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The Incubus Detective

Page 7

by Breccan Storm

  Maven had proven himself a formidable force time and time again. Cassius knew he could take the demon down eventually, but he didn’t have the patience for the long game right now. So, why not slay the lesser of two evils?

  Dionis would be stepping out of those holy double-doors at any second. Without Maven, she was nothing in a fight. She was slippery, though, so Cassius would have to catch her off guard before she vanished. He was looking forward to telling Maven all about the little succubus’ death.

  His black cloak danced ever so softly in the breeze. His sword was dripping with demon poison. Below, a young nun exited the church and started making her way down the street, but this was no nun at all. Cassius could see right through her disguise. He gleaned something else, too. She was distracted, off in her own world of thought. So much the better. The initial strike would come easy, and swift. The rest would be slow and painful.

  He stayed on the rooftop, stalking her from above, hoping she would make the foolish mistake that so many demons had made before her. They all assumed they were safe in dark alleyways. After just one block, Dionis made that fabled mistake, and Cassius smiled. He leapt from the rooftop, sword high, poison flitting through the air against the wind. Before the little nymph knew what hit her, the blade found its mark, leaving a clean slice down her back.

  Dionis’ disguise immediately dropped, part from her shock and part from the power that was already leaking from her. She collapsed forward, hitting the ground hard, stunned at the awful amount of blood that was spilling out all around her. Barely able to hold herself up on her hands, she looked over her shoulder to see the man that had nailed her.

  Cassius smiled. There was nothing more satisfying to him than a perfect strike against demon flesh. He pointed his sword at her, tauntingly, as if to say, “I could take my next swing now, or in five minutes. Either way, I own you.”

  She could feel the poison making its way through her thick, demon blood. It was already slowing her every move. Desperation clouded her mind, the kind of desperation that only strikes during one’s final minutes of life. She put what little strength she had into launching herself upward, hoping to jump into flight. Instead she only sputtered and hit the ground a second time.

  She crawled for just a little before trying another trick. With focus, she managed to teleport away from her soon-to-be murderer, but only a couple feet. The poison was strong tonight, and the wound was deep. Cassius mocked her feeble attempts, then gave her a solid kick just for trying.

  “Ahh, yes. Feel the poison you piece of shit demon Nymph. You won’t be visiting anyone’s dreams tonight. I can assure you that.” The demon hunter was talking like he had some kind of emotional hard on, maybe a real one too. “The only thing you’ll be seeing is your place in hell. They’re going to make you their little fucking sex slave down there. I say ‘they’ because I’ll bet you’ll be working for a pretty big crowd, non-stop. Even a horny little thing like you will beg them to stop eventually. Everyone breaks at some point. Have you seen the cocks on arch demons?” He laughed “I can see the line now, endless even though you’re taking them five at a time.”

  “So, since when have you started attending church at such late hours?” He asked, stepping into a casual stroll behind her and striking a similar tone. “How lucky am I to see you tonight, all alone, without your incubus hero?” He stepped over Dionis, whose miserable crawl had already slowed to a snail’s pace, and planted his foot firmly on her back. The succubus let out a muffled groan and stole one final look up at the massive demon hunter. His face now took on a sullen and angry appearance at the sight of her. “Oh, I’ll still make a pretty penny off of you. Fucking demon shit. Rot in Hell. And don’t you worry, I’ll send your pretty head to Maven to use as a trophy in that shit hole tattoo parlor of his…”

  Cassius raised his sword one more time, and the blade gave off the feeling that it had a life of its own. Its venom was dripping at an angle, towards Dionis, like it wanted her just as bad as Cassius did. The demon hunter brought his thirsty sword down on the helpless demon’s neck.

  But it hit wood instead. A birch cane had met the sword in mid swing, sizzling on contact but remaining unblemished. At the thinking end of the cane, there stood Aubrey Fiddlesworth, looking as he always did in his fine, antique clothing and dark round sunglasses. Off of Cassius’ stunned look, Aubrey returned his usual, cordial smile, showing off his beautiful white teeth and one razor sharp incisor. The two stared at each other for a moment. Cassius, on instinct, could tell that Aubrey was also a demon.

