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Her Vampire Love

Page 5

by M. J. Perry

  “We’ll get married today then.”

  I gasped. “Today, however, will we do that?”

  “Have you forgotten what I can do?”

  “I’ll have to explain to my friends that we just met, they won’t understand why I’m marrying a stranger.”

  “I’m not a stranger.”

  “You are to them.”

  “Don’t worry about them; do you want to get married?”

  Did I? It was a big commitment.

  “It’s not as big as being mated and we’ve already done that.”

  “Stay out of my thoughts.” I groused. “I’m trying to reason with myself.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “A complete stranger who I know nothing about, yes,” I laughed. “I guess I do.”

  “Then nothing else matters. We’ll marry today. I’ll set it all up.”

  “I need a dress.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Holy cow!” I screeched as my room filled with wedding dresses hanging on hangers everywhere.

  “If you don’t find one you like let me know and I’ll get more.”

  “You’re not real,” I whispered in shock.

  “Yes I am. Shall I prove it?”

  I giggled. “Not right now, I have a dress to find.” I jumped out of bed in excitement. “You have to leave, its bad luck to see the bride in her dress.”

  “I don’t believe that to be true, but I have a wedding to plan. I’ll tell your friends.”

  “They don’t know who you are.”

  “They will once I tell them our story.”

  “What will you say?” I asked curiously.

  “I’ll tell them the truth, well except for me being a vampire, and you being my mate.”

  “So the basics then?”

  “Yes. I didn’t erase Heather’s memories only to have her find out about me again.”

  “I know. They will be shocked.”

  “I’ll bring them round to our way of thinking.”

  “I was going to ask how, but I’m not sure I want to know.”

  “I won’t hurt them, Georgina.”

  “I wasn’t worried you would.”

  “Good because I would never do anything to hurt you and hurting them would do that.”

  He walked to where I stood and pulled me close. “We get married at Four o’clock.” He looked at the clock, “That gives you eight hours to choose a dress and get yourself ready. I’ll speak to the girls and have them come over. They can help you dress and I’m sure you’ll want them as bridesmaids.”

  “Yes, but what about dresses for them?”

  “I’ve put some in the living room.”

  I reached up and kissed his jaw, the roughness of it tickled my lips. “Thank you.”

  “No baby, thank you.” His lips brushed my brow and then he was gone.

  “I’m getting married today!” I screamed in excitement and heard Dexter chuckle.

  Chapter Nine

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married today!” Janey screamed at me as soon as I opened the door. She linked her hands with mine and we jumped up and down like teenagers at a pop concert.

  “Me neither, but it’s true.”

  “Holy shit babe, it’s fast.” This came from Heather.

  “It is, but it’s what I want.”

  “And we support you, don’t we?” Janey said as she nudged Heather not too gently. She got a glare for her troubles, but Heather smiled at me.

  “Yes, we support her, of course, we do. After Craig, I’d support you if you wanted to marry a woman as long as you were happy.”

  “Dexter is definitely not a woman.”

  “He is one hot man. You’re very lucky.” Janey grinned.

  “He’s the lucky one to have our Georgina.” Heather winked. “Now, come on, we have a wedding to get ready for and not long to do it. Did you pick a dress?”

  “Yes. It’s so beautiful.”

  “Well, let us see it.” Heather ushered me into my room and I picked the dress off the bed and held it up.

  “It’s amazing. It fits ok?” She asked.

  “It fits like a dream.”

  “Then I’ll say it is perfect for you. Now, you need underwear.”

  “I have a new matching bra and knickers set that I bought myself last week,” I said.

  “That’s your something new then. Borrowed, you can have my earrings that my Nan left me that will cover old too.” Janey said.

  “Here,” Heather said as she chucked something at me, “Something blue.”

  I caught the garter. “Thank you.”

  “That’s everything. What about our dresses? Dexter said there were some here to choose from.” Janey asked.

  “Didn’t you see the boxes in the living room?” I asked in surprise.

  “I thought they were your wedding dress boxes.”

  “Nope, all those are for you and Heather to look through.”

  “Oh man, this is going to be fun.” Heather shrieked.

  I followed her into the room to see her diving right for the biggest pile. “I’ve never seen so many boxes before; your Dexter must be rich.”

  “Something like that.” I grinned. Did a man need money when he could just blink stuff to him?

  “Is there any colour you want us to wear Georgie or can we pick?” Janey asked.

  “I don’t mind, I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Oh, I’ll be comfortable in this one.” Heather laughed holding up a short red dress with little straps and a low neckline.”

  “Heather, we’re supposed to look classy, that dress is not going to do that.”

  I watched Heather pout but she listened to Janey and put it away.

  “What about this one?” Janey asked.

  “It’s lovely, purple suits you and it’s sexy without showing too much,” I told her.

  “Great, I’ll go and try it on.”

  “Heather, have you found one yet?” I asked her.

