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Wolves Bloodlines

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  Hopper raised his eyebrows and thought about it. She was right. “Do I want a relationship with someone who understands me, or what being a lycan is like?” He asked back at Tatum. “I’ve had plenty of casual encounters.”

  “Human or wolf?” Tatum asked him.

  “Both.” He said keeping eye contact with her. Honesty was defiance here. Defiance was strength and Hooper knew all about being strong. “No werewolves though.” Hooper added as an after thought.

  “You’ve never had sex, even casual sex with a werewolf? Just lycans and humans?” Tatum sought to clarify.

  “Yeah. Shifters too.”

  “Why do you think that is?” She asked tapping her pen.

  Hooper smiled back at her. “Haven’t met the right guy yet.”

  Tatum smiled back at him. “Try again. That’s a cop out and we both know it.”

  “Can’t get into anything long term with humans because,” He used his hands to illustrate himself.

  “Because you’re a lycan.”


  “This makes you afraid, what, that you’ll either hurt them unintentionally, maybe make them like you or that they’ll find out, ultimately, who you are.”

  “What I am.” Hooper clarified. Tatum paused before asking her next question.

  “What are you?” She asked him.

  “An animal of vengeance. ” He replied. “That’s how all lycans are made. Through vengeance.”


  Wiatt drove into the parking lot at Haven, Tatum’s support center. It was three o’clock and that was they’re agreed pick up time. There were no other cars parked there. No people walking around. He pushed through the open front door. Her office door was open, but he could hear another voice along with hers. Wiatt hung back out of sight.

  “So you don’t believe its possible for humans and lycans to be in a relationship together because of circumstances you feel are outside of your sense of control.”

  “Right, all it would take is a scratch right? Then I’d be doing the same thing to someone else that was done to me.” A male voice replied to her questioning.

  “What was done to you Hooper was no accident. There was clearly intent in the attack. Do you not trust yourself to be with someone because you’re a lycan?”

  Wiatt stilled and listed, intrigued by the private conversation he knew he should not be eavesdropping on. “Yes, I don’t trust myself not to hurt someone because I’ll have a moment where my anger meets intent and it just presents an opportunity that the lycan in me can’t say no to.”

  “So if a sexual relationship with a human is out of the question because of your own fear of control over your lycan abilities, then what about a relationship with another wolf?”

  Wiatt nodded his head. He had to give to her, Tatum knew what she was talking about. She sounded assured, and professional and most importantly, supportive of the male, Hooper she was talking too. Wait, Hooper was her lycan friend. Her only friend outside of Bg Sommers. Hooper Parish. Wiatt had met him. He was Booker Parish’s younger brother. “What about another lycan?” She pressed.

  “Couldn’t be another Lycan.” Hooper replied. “I hate being around my own kind.”

  “Hate is a strong word to use.” Tatum said back at him. “Do you mean uncomfortable?”

  “Hate, discomfort, its all the same. They lycans over here, in the Bronx, they’re just angry and absolute in their hatred of what they are. It’s not a pleasant environment to be in. That wouldn’t make a successful relationship builder. That’s why Haven, you’re venture is so important.” Hooper said back at her.

  “Why is that?” Tatum asked obviously.

  “So you can get me a boyfriend wolf who doesn’t hate me or himself when we’re having sex.” Hooper joked. Tatum laughed back at him.

  “Is it always about sex with you Parish?”

  “Pretty much.” Wiatt had heard enough, he backed up slowly to the front door again and opened it, making sure he coughed and made a noise as he stepped through the corridor. Two seconds later, Hooper Parish and Tatum appeared in the doorway of her office.

  “Hey man,” Wiatt said by way of greeting sticking out his hand to Hooper.

  “Hey,” Hooper replied shaking Wiatt’s hand.

  “Hey beautiful, ready to go home?” Wiatt asked bending down to kiss Tatum’s cheek.

  “Um, yep, just grab my hand bag. Hooper you need a lift anywhere?” Tatum asked disappearing back into the room.

  “You two are good together.” Hooper said to Wiatt in a low voice waving a finger back and forth as if to indicate him and Tatum. “Don’t fuck it up.” Wiatt nodded his head silently. “Nah, I’m good. I can see myself out.” He replied loudly back into the room half turning his head. “Don’t forget that.” He redirected at Wiatt. “When you got to Boston.” Hooper walked out into the hallway full and started walking out.

  Tatum walked over to the door, her handbag slung over her shoulder. “Hey beautiful,” Wiatt greeted her with and bent down, his lips kissing hers. His tongue slipping into her mouth and leisurely caressing her. His hand going to the back of her neck. Tatum moaned lightly and Wiatt pulled back looking at the dazed look in Tatum’s eyes, they were filled with passion. He was going to make love to her when they got home, and he’d try not to break any speed limits in getting her home.

  “You know, I’ve just been talking about sex for the past thirty minutes.” Tatum let her sentence trail off with meaning.

  “I try to be good around you.” He muttered heatedly “Get you home safe so I can make love to you.”

