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The McGilley Trilogy

Page 24

by B J Wane

  Colin watched Donovan ride ahead before turning to Brett. “Do you really think I should hang any hope on such a slim chance?”

  “I think you won’t ever be able to put the past to rest until you do. Let us know what you decide.”

  By the time Colin brushed down Sheba, fed and stabled her and was heading back to his house, he had decided to read those reports, and God help him if they confirmed what he knew in his heart was true, solidifying the end of his relationship with Livie.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It was a struggle, but Olivia managed to keep her roiling emotions in check through Thanksgiving with her family, managed to smile and convince her parents she was fine and yes, she was getting out more and learning to embrace life again. The only problem, the one she kept to herself, was that there was only one man she wanted to continue enjoying life again with, and he had walked away from her without a backward look. At the time, she had been glad Colin had simply left without another word after dropping his bombshell admission. She had needed to come to terms with the shock and disappointment his actions had wrought and had to get up the nerve to seek out answers for herself before she could even think about seeing him again.

  But now, after reading that Doug had died instantly from a single bullet to the head, she knew there was nothing Colin could have done to stop it. She didn’t know if the man who had killed her husband got in a lucky shot or his experience as a drug dealer and gun runner in Mexico gave him the experience he needed to surprise and take out an experienced Sheriff’s officer, and really, did it matter? Had Colin shown up for work that day, there was a good possibility he would also have been killed or injured, and just the thought of losing him along with Doug was enough to send her running back to him, enough to toss pride aside and beg him to give them a chance to work this out.

  By Saturday morning, anger and determination had replaced sorrow and despair over their situation. Colin had spent three years hiding from discovering the truth about his best friend’s death and had walked away from her and the possibility of a future because of his refusal to face the consequences of his actions that day. Instead of staying the whole weekend, Olivia decided to head back to Lexington and the man she had wanted for longer than she cared to admit and throw caution to the wind by making him confront the truth both about the fact he was in no way to blame for Doug’s death and for his feeling’s for her.

  Colin politely turned down a few overtures from some of the subs he had played with before Olivia and walked down the hall to relieve Donovan in the bondage room. Pausing at the viewing window into the doctor’s office, he smiled as he saw Kayla strapped down, a gag in her mouth and her body straining as Brett brought her to climax with his mouth between her spread legs. Lucky son of a bitch, he thought as he moved on and searched out Donovan as he entered the darker, more intense atmosphere of his room.

  The usual thrill he experienced whenever he stepped foot in this club, and especially this room that was designed to cater to his fetish for bondage and domination was missing tonight, probably because the reason for that thrill the past few weeks was also missing. For three years, just knowing Olivia was a phone call or a short drive away was enough for him. Being there for her during that time had kept his guilty conscience at bay and catered to the need he harbored to simply have her in his life. This past week, knowing he had lost the right to even call and check on her had been eating at him more than his guilt, and by Wednesday it was that more than anything his brother’s had said to him that made him pull out the reports on Doug’s shooting that had remained unopened in his desk.

  The gaiety of the family Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday was tempered by the knowledge that he hadn’t contributed to Doug’s death by shirking his duties that day, that the perfectly aimed single shot that had killed him instantly would have been beyond his ability to stop or control no matter how close he would have been to the car and the perpetrator, and that he had spent the past three years trying to atone for something that ultimately hadn’t been his fault. The conscience forgiving information had done little, though, to fix the problem he now had, reconciling the past and forging a future with Olivia.

  Unsure when she planned to return from spending the holiday with her family, Colin had driven by her house earlier today on the off chance she might have come back early. She wasn’t home, but the For Sale sign in the yard was another glaring indication that it was time for both of them to move on as well as a reminder that whatever relationship they managed to work out between them, he would have to be okay with knowing he would always have to share her affections with her memories of Doug.

