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The McGilley Trilogy

Page 10

by B J Wane

  “Yes, okay, Brett. Do it, do it now.” Do it before I can change my mind, she thought as he slowly withdrew his fingers.

  Brett didn’t waste time being surprised, his own lust raging out of control and demanding release had him both cursing her and blessing her for giving him what he wanted as he released his engorged cock into one hand while he retrieved a tube of lubricant from his pocket. Setting aside his frustration at realizing that tonight wasn’t going to put an end to her pursuit, ignoring the small twinge of relief that speared through him credited to that same realization, he made short work of lubing his fingers and cock before returning to the treasure she was gifting him with.

  Kayla breathed a sigh of relief when she felt his fingers return to her back orifice and slide easily inside this time. His silence had unnerved her so much she refused to look back at him. She had sensed his determination all night to drive her away, but then he had done everything possible to make sure she concentrated on her arousal instead of what she was doing and who was watching. It was those little signs of caring that kept her coming back to him, that aided in her pursuit of exploring this lifestyle with no one but him and what had her creaming her thighs again so quickly as that caring again manifested in the gentle way he was preparing her ass for his cock.

  In and out, his fingers slowly pumped her, spreading her and arousing her to a fever pitch so that by the time he withdrew them and the bulbous head of his cock was knocking on her back door, she was more than ready to take him. The first feel of him penetrating her rectum was accompanied by discomfort and the feel of his fingers thrusting in her pussy, his thumb landing unerringly on her clit. With an expertise that boasted experience, he brought her to a quick climax just as he slid with slow precision inside her.

  Kayla exploded with pleasure, pleasure she felt coming from both her pussy and ass, pleasure that had her writhing on his cock, taking him slowly deeper, her discomfort lessening as it sent her spiraling once again to a place it seemed only he could take her.

  Brett watched his cock sink slowly into her untried ass, listened to her cries of ecstasy as he pumped his fingers inside her spasming pussy, feeling the walls of her vagina and her rectum closing tightly around both his fingers and cock. He tried pumping inside her slowly, taking her with care, giving her the ultimate pleasure from this new experience, but as usual, Kayla was having none of that. Thrusting back against him, she gyrated her hips in a way that drove him crazy, egging him on until he had no choice but to leave her warm, still clutching pussy and grab her hips with both hands.

  “Damn it, Kayla, hold still. I’m trying not to hurt you.” A few laughs could be heard behind him and the couple fucking next to them both looked over with smiling faces, but Brett kept his concentration on making his strokes slow and deep for maximum pleasure.

  “Harder, Brett, please, I can take it,” she begged, not really sure whether she could or not. All she knew was she wanted to feel the full effect of him taking her this way, that it felt so damn good she wanted to experience yet another awesome orgasm. Not even hearing people talk and moving around them could deter her from pushing back against him in an effort to get him to move faster, go deeper.

  Brett’s own arousal had been put on hold too long and he gave in to her demands by increasing his thrusts, going deeper and faster until his balls drew so taut they could no longer slap against her thighs and he was ejaculating deep inside her just as she once again exploded in pleasure, this time without the aid of his fingers. How fucking awesome was that, he thought just before the pleasure made thinking impossible. Without a doubt, Kayla had once again succeeded in leading him where he didn’t want to go.

  Brett entered Casey’s the next night hoping his luck at poker would be better than his luck with Kayla last night. He was still tempted to kick himself, or have his brothers do it for him, for inviting Kayla back to the club next weekend. When he realized he had failed last night to deter her from pursuing both him and his lifestyle, his first thought was to try again. Stupid, he was now thinking as he stopped at the bar, poured himself a bourbon and made his way to their table. Having her come back, fucking her again and again was only going to encourage her, and, as much as he had enjoyed last night, enjoyed introducing her to new and sexually exciting things and watching her response to them, he hadn’t changed his mind about becoming involved with her. No matter how much he liked her, how much he got a kick out of her teasing and flirting, how refreshing her unique openness was or that her enthusiasm for life and exploring new experiences was as flamboyant as her attire, it couldn’t change the fact that she was still fifteen years younger than he and would eventually want more from him than he was willing to give.

  Which still left him with the dilemma of how to steer her away from him without destroying that zest for life that he found so endearing. Cursing himself once again for not sending her home with another order to behave and stay away from him and the club, he took a seat across from Colin who was eyeing him with a glint in his eyes and a half smile on his lips.

  “What?” he asked irritably.

  “Your little stalker didn’t seem to be put off by anything last night. That was your goal in asking her there, wasn’t it?” Colin asked even though he was sure of the answer. Of the three of them, Brett was the most determined to be sure he was as responsible in dealing with relationships and sex as their father was irresponsible, probably because Brett’s mother, Maryann, had been married to Casey and they were a family for a short time whereas Colin and Donovan had never known their mothers or had to suffer through the breakup of their family. He knew Brett took his own divorce as a personal failure even though he, Donovan and especially Brett’s mother had repeatedly tried convincing him that he wasn’t to blame for his wife’s infidelity or for refusing to forgive her when he found out.

