Anno Dracula 1899 and Other Stories
Page 34
Does Dr Craig agree with you?
I’ve not run my findings past her. Alison has… concerns.
You’ve had practical results?
I want authorisation for tests… we can use the dogs as subjects. Dogs are cheap. They die easily.
The light around RORY shrinks. He senses something.
RORY (turning)
Who’s there? Alison?
Dr Viner?
Sorry, it was nothing. Now, I propose we start with two subjects… [turns again] Hello, come out and…
Blackout. FX: neck breaking. RORY’s strangled scream. Body falls.
Dr Viner, are you there?
Lights up. RORY lies dead, head kinked. The goo is spilled on his face.
I see. Product Twelve…
GALA comes on.
Assess Dr Viner’s status?
GALA picks up RORY as if he were a lightweight. RORY’s neck unkinks and GALA lets him go. RORY stands, face dripping red, zombie-like. GALA stands back.
Ah, Dr Viner, you have had your test. Very successful, too. If not with the subject of your choice. Can you report on your status?
RORY opens his mouth and tries to speak. He gargles red goo and lurches.
Evidently not. Pity.
ALISON comes on. She stands behind RORY.
Rory, I’ve an idea about the goo…
RORY turns. ALISON gasps. RORY lunges for her. ALISON backs off, screams… CARL and VALERIE come on – alerted by the scream. MONSTER, in chair, wheels on after them.
RORY, clutching hand outstretched, stalks ALISON, drooling and gargling goo – completely demented.
Dr Viner seems to have contracted some sort of infection…
Get him away from me!
RORY is focused on ALISON. CARL looks up, doesn’t make a move to help. MONSTER wheels in the way.
Man… bad!
RORY snarls and shoves the MONSTER’s chair off. It falls over. He spills out. VALERIE rights the chair and helps him back into it, concerned.
RORY is now a complete monster.
Kill! Kill!
Product Twelve… Tidy up, severely. Head…
GALA does a rapid punch to RORY’s head. He froths more goo but is stricken.
GALA shoves her palm against RORY’s chest. He drops – shattered. ALISON, recovering quickly, bends over the body and assesses the damage.
His ribcage is shattered. And his skull. Bone knives through the heart and brain. Your girl’s got quite a kick.
She’s built for strength.
We should have helped him.
I’m not complaining. If she hadn’t gone Hai Karate on him, he’d have strangled me.
What got into him?
ALISON holds up her hand. There is goo on it.
ALISON (horrible realisation)
I can guess… [raises voice] Dr Lark, I believe I’m contaminated with what overcame Rory. It’s possible we all are.
CARL, VALERIE and ALISON look at each other.
Dr Lark…
I’m taking the situation under advisement. You might want to wash your hands. And await further instruction. Dr Lark, out.
Lark… what? You’re leaving it at that? Come back.
ALISON has been rubbing her hands on her coat.
It was inert. We determined that first thing.
MONSTER wheels over RORY.
Man… broken. Man… bad?
Man sick. We might all be.
MONSTER (worried)
All… bad?
It’s not your fault. It’s something from the ice.
MONSTER holds up hands. They’re red-gooed.
Is he immune? Will he…? [does clutching hand and nods at RORY]
He was swimming in the stuff when we found him. It’s impossible to tell whether it’s affected him at all. He’s not like us. Rory thought it was the elixir vitae Frankenstein used to bring him to life.
Like in Re-Animator?
Yes, only a different flavour of Opal Fruit.
Have you tried using the goo to reanimate anything?
ALISON (realising what RORY was up to)
I think that’s what Rory was planning. Only it was tried on him first.
By whom?
Don’t be absurd…
Well, I don’t think Mr Boots is up to the lab work. He’s stuck in the chair, for a start. Look at those hands. Not exactly made for juggling test tubes.
MONSTER (smiles)
They could do a pretty good job of the first part of the process. Killing the test subject…
VALERIE (protective)
He wouldn’t hurt anyone.
