Her Vampire Love

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Her Vampire Love Page 3

by M. J. Perry

  “The pain will fade; the mark, however, will stay for the rest of your life.” He informed me and there was no mistaking the pride in his voice.

  “What does it mean?”

  “It means you’re mine. Others will see it, will sense it and know you belong to me. It will mean their death if they touch you.” He growled.

  “Humans will know?”

  “They will instinctively stay away from you.”

  “Wow. Ok, I understand the marking, but why? I mean, couldn’t you have let me get to know you first?”


  “No, that’s it, just no?”

  “You’re mine. Do you deny it?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to say yes, but I couldn’t do it. If I said the words I knew it would hurt him. I shook my head instead.

  “You believed me to be crazy before, but you feel it too don’t you? And now you understand your feelings for me.”

  “I love you,” I said with a frown.

  “Yes, as I love you.”

  “But how?”

  “We are soulmates, each made to complete the other.”

  It was such a lot to take in, but I believed him. My feelings didn’t lie.

  “We need to complete the claiming.”

  I looked at him warily, “How?”

  “You need to drink my blood and I need to drink yours.”

  “I don’t think I can do that, actually, I don’t want to do that.”

  “You have no choice Georgina, but once you’ve tasted my blood you won’t find it so repulsive.”

  “I have to taste it first to not find it repulsive?” I asked in confusion.

  “You’ll see.”

  He moved suddenly and I found myself sat on his lap. He thrust my face into his neck and I sniffed in appreciation, he smelled delicious. He leaned over and when he shifted I lifted my head to look at him.

  “Taste,” He ordered and I watched as he sliced a tiny cut into his neck. The blood welled up then it started to drip slowly down. Putting his hand behind my head he guided my face to his neck. I licked my lips; I really wanted to taste him. It was like a compulsion. I opened my mouth and swept my tongue over the cut groaning at the taste of vanilla and chocolate, my two favourite things.

  “That’s it baby, drink.” He encouraged.

  I didn’t need any encouragement though; I couldn’t get enough of him.

  “Lick the cut hard, and seal it up.” He ordered after a long couple of minutes.

  I did as he asked not wanting to stop but knowing I had to.

  “My turn,” As soon as his teeth bit into me pleasure filled me. There was no pain this time just a feeling of intense happiness. I felt the same thing from Dexter and I realised I could feel him in my head, there was no buzzing though, just a clear connection which let me read his emotions just like I imagine he could read mine.

  He pulled away and licked the marks left behind before he cupped my face. “We are one now.”

  “Yes,” I whispered overwhelmed.

  “Will I change?”

  “No, I don’t want you to worry that you’ll start craving blood or anything. The only blood you’ll crave is mine.”

  “I’ll crave it?”

  “It will keep you strong and you’ll live just as long as me.”

  “I probably should have asked this before, but how old are you?”

  “Four hundred give or take a few years.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock. He touched my chin lifting it up so he could close my mouth. “It’s not that old, I’m a baby compared to some out there.”

  “Wow. I’m Twenty-Six, aren’t I a little young for you?” I giggled.

  “No, you’re perfect for me.” he looked at his watch. “I need to get you back home. Your friend is coming along to see you.”


  “No, Heather.”

  “She wasn’t well last night; I need to check on her. I can’t believe I forgot about her.”

  “You’ll see her in about ten minutes.”

  “I need to get…” I trailed off as I looked down and saw he’d clothed me with just a thought. I wore a black dress I’d never seen before. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome now let’s go.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Forgetting something?”

  He looked down and grinned before black jeans and a white t-shirt appeared on his beautiful body.

  “I wish I could do that. It would save me so much time in the mornings.”

  “One day you might be able to.”

  “What?” I almost screeched.

  “My gifts will be your gifts after our bond gets stronger I’m just not sure which ones you’ll be able to use.”

  “Just how many do you have?”

  “We haven’t got time to talk about them all.”

  “You said that you would tell me once we'd mated.” I reminded him.

  “And I will once we have time.”

  “We have time now.”

  “No we don’t, come on.” He took my hand and as fast as a blink we were standing in my living room. I heard a knock on my front door and I stared bemusedly at my surroundings until Dexter gave me a little shove.

  “Go answer the door. I’ll come back to you after she’s gone. She doesn’t need to know about us right now.”

  “Ok.” I walked to the door in a slight daze. It was crazy what he could do. Why was I not questioning it more?

  “Heather,” I greeted as I opened the door. She looked different. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face looked thin, nothing like the pretty girl from yesterday. “Are you ok?” I asked in concern.

  “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Janey said you went home last night because you felt ill.”

  She barged past me and walked into my living room as if she owned the place. I frowned at her, that wasn’t like her. She was loud and cheeky, but she was never rude.

  “As you can see I’m fine.” She sat on the sofa and looked at me, her eyes looked dead.

  “I’ll go and put the kettle on then. Tea or coffee?”

  “Coffee will do.”