  Spotting Donovan seated on a long sofa facing the activities on the various pieces of equipment, he took a seat next to him and eyed Mitch applying a paddle to Becky’s nicely rounded ass. Strapped down over one of the spanking benches, the front was lowered to display her buttocks more prominently, leaving the back at a height that was handy for wielding the paddle. Sitting here, aching still for the friend he had lost even as he was picturing Olivia in Becky’s place, her ass a rosy pink from his hand or the paddle, her slit as creamy as Becky’s, her breathless sobs music to his ears, he knew sharing her with Doug’s memory was a small sacrifice to make for keeping her in his life.

  “Anything I need to know about?” he asked Donovan who seemed to be preoccupied himself.

  “No, it’s been quiet tonight.” Both men grinned when Becky cried out in climax as soon as Mitch thrust his cock in between those reddened cheeks, his fingers buried in her pussy. “Well, relatively quiet,” Donovan drawled. “You okay?”

  Colin had confided in both his brothers the information regarding Doug’s shooting and had been grateful for not only their support but that of his mother and stepfather’s, so much so he felt guilty for keeping the truth from them for so long. “Yeah, I’m good. Now, I just have to figure out how to convince Olivia we can work this out.”

  “Crap, between you and Brett I’m going to be smothered by lovesick brothers.”

  Colin laughed at Donovan’s feigned derision. “You’re just jealous. Wait, when you find the right one, you’ll fall just as fast and hard as we did and then we’ll be the one’s laughing.”

  “Not gonna happen, bro. The only commitment I’m making is to my four legged girls.” A look of worry crossed his face, the clench of his jaw making the scar along his cheek stand out.

  “Belle still having problems?” Colin asked knowing the mare had been showing signs of stress with her pregnancy since being clipped by a car a few weeks ago after the gates had been left open.

  “Yeah. I’ve taken to sleeping in my office just to keep an eye on her. To make matters worse, Dr. Sevign is out of town and not expected back for another two weeks. If I have an emergency, I’m going to have to rely on whoever’s on call.”

  “I’m sure any vet Dr. Sevign left in charge will be…”

  “Colin McGilley, I want to talk to you.”

  Colin swiveled his head to stare in shock and surprise at Olivia who was standing in the doorway dressed in a calf length, form fitting knit dress, hands fisted on her slim hips, whiskey eyes snapping in irritation and some other emotion he couldn’t define. Rising slowly, heart beating a rapid static mix of excitement and trepidation, he crossed to her slowly.

  Mimicking her pose, he rested his hands on his hips and replied smoothly, “Do you now?”

  “Yes, I do.” Olivia continued to ignore the little voice of reasoning in her head that told her she was going about confronting Colin the wrong way, but worry that he wouldn’t listen to her, that he would simply shut her out like he’s been doing the past three years, had her forging ahead. Here, in front of everyone, he couldn’t dodge her or the truth she had uncovered. “I read the report from the sheriff’s office on Doug’s death and you need to read it also. You…” She faltered, his look of calm acceptance of her tirade throwing her off her game.

  “Go on, Livie. I what?” He loved this. His Livie was quiet, somewh
at reserved, and for her to come brazenly into his domain and boldly confront him told him how much she wanted him. That didn’t mean he was going to make it easy for her. The plans he was silently making for putting her in Becky’s place would be all the sweeter if he let her finish.

  Determination won out over caution and Olivia glared up at him, wondering what he was playing at. “You couldn’t have stopped what happened unless you could see into the future and know what that bastard was going to do. Damn it, Colin, Doug died instantly and you are no more to blame than I am, and you’ve spent three years…”

  “That’s Master Colin to you, Livie, and that’s your second blunder.” Taking her hand, pleased as punch, he led her to the bench Mitch and Becky had just vacated before turning back to her stunned face and ordering succinctly, “Strip.”

  Olivia noticed everyone looking at them as he led her across the room, spotted Donovan grinning at her then winking as he sat and waited calmly to see if she’d obey him. Wondering why Colin wasn’t asking questions, why he didn’t seem surprised at her announcement, she practically shrieked, “What?”