  “I don’t know why I was surprised at how easily, and enthusiastically, she got into the scene last night. That girl hasn’t done a predictable thing since I met her. Since public ass deflowering didn’t do the trick, you got any suggestions?”

  “You asked her back again next week?”

  “Yeah, stupid, huh?” he answered dryly. “I’m wondering if my willingness to share her will open her pretty eyes to the reality of what even just a sexual relationship with me would entail. Watching and fantasizing about a ménage is totally different from participating, and it would definitely make her see I’m not into committed relationships.” He refused to dwell on or even ponder why sharing her made his gut clench uncomfortably even as imagining her response to four hands, two mouths and two cocks had him hardening uncomfortably.

  Colin’s own gut clenched as he remembered vividly his last ménage and the battle he had waged with himself ever since. “Either Mitch or Donovan would be good choices to assist you. You know you can trust her with them.”

  Just as he knew Colin wouldn’t offer himself, Brett thought, and wondered again what happened the night before his partner’s death that had caused his brother such pain.

  “What are you volunteering me for?” Donovan asked as he joined them, an irritable frown on his face as he eyed the two of them warily.

  “Relax. We’re not planning on telling you it’s your turn to represent the family and the farm at the Association’s auction that’s coming up quickly, even though you’ve never done your time in a tux,” Brett drawled. Every year the American Saddlebred Horse Association put on a formal charity function, one every breeder attended as well as some high ranking public officials and wealthy icons of Lexington’s society. Even before Donovan had returned from Iraq scarred, he had always preferred his horses to hobnobbing with society’s elite, no matter how worthy the cause. He had friends and he had women, but visited them only when he needed to escape the demons he refused to discuss with them.

  “Just as you haven’t clocked nearly as many hours as I have shoveling manure.” Nonplussed at being called on his lack of social engagements, Donovan tilted his Pepsi to take a hefty swallow then
almost choked on it when Colin spoke.

  “No, nothing as awful as actually getting out in public and being nice to people. He needs a third for a ménage with his stalker, you know, to show her he’s not into relationships or women who don’t want to indulge in all his quirks.” Colin’s sarcasm didn’t put a dent in Donovan’s sudden interest or Brett’s determination.

  Lowering the can, Donovan smiled at Brett. “The cute little black haired pink clad chick? Now, socializing with her would be no hardship, although, for the life of me, I don’t know what you have against her. She’s easy on the eyes, sexy as hell, willing and available. What more do you want?”

  “Says the brother who only gets laid at the club and then only when his dick leads him there,” Brett responded dryly. “As for Kayla, again, she’s too young, not only in years but experience. Women her age will eventually want more than sex, and as you both are well aware, I have no intention of getting into a committed relationship again.”

  Mitch joined them in time to hear Brett’s last comment. Taking a seat, he commented, “I kind of miss being in a relationship. There’s something to be said for having someone special in your life, especially if that someone is into kink. What’d I miss this time?”

  “Brett’s next plan to push Kayla away.” Colin shuffled the cards before passing them to Mitch to cut.

  Mitch smirked. “From what I witnessed last night, you’re fighting a lost cause. That girl’s a natural.”

  “We’ll see,” Brett muttered darkly, irritated with the three of them for being right. “You in?” he asked Donovan.

  “I’m in, now deal ’em.”

  Kayla pulled into the parking lot at Casey’s just before ten with an anticipation that had been with her ever since Brett had issued his surprise invitation last week. After he had tried so hard to dissuade her from wanting him or his lifestyle, she had not expected him to want another night with her. Of course, the obvious reason for his benevolence was to once again try to turn her away from pursuing him or, barring his cooperation, an invitation from someone else to explore her newfound interest in alternative sex. Unfortunately for Brett, the more she was with him, the more she wanted him. That is, sex with him, she had to remind herself. Fortunately for her, he didn’t know that. She could’ve told him she’d back off from both him and visiting the club if she thought he really didn’t want her and was adamant about refusing her, but where would the fun be in that?

  Stepping out of her car, she teetered on her three inch heels, already aching to slip out of them and her skin tight bright red mini dress, wondering if her dress would be off her as quickly as her shoes. Always before, she had chosen dancing first, sex second, as a way to relieve the stress and frequent ennui of her job at the end of a long week, but despite the automatic desire to start moving to the fast beat pulsing from Casey’s, her first choice tonight was sex. With

  Brett. Upstairs. With an audience. Her nipples peaked achingly at just the thought, and her pussy, which seemed to be constantly wet lately, clenched with growing need.

  As she entered Casey’s, her eyes automatically seeking out Brett’s tall body and dark, mahogany hair, she couldn’t help but wish she was entering with him, despite the fact that she hadn’t heard from him all week, and he made it clear this wasn’t a date by having her meet him here again. Since he had told her to meet him at ten instead of eight like last week, she assumed they were going straight upstairs instead of enjoying the buffet and a drink with light conversation first, another hard reminder of why she was here tonight, with him. Steely arms circled her from behind and she was pulled back against a familiar, equally hard body.