  “I’ll only be a minute.”

  I hurried to the kitchen and poured out two cups, lucky my coffee machine had not long brewed because I didn’t want to leave her alone.

  “Here you go.” I held out her cup and as our fingers touched my skin felt like something was crawling on it. I gasped and dropped the coffee.

  “So he’s mated you already has he? He works fast. No matter, you’ll still be useful.”

  “What?” I asked in shock. Heather morphed in front of my eyes to be replaced by a man, a very tall man with a shocking head of white hair and eyes to match. His face elongated and I saw teeth, sharp teeth.

  “Shit.” I cursed and backed away slowly with my arms raised.

  “Where is lover boy?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I don’t sense him here which means you’re all alone. That makes it easier for me.”


  “You’re coming with me.”

  “No, I am not.”

  “I’m not arguing with you, either you come over here and take my hand or I’ll come to you. If you pick the latter, there will be consequences.”

  “No there won’t because you’ll have to catch me first.” Where the hell was Dexter?

  “Oh honey, you’re no contest for my powers.”

  “We will see.” My bravado was all for show, my whole body was shaking.

  The man started to walk towards me and I stepped back quickly not taking my eyes from his. He grinned and then I found myself hitting a solid wall. Shit.

  “Oh dear, it seems you’re trapped now. What should we do with you?”

  “Let me go?” I asked hopefully as he still advanced.

  When he was an inch away he stopped and his hand lifted to brush my cheek. “You're beautiful and funny. I have big plans for you.”

  “I’m not

  “I can make you interested.”

  “You can try.”

  Everything went dark and when I came to my senses I realised he had the same power as Dexter because I was in a room that was definitely not my living room, and I was tied to a bed. I looked down relieved to see I still had my clothes on. I shifted against the bed trying to pull my hands out of my bonds. The room was dark except for a large fireplace where a small fire burned.

  “Dexter,” I whispered hoping he’d hear me from where ever he was. Who was I kidding, he was gone, for some reason he’d left me and I’d been a sitting duck. How had that man pretended to be Heather? Was she ok, had he killed her? God, she wouldn’t have known what had hit her if he’d gone after her.

  “You’re awake.”

  I searched the room looking for the white-haired man and I heard him chuckle.

  “I’m not actually in the room Georgina; I’m in your mind.”

  “What do you want from me?”


  “Why? Dexter is my mate, I belong to him.”

  Pain shot through my head and I groaned loudly.

  “Don’t ever say his name again.”

  “Why not?”

  “He stole you from me. You are mine.”

  “I don’t feel anything for you. You’re lying.”

  “He made you feel things; he forced you to love him, to need him, to drink his blood. He bonded with you and he shouldn’t have.”

  “Bullshit. He didn’t force me to do anything.” Except go home with him.

  “See, even you’re having doubts.” He muttered.

  “Don’t read my thoughts,” I ordered.

  “I’ll do whatever I want, I own you.”

  “No one owns me, buster.”

  “You’re wrong, I do. Shall I prove it?”

  “Forcing me to do your bidding won’t prove it.”

  “How about if I make you beg me to kiss you.” He laughed.

  “Again, that doesn’t prove anything.”

  “Maybe not, but your lush lips on mine, my tongue in your mouth will feel good.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I warned.

  “What will you do? You’re tied up and at my mercy.”

  “I’ll think of something.”

  “You won’t have time.” He warned and he was right. The next minute his lips touched mine. I felt nothing except disgust. I turned my head away from his open mouth, away from the tongue he was trying to force into my mouth. His hands gripped my face and he tugged until our lips met. He squeezed my cheek hard enough to make me open my mouth with a gasp and he took advantage thrusting his tongue inside. If he wasn’t a bastard, if he hadn’t kidnapped me and spouted all kind of crap at me I might have liked it, but he was a bastard. I felt a buzzing in my head as if he was trying to get inside, but I closed my eyes and imagined a huge wall stopping him from gaining entry. He pulled away with a frown. “That’s not possible.” I watched him pace up and down the room.

  “What isn’t?”

  “You blocked me.”

  “I did?” I’d wanted to do it, but I didn’t actually think I’d be able to.

  “Yes, I’d like to know how. You’re just a human.”

  “I told you that Dexter and I mated. His powers must have transferred to me.”

  “Not this fast they couldn’t have.”

  “Well, they obviously did.”

  I could feel him trying to probe my mind, it kind of tickled and I laughed out loud, his frustration was clear on his face. “Now, who owns who?”

  “You little bitch.” He growled. He took a step towards me but I shook my head.

  “Don’t come any closer. I mean who knows what other powers I have.”

  “You won’t have any more which means you’re still vulnerable. The only thing you can do is block my mind control, but I still have you tied up and at my mercy.”

  Shit, he was right. I’d got too cocky and now I’d wound him up. Who knew what he would do. His grin scared me.