CARL (venomous)
That’s not what the book says. The one you’re an expert on.
Man… angry. Angry… bad. Angry men… hurt.
We should at least put him in a coma. To be on the safe side.
CARL takes out hypodermic syringe.
VALERIE/ALISON (both protective)
Please yourself. But I want my proposal on record. At the enquiry, I don’t want anyone saying I was negligent.
Lights up. The table/gurney is back. RORY lies on it, coat open over a bloody incision, held apart by surgical clamps.
ALISON on a stool, attaching sensors to her forehead and chest. Her hands are shaking and she’s blotchy-red with goo. She is recording her findings.
…the biomatter is no longer inert… it is bonding on a cellular level with… with Subject Alison Craig. It does not function like a fungal or viral infection. It does not appear to be parasitic, but is mutagenic… It does… change the subject. There is cell growth, metamorphosis, internal rearrangement. Subject’s vital signs are strong. Heart rate slightly up. Temperature stable. I observe…
She takes up a metal beaker and crushes it in her hand.
…unusual strength. I couldn’t have done that yesterday. I see more than I did.
She takes off her glasses and puts them in her top pocket.
I don’t need specs. For the first time since I was twelve.
She feels in her mouth.
I’ve another row of teeth coming through. [looks at RORY’s mouth] In examining the previous subject, I find he was starting a new dentition also. It’s hard to tell, because of the damage done in subduing him, but I believe his neck was broken before his changes accelerated. I can’t believe he did that to himself. Memo: was Gala instructed to make a test subject of him?
Of course not. That would have overridden Professor Court’s order that she save you.
ALISON (jumps)
You were listening. I’m not surprised. Do you know what’s happening to me?
It’s beyond my field… but I’d say that you’re becoming something else. Something not human.
You mean a monster?
That’s a very loaded term.
ALISON is agitated and shuddering – great changes inside her. She is leaking goo.
ALISON (agitated)
I know what the elixir does now. I have unusual insights because it’s rearranged my brain. My heart rate’s up. My vitals are off the charts. I could tear through the wall. Leap a tall building at a single bound.
She detaches the sensors. She is frothing goo. She looks at her hands. They are clutching claws.
But I can’t take this. I’m not designed for this. I’m so alive it’s killing me!
ALISON’s eyes bulge… her brain explodes inside her skull. She drops, spasming.
Gala, tidy up.
GALA steps out of shadows, looks down at twitching ALISON, kneels, arm drawn back as if ready to slam the heel of her hand into ALISON’s head.
Blackout. FX: Horrible squelch.
Lights up.
RORY on table/gurney. ALISON on floor, with bloody towel covering her (smashed) head. CARL is going over notes.
Do you support Dr Craig’s hypothesis?
She had useful insights. A unique perspective, you might say.
The elixir… the goo. Its effects are not uniformly beneficial.
Not for real people. Though it kickstarts all sorts of processes which are highly desirable. It’s what Victor used to bring his creation to life.
The goo raises the dead?
Temporarily. But that’s not what it’s for. As the case of Dr Viner shows. Just raising the dead is of questionable use… they’re still broken. The case of Dr Craig shows that even the living can have too much life. Putting goo in her was like pouring rocket fuel in a 2CV – it blew her apart.
What are you saying it does?
It animates what was not animate and makes it extraordinarily resilient. I was wrong about Frankenstein – he didn’t make his creation the way he did because he lacked tools for microsurgery. It had to have a cast-iron constitution to survive the elixir.
Lights up on MONSTER, in chair, and VALERIE – they can hear MYRA and CARL talking. GALA stands nearby – spatters of blood on her hands and face, which doesn’t bother her.
So, commercial applications are limited?
Not at all. It wasn’t good for baseline bods like Viner and Craig, but it’d be a tonic for Gala. Gala plus goo is Product Thirteen. And many Products to come.
You still want to look inside Product One?
MONSTER’s ears prick up.