  “And I go all gutter girl suggesting a quickie in my office.” Tatum smirked. Wiatt’s smile broadened. “So the car’s this way, right?” Tatum said walking past Wiatt who reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Is it going to be like this every day I pick you up. You trying to corrupt me in your place of business?” Wiatt asked flirtatiously as he let go of her arm.

  “Pretty much.”

  “Perfect” Wiatt smiled, watching her ass as she walked away from him.


  Wiatt kept watching Tatum’s ass as they walked into the apartment they lived in together. He was still smiling when he closed the door behind her. He felt happy, Tatum made him happy and he was glad he could help her do this one thing. Help her overcome her past that seemed to be ever present with her. Wiatt looked up as she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Paris agreed to give me time off.”

  Tatum turned around to face him. “Thank you for doing this, with me.”

  “Of course.” Wiatt said his hands rubbing her arms slowly.

  Tatum watched him closely as he moved in closer to him. She knew he wouldn’t admit it out loud again, but she could see the insecurity he had about her and Robbie. She knew it was there, just under the surface with him. “I just want you to know, I’m doing this for us though. I want to be with you Wiatt.” She said searching his eyes.

  “I know that too.” Wiatt replied softly wrapping his arms around her as she slipped her around his waist.

  “I guess,” Tatum sighed and dipped her head. “I just want to reassure you that I’m not out, trying to cause trouble here.”

  That made him chuckle at her. “I’m not sure that’s possible.” Wiatt said kissing the top of her head. “You seem like the trouble type.”

  “Hmmm,” Tatum looked at his chest before looking back up at him. “And you like that?”

  “I’m marrying that.” Wiatt smirked at her. “Come on, you need to rest, get off your feet.” He said placing a chaste kiss on her lips. “We leave early tomorrow for Boston.”

  Tatum turned around as directed by his arms and walked back towards the bedroom as Wiatt kept his hands on her shoulders, walking behind her. “So bossy.” Tatum muttered walking into the bedroom with a big smile on her face.

  “Bossy, just another word for Alpha, right?” Wiatt replied back at her. Tatum frowned, and spun around on Wiatt again.

  “How does the whole alpha,
beta wolf thing happen anyway?” She asked him curiously.

  “As with anything, genetics.” Wiatt answered her, taking her handbag off her and placing it on the dresser.

  “So it’s all pre-determined, the wolf stuff.” Tatum asked him.

  “Don’t do this to yourself Tay,”

  “Do what?”

  “I can see you overthinking this already.” Wiatt answered her. “Don’t start dealing in what-if’s and maybe’s. It’ll do your head in and you and our pup,” Wiatt said placing a hand on her belly. “Don’t need that kind of stress. Leave it for Boston, baby.” He said kissing her lips. Tatum titled her face up to his and felt her heat get stolen away in the tenderness of the moment slowly as the trepidation of her fears, slipped away again, with Wiatt’s reassuring presence. What would she do without that? She didn’t even want to know. His assurance, was like a strength that set her on fire and held her close in an embrace that reached deep within her soul. She got it from his kiss, his touch, even the way he looked at her. There was nowhere else on this earth, no one else who could make her feel so safe and loved all in one.

  Boston. Seemed liked a filthy word that rattled around in Wiatt D’arenberg’s brain. Much like the name Robbie. Still, if Tatum could overcome her own fear of the guy that had attacked her and made her a lycan, and was strong enough to face him again, then Wiatt could at least play nice, too. He could fake it with the best of them if he had to. Anything for Tatum. Wiatt laid awake for most of the night, laying besides his lycan lover, mother of his first child, and wife to be, watching her sleep. He wanted to keep her and the pup safe. More than that, he wanted Tatum happy, with him, and their life to be together.

  Tatum didn’t know it, because he’d never mentioned it to her, but she twitched in her sleep when she was stressed. Wiatt suspected it was nightmares but he never brought it up with her. If Tatum wanted to let him in on what terror she let take her at night, she would. He had to give her space, let her let him in at her own pace. He’d learnt that much from being in this relationship. He watched over her and stroked her hair back off her face as she made small noises in her sleep. Vowing to himself that if he had the chance, he’d make Robbie pay for every bit of blood Tatum had spilled, for every claw mark that branded her skin, still. He’d rid them of the Boston wolf, for once and all.

  It was the only way he could be sure, they could truly have a life together. Without the threat of Robbie ever interfering in it again.


  Boston was a two hour drive from New York. Whilst Wiatt has asked Paris for a few days off from his pack enforcer role. Wiatt didn’t honestly think they would need much time. The way he saw the trip going, was going to go down was probably, it would be a bust.

  Tatum had admitted that when she’d returned to Boston after she’d left home, she hadn’t known Robbie still lived in the area. It had been blind coincidence and bad luck that she’d run into Robbie, her childhood friend again. And since the attack, she hadn’t been back to Boston. She’d in fact, fled it, a second time. The first time was when her brother had died and the bank had then repossessed her family home. The second had been after the wolf attack. She’d left by all accounts, without much thought other than survival and the need to get away.