  Two trophies in one night. Not bad.

  He took a swing, but Aubrey mirrored Cassius’ move without so much as a flinch. His birch cane was quick. Cassius pressed his attack, and as strike after strike was blocked, Aubrey only smiled.

  Beneath the one-sided clash, Dionis lay near dead in her own blood, conscious but unable to move.

  The demon and the hunter played their game of tit for tat until Cassius’ own incredible stamina failed him. He stepped back, panting. Aubrey took this chance to explain the situation.

  “Good. Now that that’s out of the way…” He shifted his grip on the cane, pressing it back into the ground for its intended use. “You will need to find another target tonight, my friend. Can I offer you some tea now that we’re communicating in a more professional and civil manner? Tea is quite beneficial for health purposes and such. I highly recommend it.”

  Cassius looked at Aubrey with confusion, then spoke.

  “So you’re her fucking guardian, huh?” He asked, composing himself and his thoughts. “You have no right to meddle in these affairs, demon. Hell has two sides, and the devils won’t be too happy about this.” Cassius finished.

  “Yes, well that particular issue will be disentangled in due time,” Aubrey answered. “But tonight, as I said, you’ll have to find a different victim. I’m not here to completely ruin your night, though. So shall we have a more fruitful discussion, Cassius Slay?”

  Cassius had yet to lower his blade, yet to wipe the angry look off of his face. He did, however, nod in agreement. Aubrey went on.

  “We have plans for our little succubus here. It is most unfortunate that we have to intervene, but as Gazrog’s attorney at hand I must ask you to come to terms and agree to spare Dionis this night. Like I said, we have bigger plans for her final demise. Those plans do not include you. I hope you don’t feel dejected over the matter.” Aubrey’s sharpened tooth sparkled in the dim moonlight.

  Cassius’ stance weakened at the use of Gazrog’s name. He was starting to get the picture, but wanted more of it.

  “Hah. Yeah. And what’s in for me?” He asked.

  “Oh, we’ll pay you handsomely for your trouble. Did I fail to mention that? I’m not in the business of threats, Mr. Slay. Not only will we pay you, we’ll agree not to interfere with any of your other affairs, or…” He paused. “Any other demons you are hunting. We do find the games entertaining.”

  Other meant Maven. They both knew this.

  “I’ll sweeten the deal further, my astute business partner.” Aubrey held out what looked like nothing more than a white lapel pin with wings. Cassius sneered at it.

  “What’s this?”

  “This is a little trinket that may offer you some minor protection.”


  “Angel’s, dear Cassius.” The mention of the benevolent beings darkened the tone of the discussion. “Oh, yes. They’re here too, Cassius, and they’re watching. One might be happy to have some protection against them. The time that a little gift like that could be put to good use may come sooner than you think. These days you can never be too…” Aubrey lifted his glass to show his black eyes. “Careful.”

  With that, an old scroll magically appeared out of nowhere, and a bone pen appeared in Cassius Slay’s off hand.

  “Just sign next to your name and our correspondence will be concluded,” Aubrey said in a soothing, fatherly tone. “Unless, of course, you wish to refuse our offe

  Cassius eyed Aubrey carefully, then looked down at Dionis as if he was actually debating whether or not he would take the deal. Hoping the dying nymph could hear him, he said, “You’re lucky tonight, you demon whore. But you’ll get yours in the end…”

  Aubrey laughed. “In the end, yes. In the end.”

  Cassius signed the scroll. Two blinks later, Aubrey and Dionis disappeared from the street, leaving Cassius alone to watch the demon blood slowly dissipate from the dirty alleyway.

  Chapter 17

  It was a mostly standard night at good old Charlie’s Blue Bawlers Bar. Two giant women were throwing out a random drunk just as an incubus detective strolled in. The devil at the far end of the bar drank his drink as a dwarf served others with their poisons of choice.

