The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 9

by B J Wane

  Originally, Brett had planned on stripping her and leading her over to the bench to deliver her first spanking before introducing her to anal sex, hoping that the abrupt introduction into his lifestyle would be enough to dissuade her from continuing her pursuit. But looking at her now, he couldn’t bring himself to cruelly dash her expectations so quickly. Colin was right; she was a good kid just out looking for some fun. The past few weeks she’d had her fun at his expense, now it was his turn to dish out a little payback.

  Squeezing her hand before letting her go and taking a step back from her, Brett crossed his arms over his chest and ordered brusquely, “Strip.”

  The order, coming out of the blue like that without build up or warning took Kayla’s attention from the scenes around the room to Brett’s implacable face. “Now? Here?” She cringed inwardly when her voice came out in a disbelieving squeak, but the way her nipples hardened even more, the soft, satiny material of her top rubbing against the sensitive tips, indicated her body’s desire to do just that.

  “Kayla,” Brett warned softly, “either do as I say or I’ll escort you down to your car. Keep your eyes on me instead of who else might be watching.”

  Taking his advice, she turned her back to the room at large and slowly removed her top, the feel of her bare breasts bouncing free sending a sharp stab of lust straight to her pussy. When Brett’s eyes followed their sway and heated with his own lust as they lingered on her now aching nipples, she had no problem shimmying out of her tight skirt, taking her thong with her as she deliberately bent slowly over while pushing the two garments down her legs. She let her breasts sway provocatively, loved the erotic feel, the sense of freedom removing her clothes gave her. As she slowly straightened up, she could feel eyes on her nakedness, eyes other than Brett’s, and credited the warm approval she saw shining in his green eyes with her easy compliance. Between his look and those of others she knew were watching, her pussy filled with so much cream, she could feel it seeping out to coat her thighs.

  When Kayla went to shield her pussy with her hand, Brett grinned, grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. Damned if he wasn’t proud of the way she had obeyed him and the way she was obviously turned on by having him and others eyeing all that gorgeous naked flesh. “Very good, little one,” he praised her before taking her lips in a hard, deep, wet kiss and cupped one hand over one soft buttock to push her against the erection demanding release against his zipper, leaving her in no doubt of her effect on him.

  Kayla forgot where they were and her audience as she melted against that hard body she continued to crave more than chocolate. The feel of his hard cock against her stomach fueled her need, making her literally ache to feel him driving forcefully into her again. “Brett,” she moaned against his lips, rotating her hips against his cock, telling him without words what she wanted, what she needed.

  Brett chuckled, delighted with her despite the fact this was not the reaction he was aiming for tonight. “Come on, let me show you around and introduce you to some friends.”

  Without giving her time to think, he kept a tight grip on her hand as he bent to pick up her clothes, hung them on an empty hook along the wall where other garments were hanging then led her to a small seating group where several people were chatting.

  “Kayla, these are a few friends of mine and regular members up here.” Taking a seat on an empty chair, he tugged her onto his lap, saying to the three men and two women smiling at them, “Kayla is my guest for tonight and a newbie. Be nice.”

  “May as well go home if you’re going to put limitations on our fun,” the man seated to their right drawled. “I’m Mitch, Kayla, Colin’s assistant manager in both Casey’s and up here.”

  Kayla reddened under his slow perusal, something she rarely did, but the look in his warm brown eyes added to her already aroused state, making it easier to relax against Brett and return Mitch’s smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Not tonight, Mitch,” Brett said as he cupped Kayla’s breast and ran his thumb lightly over the turgid nipple. He had shared women before with Mitch and others here, but if tonight was the only night he planned on having Kayla, then he wanted her all to himself.

  Kayla grew hot as his meaning sank in, and a little unsettled at the thought that he would be willing to see another man touch her. But her slight discomfort with that fact didn’t keep the image of her being pleasured by Brett and another man from making her squirm on his rigid thigh in an effort to ease her arousal, the constant abrasion of his thumb over her nipple doing its share to keep her lust on edge, begging for release.

  Mitch’s dark brows drew up in surprise but he refrained from comment as Tom, seated with his long-time girlfriend on his lap, his hand also making free with her naked breasts, asked, “Didn’t I see you a week or two ago in Casey’s?”

  “I’ve been in there the last two weekends, so probably,” Kayla replied while trying not to ogle the way Tom was pinching, pulling and twisting his girlfriend’s nipple while keeping his eyes on them. By the look on her pretty face and from the way she was shifting on his lap, Kayla figured she was as wet under her skirt as Kayla was. Pressing her legs more tightly together, she hoped no one noticed what she suspected was a very telltale sign of dampness along her seam.

  “She was the one I had to rescue from the kid who wasn’t taking no for an answer,” Brett reminded Tom as he moved his free hand slowly over Kayla’s soft waist to sift his fingers through her damp curls. He hadn’t missed her attempt to shield herself from their prying eyes and he suspected it was more out of wanting to hide her heightened state of arousal than it was out of modesty.