  “I like the red but what about this?”

  This was a yellow strappy dress with daisies running along the hem and it was gorgeous, summery and the complete opposite to what Heather would normally wear. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “It’s not something I’d usually choose but it’s your day and I can play demure and classy if I try.”

  I laughed at her glum expression. It would be cruel to make her wear it. “Just wear the red.”


  I nodded.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you!” She screamed while jumping up and down.

  “What’s going on, geez it sounds like cats are being strangled.” Janey moaned.

  “Georgie said I can wear the red.”

  Janey tutted at me, “Pushover,”

  I just shrugged, I couldn’t deny it. “Now we’ve got dresses shall we start getting ready? I’m going to hit the shower.”

  “I’ll find alcohol,” Heather said and she headed to the kitchen. I stared after her.

  “Don’t worry; I’ll keep my eye on her.”

  “Thanks, you know what she’s like.”

  “I sure do but she’ll be fine, we won’t let her trip down the aisle.”

  “Now we only have to make sure I don’t.” I grinned.

  “You’ll be fine Georgie.”

  “If I tripped Dexter would catch me anyway.”

  “You’re happy?”



  “I love him.”

  “Then that’s all that matters. Go and shower, I’ll babysit Heather.”

  I kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You’d do it for me.”

  “I would.”

  “I just have to find a man now.”

  “Maybe you’ll find one tonight.”

  “I might do. Does Dexter have any nice friends?”

  “I’m not sure but I can find out.”

  “No, don’t do that, I like to be surprised. It probably w
on’t matter though because who’s going to look at me when Heather is showing all that leg?”

  “Janey, you’re beautiful in a way that Heather can never be.”

  “She’s stunning.”

  “Yes but so are you, the point is you don’t know how sexy you are, men like that.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “You’ll see one day.” I tapped her arm and headed towards the bathroom. Once I closed the door I called Dexter.

  “Yes, my love?”

  “Crap, I knew you would appear, but it still scared me.”

  “Strike one.”


  “You cursed.”

  “Crap isn’t a curse word,” I argued.

  “Strike two.”

  “Oh for the love of...”

  “Just because we’re getting married today doesn’t mean I won’t spank you.”

  “Duly noted. I called you to see if you were having friends at the wedding?”

  “Yes, it’s probably surprising, but I do have some.”

  “Good, Janey needs a friend.”

  “My friends won’t be her friend unless she’s their mate.”

  “Your kind don’t do hook ups?”

  “Of course we do, just not with humans.”

  “Oh. Maybe she’ll meet her mate.”

  “You can hope for her.”

  “If she mated she would know all about vampires and then I could tell her about you.”

  “If she finds a mate and that’s a big if, only her mate can explain things to her.”

  “I have a problem, how will I hide your mark?”

  “You don’t.”


  “No, you do not try to hide my mark ever Georgina. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, but how will I explain it to Janey and Heather?”

  “They don’t see it.”


  “Humans aren’t able to see the mark. Males will sense you are taken, but only my kind can see it.”

  “I suppose that’s easier. Why can’t I hide it?”

  “If you hide it, you’re disrespecting our mating.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t be, but you’d feel like I was?”


  “I won’t ever hide it, I promise.”

  “Good girl. I have to go. You have three hours and then you’ll be mine in your world and in mine.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “I can’t wait for tonight.”

  I shivered. “Me neither.”

  “You will drink from me tonight; you must at least once a week to keep you strong.”

  “I drink once a week and I’ll live the same years as you?”

  “Yes, but you won’t be as strong as me.”

  “That’s why I have you to protect me.”

  “Always,” he stroked my cheek. “I must go.” He vanished. Would I ever get used to that?

  “Bye,” I muttered just as a fist hit the door.

  “Why can’t I hear the shower, Georgina? Do you want to be late for your own wedding?”

  “Sorry, I’ll get in now.” I apologised.

  “Hurry up the clock is ticking,” Janey ordered.

  “Bossy cow,” I muttered.

  “I heard that.” She shouted. I forgot she had hearing like a bat.

  I turned the shower on and took my clothes off. Climbing into the warm water I smiled.

  I was looking forward to being Mrs… holy crap; I didn’t even know his surname.

  “Strike three. It’s Logan. You’ll be Mrs Logan.”

  “That curse didn’t count, I didn’t actually say it,” I argued.

  “Yes, it did.”

  “I’m going to picture a white wall in a minute,” I warned.

  “I’m going, but honey, I’m afraid it did count.”


  Chapter Ten

  “Holy crap,” I whispered.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to say that in a church Georgina.”

  “I think she can get away with it, I nearly said worse.” Heather grinned.

  I stood inside the church door and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Pink roses covered every inch of the place, there were petals on the floor and even wrapped around the pillars. The pews had them attached to the ends. I was gobsmacked and so completely in awe of the man I was going to marry. I thought it had all happened so fast and that I knew nothing about him, but he clearly knew me.

