The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 22

by B J Wane

  Olivia eyes darkened with pleasure as she watched him bring three slick fingers towards her blatantly exposed hole, her arousal spiking as she pulled at her nipples while he slowly inserted them into her rectum. He slowly, methodically stretched and greased her tight channel again until her look of discomfort changed to one of arousal and need and her orifice loosened enough to take him again without hurting her.

  Olivia arched into his hand, even though her hips were elevated, and basked in the pleasure of once again experiencing the excitement and pleasure to be had from having those sensitive nerve endings coaxed to life. Watching him coat his cock with lube, smearing his pre-come down along his shaft, had her holding her breath in anticipation, and when he pulled his fingers from her, shifted on his knees and moved forward until he was probing her with his softly rounded head, she whimpered in acceptance, groaning as he slid deep inside her in one smooth stroke.

  “I fucking hope you’re with me, Livie, because this is going to be quick.” Grabbing her right hand off her breast, he placed it over her pussy, guiding her middle finger right to her exposed, hardened clit. “Do it,” he instructed harshly, cursing himself for being so weak he couldn’t take this slow. Cupping her ass in both hands, he lifted her hips to meet the deep plunge of his cock, holding her hips still as he started to piston in and out of her.

  Watching him lose control was one of the most erotic things she had ever seen, Olivia thought as his total control of her lower body added to her already off the charts arousal. Looking down at herself, she saw clearly her exposed pussy, the pink, damp walls of her vagina, the protruding swollen bud of her clit which was hardening even further as she rubbed her finger over and over it while watching him fuck her ass, his face tight with need. Biting her lip, she felt the small tremors of her impending climax begin, whimpered with the aching need to let go, then stiffened in shocked surprise when her orgasm simply burst upon her, making her scream as the pleasure filled her from head to toe in a tidal wave of consuming ecstasy. Her anus tightened around his plummeting cock as her pussy convulsed around her fingers until her whole crotch was enveloped in one continuous spasmodic release.

  For Colin, watching and feeling her climax so quickly and unexpectedly left him with no choice but to join her, his balls already drawn taut with his release. The feel of her closing around him, clutching at him in an attempt to keep him lodged inside her, was more than he could resist, and with a shout, he erupted in pleasure so intense he knew he was fucking doomed to walk away from this relationship unscathed.

  It was almost noon when Olivia awoke again, this time to an empty bed and the smell of coffee and bacon. Her rumbling stomach added to the discomfort of the dull throb of a headache, results of her overindulgence last night. Groaning, she rolled out of bed as she cursed herself for that weak lapse into self-pity. However, she thought ruefully as she slipped into the shower for a quick, revitalizing wash, she couldn’t regret the nerve it gave her to come to Colin last night nor the mind easing sex that followed. Her body was deliciously sore and she knew that soreness would be a welcome reminder of his possession of her, his mastery of her body and now, her heart.

  Turning off the water, she acknowledged that she found no pleasure in admitting her feelings to herself because she knew they weren’t reciprocated. Honor and a promise had kept Colin in her life, and, if she wanted to continue to take advantage of those qualities in him that she admired so much, they would keep him in her life. But that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted him to want to be with her, either as her Master or her friend, and she simply didn’t know, at this point, what he wanted. There were times she thought she could glimpse that look of something more that he was feeling in his eyes or on his face, a look she had seen before Doug’s death and had no trouble ignoring. Now, it was almost impossible to not only ignore it, but to keep from yearning for it now that it seems to have been replaced with a look of indifference.

  Sighing in indecision, she dried off and left the bathroom naked, but when she found her discarded clothes draped over a chair, she found she didn’t want to put them on. She liked being naked, especially knowing her Master was in the other room, but, not knowing what he expected or even wanted, she settled for the next best thing to being naked. Rummaging through his dresser drawers, she pulled out a tee shirt with the sheriff’s emblem on the breast pocket and slipped it over her head. Even though it was clean, it still smelled like Colin and knowing he had worn it next to that hard body that she craved so much made her feel closer to him, added an intimacy almost as good as remaining naked for him would. Leaving off her underwear, she followed the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.

