The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 21

by B J Wane

  “Then I’ll just be an awake drunk, you moron.” Pushing past him, Olivia stood up, swayed then moved away from him to pace. “You and Doug always said that only time sobered a person up.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of giving you something to warm you up. You look chilled,” he replied coolly. It was obvious she’d had a hell of a week and was teetering on an emotional tightrope that had her floundering for a safety net. “Doug wouldn’t begrudge you moving on, Olivia, and that includes finding a new place to live.” Taking a seat, he watched her pace, his heart breaking for her.

  Olivia whirled to face him, waited until the room stopped spinning again before focusing on that dark face and those bright green eyes that were focused so intently on her. Colin had been the lone port in the storm of grief that had consumed her for three years, and now he was the only ship she wanted to sail on. But what did he want? Anger resurfaced, the same anger that had driven her here, anger at Doug for leaving her, for not being here when she needed him, and anger at Colin for being here but not giving her what she wanted, what she needed. He couldn’t seem to even give her the one thing she wanted more than anything else, the feel of his cock filling her again, taking her to a height of pleasure so intense it obliterated the pain of the past and gave her hope for the future. The fact that she wanted and needed him more and more each day only made her angrier because she knew he didn’t want her, not the way she was coming to realize she did him.

  “Then why does it feel like a betrayal? And why do I want...” She paused before asking him why she wanted him so much and had enough wits left about her to say instead, “I’m angry at him, Colin, and that’s just wrong, but, damn it, I need...”

  Colin reached for his now lukewarm beer and took a hefty swig, afraid he knew what she wanted, afraid he was going to give it to her, and afraid, no matter how he had convinced himself otherwise, that he wouldn’t be able to move on afterward as easily as she will. “You’ve got to know by now I’ll give you what you need, Livie. Tell me.”

  Doug had always made her tell him when she got to this point, when the frustration or the disappointment of her job overwhelmed her, but tonight she didn’t have the words. Thanks to her alcohol floating senses, though, she could get up the nerve to show him. Walking over to him, his eyes never left her face until her trembling fingers went to the snap and zipper on her jeans. She watched his eyes narrow as she lowered it, watched his nostrils flare as she pushed her pants down to her thighs and heard him groan as she draped herself over his hard thighs. “Master, please…”

  Aw, hell, Colin thought as he rested his palm on her right buttock. How could so much emotion and need be conveyed in those two words and how was he supposed to resist the plea behind them? Stroking her soft flesh, he watched her lithe body relax, heard the soft sigh of compliance that escaped her and felt her buttocks clench in anticipation. For such a slender woman, her ass was surprisingly lush, malleable but firm, her cheeks hiding the rosebud temptation of her back orifice.

  Without a word, he smacked her right buttock hard, drawing a startled gasp from her accompanied by a lift of her hips, a silent plea for more. Another swat on her left buttock yielded a matching hue, a slow glide between those pink globes to lightly graze the seam of her pussy showed glistening proof of her arousal. “How does this help, Livie?” he asked as he slapped her again. “Do you think you deserve to be punished for wanting to live even though Doug is gone?” If so, he thought, then he deserved to be horsewhipped.

  “Maybe,” Olivia admitted as the fiery burn of his next blow spread down to her pussy and had her sheath pulsing with the need to be filled. “I don’t know, all I know is it helps.” Three more swats landed in rapid succession and had her moaning as she embraced the pain, let it consume her, until it was mixed with the building pleasure so thoroughly she couldn’t differentiate between the two. Tears filled her eyes as her buttocks swelled with painful heat, a heat that could be felt in her pussy, a pain that had her teetering on the edge of climax, a climax that promised to take away the pain.

  “Please, Colin, Master, please,” she whimpered as his hard hand continued with its barrage of slaps without letting up.