Yes. Coma, then dissection. Now, more than ever – we need to see how Frankenstein put it together. So we can make our own.
Approval is granted.
MONSTER gasps. VALERIE is appalled.
CARL (surprised but not unhappy)
Really? I can cut it up? You know this means it’ll be nonfunctional… dead.
That has been considered.
Ah. That’s what Unwin want to know, isn’t it? Whether it can be killed?
Lights down on MYRA. CARL notices that MONSTER and VALERIE are listening.
Ah. You heard that.
I won’t let you hurt him.
Angry man… bad. Angry man… terrible.
CARL has his syringe out again. VALERIE gets between him and the cringing MONSTER.
You’re not qualified to have an opinion on this part of the process.
Gala, keep Dr Cleaver away from us.
GALA advances.
Gala, stay! Override code Gepetto Six.
GALA halts.
CARL (raising syringe)
This won’t hurt.
MONSTER whimpers, shrinks in chair. CARL eases VALERIE aside and rolls up MONSTER’s sleeve.
CARL (soothing)
All over soon.
VALERIE snatches the needle and jabs CARL in the neck with it. He stands up stiff, face contorting.
Judas cunt!
CARL falls forward. Dead.
VALERIE is horrified at what she’s done.
Would somebody check Dr Cleaver for deadness.
I find Dr Cleaver… uh, life negative.
Well, that settles something. As you were… Continue the assessment of Product One.
VALERIE (appalled)
As you were! Dr Lark, Dr Lark…
No response.
Angry man gone?
Yes. Angry man can’t hurt you ever again. Do you understand?
MONSTER nods. VALERIE hugs MONSTER maternally. Holds back tears.
Everything’s going to be all right. I promise. No one’s going to hurt you again… or frighten you… or try to exploit you in any way.
As VALERIE speaks, MONSTER stands up, arms going around her. VALERIE’s instinct is to embrace him. Then she realises he’s out of the chair and has a spasm of worry.
She tries to pull away, but he still holds her. She smiles at him and he smiles back, nastily. He doesn’t look stupid any more.
You can walk? You’re…?
Have you even read that fucking book?
Starting to panic, VALERIE twists around. GALA holds up her copy of Frankenstein.
What? I don’t understand?
Not understand good? Not surprised here. Not fucking surprised at all. Really, Professor Court, I’m astonished that thou’rt such a cretin… How a university could bestow degree and title upon one of such limited understanding is beyond even my considerable comprehension. Then again, you’re just human. All of you… you’re so tiny, so eager. Has mankind advanced so little in two and a half centuries? You’re children prodding cats to see what they’ll do and putting things in your mouths you shouldn’t. All in all, you’ve had your chance and it’s for the best that you quietly die in the corner and let a grown-up species take over. A successor species.
Your back was broken.
It comes apart and goes back together. All of me does. [he snaps his wrist, and then puts his hand back properly] You know, I didn’t think you’d fall for it. You’re supposed to be scientists. Brighter than the average homo idioticus… but no. Still, you shouldn’t be too surprised. ‘This horror will grow mild, this darkness light.’
That’s Milton. Paradise Lost.
MONSTER lets her go. She shrinks away, tripping over CARL.
MONSTER (declaiming)
‘Into this wild Abyss, the womb of Nature, and perhaps her grave… of neither sea, nor shore, nor air, nor fire, but all these in their pregnant causes mixed confusedly, and which thus must ever fight, unless the Almighty Maker them ordain His dark materials to create more worlds… Into this wild Abyss the wary Fiend stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while pondering his voyage; for no narrow frith he had to cross.’
I hate Milton.
Call yourself a Professor of Literature!
Media studies.
MONSTER laughs. He clomps around on his boots.
Gala… kill!
GALA marches towards MONSTER. MONSTER laughs extravagantly. MONSTER opens his mouth and CARL’s voice comes out.
FX: CARL’s voicer />
Gala, override code Gepetto Six.
GALA stops.
Didn’t know I could do that, did you? There’s no end to my talents.