  The only difference on this particular night was a subtle one. Double D had done her share of dancing, grinding, and groping in this place, but now she had changed. Now, she was a vampire.

  Maven treated himself to a lap dance by said vampire. He had questions for her, but why interview someone from across a table when you can enjoy the sensation of their body rubbing on your own? She was wearing fishnets tonight, difficult for any man or demon to resist.

  Finally. Finally, during that dance, amidst the tantalizing heat of that half-naked sex icon, Maven got what he was looking for. The night Stanley Belman was killed someone had met him at his car. He and the woman seemed to know each other, and before long the two of them left together.

  “What makes you say they knew each other?” Maven asked, copping a feel from the side of Double D’s breasts down to her hips. What Victor didn’t know wouldn’t kill him again…

  “They were saying something about an appointment, something about cleaning his motel room. Maybe some kind of maid service.”

  “That helps. You got a description of this cleaning lady?”

  It was three-word description, but enough to set off all kinds of bells and whistles in the detective’s head. Those three words bounced around in his head, raising hell.

  For the first time since he could remember, Maven cut a lap dance short. He knew exactly where he was heading next. The pieces were coming together, and he couldn’t wait to share them with Ashley, and maybe share a few other things with her.

  “Hey, Maven. You want to cash in on that drink I owe you?”

  Maven turned to see that the question had come from a well-known facet of the bar. Danny Chow, known as Chow-Mein to all regulars, was a real sight. He was a mere five-feet tall but weighed nearly four hundred pounds. The guy was proportional to a hamburger.

  “Can’t tonight, Chow. I’ve got business.”

  Chow Mein did indeed owe Maven a drink or two. The stout eating machine had a thing for the girls at Charlie’s, so much of a thing that he also had a thing for masturbating in the bathroom. Maven didn’t like it, but he understood what it was like to have the occasional primal urge. He had reluctantly distracted Charlie on more than a few occasions so Chow could finish his business without being caught.

  “Alright,” Chow said. “Maybe later. Oh, hey!”

  Maven stopped again, wanting nothing more than to walk out the door. As it turned out, Chow had something useful to say this time around.

  “You’re working a case for that Ashley Belman lady, right?”

  “Maybe,” Maven said.

  “Well I don’t think you are any more. Been listing to my police scanner. Sounds like she died. Just happened tonight.”

  Maven froze, already knowing that she hadn’t died, she was murdered. He tried not to show his rage.

  “Thanks for the intel, Chow. I’ll look into it.”

  He made his way past the two giant bouncers without saying a word, stepped out into the muggy air, and withheld a his fury. A temper wouldn’t be productive. Instead, he repeated Double D’s three word description of the woman that left with Stanley Belman.

  Young Spanish woman.

  Chapter 18

  Sister Esperanza had definitely been waiting, longing for Maven’s return to her dreams. She surprised Maven by immediately becoming the aggressor in their next dream encounter. Her lust and desire to please him was confirmed by her attire. She was wearing thigh-high stockings and garter belt, attached to black see-through panties and matching bra that barely held in her ample, round, and perky breasts. Her nipples were already erect, sensitive, and ready to be touched.

  Impatient and losing control, Sister Esperanza reached down into her panties and started rubbing herself. She was already wet by the mere sight of Maven. In a slow, moaning voice she let out a few words in Spanish, and Maven knew them to be filthy ones. Maven loved hearing dirty talk in romantic languages. He loved speaking it, too, so he fired the filth right back at her, calling her a slut, calling her his slave.

  As if knocked over by Maven’s words, the hot-blooded nun laid back onto her bed and slowly spread her legs while rubbing her inner thigh. Her rosary lay perfectly within her cleavage, making it all seem so wrong in such a good way.

  “Are you ready for me?” She asked with her sexy Spanish accent, slowly pulling her panties aside to reveal a thin strip of black hair. “I want you inside me. I need you inside me. You want to fuck me, Maven?” Then she said the words that always worked on Maven, bringing his blood to a boil as well. “I’ve been a very bad girl. I need to be punished.”