  Colin swore as he felt his defenses crumbling. Instead of easing up on his blows then caressing her abused flesh with soothing strokes, he stopped abruptly and flipped her over on his lap, her red face and drowning eyes more than he could resist. “What do you want from me, Olivia?” he asked her harshly. “How far do you see this going?”

  “I don’t know, I just know I want you, I need you. Can’t that be enough for now?” The feel of his denim covered hard thighs under her sore ass was an added enticement she didn’t need and she knew there would be a damp spot on those jeans when she got up.

  “I think you need a cold shower then we’ll see what, or who you want.” Colin stood, tossed her over his shoulder, stripped her shoes, jeans and panties off of her then strode down the hall to the master bathroom. He had no idea why he was angry, didn’t know why he felt like taking that anger out on her, but then again, he had no idea why he felt half the things he felt about her. All he knew for sure was that this was his last chance to avoid crossing a line that threatened to cost him the tenuous hold he had on her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The floor swam dizzily below her as Colin carted her down a hallway and into a bedroom with cream colored carpeting, his finger lightly stroking over her damp labia all the way. Olivia sensed his anger was directed more at himself than her, she just didn’t know why. When he entered his bathroom and lowered her onto a warm tile floor, she sighed in bliss. “You have heated floors. That’s so awesome.”

  Colin looked down at her face, at the closed eyelids and lips turned up just slightly and felt a pull that just fueled his irrational anger. Swiftly pulling the sweatshirt over her head, he picked her up and thrust her into the large shower then reached behind her and turned on the four shower heads. Her eyes flew open and a shocked squeal of surprise rent the air as the cold water bombarded her from all angles.

  “You bastard, turn it off!” Olivia sputtered as the shock of the cold spray roused her from her stupor enough to question what the hell she was doing pursuing a man who didn’t want anything but friendship. “Colin, I mean it, turn them off.” The shower stall was huge, big enough she could move towards the glass door where he stood blocking her exit and be out of most of the spray.

  “You coherent enough to know what you’re doing, what you’re asking for?” he asked her coolly before raking her nudity with a slow, appraising look.

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she replied, “I have enough sense to know I want heat.”

  Reaching behind her, Colin flipped the nozzle and hot water replaced cold, the sprays warming her immediately as she stepped back under them. She took a moment to savor the warmth, turning her back to him as she tried to figure out what his problem was. After a few moments of unnerving silence, she turned back around to see him standing there completely naked, his cock a hard, seeping testament to his arousal.

  “Colin, why…”

  “It’s Master, or Sir, unless you want another spanking.” The sight of her small nipples puckered into hard points and her bare folds swollen with arousal had been responsible for him stripping with the intention of joining her, but when she turned her back to him, it was the sight of those pink cheeks that decided the next step for him.

  “Master, why are you angry?” Olivia stepped back further as he joined her, sealing them in a warm cocoon of heated steam and escalating lust as he shut the glass door.

  Ignoring her question because he didn’t have an answer for her let alone himself, he backed her against the wall and braced his arms behind her. Looking down into her confused, aroused face, he called himself every kind of fool. “What am I going to do with you?” he murmured as he feathered kisses over her brow and down her face, studiously avoiding her mouth.

  “Fuck me?” Olivia leaned into him, felt the impact of a man
’s naked body against hers again, relishing the arousing sensations contact with all that hard male flesh wrought, soaking up the pleasure as thirstily as a nomad drank in the sight of a watery oasis after wandering the arid desert.

  Colin grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, taking her hands and bracing them against the tiled wall then pulling her hips back. Leaning over her, he kissed her arched neck asking, “You want me to fuck you, sub?” He cupped her breasts in his palms, kneaded the warm, damp mounds before rolling her turgid nipples until they were standing upright in red, pointed peaks.

  “More than anything, Sir, please,” she whispered on a plea as one hand coasted down her waist until he was cupping her mound, his middle finger slipping easily between her slick folds.