  “It’s really beautiful,” I whispered.

  “Yes and now it’s time to walk down it and towards the man of your dreams.” Janey poked me in the back and I took a step forwards before turning and pulling her into a hug.

  “Thank you so much. I love you. One day you’ll be just as happy as me.”

  “I hope so but I’m not holding my breath. Go before you make me cry.”

  I caught Dexter’s eye as I walked towards him, his eyes were dark, so dark they looked like pools of night. I felt like I was looking into his soul and maybe I was. He looked stunning in a black tux and I didn’t think I’d ever seen a sexier sight. When I got close enough he put his hand out and I placed my shaking one in his. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he didn’t seem to be able to pull his from mine either. I didn’t even remember the words I said but I must have said the right ones because suddenly we were pronounced man and wife and Dexter was kissing me with a passion so fierce I felt like it would blow me away.

  Someone cleared their throat and I pulled away blushing when I realised where we were and who we were with.

  “Phew Georgina, I thought you guys were going to go at it right here.”

  “Heather, don’t be so disgusting.” Janey groaned.

  “Hey, I wasn’t the one nearly doing the nasty in front of the priest.”

  “Excuse me.” I interrupted, “Can we please stop talking about this.” I looked at Dexter. “You see what you married into?” I grimaced. His answer was a chuckle and I realised he was actually enjoying himself. “Shall we leave this poor man to it?” I asked them looking at the blushing priest.

  “That might be a good idea. Maybe you two can get a room and take the edge off before the reception.” Heather laughed.

  “If we did that we wouldn’t make it to the reception, better to go and celebrate with you and save it all for later,” Dexter told her.

  I groaned in embarrassment. Dexter laughed. Taking my hand in his he led me down the aisle towards the exit. I smiled at the guests completely forgetting that there were any.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “Your favourite hotel.”

  “Oh my gosh, really?”

  “I want this day to be perfect for you so we can look back and show our kids.”

  “Kids? I hadn’t even thought that was possible.”

  “It definitely is. You could be pregnant already.”

  “Wow,” I said in shock.

  “Are you upset?” He stopped walking and cupped my face.

  “Not upset, just a little shocked. It wasn’t something I’d thought about, but I’m really pleased.” I rubbed my hand over my stomach. “A baby, our baby,” I whispered.

  “Yes, fuck, I hope you already are carrying him or her, but if you aren’t it will be fun planting my seed in you.”

  “You have such a way with words,” I told him as I started to walk, I didn’t want everyone to hear our conversation.

  “You’re wet aren’t you?”

  “Dexter.” I snapped. “That’s so inappropriate.”

  “Just admit it.”

  “Fine, yes I am now will you please stop.”

  “Sure, I’ll just whisper in your ear later.”

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  “With passion, yes,”

  When we made it outside a black car stood waiting for us. Dexter helped me in and then climbed in behind me. Janey smiled through the window and Heather gave me the thumbs up sign. I rolled my eyes at her.

p; “Heather is going to be on the prowl tonight.”

  “Unfortunately she won’t get lucky with any of my friends. She’s not really their type.”

  I bristled. “Why not?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with her sweetness I’m not being nasty she’s just too forward. Vampires don’t like that, we like a woman who lets us chase her and besides, she’s human.”

  “That’s utter crap,” I argued. “You didn’t chase me.”

  “Another strike to add to the list Georgina, yes, I did, you didn’t give in very easily if you remember rightly.”

  “I don’t want to argue on our wedding day,” I said stubbornly.

  “Then we won’t, but you know I’m right. Heather is very forceful.”

  “Yes, but men like that.”

  “Not my kind.”

  “Ok, we’ll agree to disagree.” I conceded.

  He gave me a grin full of amusement and my anger deflated. “I love you, my sexy Husband.” I smiled at him

  “I love you too my beautiful Wife.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “There’s going to be a fight any minute,” I warned Dexter.

  He frowned and looked over to where I was pointing. Janey stood near the edge of the room with Xavier one side of her and Zack the other. It looked like they were having some kind of stand-off with Janey stuck in the middle of it. She looked worried, but I didn’t think it was for herself, especially when I caught her anxious looks at the men.

  “You need to get over there.”

  “They would never hurt her.” He sounded offended.

  “I’m not worried for Janey, They seem like they want to rip each other apart.”

  “They both want her.”

  “I’ll go and save her myself. She can’t choose between them just like that.”

  “Judging by her body language she doesn’t want to choose between them at all.”

  “She doesn’t want either of them?” I ask confused because it didn’t seem that way to me.

  “No, I think she wants them both.”

  “Oh. Well, I told her she’d find a man, I was half right. Will they share her?”

  “They’ve been friends for longer than you’ve been alive, I’m sure they’ll find a way.”

  “That’s hot.”


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