Her Vampire Love

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Her Vampire Love Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  “He would have come back, he would have plotted and we would have been watching our backs forever.”

  I nodded. I averted my eyes from the sight of poor Donald on the floor. “Can we go to Heather please?”

  “Of course,” My binds were suddenly gone and I felt the air around me shift until I stood in a white room with no window just a big black door and a small figure huddled on the ground.

  “Heather,” I whispered not wanting to make her jump. She looked up with big scared eyes and I hurried to her. “Oh, baby. Are you ok?”

  She sniffed. “What the hell is going on and who is that?”

  “It’s a long story. Let’s get you home.”

  “I want answers, Georgina.”

  “I know and we’ll give you them but later, once I know you’re ok.”

  Dexter looked at me like I’d gone mad and forgotten the conversation we’d had about no one knowing anything. I hadn’t but she was scared and I didn’t want to worry her more. Besides, now she knew was there anything we could do to make her forget. There probably was and I really hoped after going to the trouble of saving her that he wouldn’t hurt her now.

  I slipped my arms under her armpits and helped her stand. Dexter went to help but she flinched so I shook my head.

  “Are we doing this the normal way?” I asked and I meant are we going to walk through the door and not use his magic blink.

  He shook his head. “We can’t because we’re in the middle of the sea.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, blink away then.”

  “What are you two talking about?”

  “Nothing Heather, everything is fine.” I tried to soothe her, but really it wasn’t much help when we were about to transport to her house in the blink of an eye, and low and behold once her feet touched her living room floor she fainted. She was too big to hold up and we both would have ended up on the floor if not for Dexter grabbing her. He laid her on the sofa and then turned to me.

  “I have to wipe her memories.”

  “Ok.” I figured he would be able to do something like that.

  “I don’t think you understand.”

  My eyes shot to his in alarm. “Surely it’s easy to do?”

  “Yes it’s easy, but unfortunately when I do it I can’t just wipe one memory as they all link up. When I wipe her knowledge of me, of Donald and the things that have happened I will also have to wipe her memory of you.”

  “All of me?”

  He shook his head, “Probably just the last week.”

  “Oh geez, I thought you meant everything! Just do it.”

  “Fingers crossed then.”

  “That sounds promising,” I said with sarcasm.

  “All memories are linked like I said, if I rip them out of her I might do some damage to others.”

  “Can’t you just leave her? She doesn’t know you’re a vampire only that you have weird powers. We could probably convince her she imagined them.”

  “If she knows what I am she puts you in danger baby. I won’t allow that to happen.”

  “That’s sweet, but I can look after myself.”

  “Like you could with Donald you mean.”

  “Hey, I managed to block him from my mind didn’t I?”

  “You did? Our bond must be strong.”

  “Not sure how because all we’ve done is have sex.”

  “We made love and I claimed you.” He sounded angry, but I was speaking the truth. I didn’t know anything about him except for what he allowed me to know and he didn’t know me.

  “I know everything about you, Georgina, just as you will know everything about me, but now isn’t the time.” He pointed to Heather.

  He had a point but I wasn’t happy. “Do your worst then,” I said.

  His face went blank and I stared at Heather waiting for her to wake up. Her eyes opened abruptly and she stared at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “You fainted last night and bumped your head. I wanted to make sure you were ok.”

  “That explains the headache.” She raised her hand to her temple.

  “I’ll get you some water.”

  She sat up slowly. “How did I get here?”

  “You must have bumped your head hard. You don’t remember?”

  “The last thing I remember is being at work. I’m pretty sure you weren’t there either.”

  “We went to a club and you got drunk, we dragged you home and you passed out bumping your head. Maybe we should get you checked out.” I hated lying but the whole point of taking her memories was to protect her and Dexter. It would be ridiculous to tell her the truth now.

  “I’ll be fine once I sleep. I feel tired.”

  “Let me get you some tablets and water then I’ll leave you to rest.”

  “Thank you, Georgie; I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Wrong, you wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me. “You would do it for me.”

  “I would. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I caressed her hair and headed to the kitchen. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Dexter standing with a glass in his hand.

  “How is she?”

  “How do you think she is?”

  “I don’t think I like your sarcasm.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m not sorry. You’ve turned my life upside down in a short space of time. Whether my feelings of love are real or not, I don’t like how fast everything is going.”

  “They are real. You love me.” His hand rubbed the mark his teeth had left behind. “This proves it.”

  “No, it proves you bit me.”

  “If we weren’t mates it would have disappeared by now.”

  “Says you. Everything you tell me I’m supposed to believe yet it’s really hard to. I feel like I’m living in a fantasy land.” I brushed past him, taking the glass from his hand I walked to the taps. Filling it half way I ignored him and walked towards the living room. Heather was asleep; I didn’t want to wake her so I placed the glass gently on the coffee table and backed away. Dexter was still waiting for me in the kitchen when I entered he held his hand out. Taking a deep breath I took it and suddenly I stood in my bedroom.

  “I’ve never lied to you, Georgina.”