  “Unless you’re releasing me as your Dom, I told you to strip. Generally, I don’t repeat an order twice, at least not without consequences. But since you’ve already racked up a few of those, I’ll say it again, sub. Strip.”

  And just like that, her breasts swelled, her nipples beaded, her pussy pulsed and dampened and her clit actually ached. She loved that commanding voice and the way his dominating air took the decision from her and left her really no choice, because, of course, she wanted nothing more than to be his sub. She would question his change of heart later. Right now her body was reminding her it had been a whole week since she had been taken by him.

  He should explain and make it easier for her, Colin thought as he watched her wiggle out of her dress, her wary eyes on his the whole time, but he was enjoying her confusion as much as her submission too much. Her unexpected arrival and surprising outburst right when he had been thinking about of the best way to convince her to give him a chance had thrown him for a loop. Now, all he wanted to do was bury is dick in her sweet pussy again as he brought her to climax over and over. Afterwards, they’d talk.

  “Very good, Livie.” Completely naked, he never failed to be stunned by the immediate impact viewing her nudity had on his body. “I’m assuming you wish for me to remain your Dom?”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied while keeping her eyes downcast, her hands clasped behind her and her feet spread.

  “Excellent. Go retrieve the paddle Master Mitch just returned to the wall, bring it to me and bend over the bench.” Trusting her to do as instructed, he turned around and beckoned Donovan over. Since that night with Doug and Olivia, Colin had avoided getting involved in another ménage, but before they could start over fresh, both he and Olivia needed to put to rest the demons that had haunted both of them since then. “You in?” he asked simply when Donovan stepped next to him.

  “Seriously?” Before Doug’s death, Donovan, and occasionally Brett, would often join Colin and whoever he happened to be playing with at the time, but it had been a long time since he had shown any inclination to resume that activity.

  “No penetration, mouth only, if she’s willing.”

  “I can live with that.”

  Colin nodded, turned and saw Olivia draped over the bench, the paddle lying next to her. Picking it up, he caressed her soft cheeks as he told her, “Ten swats for your rude outburst in my club and not addressing me properly. I want you to count each one.”

  Olivia nodded her head, bracing for the first blow as she wondered how he had turned the tables on her so quickly and efficiently. Her easy compliance to his demands without an explanation told her more than anything else could how ready and open she was to move on and give another relationship a try, especially with Colin. She couldn’t keep from crying out with the first smack, the quick burn almost making her forget to count. “One,” she breathed out softly then groaned as the second blow came quickly on her other buttock. “Two.” Now both cheeks had a telltale throb and pulsed with a blend of heat and discomfort. By the time he reached eight, her counts were whimpers, the slight burn had blossomed into pain and her whole backside felt like it was a mass of fiery pulses. When he dropped the paddle, she breathed a sigh of relief thinking he was going to forgo the last two, but instead, his hand snapped against her right cheek first then her left so fast she didn’t have time to count, then, when he replaced the painful swats with soothing caresses, she simply relaxed and enjoyed the arousal the pain and now his softer ministrations were building. With a hand softly exploring each buttock, she was lulled into complacency as her arousal grew with each stroke. When his fingers glided down and lightly grazed her slit, she moaned in response and need, her pussy clenching emptily as her hips shifted in growing frustration.

  She was about to beg when Donovan’s voice came from the opposite side of Colin, his words shocking her into silence. “You did a good job, Colin. The color is a pretty shade of red, her skin warm, and,” he said as his fingers caressed her swollen folds intimately, “just enough pain to increase her pleasure. She’s very warm here too, and wet.”

  Colin flipped her over and smiled reassuringly down at her. “What do you say, Olivia? Do you want Donovan to join us, oral only?”

  Olivia swore after their last ménage she’d never indulge in another, but seeing the calm way Colin waited for her answer despite the tense look of need for this on his face coupled by a look of acceptance in his vivid green eyes if she refused, she knew she wouldn’t say no. Even though he hadn’t explained his change of attitude and their relationship was unresolved, she trusted him to know what was best, what she needed and could handle and she felt herself relax into full submission mode as her body agreed with this decision.

