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The McGilley Trilogy

Page 27

by B J Wane

  Normally, the clinic closed at six, but Anna didn’t want to go home just yet, so she kept the door unlocked and sat down to catch up on paperwork now that everything was relatively quiet. But, as was the case with all of her endeavors since early Sunday morning, her thoughts were plagued by a hard, green eyed man who was responsible for making her want the one thing she swore to never contemplate again. Sex she knew she could get. Men were easy and if she was of like mind, she could take up any one of several colleagues who had asked her out lately. But now, like two years ago, she wanted more than a staid sex life, knowing as she did that there was a whole slew of experiences she just knew could give her those awesome orgasms she had read so much about and then been witnessed to for a very short time at the McGilley’s club. And she wanted Donovan to be the one to give them to her.

  For the last two days, she had done everything she could think of to put that desire in the ‘I’m never going there again’ department, but nothing had worked. It seemed that now that her body had decided to rouse itself from its two year hiatus, her mind had put guilt aside long enough to latch on to the one memory she had managed to bury, that short little time on the second floor of Casey’s watching things she had only read and fantasized about. Even though she bore the scars of her obsession with those images and her dissatisfaction with her sex life with Todd, she still couldn’t seem to think about or want anything else.

  And there it was, she thought ruefully as the ever present guilt she carried rose to the surface. She had lived with guilt for one thing or another most of her life, at times let it rule her life, and it was only lately that she realized it wasn’t nearly as pronounced as it had been. But it was there none the less. She felt guilty for not being the perfect daughter her parents thought they deserved, especially after waiting so long for her. Ed and Marcella Parsons had been totally shocked when they found out they had finally conceived, despite the fact they were both pushing fifty. And she had tried, she really did, but she had a temper and a rebellious streak and it often came to the surface during her teen years.

  By the time she was through that stage, she was starting college, and the guilt over the hard times she had given her parents coupled with the stress of keeping her four-point-zero grade point average for her scholarship forced her to settle into a strict routine. To save expenses she had to live at home, but she had crammed four years into three and was accepted into Kansas University’s Veterinary school. It would be the first time she was out from under her parent’s strict, religious rules and she had been looking forward to the move until they surprised her by announcing her engagement to their best friend’s son, Todd Kingston, a man she barely knew who was twenty-five years older than she was.

  Anna wasn’t about to give up everything she had worked so hard for and she had refused, but had placated them by telling them she’d consider it after vet school. They let her know how disappointed they were, and over the next four years never wasted a moment to push her guilt button by reminding her of their age, and how much they’d love to see her settled with such a wonderful man, a man active in their church and who would be perfect for her. Even though Anna had never had any intention of marrying Todd, when her father suffered a major heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery six months before her graduation, she had caved and agreed to the marriage to please them, hoping her sacrifice would aid her father’s recovery.

  She would regret that decision to her dying day, but couldn’t blame anyone but herself for that and for the consequences of her interest in alternative sex. Anna quickly shut the door on those memories and returned to updating the records on the animals she had seen this afternoon. The chimes above the front door drew her attention thirty minutes later, and with relief for the distraction, she left her office to go out to the reception room, empty now except for Donovan McGilley, the last person she expected to see.

  Chapter Twenty One

  She looked as surprised to see him as he was at his uncharacteristic actions, Donovan thought when Anna emerged from the back of the clinic and her eyes widened comically upon spotting him standing there. He didn’t obsess over women, he didn’t pursue women, he didn’t even casually date women. Other than when he needed a bout of sexual release, he much preferred the company of his horses to that of people of either gender. On the drive into town, he soothed his irritation by telling himself he was doing what any decent man would do, making sure the asshole who had hurt her was out of the picture permanently. It hadn’t been since his days in the military that he had befriended a woman, but he planned on calling on those memories and relationships in order to convince Anna to open up to him enough to set his mind at ease. There was no way, absolutely no way, he was going to let the fact that he wanted to fuck her more than he wanted to buy that little Friesian filly he had seen for sale at Kentucky Horse Park enter into his plans.

  “Donovan, is Belle all right?” Anna came rushing forward, surprise at seeing him here quickly taking second place over her concern for the mare.

  “She’s fine,” he quickly assured her. “Other than being irritable about being on restriction, she’s doing better than I expected after her ordeal.” Leaning on the counter separating them, he looked at her out of serious eyes. “I don’t suppose you’d believe me if I told you I happened to be in the neighborhood and decided to stop in?”

  “No, I don’t think I would.” The way he was looking at her made her nervous in a totally sexual way. She felt her nipples bead into stiff pinpoints and her pussy seemed to swell in expectation. Damn, she had it bad for this man, she thought morosely. He had a closed look on his face that made it hard for her to tell what he thought of her, but if he was feeling a similar sexual response, he wasn’t happy about it.

  “Would you believe I wanted to thank you again, in person, for being there Saturday night and let you know Belle was doing fine?”

  Raising an auburn brow, she replied simply, “No. Why don’t you try the truth? It’s getting late and I missed lunch due to a busy schedule. What can I do for you?”