  “Ready to go upstairs?” Brett asked without any preamble, his lips close to her ear.

  Kayla nestled her ass closer to the bulge she felt poking her and thought if she was any more ready she’d beg him to fuck her right here, right now. “Lead the way,” she answered, smiling expectantly up at him.

  Brett took her hand and once again led her to the private elevator that whisked them upstairs. He had thought long and hard about her this week, most of the times because he simply couldn’t help it, which is what made him conclude he had made a mistake last week by giving in to the vulnerability her innocence had let show. Making concessions for her inexperience, despite the fact that she had pursued this course, was the reason she was back here tonight instead of out with her friends where she belonged. Tonight, he wouldn’t make that mistake.

  As soon as they entered the club they were met by Donovan, who greeted Kayla with a warm smile. “Hey, sweetie, it’s nice to see you again.”

  Brett’s brother was maybe an inch shorter than him, but had a bulkier build with bulging arms and thighs that looked as big as tree trunks, muscles she suspected he had amassed more through hard, physical labor than working out at a gym. “Hi, Donovan. I didn’t see you last week.”

  “I’m not here as often as my brothers,” he replied without any embellishment. Sliding a look at Brett, he added, “Tonight, I’m here by request, a request I’m looking forward to.”

  Brett had remained quiet, letting Donovan break the ice, but now he took the lead, determined to stay on course and not be deterred by a pair of guileless blue eyes and a body he seemed to crave more instead of less no matter how many times he had taken her.“Strip,” he instructed, noting that several members in the full crowd were looking their way. That was one reason why he had her meet him later tonight, to make sure their audience was at its peak as well as not to lead her on about expecting this to be about anything but sex.

  Arms folded, his grey silk shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing those strong forearms, he looked down at her with nothing but lust showing in those green eyes. Much like he had at the lake and at his office, all his shields were up and seemingly implacable, but much like those previous times, Kayla could also see how much he wanted her, still, which made it easy for her to comply. If he thought having Donovan standing so close, observing, waiting for whatever Brett had planned would send her right back out the door, he thought wrong. She had waited all week for this, craved it, and him, to the point of distraction even at work, something she had never been plagued with before.

  Without a word and only a twinge of self-consciousness, she removed her clothes as she kept her eyes on his and not on Donovan whom she knew was watching with as close a scrutiny as Brett. The heated look in both men’s eyes as they blatantly eyed her nudity warmed her faster than one of her scalding hot showers and spiked her arousal as effectively as if they were touching her physically. By the time she stood before them completely naked, the arousal she saw swirling in their identical eyes mimicked what she felt straining for release inside her. Donovan winked at her and then took his time slowly looking her over, his gaze lingering on her hard tipped breasts before moving leisurely down her clenching abdomen to take note of the damp curls shielding her pussy. Brett maintained an air and look of indifference, which would have hurt if it wasn’t for the blatant hard ridge of his cock straining against his slacks. If she wasn’t convinced he was still fighting against wanting her, a fact reinforced by that telltale sign of his lust for her, she might have considered ending this night before it began.

  Whistling softly, Donovan turned his gaze to Brett, remarking simply, “Nice.”

  Grabbing her hand, Brett pulled Kayla forward, for once unable to read what was going through that pretty head. “Kayla, Donovan, will be joining us tonight.” He watched her closely, gauging her reaction as she realized he intended to share her with his brother.

  As his meaning sunk in, Kayla had a moment of hesitation. Joining meant participating, not just watching, and her first reaction was denial. She knew without a doubt she wanted to be with Brett, wanted to try new, erotic things she had only fantasized about, wanted to experience more of those orgasms that seemed to go on forever and threatened her sanity, but she had no desire to explore those avenues with anyone else, at least not right now.

  She looked
from Donovan, who just stood quietly and watched her closely, to Brett, just in time to catch a look of satisfaction on his face before he could mask it. A test, she thought. He was still determined to drive her away, supposedly for her own good. It was time to show him she was a woman who could make up her own mind about what, and who she wanted, not the kid he kept referring to her as.

  Smiling gamely at both men, she answered simply, “Okay.”

  Aw, shit, Brett thought, seeing that look on her face. He should have remembered he wasn’t dealing with an empty headed bimbo, but instead a head strong young woman whom he hoped didn’t just bite off more than she could chew. Altering his plans only slightly but maybe just enough to show her she didn’t always get what she wanted, he took her hand and nodded at Donovan.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom then.”

  This week, Kayla was slightly more comfortable walking through the main room completely naked and she figured a few more times and she wouldn’t think anything of it. That is, if Brett asked her back again after tonight. There were two women and a man occupying the first bed when they entered the room simply labeled ‘The Bedroom’, and two couples that looked like they had shifted together to make a happy foursome on the end one, leaving the middle bed open.

  As Donovan sat on the end of the bed, Brett wrapped his arm around Kayla’s soft waist and once again pulled her back against him. Hoping he wasn’t making a colossal mistake, in more ways than one, he casually ran his palm over her distended nipples as he said, “Have I told you that I like watching almost as much as I like being watched, Kayla?”


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