  “I can feel your fear; it’s like an aphrodisiac for my soul.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Nope, I’m just taking what’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours, haven’t we already been over this? I belong to Dexter!” I shouted.

  He moved fast then and gripped my chin with his hand. “No, you don’t. I don’t want to hurt you, but if you keep winding me up I might do it by accident.”

  I blinked. He seemed genuine. “You don’t want to hurt me?”

  “No, Georgina, I want to worship you, the last thing I want to do is cause you pain.”

  “Keeping me here against my will is causing me pain.”

  “It’s not. You may be able to block me but I can still sense your emotions. You’re not in pain you’re confused and scared but I don’t sense any pain.”

  “You’re so sure of that?”

  “Emotions don’t lie.”

  “Oh.” I needed an argument to get him to release me, but I had nothing. Where was Dexter? Dexter! I called loudly in my head feeling completely crazy. I focused in my mind picturing his face, Dexter! I tried again. It was like there was a block. Was it me blocking him or him blocking me? I couldn’t work it out, but if he didn’t hear me, didn’t sense me soon, I was worried what this man would do to prove I belonged to him.

  Chapter Five

  I couldn’t sense her, she should have been safe at home, but Georgina was out of range. It was like a force field surrounded her. The only person who could do something like that was Donald; if I’m right and he has her, he was going to be in for a world of pain.

  First, though I had to deal with Heather. If something happened to her and I didn’t do anything to help her, Georgina would never forgive me. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that Donald was around because I didn’t know another being who could mind control someone to commit suicide and cause a block so their mind couldn’t be changed. Locking Heather in a room with no escape and no objects to use to kill herself was the only thing I could do until I could get him to reverse the order. I was unsure why he’d done it, but if I had to guess it would be because of Georgina. He always went after what was mine and she was mine there was no doubting that.

  “You’ll be ok here until I get back,” I said to Heather. I’d used mind control to make her sit on the floor and stay there, but I wasn’t sure how long that order would hold. I had to find Georgina and quickly before Donald did something to her. He wouldn’t hurt her, even being the bastard he is he never hurt innocents. Heather was a distraction for me, he knew I’d been keeping an eye on her and used that to his advantage, but now it was time for me to get my mate back.

  Chapter Six

  “He’s close,” I whispered.

  “Who is?”


  “I can’t sense him.” He frowned.

  “I can, he’s close and he’s pissed.”

  “No matter, he won’t be able to get in before I convince you that you’re mine.”

  “Of course he will. He’s here now.”

  “No, he isn’t, you’re lying.” He started to spin round in circles looking for Dexter. I would have laughed if my nerves weren’t so frayed. I worried that Dexter might get hurt, that this man might be too strong for him, but I heard a chuckle in my mind and instantly relaxed.

  “Dexter.” I whispered.

  “I told you not to say his name.” The man growled as he came towards me.

  My heart sped up at the anger on his face.

  “Stay away from her, Donald,” Dexter ordered.

  “Where are you?”

  “Right here, can’t you see me?” Dexter asked.

  I couldn’t see him, was he invisible? Seriously I could deal with the mind thing but invisibility was a huge stretch.

  The door opened and he walked in. His face full of anger, but when his eyes met mine they softened ever so slightly. “You’re safe now.”

hat’s what you think,” Donald growled and came at me fast.

  I ducked my head and closed my eyes waiting for the blow I thought would be coming, but it never did. I heard a thump and looked up to see Dexter standing in front of me, protecting me. When I craned my head to look around his body I saw Donald halfway up the wall pinned by an invisible force.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  I shook my head. “Where were you?” I whispered.

  “He made your friend Heather suicidal; I couldn’t leave her like that once I’d sensed her distress so I rushed over there.

  “Why did you sense it? I mean why were you keeping track of her?”

  “I wanted to make sure she was ok for you and also to see if she’d been suspicious of you leaving the club. She can’t know what I am, what I can do. Neither can Janey.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” I snapped.

  “I’m not arguing with you right now. We have bigger problems.” He tipped his head to Donald who was still pinned against the wall. “I don’t know what to do with him, but I do know he needs to take the compulsion off Heather.”

  “What do I get in return?”

  “Your life.”

  “You’d kill me over a girl you don’t know?”

  “No, I’d kill you for taking my mate, Heather is just another reason, but if you let her go, I’ll let you go.”

  “I’m not convinced.”

  “I can just as easily kill you that will end the compulsion too. Yes, I think I’ll just do that.”

  “No, I’ll free her.”

  “I thought you might. Do it then.”

  He focused inwards. “It’s done.”

  “Good.” Dexter inclined his head and Donald dropped to the floor in a heap. I watched as he got to his feet slowly and then he seemed to float right before he ran towards Dexter. I screamed at him but Dexter was quicker, he grabbed Donald in a hold. I heard a snap and looked to see Donald’s head hanging to one side.

  “You killed him?” I gasped.

  “He would have killed me, and then he would have taken you.” There was no apology in his voice.

  “You couldn’t have just beaten him up?”


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