  Pouncing on that opening, Donovan straightened up, asking abruptly, “Have something to eat with me. My treat, as a thank you.”

  He was the most evasive, annoying man she had ever met, Anna thought in exasperation, but she really was hungry and she really did want to see why he had come here, because if there was one thing she knew for certain, it was that he had a specific reason for stopping in here after closing today. “Give me a minute to close up. I’ll meet you somewhere. Where did you have in mind?”

  “How about Cheapside Bar and Grill?”

  “I love that place and it shouldn’t be too crowded on a Monday. I’ll meet you downtown in fifteen minutes.”

  The popular Victorian pub located in the historic part of downtown Lexington was relatively quiet tonight and Donovan had no trouble getting a table with a good view of the outdoor patio. It was a little too cool tonight to eat out there, but on warmer days the patio was the first section to fill up. Anna spotted him right away and he tried to watch her unobtrusively as she crossed the pub to their table. Dressed in black slacks and a simple, grey pullover that emphasized the full shape of her breasts, it was obvious she didn’t dress to catch a man’s attention, but that didn’t seem to keep him from imagining her naked, those soft thighs spread wide as he sank balls deep into her snug pussy.

  Cursing under his breath, he quickly buried that image and returned her smile as she sat across from him. Donovan had never been one for idle talk, but always found it easy to talk about his girls. After ordering, Anna questioned him about Belle and from there the conversation moved smoothly to some of his other mares. By the time they served his burger and her salad, they were able to eat in comfortable silence while they took the edge off their hunger.

  “I can’t believe you ordered just a salad after missing lunch,” Donovan commented when they were both almost finished with their meal.

  “Hey, it was their Fiesta Salad and it had everything b
ut the kitchen sink in it.” She didn’t tell him she was too curious about this encounter, her mind too occupied with things she hadn’t thought about in a long time to want to eat anything heavy. She had this feeling Donovan would continue discussing his horses for another hour and then bid her good night without ever telling her the real reason he had sought her out at her clinic if she didn’t push the subject. Since her thoughts kept straying to getting naked with this man, she quickly decided she couldn’t afford to spend much more time with him without risking asking for something she didn’t think he would be willing to give, so she decided to put an end to his delay, and this nice outing all at once.

  “This was nice, Donovan, thank you. Now, do you want to tell me the real reason we’re here?”

  Her look was as direct as her question and Donovan found he couldn’t evade either one, didn’t want to evade either one. “I want to know who hurt you, who’s responsible for putting those scars on you, for breaking your arm and whatever else I haven’t seen.”

  Somehow, deep down, Anna had known that was what was bothering him. The rage he exhibited after seeing her back had been on her behalf, and a small part of her was thrilled that there was someone who was angry at what she had suffered. Other than the medical staff who had treated her and the police, there had been no one else who had stuck up for her and the wrong that had been done to her, not even the parents who professed to love her. Of course, he only knew she had been beaten, he didn’t know why like they did.

  “Why? My past doesn’t concern you anymore than yours concerns me. What’s done is done, Donovan. Let it go. I have.”

  Frustrated with her evasiveness, he snapped back, “I can’t. I need to know there’s no chance he’ll hurt you again.”

  Anna thought of her monthly visits to Shady Oaks and guilt crept insidiously through her until she snapped right back at him. “Trust me, the man who abused me is no longer a threat to me or anyone else. It’s been a long day and I’m tired.” Rising, she grabbed her purse, adding, “Thanks again for dinner. I’ll come out later this week to check on Belle.”

  Donovan tossed down enough cash to cover the bill and tip and followed her out, relieved that she was apparently no longer in danger from this man and irritated that she had dismissed him so easily. Why that irritated him, he didn’t know and didn’t want to think about right now. Opening the door for her, he felt the softness of her breast against his arm as he took her elbow and escorted her silently to her truck. “Drive carefully,” was all he said as he opened the driver’s side door and waited until she was buckled in before shutting it.

  Glancing at his hard, chiseled face, Anna leaned her arm on the window ledge and smiled at him. “I appreciate your concern, I really do. But there’s no need to worry about what was done. Good night.”

  Donovan spent the drive home trying to get his little head on board with his big head because there was no way in hell he was pursuing any kind of sexual relationship with that woman, no matter how much he wanted her. She needed a softer man, a less scarred man who would be a gentle and compassionate lover, and that sure as hell wasn’t him. But that didn’t stop him from sinking down on his bed later that night, cock in hand again as the bright moonlight shone in his windows as he fantasized about a woman he couldn’t have.

  He was a fucking glutton for punishment as well as a moron, Donovan thought the next day as he pulled up in front of Anna’s clinic again, this time right before closing instead of right after. He had a private visitation scheduled at the Kentucky Horse Park with the owner of a Friesian mare and her seven month old filly that was up for sale. Although he had an interest in all horseflesh, he had never contemplated owning or raising anything except American Saddlebred horses, until he had seen that stunning mare that had to weigh two thousand pounds, all of it large boned muscled strength covered with a dark, shiny coat. But it wasn’t the excitement over this prospective buy and new endeavor that was responsible for the adrenaline rush he was experiencing as he entered the clinic and wondered what her reaction was going to be at seeing him there again. He just wanted to be her friend, he told himself as he took a seat and waited for the last of the clients to leave. He ignored the taunting voice in his head telling him, again, that you didn’t jack off every night to fantasies of all the ways you wanted to fuck a friend.