  “There you are,” Colin greeted her as she stepped into the kitchen, the sight of her in nothing but his shirt making his cock as well as his throat tighten, each response for a different reason. Turning from the tempting sight of her long bare legs and soft breasts swaying loosely, he pulled a plate from the oven. “Hungry?”

  “Starving, thanks.” Taking a seat on a stool at the granite topped island that separated the kitchen from the dining area and great room, she self-consciously tugged at the shirt. “I hope you don’t mind, the food smelled so good I was in a hurry to sample it.” It was a lame excuse and they both knew it, but they both ignored the obvious reason she was barely clothed and, as Colin set a plate heaped with scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and toast in front of her as well as one for himself as he stood on the other side of the island facing her, she quickly dug in, ignoring the urge to strip off the shirt and beg him to fuck her again.

  “What’re you doing today?” Colin watched her eat, glad to see some color back in her cheeks, her eyes clearing from the residue of waking after a night of indulgence. It wasn’t the first time she had been in his home, but it was the first time she was here with just the two of them. The sight of her in his shirt, waking from his bed and parading around barefoot, was something he thought he’d never see even though he had silently craved it, and more, like an addict craved his next fix. And it came as no surprise to him how much he didn’t want to see her leave, how badly he wanted to keep her here, naked and under his control, until…until she discovered the truth about his actions and that look on her face, the one that said he could have her here for as long as he wanted, turned to one of betrayal, hurt and ultimately, hate.

  “Other than to start packing up some things I won’t need until I move, nothing.” Olivia thought of returning home, seeing that sign in the yard that signified the end of one life, a life she had loved, and suddenly was thrust back into the maelstrom of despair and uncertainty that had sent her seeking comfort and answers here last night. Picking up her empty plate, she took it to the sink, keeping her back to him, wishing Colin would ease this burden by letting her know how he felt, what he wanted from her, if anything.

  Colin saw the look on her face before she turned from him, knew her well enough to see the reluctance to face that step that was waiting for her at home, the one she was ready for but still reluctant to face. One more night, he told himself, one more night to feel her beneath him, one more chance to feel her coming undone around his cock, then he’d convince her she was ready to move on, ready to seek out a dom that had the potential of being there for her twenty-four seven, replacing the one she had loved so much and who he was, inadvertently, responsible for taking from her. Ready to move on without him.

  “Stay here today,” he offered quickly before he could question the wisdom of spending even more time with her. “I have to meet the distributors at Casey’s at two, restock and get ready to open by six. I could use some help. We can grab something to eat then return together tonight.” Moving up behind her, he took her shoulders and turned her to face him, wrapping his arms around her and groaning softly as he felt her soft breasts and stiff nipples pressing against him. “As I recall,” he whispered in her ear as his hands slipped under the shirt, over her bare ass to lightly roam over her smooth back, “you used to love the feel of a fl
ogger licking this soft skin, used to really get off after a long session of being restrained and tantalized over, and over, with it.” He paused as she shuddered against him, her arms tightening around his waist, her hips arching into the cradle of his. “I’m very good with a flogger, Livie.” Gripping her hair, he lifted her face to his and ravaged her mouth in a deep, hard kiss, his tongue taking command of hers as his hands slid down to her ass and squeezed.

  “Yes,” she moaned when he released her mouth long enough for her to give him her answer. Of course yes, she thought giddily, just the thought of spending the day at his side, helping him, the pleasure of feeling the sting of a flogger arousing her again after so long her reward more than enough incentive to shove aside the longing for this to be anything but temporary and accept what he was willing to give her now.

  She did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen while he showered then, after pulling on her jeans, she accompanied him to Casey’s and made herself useful unpacking the new glassware while Colin handled his business with the distributor and restocked his liquor shelves. The quiet solitude of the club was shattered a short while later when Brett and Donovan arrived, talking arguably about inviting, or not inviting someone for Thanksgiving.