  “I think I know that, but I’ve never believed in vampires, I’ve always thought mind readers were con artists and don’t get me started on the whole blinking thing. It’s going to take time before I can actually wrap my mind around it all.”

  “I’ll give you tonight; I won’t mention anything out of the ordinary ok.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “I promise. Shall we have a shower together then you can eat and nap? You look tired, beautiful, but tired baby.”

  “That sounds nice.” I agreed. “I don’t want to cook.”

  “Leave it with me.”

  “I can do that. I’m going to have a shower now, but alone if you don’t mind. I just need a minute to myself.”

  He didn’t look pleased but he nodded. “I’ll have something to eat ready for when you’ve finished.”

  “Thank you,” I said gratefully. I hurried to my bathroom and closed the door behind me. I thought about locking it but it seemed silly especially when he could just blink his way in. Turning on the shower first I started to strip out of my clothes. My body ached and I couldn’t wait to step into the hot water, to feel it beating down on me. A quick feel told me the temperature was ready and I climbed in. Sighing, I stood still for a minute just letting the water wash away my worries, but all too soon I knew I had to wash else I’d run out of hot water. I grabbed my sponge and poured a generous amount of gel onto it scrubbing myself clean. I rinsed the bubbles off and shampooed and conditioned my hair massaging my aching head. Once I’d rinsed my hair clean I turned the water off and climbed out. My towel hung on the rail and I quickly grabbed it tucking it around my body, I wrapped another towel around my hair and rub
bed it as dry as I could. My clothes were in my bedroom and I hesitated before opening the bathroom door wondering where Dexter was.

  “Why can’t I hear your thoughts anymore?” He asked from his perch on my bed.

  “I don’t know. When I was with Donald he said I was blocking him, but I don’t know how I did it except I pictured a white wall in my mind and suddenly he couldn’t sense anything from me.”

  “That explains it then,”

  I was about to ask what he meant, but I felt a sharp pain in my head and then my mind flooded with words, with thoughts. “What did you do?”

  “I ripped the wall down.”


  “By imagining it, you can’t block for the amount of time you did without hurting yourself.”

  “I feel fine. It wasn’t hurting me.”

  “Do you have sore muscles, a headache, feel tired?”

  “Yes, but after the day I’ve had I’m sure that’s normal.”

  “No baby it isn’t. Eventually, you would have passed out and because you’d blocked me I wouldn’t have been able to help you.”

  “I would have woken up; I could have told you what I’d done.”

  “Your mind would have closed down; you might not have even woken up.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realise,” I said in shock.

  “I know but you know now. Please don’t do it again.”

  “I won’t.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me.

  “I promise.”

  “Good, now let’s eat.”

  “You eat too?”

  “I will watch you then I will help you to bed so you can rest.”

  “Just rest?”

  “Maybe I might help you to relax.”

  “Maybe I might just let you.”

  Oh, you’ll let me alright Georgina.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “No, it’s a promise.”

  “Why am I not scared of you?”

  “Because I would never hurt you,” he said swore.

  “I can sense that. I know you will always put me first and you’ve already saved me once. It’s just…” I trailed off.

  “Weird.” He supplied for me.

  “Yeah, weird,” I agreed.

  “You’ll get used to it. You have no choice. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”

  “I couldn’t leave you; I think it would really hurt me.”

  “As it would hurt me, we belong together. Now eat up.” He motioned to the table filled with sandwiches and fruit.”

  “Fruit makes your blood taste sweeter.” He winked.

  “I’m not sure if you’re joking, but I don’t care. It felt amazing last time you drank from me.”

  “It will feel even better later, especially when I’m inside you.”

  Vibrations ran through my body making my thighs clench.

  “Eat Georgina; you need your strength after what you’ve been through.”

  “You keep saying that, but I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me.”

  “A lot of things were said, were done and you’ll need to process them.”

  “I’m fine.” I disagreed.

  “Ok.” He didn’t believe me that was clear but I wasn’t lying, I did feel fine.

  I picked up a sandwich and started to eat but soon enough I felt too tired to carry on, it was like my whole body had been hit with exhaustion. I yawned loudly and Dexter hid a smile before picking me up off the chair and cradling me in his arms like I weighed nothing. To him I probably didn’t, I’d meant to ask if he was stronger than a human, but I had my answer now. No normal man could pick me up and carry me without his breathing changing or his arms being tired. Dexter didn’t even break a sweat. He laid me on my bed and pulled the towel from my body covering me with my duvet. I wanted to ask him to stay with me but my mind shut down and I fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  I could feel her fear. She’d told me she felt fine, but I’d known it was a lie. My Georgina was strong but she’d seen me kill a man, there was no way she could get over that easy even if the man meant to do me harm, harming her in the process. Her body tensed up and I touched her mind, even in sleep it was a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings, it was hard to find the emotion I needed when I knew she was in pain, but I found her fear and concentrated on making it disappear. Slowly I could feel her coming out of her nightmare and then her eyes opened. “Baby, are you ok?”

  “I keep seeing his face.” She whispered. Tears poured from her eyes and I reached over to rub them away.