  Kayla didn’t hear what Tom’s reply was, if any, as Brett attempted to delve below her curls. Her lust and desire to please Brett coupled with the hard slap on her thigh won out over preserving her modesty a little longer, and giving in to his urging, she spread her legs just enough to give him the access he was demanding. She had known the key to getting Brett to invite her back after tonight was to please him, show him she wanted everything he did when it came to sex, but she hadn’t realized how much it was going to add to her pleasure by pleasing him.

  “Very good, Kayla,” Brett said loud enough for the others to hear as he slid one long finger between her folds and lightly stroked the soft flesh of her very wet pussy.

  Kayla leaned her head against his shoulder as she basked in the pleasure she heard in his voice and the pleasure he was slowly bringing about with the slow in and out strokes of his finger. The sting from his slap added to the growing arousal pulsing from her breasts down to her crotch and knowing the others were watching also added to that pleasure, making her admit she liked having an audience even more than she liked watching. Unable to stifle a moan when he lightly grazed her clit with his thumb, Kayla unconsciously arched into his hand as the beginning tremors of a climax started to tighten her vaginal walls around his finger.

  Feeling her response, Brett withdrew his finger and held it to her lips, smiling when she frowned irritably at him. “Lick it clean then I’ll give you a tour of the playrooms.” His eyes held hers, waiting for her to argue about having her orgasm cut off or to balk at this task. To his surprise, she did neither. Narrowing those enigmatic blue eyes at him, she grasped his wrist and brought his finger to her mouth and promptly turned the tables on him.

  Mimicking her movements when giving head, Kayla took his finger slowly into her mouth, keeping her eyes glued to his as she sucked on his digit. Tightening her lips around his finger, she slowly licked it clean while moving up and down until she had cleared all evidence of her wet pussy.

  “Touché’, little one,” he whispered, his lips against hers as he pulled his hand away from her. His cock, already in an engorged state that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could ignore, was knocking insistently against her ass, movements he knew she could feel by the widening of her eyes and the slow smile spreading her lips. “Up you go.” Lifting her off his lap before he could cave and take her r
ight now, he waved to his friends as he took Kayla’s hand and led her toward the hall and the amusements to be seen down there.

  Grateful for the comforting feel of his hard, calloused hand holding hers, Kayla went with him down the wide hallway until he stopped at the first room. Next to the door was a large, rectangular opening where viewers could stand and watch the people taking advantage of the three large, king-sized beds, one of them a four poster with the means to restrain someone. Kayla didn’t rank being tied up as one of her fantasies, though by the way the woman who was restrained spread eagle on the middle bed was responding to having her hips strapped down, held immobile while the man eating at her pussy brought her to climax after climax, she just might reconsider it.

  Pulling her in front of him, Brett wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her tightly against him as he roamed her body with his other hand. Her expressive eyes went from avid curiosity to pleasure so fast he was tempted to bend her over the sill of the glassless opening and sink his cock into her right there. Two fingers slid into her still damp pussy as her attention shifted to the two men and one woman on another bed, her pussy clamping around him immediately. Once again he brought her right to the crest of climax only to deny her the pleasure of going over.

  Frustrated beyond measure, Kayla turned from the erotic activities exciting her as much as Brett was to glare up into his calm face. “Damn it,” she hissed, “either quit teasing me and let me come or I’ll find someone who will.” Of course, she had no intention of doing that, but she was hoping her threat would be enough to have him relenting in this game of touch and torment he was waging. His answer disabused her of that hope with the swiftness of a bucket of cold water over her head.

  “This time your choices are to turn back around, bend over for your punishment or I will, again, walk you out to your car.” Brett didn’t have long to wait for an answer, somehow not surprised when she didn’t even hesitate to turn back around, brace her hands on the ledge and bend over until her ass was sticking out. He didn’t even have to tell her to spread her legs.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Kayla saw people walking down the hall and several, including Tom, his girlfriend and Mitch, stopped to watch. When the first stinging smack landed, she couldn’t keep from gasping in surprise even though she knew it was coming. That now familiar burn elicited her now familiar response and she had to bite her lip to keep from begging for release as her pussy swelled with each ensuing slap. The pleasure/pain built swiftly, as swiftly as he was smacking her buttocks with sharp, precise strokes, the sound of bare flesh being slapped echoing along with the groans coming from the satisfied couples fucking in front of her.

  Envying them their orgasms, Kayla stoically refused to plead for what she knew Brett would deny her. Instead, she concentrated on the awesome pleasure she got from being spanked and marveled at how that pleasure had increased with having it administered in front of an audience. With Brett standing to her side, she knew the people standing behind her had a good view of her red ass, could see the damp sheen coating her labia and could tell by the constant shifting of her hips that she was highly aroused by her punishment. Her buttocks were starting to throb, the burn intensifying, the heat spreading ever downward, making her pussy spasm emptily. It didn’t help her any when Brett cupped one dangling breast in his free hand, kneaded her soft, full flesh then pinched her nipple before doing the same to the other one.

  Unable to stifle her moan this time, it slipped out with all the pain and frustration of her constant denial. But when he released her nipple and slid down to her pussy, his other hand never letting up from tormenting her ass in a steady barrage of slaps, and cupped her aching, seeping crotch, she almost came right then and there. Just the feel of him palming her sensitive flesh, pressing up against her pussy was almost enough to get her off. But, once again sensing how close she was to release, he backed off with both hands, casually stroked over her puffy, swollen folds while lightly caressing her red, abused cheeks before taking his hands off her completely.