  “I still say I don’t trust them, not until we find out who’s been harassing us,” Brett snapped as he approached the bar then stopped in his tracks upon seeing her there again. A slow grin split his face as he drawled, “Well, look who’s back helping out. How are you, Olivia?”

  “Fine, thanks.” Ignoring the curious looks both brothers sent Colin, she said, “Who don’t you trust, and why?”

  “My hired hands, the college kids,” Donovan answered tersely. “My employees, my choice.”

  “Your choice to do what?” Colin popped a beer for Brett and a Pepsi for Donovan hoping to cool their tempers.

  Donovan grabbed the can, took a long pull then stated, “Mom invited them for Thanksgiving, if they don’t have anywhere to go, which they don’t.” He sent a meaningful glare toward Brett who ignored him.

  “Any word from the cops?” Brett asked Colin, knowing he was being unfair, but he had always been over protective of his brothers and he didn’t see that changing now. In fact, now he knew it would be worse because he also had Kayla to worry about and he’d be damned if he allowed her to get caught up or possibly hurt by whoever was responsible for harassing them.

  “No leads and no other related vandalism. I take it that you suspect one of the guys.”

  Brett let out a deep, heartfelt sigh of frustration. “I don’t want to, but we have to consider them, which would make it really awkward entertaining them at moms next Thursday.”

  “And if it’s not one of them?” Donovan questioned softly. “All four of them are too far from any family to make the trip in that short of time and none of them have the money anyway, to travel. You know mom’s always invited the students over and God knows there’ll be more than enough food.”

  Olivia had attended Thanksgiving dinner at Maryanne’s with Doug once and could attest to the feast their mother prepared. For the past three years, she had made the trip to Louisville and spent the holiday with her family, but that prospect suddenly didn’t appeal to her. She would much rather be with the boisterous crowd of McGilley’s than her quiet, staid parents, as much as she loved them and appreciated their support these past years.

  “Kayla’s joining us this year and the last thing I need is one of these guys pulling some fucking prank as I introduce her to mom and Mike.”

  Donovan rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Give me a fucking break. If that girl had the guts to reel you in, she certainly can withstand meeting our mother and stepfather, and she’s already met the guys and likes them, so give it up.”

  Colin grinned at the nervous look on Brett’s face as he now realized where his complaints were stemming from. “Introducing her to the parents, huh? Sounds serious, don’t you guys think?” His glance included Olivia and Donovan.

  Olivia grinned as she joined in on the ribbing. “That does sound serious. Where is she today?”

  Brett scowled as if the thought of her not being with him bothered him more than he’d ever admit. “Getting her damn nails done, again. I swear that woman changes her nail color more than she does her wardrobe personas.”

  “What’s she getting done this week, little turkeys on each nail?”

  Olivia and Donovan joined Colin in laughing at that image. Brett couldn’t help grinning with them, then, seemingly more relaxed, he turned to Donovan, saying, “Sorry, bro. Of course, the guys can come Thursday. We’ve all been irritated over these incidents, and yes, my relationship with Kayla is moving fast, which still scares the shit out of me. Good to know I can rely on you two to give me the support and encouragement I need,” he said dryly.

  “Always, big brother.” Donovan slapped Brett on the shoulder in good natured camaraderie.

  Watching them, Olivia ached to see her own brother again. An Air Force pilot stationed in Germany, he rarely got home but they did communicate regularly. She was hoping Colin would invite her also, but as their conversation turned to the business of the farm, she knew an invitation wouldn’t be coming, at least not this afternoon and maybe that was a good thing. A quiet four day weekend spent with her family might be just what she needed after this past week. She was very afraid she might need that time recuperating from the intense emotions, feelings and climaxes Colin was so good at subjecting her to.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “This is your fault, I’ll have you know,” Kayla remarked as she plopped down on the sofa next to Olivia dressed in nothing but one of Brett’s black silk shirts.