  “Here?” he asked as he slowly explored her vagina, his finger soaking up the warm, wet feel of her soft sheath, barely rasping over the hardened bud of her clit before adding a second finger.

  “Yes, there, anywhere, I don’t care, just please stop tormenting me.” She shook as he nestled his cock between her buttocks then arched against his hand as he finger fucked her now with three fingers, thrusting in and out of her pussy with hard, deep plunges as the warm water continued to cascade down around them in a misting spray.

  “Anywhere?” Pulling his fingers from the clutching walls of her pussy, he spread her buttocks with his other hand. “Here?” he asked as he pushed all three digits past her tight sphincter and spread her own juices in her rectum.

  Her keening cry echoed in the confined space as he drove her up on her toes with the deep, rhythmic thrusts of his fingers. Her pussy swelled further with each deep stroke into her rectum, creamed more each time he caressed long forgotten and neglected nerve endings until she found herself on the brink of climax, a climax too long denied.

  “Oh, God, I can’t wait, I can’t…Master, please.”

  Pulling out of her ass, he gripped her hair and kissed her neck before taking a nip of the soft skin. “You will wait though, won’t you, sub?”

  His soft, steely laced voice reverberated through her, making her shudder with longing for more than an orgasm. “Yes, Master.”

  Taking her right hand off the wall, he placed it over her pussy. “Here, amuse yourself for a minute, but don’t come.”

  Colin kept one eye on her as he opened the shower door and grabbed a tube of lubricant from a drawer. Her fingers barely touched her pussy, the soft caresses as light as she could possibly make them, which made him smile. Being inside Olivia’s pussy again was what he craved most, so maybe if he fucked her ass, they could both find enough satisfaction to appease them. At least that was what he was banking on, he thought as he coated his fingers liberally before slowly returning them to the tight, dark depths of her rectum.

  Olivia quickly returned her hand to the wall to brace herself against his onslaught and to remove the temptation of setting to flame the burning embers of her own orgasm. The feel of his cock prodding her ass had her bending over more, spreading her legs further as she tried to relax enough to take him. She had loved the feel of his fingers bringing her dormant nerve endings back to life, loved the way she could feel them through the thin wall of tissue separating them from her pussy and loved the way her pussy spasmed in reciprocation, dampened in preparation for him even though he would be filling her ass instead.

  She cried out in pleasurable discomfort as he slid home, stretching her tight hole to the point of pain, filling her until she clutched him in pleasure. Colin shuddered as he embedded himself inside her again, her breasts bouncing as he withdrew and pushed back in without pause.

  “Tell me you’re with me, Livie.”

  Olivia simply nodded, her concentration solely on the pleasure spiraling through her as she basked in the ecstasy of being taken again, of feeling a hard cock filling her again. Even though she would have preferred the more intimate experience of him fucking her pussy, she would take what she could get from him for now.

  He withdrew again but gave her no respite as he filled her with a repeated stroke while simultaneously thrusting a finger into her pussy, easing his mind with proof of her acceptance and pleasure. The tight clamp of her soaking walls around his finger was all the proof he needed and withdrawing from her clutches, he reached above him and brought down the handheld shower attachment, turned the nozzle to a hard, pulsating spray and increased his thrusts as he spread her pussy lips and strategically took aim.

  “Come for me, come now, Livie,” he ordered her as rational thought ceded the fight to sensation and desire.

  It was more than she could bear, definitely more than she could deny as his jackhammer thrusts into her rectum jarred her body and filled her with burning, helpless ecstasy. The warm water beating a steady pulse on her clit released endless, unstoppable, overwhelming pleasure, making her empty womb clench over and over as her mind fractured with the pleasure. She barely felt his other arm circle her hips to hold her tightly against him, making it impossible to move as he thrust repeatedly inside her, his balls slapping her thighs as his hips pounded against her ass over and over.