  Brett wasn’t sure who his punishment was harder on, him or her. If he didn’t get his cock into her soon, he was running the risk of having that appendage act without his consent. Helping Kayla stand up, his look lingered on her very red ass long enough to reassure himself there wouldn’t be any permanent marks after the red faded but confident that that would take a while, he looked into her flushed, frustrated face and simply raised a brow, waiting for her response.

  His look was a little too smug for Kayla’s liking, so, no matter how difficult it was, she smiled sweetly at him and asked, “Can we go see what’s going on in the other rooms now?” The snickers from the people standing behind them accompanied the surprise on Brett’s face and were all she needed to know that she had once again caught him unawares by doing the unexpected.

  He should have known, Brett thought ruefully as he once again took her hand. When had she ever done what he wanted, needed her to do? “Come on, then. Let’s see what else I can torment you with,” he said, wondering if he was going to end up being the one tormented the most from this lesson.

  Chapter Seven

  The next room was set up as an office and seeing a woman sprawled on top of the desk much like Kayla had been on Brett’s desk yesterday, the man in front of her plowing into her with as much enthusiasm as Brett had fucked her, made her toss a cheeky grin up at him. Brett tightened the arm he had around her waist as he slipped between her legs with his other hand again, this time to take a simple, slow glide up her seam with one finger, barely entering her, just lightly grazing her clit as he returned her cheeky smile. Just enough, Kayla thought darkly, to keep her arousal teetering on the edge, never enough to send her over the cliff. Damn it.

  “Let’s see if you like our doctor’s office,” he said as he led her to the next room.

  Kayla gasped as she saw a woman carnally displayed on an examining table, her legs strapped in stirrups that were spread wide, her pussy completely bare and open for all to see everything. A man sat on a small stool between her legs, his mouth buried in her crotch as another man suckled voraciously on her breasts. Picturing herself so lewdly displayed sent a shiver down her spine and she really didn’t know if it was due to excitement or trepidation at the thought that Brett might want to play with her in this room. Of course, the woman was so busy coming in the man’s mouth, her pleasure so acute she was screaming with it, maybe the experience would be worth the humiliation, or maybe it was the very exposure that heightened the experience. She was beginning to realize just how inexperienced she really was with kinky sex, and just how much she wanted to continue to explore it with Brett, who was once again playing with her nipples and pussy, making sure her excitement remained at a high level.

  “Are you imagining yourself there, Kayla,” he asked as he bent and nipped at her neck at the same time as he rasped over her clit. Her shiver and low moan made him smile, her wetness and stiff nipples pushed him near the desperate point and her compliance with the evening so far made him realize this night wasn’t going to end with her walking away from both him and her continued desire to explore sex with him.

  “Yes,” she admitted breathlessly. “But in my imagination, I’m coming as much as that woman instead of being continually denied that pleasure. Brett, please, I really don’t think I can take much more of your teasing.”

  It was the desperate capitulation he heard in her voice that had him relenting, that and his own desperate arousal coupled with the need to get this night back on the original track, that of discouraging her interest in him. “Come with me,” he stated brusquely taking her hand and leading her back into the main room and over to a vacant area on the bench. Maybe letting her know he wanted to deflower her virgin ass here, in front of an audience, would do the trick. If so, he would fuck her again, make sure she came several times and send her home knowing he had succeeded without causing her any harm. Without further ado, he turned her and pushed her shoulders down, but Kayla was already ant
icipating him.

  Bracing herself on her elbows, Kayla arched her back, spread her legs and prayed he was done leading her on. A few, hard swats landed on her still sore buttocks, but reviving that pain only added to her excitement and when he followed those with a slow, exploring caress of her entire ass, the dual sensations fueled her lust even higher. “Oh, God, Brett, yes,” she groaned as his hand moved slowly down her crack, his finger stroking her small, sensitive asshole before delving between her soaked folds.

  Brett went right for her clit, grasping that small bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger and milked it until she was screaming in pleasure, just like she said she wanted to. Once she lay shuddering in a boneless heap on the bench, he scooped up some of the copious juices she had just released and returned his fingers to her anus. Bending over her, he slowly pushed two wet digits past her tight rim as he said, “This is what I want from you tonight, Kayla. Your ass, here, now, in front of all these people.”

  Kayla was still reeling from the most powerful climax she had ever experienced, her mind still in the clouds from soaring so high she thought she’d never come back down, never wanted to return to earth. But his words sent her plummeting there just as quickly as his invading fingers ratcheted up her arousal once more. Whimpering against the onslaught of conflicting emotions and sensations, she came to terms with the fact that no matter how uncomfortable she was at the thought of experiencing this new act in public, unsure if she was going to like being taken in such a taboo way, she knew if she didn’t agree, Brett would use it as an excuse to not invite her back here. Luckily, the feel of his fingers brushing against sensitive nerve endings he had been responsible for letting her know she had made her decision all that much easier.


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