Tony was the most responsible of them, which is why Brett was surprised by his admission. Both Keith and Jimmy were good workers but liked to joke around more than they should on the job and were the two he would have suspected first of being negligent in their duties. Ethan was a good worker if somewhat surly on occasion.

  “Is Belle okay?” Brett walked over to her stall where the pretty mare had her graceful, chestnut head with the bright white star hanging over the half gate.

  “She will be,” Donovan sighed as he stroked the mare’s velvet nose while he crooned softly to her. “Doc Sevign is on his way. She might need a stitch or two. She apparently ran across the road and a car tried to swerve, but did clip her lightly. Fuck,” he breathed as he leaned his head against the mare’s brow, “it could have been so much worse.”

  Brett knew Donovan was not only speaking about the injury done to the horse but the possibility that his temper, which was always just a short fuse away from blowing, could have ignited into a bigger explosion than the verbal one he had obviously unleashed on the kids.

  Squeezing his shoulder briefly, Brett said simply, “But it wasn’t. Are you going to let Tony go?”

  Moving away from both the stall and his brother, he answered, “No, I need him and he did own up to it. I’ll take the vet’s bill out of his pay, though.”

  Brett watched him walk out to greet the vet as he pulled in before going to saddle Diablo. He could help round up the loose horses faster and easier on horseback than he could by truck.

  Colin’s horse, Sheba, was gone, so he assumed he was already out assisting, which made Brett feel even guiltier for being late. He really hoped Kayla would balk early tonight and bail on him and any further desire to slate her curiosity with him. Sex with her was great and she was fun to be with, but the stress of keeping her at arm’s length as he tried to avoid hurting her was wearing on him. It was time for her to move on and for him to go back to enjoying his proclivities with women he knew wouldn’t eventually want more from him than what he wanted to give.

  He shouldn’t have kept quiet, the kid thought as they drove back out to find the missing mares. He had seen the gate was open and hadn’t said anything. Petty, he knew, just like his temper tantrum the other night when he had destroyed their property. His vendetta against the McGilley’s was as personal as you could get, but it was strictly against the McGilley family and he had taken this job just to get close enough to the farm and to the brothers, to start his campaign against those who had had it all while he had nothing. But he had never meant to hurt the horses he had grown to care for in such a short time. Letting Tony take the wrap for the gate was also bothering him, but not enough to speak up. He knew now he had to focus on personal tactics, not general ones where one of the livestock or even one of his new friends or the other hired hands could suffer the repercussions.

  Kayla entered Casey’s with nervous anticipation drumming through her body as her eyes sought out the one man she couldn’t seem to get enough of. The lust driven part of her was elated to finally be able to go upstairs and participate in what she had only been able to fantasize about before now. But the sensible part of her was cautioning her that tonight might not be as exciting, as arousing as she anticipated. When she thought of being naked in a room full of strangers, she got queasy with both excitement and nerves and when she thought of Brett fucking her in front of all those people, all her girly parts sat up and panted for attention. Spotting Brett sitting at the bar where she had first approached him, her response was as fast and as strong as each previous time which enabled the lust driven part of her psyche to win out over the sensible part, and she silently told her girly parts she was game for whatever they were.

  “Hello, counselor,” she greeted him when he grasped her waist and boosted her onto the stool.

  “Hello yourself.” She had outdone herself tonight, Brett thought as he had watched her make her way towards him dressed in another short, tight skirt, this one in a shiny, metallic material in a black and gold pattern that could make your eyes cross if you stared at it too long, a pattern that seemed to draw the eye with its constant shifting as she walked. Her gold top was just as shiny and just as clingy as it molded to her unbound breasts and clung to her nipples. “Aren’t you chilly?” he asked as he ran one finger down her bare arm.

  “I’m counting on you to warm me up,” Kayla teased as she bent and slipped off her gold, three inch heels and looped the straps over her wrist.

  “You can’t be in a room five minutes without ditching your shoes.” Why that made him want to smile, he didn’t know.

  “They’re too restricting. In case I forget later, thank you for inviting me tonight, Brett.”

  Brett turned to signal Colin before turning back to her. Her hair was pulled back on the sides with wide gold clips leaving her multi hooped earrings in alternating black and gold to swing against her chin unencumbered. Flamboyant choice of clothing aside, Kayla had a presence about her that simply drew the male eye, as he was noticing from several people around the bar. Not for the first time, he found himself regretting their age difference and her innocence, although, he couldn’t claim she was so innocent anymore and would be even less so after tonight. Just the thought of getting her naked upstairs, of fucking her there, had his cock shifting from semi-hard to a full blown erection.