  He couldn’t help grinning when her eyes widened in surprise at seeing him again, her look an exact replica of the one she wore last night. “Are you about done?” he asked without preamble, rising and walking to the counter where the young receptionist was looking back and forth between them in awe.

  Heart beating rapidly with both excitement and pleasure, Anna answered simply, “Yes, why?”

  He told her about his meeting then said, “I was wondering if you’d come along, check them both over for me and let me know what you think.” Of course, they both knew that was an excuse, he was perfectly capable of checking over a potential purchase very thoroughly.

  Anna couldn’t stop the slow smile of pleasure that spread across her face. She had fallen asleep thinking about him, craving him and what she thought he could give her. “I’d love to,” she answered quickly before she could talk herself out of it.

  Two hours later they were seated in the Bit & Bridle Restaurant eating pulled pork barbeque sandwiches at the Kentucky Horse Park, Donovan the proud new owner of that Friesian filly. Anna was still wondering what she was doing here with him, why he had sought her out again, but the fun she had had looking over that filly accompanied by the almost constant, low pulse throb of arousal caused by simply being with Donovan made her shelve her curiosity for now.

  “What will your brothers think of your new filly?” she asked as she wiped barbeque sauce from her lips and chin. The sandwiches were delicious, but damn messy.

  Donovan studiously avoided looking at the way her tongue kept darting out and licking her lips as well as the fantasy provoking images that innocent action inspired. Shrugging at her question, he replied, “They’ll support whatever I want. I have no doubt they’ll fall in love with her as fast as I did and will like the challenge of raising such a rare breed.”

  “It must be nice having siblings, especially ones you seem so close to.”

  The wistful tone of her voice and reflected in her eyes caught his attention. “You’re an only child?”

  “My parents were lucky to have me. They were in their late forties when I made a surprise appearance.” Wanting to quickly move the subject away from her and her family, she turned it back to him. “You guys must be close if you’re so sure of their support.”

  She didn’t like to talk about herself or anything personal, and normally he felt the same way, but he was still curious about what had happened to her, now more than ever since she had so casually dismissed the man who had abused her so horribly as being any kind of threat. Damn, he thought with a little self-directed humor, I’m discovering that it was much easier being fuck buddies with a woman than it was being just friends.

  “They’ve had my back over the years, especially during our teens. I was the rebellious one.”

  Well, they had that in common she thought ruefully. “Gave your parents a hard time, did you?”

  “You could say that. Dad just ignored our behavior, putting it down to typical adolescence and left it to Jed, our foreman at the time, to keep us occupied. Mom was a different matter.”

  His eyes, always so cool, glittered with humor and affection. “She was the strict one?”

  Rolling his eyes, he said dryly, “Oh, yeah. By the time we returned to her at the end of summer, it took her that first week to get us back in line, but believe me, she managed to do it quickly and efficiently.”

  Anna wished she had such fond memories of her childhood, even of disciplinary tactics. Her parents just preached constantly to her, quoted the bible and asked her to do better whenever she disappointed them. And damn if those guilt producing words and looks didn’t work. It seemed Donovan and his brothers had m
ore fond childhood memories even though their parents were divorced than she had of being raised by both of hers.

  “I think she must deserve a medal. Raising three boys couldn’t have been easy.”

  Shit, there she went again, Donovan thought as she picked up a fry and nibbled on it. That mouth of hers could provoke a man into doing just about anything, even if he was determined not to. Trying to concentrate on the conversation instead of his semi-hard cock and visions of pushing his full erection passed those full, soft lips, he said, “Especially since neither Colin nor I are her biological kids.”

  Surprise colored her voice as she replied, “Really? I hadn’t heard that.” Most of the rumors that circled around the McGilley brothers had to do with their obvious good looks, their single status, wealth and the speculation about their sexual exploits, and of Donovan the rumors included the time he spent as a prisoner of war in Iraq.

  “Yeah,” he admitted dryly, “and considering Dad fathered the three of us in three years, while still married to mom, it’s surprising she didn’t castrate him.”

  “Will there be anything else?” the waitress asked before setting their check on the table.

  At Anna’s negative shake, Donovan said, “No, thank you,” then paid the bill, ignoring Anna’s protest and offer to get this meal. “I asked you, remember?”

  Rising, they headed out to their trucks as she replied, “So, if I ask you somewhere, I’ll cover the charges, right?”

  “We’ll see.” Opening her door, he added, “Thanks for coming today.”

  “I enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to seeing her again when I check on Belle in a few days.”

  Donovan watched her drive away, determined that this would be it, the last time he would give in to the urge to see her, to spend time with her, to fantasize about what he refused to even consider doing with her. He rarely went to the club during the week, usually he worked too late and was too tired to go out, but he just might consider making a visit tomorrow night to relieve some of this tension just being around Dr. Anna Kingston seemed to cause him.


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