  All shyness was gone in Esperanza, and Maven’s sexual appetite was now in overdrive. He moved to mount her, now taking control of the horny woman. He pulled her panties off so forcefully that the threads snapped and stretched. The nun, now looking up at Maven with submission in her eyes, gasped at the feeling. Maven grabbed her hand and pushed it down to his own large member.

  He growled Spanish into her ear, knowing full well that she liked to be degraded.

  “Time to work you little whore.”

  Maven thrust himself into her, causing her to gasp a second time. She struggled to take in air for a second, almost seeming to choke. Maven relentlessly thrust against her, staring deep into her wide and pleading eyes. Her surrender to his power gave her an almost apologetic look. She dug her nails deep into his back.

  Their eyes were locked. Sister Esperanza opened herself up to Maven as she moaned, telling Maven how good his cock felt in her. She felt Maven prying at her, forcing his way into her in a different way. He was searching her mind, and as soon as she realized this, she gave in, revealing her thoughts to him. Maven moved through her mind. It was domination on the next level, which turned Esperanza on even more. Then, Maven found a secret, though it wasn’t what he was looking for. It was what she wanted, and without hesitation he brought his hand up to her neck and squeezed. She gasped again, weakly pleaded for Maven to thrust harder, then asked him to cum inside of her sacred pussy.

  Through it all, she was getting rid of old memories, releasing them like a terrible burden she had been carrying, giving it all to Maven, surrendering her past.

  Finally letting go, she spread her legs further apart and gyrated against Maven’s aggression. She pumped harder with each second, screaming while spouting filthy words in Spanish. Meanwhile, Maven saw everything.

  Both were on the verge of cumming. Maven struggled to sort through the sensations of ecstasy from the moment and anguish from Esperanza’s memories. He thrust, thrust, thrust, then locked completely up, tensing every inch of his body.

  And there it was. The memory of Stanly Belman in his final moments, dying at the hands of Sister Esperanza.

  The image, though grotesque, created such a mental jolt that both Maven and Esperanza came together with the force of an earthquake.

  After a few seconds, Esperanza began to softly cry, partly from relief of her mental confession and part from embarrassment. Maven had seen it all. He comforted her, assuring her that she’ll be okay. She was safe from Stanley. It was all behind her now.

  “Just another rich asshole with power,” Maven said, hoping to comfort her, but switched to address anoth
er, different pain that he had sensed within her. “If you want, I can help you find your daughter.”

  The word daughter caught Esperanza off guard. She looked at Maven suddenly with hope, but didn’t say anything. Words seemed so worthless, so unnecessary now. He had seen inside of her mind.

  He knew that she had started having sex with Stanley Belman when she was only eighteen years old, shortly after being hired as his and Ashley’s house cleaner. If she stopped letting him fuck her, he would fire her. She needed the money. When she became pregnant with Stanley’s child she was forced to put the baby girl up for adoption. Esperanza grew to hate Stanley for this and left to become a nun in an attempt to atone for her actions and loss of her child.

  Stanley found out about Esperanza’s life choice, and used her past against her. He threatened to tell the convent about her past if she didn’t go back to pleasing him. Everything that followed unfolded as natural as a spring flower, though it wasn’t pretty.

  Chapter 19

  Then there was the demon hunter. Pissed at his losses despite his gains, and holed up near Demon, Ink, waiting for his next chance to kill. Even his sword was pissed off. The blade itself lusted for demon blood. It was strengthened every time it killed a demon, and it knew this.

  Maven arrived at Demon, Ink to find Converse Billy helping a nearly dead Dionis, giving her water and patching her nasty wound. Cassius sneered as he observed the reunion from afar. His murder cravings would once again have to be overruled by logic. If he attacked Maven, there was a risk of accidentally breaking his contract with Aubery. Dionis was that close to death. The other reason to hold back was a simple one. Picking a fight with the vampire kid would mean making an enemy of Victor.

  No, thank you.

  Cassius’ disgust at the situation set off a sort of wave, an aura, which Maven immediately sensed. He turned to look up to where he was certain he would see Cassius, but the hunter had already fled.


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