  “How so?” Olivia asked, smiling at the young woman whose antics in trying to snare Brett’s attention were making the rounds among the people who were lucky enough to be invited to join in the activities on the second floor of Casey’s. The main room boasted its usual Saturday night crowd, several of whom were wasting no time getting down to business, she thought as her gaze shifted to the wall length bench that already held three couples and one threesome.

  “Brett wouldn’t shut up over dinner about how good you looked in nothing but Colin’s shirt, so I ‘accidentally’ spilled my glass of iced tea in his lap.” Blue eyes twinkling mischievously, Kayla added, “Oops, my bad.”

  Olivia felt her face warm as she realized Brett must have told Kayla how, upon the four of them returning to Colin’s house after leaving Casey’s earlier, Colin had casually ordered her to strip off her jeans. When surprise had held her immobile for a minute, he had threatened very softly ‘unless you’d rather strip completely’. She also recalled very vividly her immediate response to his command and how pleasing him by obeying in front of his brothers had brought back fond memories of how giving up control of everything to her master had made her feel so complete.

  “He seems to be nuts about you,” Olivia said. “You’ve accomplished what no other woman has been able to do since his divorce. You’ll have to tell me if the rumors circulating are true.”

  “Where would the fun be in that? Finally.” Kayla stood as Brett and Colin entered the room. “I wonder if they caught the guy.”

  Olivia followed Kayla to greet Colin as he scanned the room for her. Leaving Donovan in charge, they had no sooner come upstairs than they were called back down to speak with someone from the sheriff’s office about a possible suspect in the break-in last week. Judging by the looks on their faces, she guessed it was a false lead.

  “Well?” Donovan asked as he joined his brothers at the door at the same time as Kayla and Olivia walked up.

  “Patrol spotted a couple of teenagers sneaking around the outside, apparently drunk enough to try sneaking in just for fun. They had an alibi for last week,” Brett sighed in frustration.

  “At least the cops are being vigilant in keeping an eye out.” Donovan grinned and waved at a couple he played with regularly as they beckoned him over to the bench to join them. “So, if there’
s nothing else, I’ll catch you guys later.”

  “Go ahead.” Grabbing Olivia’s hand, Colin said, “I promised Livie a session with my flogger tonight. You two want to watch?”

  Brett smiled down at Kayla liking the way she looked in his shirt. “Not right now. I’ve got an urge to have a repeat performance on a desk.”

  “Works for me,” Kayla said with a smile.

  “Thought it would.”

  Olivia watched them walk off, envying the carefree, easiness of their relationship and the close bond they were obviously forming.

  Colin couldn’t miss the look of longing on Olivia’s face as she watched Brett and Kayla and it took all his willpower not to promise her she could have that too, with him. “Come on, sub,” he stated gruffly, grabbing her hand and leading her down the hall. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

  So had she, Olivia thought as she suppressed her wants and concentrated on the pleasures to be had here and now. As Colin led her to an empty chain station, she felt her body respond in anticipation of what was to come. Even before he ordered her to strip off the shirt, her nipples had beaded into tight knots and her pussy had swelled with an aching arousal that never seemed to be appeased when around Colin.

  Colin took the shirt from her, grinning as he noticed her taut nipples and the light sheen of moisture already coating her labia. She was the most responsive woman he had ever been with, the way she openly, unabashedly embraced her submissive nature was just one of the things he loved about her. Taking her wrists, he quickly raised her arms and cuffed them to the dangling chain, forcing himself to think of nothing but giving her pleasure.

  “Okay?” he asked her as he ran a finger between the cuffs and her skin, checking the tightness.

  “Yes, Master, thank you.” Olivia could feel the tensions of the past week ease as she relaxed in her restraints and mentally turned herself over to him for safekeeping. When he retrieved a flogger off the wall, her throat constricted in anticipation and longing. It had been so long since she had felt the fiery sting of those leather strands and the pleasure she knew they could invoke.


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