  “I say I trust you, Master. Whatever you want is fine with me.”

  Bending over her, he whispered against her lips, “Thank you, Livie.” After giving her a deep kiss, he pulled back and lifted her legs, bending her knees and bracing her feet on the bench as far apart as it would allow before strapping them down. Donovan silently strapped down her arms then kissed her also, a deep, mouth exploring kiss that Colin didn’t have a problem with.

  When he lifted his head from her lips and kissed his way down to her right nipple, Colin ran his fingers over her damp flesh, barely slipping inside her sheath, smiling when she clamped spasmodically around him. They took their time playing with her, Colin fingering her pussy with three fingers, his slow shallow thrusts changing to deep, hard plunges as her juices increased and her clit swelled to a puffy, glistening nub. Her nipples were red, stiff peaks, the tips remaining damp as Donovan continually moved back and forth between them. When she was whimpering, struggling against her bonds, her vagina clutching like a vise around his fingers, he released his cock and withdrew a condom from his pocket.

  “No, wait, Sir.” Olivia roused herself from the onslaught of pleasure building throughout her body and culminating between her legs when she saw the condom in Colin’s hand. Blushing, she managed to get out, “I mean, I’m protected and I want to feel you, all of you. I mean, if you don’t mind.”

  Mind? What man minded feeling the bare flesh of a woman’s pussy folding around his bare cock, soaking his turgid length with her arousal and feeling the heat of her response? “No,” he replied hoarsely, “I don’t mind.” Nodding at Donovan, he slipped his hands under her buttocks, clenched the soft, still warm, still pink globes and used his thumbs to spread her buttocks near her anus as he filled her sweet pussy in one deep stroke, his eyes closing in sheer bliss.

  Olivia’s moan of pleasure was barely out before Donovan lowered the head of the bench, dropping her head back, and releasing his cock. “Okay, Olivia?” he asked as he lightly stroked her lips.

  “Okay.” Knowing Colin was there, the bare flesh of his cock stroking her with slow, deep thrusts was all the reassurance she needed to open her mouth for Donovan’s
cock. She tried concentrating on bringing him pleasure, taking him as deep as she could, sucking strongly and stroking her tongue around his wide girth over and over, but as Colin pummeled her pussy with deep, hard plunges, one finger slipping into her anus to add to her pleasure, she found it increasingly difficult to focus. When he rooted out her clit and gave it a very light caress just as she was laving Donovan’s smooth cock head and licking his seeping slit, she damn near bit down on his sensitive flesh.

  “Fuck,” Donovan muttered, glaring at Colin. “Lighten up a little, would ya? I’m feeling teeth up here.”

  Colin smiled down into Olivia’s flushed face then slapped her mound. “Pay attention, sub.”

  Eyes glazed with suppressed need and heightened arousal; she still managed to glare at him, the sight of her mouth working Donovan’s rigid flesh enough to have his own balls drawing tautly. Releasing her clit, he tempered his strokes, keeping them shallow enough to keep her climax hovering, but avoiding any direct contact with her clit that would send her over until he saw Donovan speed up his own thrusts and watched her throat work at swallowing his come as he erupted. His finger pushed harder up her rectum, stroking that sensitive orifice, feeling the hard shape of his cock through the thin wall separating them.

  When Donovan pulled from her mouth, bent over her and gave her an upside down, tongue stroking kiss, Olivia breathed a sigh of relief at being free to now concentrate on letting go. Moaning into his mouth, she arched her breasts up into his exploring palms, groaning when he started kneading the soft mounds just as Colin resumed his deeper, harder thrusts. When his finger once again rooted out her clit and pressed it directly against his marauding cock, she exploded in pleasure, his thrusts increasing until she was grunting with the force of the body jarring plunges as she felt her walls ripple around his steely length, trying desperately to hold onto him as her body rode out the pleasure to mind numbing bliss.


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