  “You better hold off on your thanks, little one. There’s always a chance you won’t like what you’ve been itching for,” he warned just as Colin approached, his eyes warming when they landed on Kayla. “Kayla’s going to be joining me upstairs tonight, Colin. Would you bring her a margarita while we hit the buffet?” He watched Colin swing startled eyes in his direction, the warm pleasure replaced with questioning surprise.

  “Sure,” he replied before asking Kayla, “Strawberry or plain?”

  “Strawberry, please. I forgot it was Mexican night.”

  “You better hit the buffet soon then, because we have a crowd that shows up just for Martinez’s buffet and margaritas.” Casey’s didn’t have a kitchen, but their catered buffet of appetizers from various restaurants in the area that rotated the cuisine between Mexican, Oriental, European and American finger foods was extremely popular. Tonight’s table would boast a variety of nachos, chips and salsa, mini tacos and quesadillas as well as sopapillas. As Kayla slid off the stool and turned towards the buffet along the back wall, Colin added for Brett’s ears only, “I hope you know what you’re doing. She’s a good kid and doesn’t deserve…”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Brett cut him off not wanting to hear him voice his concerns over Kayla’s reaction if she discovered she had bitten off more than she could chew by pursuing him. He wouldn’t hurt her physically, but his goal tonight was to show her unequivocally that he and his lifestyle weren’t for her.

  An hour later, her head buzzing delightfully from one, very strong margarita, Brett was leading Kayla through the door marked ‘Private’ and into an elevator that was whisking them upstairs. Her stomach dropped with the rise of the elevator, then somersaulted with surprise and escalating excitement when the doors swished open to give her the close up glimpse of activities this club and the brothers were known to indulge in. Her view of Brett and the woman he had been fucking the two times she had peered in through the window had been from a distance and distorted by the glass and the dim light and didn’t prepare her fully for an up close and personal look at people in various stages of undress doing things she had only read and fantasized about.

  Unlike downstairs, the music in here was subdued, quiet and decidedly erotic adding to the sounds of slapping flesh, soft cries and deep moans. Stepping out of the elevator, Kayla tightened her
hand around Brett’s, her eyes widening with each scene she took in. The long, wide, padded bench that stretched across the wall to her left held several people, some close enough they could reach over and touch the person next to them as one man was doing just that. Naked, seated with his legs spread, an equally naked woman in front of him bent over at the waist and sucking on his cock, he leaned over and took the bare breast of the woman sitting next to him into his mouth. As Kayla stood transfixed, another man walked up behind the woman, received a nod from the seated man, and wasted no time releasing his engorged cock and thrusting into the woman who quickly spread her legs further and accepted his dick by thrusting back against him, her head bobbing even faster over the seated man’s lap.

  A few feet down from the threesome, another woman was bent over the bench, her wrists cuffed behind her, her skirt flipped up and her panties lowered to mid thighs, exposing her round, white buttocks to the room. The man standing to the side was snapping a round, leather paddle against that vulnerable ass, the impact on her flesh slapping loudly and leaving a bright red splotch on her otherwise lily white skin. By the way she was wiggling and arching for each blow, Kayla knew the woman was loving every painful, orgasm inducing stroke, just as she had when Brett had shown her the pleasure to be had from his hand and his belt, a pleasure she was aching to experience again despite her natural reservation about getting naked in front of so many other people. The reflections of the fucking couples along the bench could be seen in the row of mirrors along the opposite wall as well as images of what was going on in the large space in between on the various sofas and chairs. Surprisingly, there were only about twenty people in the room and only half of them indulging in sex at the moment. The rest seemed comfortable talking and watching. Reservations aside, Kayla wanted more than ever to be among the ones doing not watching.

  She had the most expressive face, Brett thought as he spent a minute looking at her as she took in the sights and sounds of the second floor that she had been trying so hard to get invited up to. Her eyes widened upon seeing the couples enjoying the wall length padded bench, but more with curiosity and lust than shock. He had to bite back a smile as he imagined her reaction when he gave her a tour of the individual rooms, each designed to cater to different fetishes. But watching the slight hesitation that had her stalling from going further into the room and the consternation that crossed her face when she glanced at a woman who was naked, he found himself quickly amending his plans for her tonight.


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