  Colin felt her pussy convulse through the thin membrane separating them and that was the final straw to seeking his own pleasure. His cock erupted in fiery pleasure, pleasure that ripped from his balls and consumed him from head to toe. Even though the last time he had fucked Olivia, he had been in her pussy, the pleasure was just as intense now as he remembered it being then, and by the time his climax was reduced to small ripples of pleasure, he knew it didn’t matter which orifice he fucked, just the fact that it was this particular woman seemed to be enough for him.

  She awoke the next morning spooned against Colin’s naked body, his hard chest with the light sprinkling of chest hair against her back, her buttocks cradled against his hips, his cock nestled snugly between them and his muscled arm wrapped around her waist holding her tightly. She had missed this, Olivia thought drowsily, missed being held, missed the slow awakening of her arousal as a large, masculine hand casually explored her body as Colin’s was starting to do. Her anus still throbbed from the feel of his hard cock thrusting into her last night, the slight discomfort a gentle, welcome reminder of his possession. She had missed that also, that morning after, telltale sign of her Master’s possession of her body the night before.

  Olivia moaned as his hand cupped her breast, his fingers plucking the nipple until it ached, an ache that spread down to her pussy. Pushing her hips back, she welcomed the prodding of his penis against her anus and shivered with the renewal of longing the light stroke aroused.

  “Sore?” Colin asked, his lips caressing her ear as he moved his palm down her waist in a slow glide until he was cupping her pussy.

  “Just a little, not bad.” Olivia was grateful for the generous amount of lube he had thought to use last night, which she was sure was the reason she wasn’t unbearably sore this morning.

  “Good,” Colin rasped as he flipped her over and took her mouth in a deep, wet kiss, his lips and tongue learning the taste and feel of her lips and mouth again. He might be able to hold off giving in and sinking into her pussy for a little longer, he thought, but there was no way he could put off taking that mouth again for another minute. Her tongue met his stroke for stroke as her lips clung eagerly to his, her mouth as open and welcoming as he knew her pussy would be if he cared to go there this morning. But he knew if he did, there was no way he’d get done everything he needed to do today before re-opening Casey’s tonight, knew he would obsess about taking that irrevocable step, both physically and mentally, to the exclusion of everything else, something he couldn’t afford to do right now.

  Keeping his mouth on hers, he grabbed her right leg and raised it up before reluctantly releasing her mouth and raising above her enough to attach her ankle to the restraint on his headboard.

  Olivia welcomed the feel of the softly padded strap around her ankle even as she cringed when he lifted her other leg, securing it up and above her in the same manner, leaving her co
mpletely exposed. The carnal, achingly vulnerable position caused a gush of moisture to seep from her spread pussy and her nipples to harden even tighter.

  Shifting back on his knees, Colin grinned wickedly at her mingled look of arousal and discomfort. “That’s how I like my subs,” he murmured as he ran his hands down her shoulders, over her breasts then around her waist to cup her buttocks and lift her hips. “Open, exposed and available for my use.” Shoving a pillow under her hips, he moved up the back of her thighs, kneading the taut muscles until he felt her relax. “There, that’s what I want. Relax, Livie, trust me.”

  “I do, Master Colin, of course I do.” With more than her body she was just now realizing as she was finally able to admit to herself that this man had her heart, had probably had a piece of it for years but now was on the verge of mastering that part of her anatomy completely along with the rest of her body. With that admission came the guilt, that sense that she was betraying Doug, his love and his memory, but this time the guilt was tempered by knowing Doug had trusted Colin with his life, and with her body and would approve.

  Colin grinned at her, ruthlessly ignoring the taunting voice that repeatedly told him he was a fool for allowing her to trust him unconditionally without revealing to her the truth about why he wasn’t at work the day Doug was killed, why he hadn’t been there to cover his back. “Good.” Grabbing her hands, he placed them on her breasts then reached over and grabbed the lube from the nightstand. “Because I find I’m greedy for another taste of that tight ass of yours.”


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