  “He’s gone Georgina, he can’t hurt you.”

  “I know. I heard the noise his neck made when you snapped it.”

  “I protected myself, I protected you. I won’t apologise for that but I will apologise for you having to be there, having to witness it.”

  “I don’t want your apology I just want the memory to go away.”

  “I can’t do it, baby, if I do I’ll have to rip a week from your memories and that means taking me from you too.”

  “I understand that. I didn’t mean for you to take my memories, I don’t want to lose you. It was just a stray thought.”

  “I can help you forget…” I trailed off with a wink making her blush.

  “Will you bite me?”

  “Only if you want me too,”

  “Oh, I want you to.” She admitted.

  “Let me just take off my clothes.” I stood up and started to undress slowly. Her eyes widened when I unzipped my jeans and pushed them down my legs.

  “You’re so big.” She said worriedly.

  “I fit, we’ve already proved that.”

  “Seeing you though makes me believe you won’t.”

  “Close your eyes and feel instead.”

  She did as she was told and I admired the classic beauty of her face. She was stunning. Her fists clenched by her sides. With a thought, I moved the sheet off her delectable body and onto the floor. Her legs were slightly open giving me a peek of her dark curls and her nipples stood erect begging for my mouth so that’s where I would start. I crept over her gently keeping her guessing about what I was going to do, my mouth opened and I sucked her left nipple into my mouth letting my teeth scrape against it. Her pulse sped up and I swapped to the other nipple doing the same. A loud groan tore from her mouth and her hands came to my hair gripping it tightly, holding me against her. I pulled away just enough to speak. “Do you like it when I’m rough?” I asked. Her breathless yes told me everything I needed. Her nipples were red and puckered and they'd never looked so beautiful. I blew gently seeing them bead even harder. I knew she wanted me to suck them again her hands told me that but instead I pulled away and straightened. Her eyes shot open in shock. “What are you doing?”

  “This,” I said, and she gasped as she found her hands tied to the headboard and her feet tied spread eagle to the bottom of the bed. “I like it when you’re helpless, at my mercy. You like it too don’t you?”

  She nodded. I could make her say yes but her thoughts were screaming it at me, I didn’t need the words.

  “Now where was I?” I smirked.

  I crawled over her until my mouth touched hers; I licked her bottom lip and thrust my tongue into her mouth showing her what I would be doing with her body soon. My hands found her nipples and squeezed them; she gasped in surprise and arched herself pushing them into my hand. I squeezed harder and then let go, moving my mouth to them I licked the pain away. My hand traced to her stomach then lower to her curls, I ran my finger through them until I found her clit, I caressed it once then I squeezed it gently, letting go and repeating it again until her whole body was vibrating. She was writhing under me, chasing her orgasm and I didn’t let up until she screamed. When her body relaxed into the bed I positioned myself over her and waited until she came to her senses.

  “My turn,” I ordered. When she realised what I meant she opened her lips and I pushed my cock into her warm mouth. Her tongue licked up and down while I pushed in and out
slowly letting her get used to me. When she started bobbing her head as much as her position allowed I sped up still careful not to hurt her. Her teeth grazed my helmet and I shivered before pulling out for the last time. “Any more of that and it will be over too soon.”

  She grinned. “Are you going to take me now?”

  “You have such a funny way of asking.”

  “I want you, I need you. I’m aching.”

  “As am I, I need to taste you.” I almost growled.

  She turned her head giving me access to her creamy neck.

  “First I need to be inside you, I promised I would make it good.”

  I rubbed my fingers along her pussy testing her readiness, and then I positioned myself and thrust in. Her whole body rose from the bed and I pushed my hands under her bottom making her stay upright as much as she could in her bindings. I wanted to go slow, but the feel of her tight, hot pussy wrapping around my cock had my mind shutting down and my body taking over. I leant over her, pushed my face into her neck and bit down hard, right on my mating mark. She screamed and I worried for a second I’d hurt her until our thoughts merged and I could feel how much pleasure I was giving her. It was a struggle to pull away, to close the cut and seal her blood away, her taste was ambrosia, but I did it. I would never put her at risk and even in the throes of passion I had to protect her. She was panting hard and when I felt her reach her peak for the second time I let myself go. Knowing I could have impregnated her made me smile, but only for a second because I was exhausted. I quickly made her binds disappear and pulled her to me, rubbing her shoulders gently to get any kinks out. I felt her exhaustion too, could feel the pleasure still coursing through her veins. “Sleep, Georgina. When we wake up we’ll talk.” I stroked her hair softly until her breathing evened out then I closed my eyes and let sleep take me too.

  Chapter Eight

  “You sleep like the dead,” I told Dexter as he finally opened his eyes. I’ve spent the last hour just staring at him trying to work out if I was stuck in a dream or if this really was my life now. I was basically married to a vampire.

  “Not married honey, we’re mated, but I can buy you a ring.”

  “I think I would like that. I know being mated is a big deal, I have the scar to prove it, but a ring would make it more real for me. Besides, Janey and Heather will just think we’re living in sin.”


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