  And now, she was going back and he was going with her, to this bad place to find a bad wolf. His fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly at the thought. How could anyone hurt her? He glanced over at Tatum in the car. She’d been silent so far, and was looking out the passenger winder, a far away expression on her face. Was she numb? Or giving herself a pep talk to go ahead with her plan to confront Robbie?

  Tatum looked across at Wiatt, and he looked away, back at the road as he kept driving.

  “Wiatt, if you don’t want to do this, I’ll understand.”

  “What?” He asked glancing across her.

  “But I need to do this.”

  “I know that.”

  “I could go on my own, you wouldn’t need to come with me.” Tatum said back at him.

  “What? No way am I letting that douche-bag anywhere near you without me around Tay. So quit trying to get rid of me, right now. Besides, we’re half way there already.”

  Wiatt forced himself to relax in the driver seat and glanced down as he felt, her hand rest on his thigh.

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “Let’s.” Wiatt replied patting her hand.


  They arrived in Boston by mid-day, after a few toilet stops for Tatum and some snack food for her. Hooper drove them to their hotel in Back Bay, Boston. Keeping the engine running as they pulled up into the driveway, he hopped out and handed his keys to the valet. Shooing the second valet assistant away before walking around the car to open the door for Tatum, himself.

  Tatum stepped out smiling at him and his heart tightened, a bit more. He wanted her to be happy and without stress during her pregnancy. He wanted them, the hell out of Boston. Still, he smiled back at her. “Wow and I figured we’d just check into some chain motel or something. No wonder you said to let you handle the accommodation arrangements.”

  “I’m a D’arenberg, the whole taste and style thing, runs through the entire family. Cheap isn’t our first default setting. Besides, I want my baby-momma to have as much comfort as she needs while she’s carrying our pup.” He said before leaning forward and kissing her forehead.

  “As long as I’ve got you Wiatt, I’ll get through this. No hotel is a replacement for the comfort you give me.” She whispered at him as they walked into the reception to check in. His fingers tightened around hers as they walked in hand and hand.

  “Plus if this a bust, we can at least spend a few days away together, away from all the werewolf pack shit.” Wiatt muttered as they walked towards reception.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sound tired before, with pack life, that is.” She said softly. Wiatt glanced at her and they stopped talking as they walked up to the reception desk.

  “Hi, we’re checking in.” Wiatt replied to the receptionist in the uniform behind the desk.

  “Name the booking is under sir?”

  “D’arenberg.” Wiatt replied as the receptionist typed into her computer keyboard whilst looking at her computer screen. Wiatt watched as she produced two swipe key cards for their rooms and laid them out on the counter top. Tatum noted there was a look at her engagement ring.

  “There you go Mr and Mrs D’arenberg.” The receptionist replied sliding the key cards across to both Wiatt and Tatum. Tatum looked over at Wiatt, smiling widely.

  “You’re room is on the second level, you can take the elevator to the second floor. The concierge will take your bags up for you. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “Yes, my wife is pregnant and has developed a craving for strawberry’s. Do you have fresh strawberries you can send up to us for her to snack on?” Tatum kept smiling and watching the exchange take place. She hadn’t developed any cravings yet, Wiatt was just being cheeky because the receptionist had called her Mrs D’arenberg. “I’ll check with the kitchen sir.” But she did like strawberry’s, so it was a good guess on his behalf since she didn’t think she’d had any since she’d been with him.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything else?” The receptionist asked looking from Wiatt to Tatum.

  “Do you have any old phone books from a year ago? I’m trying to look up an old friend and they’re local to this area.” Tatum replied back at the younger girl.

  “Let me speak to the concierge and if we do, I’ll have it brought up to your room with the strawberry’s.”

  “Thank you, that’s all.” Tatum replied as they moved off into the hotel silently. The happiness of their arrival, now somewhat tepid and tense and the reality of their situation, always close at hand, cut in on them.


  The hotel did not have any old telephone books. But they did have strawberry’s and Tatum was getting very pleasantly distracted by Wiatt and the s
trawberries. “Mmm.” Wiatt muttered popping one in her mouth, and then, letting her see his werewolf fangs, he leaned down and bite into the end of it, slicing the small fruit, effortlessly. Dripping his fangs in the juice as with each delicate bite he got teasingly close to her mouth. Until he sliced the last piece of strawberry from her, and she swallowed the rest. Wiatt pull back and made her do the same thing again, without kissing her.

  “This is making me very hot.” Tatum said. “I am getting very close to jumping your bones”. But just when Tatum thought she couldn’t handle their little delicacy game anymore, he pulled her close to him. Without a word of instruction, she began licking and sucking the sweet strawberry juice from his fangs.

  Wiatt moaned at her before claiming her mouth with his own as he rolled Tatum onto her back and began kissing her, wholly. “Are you trying to make me go off mission?” Tatum asked breathlessly between kisses as Wiatt began moving down her throat. Pawing at her clothing to move out of his way as he inched further down her body.

  “Sure.” He muttered back at her.

  “Wiatt, we agreed on why we were coming up here.” Tatum said trying to focus on words as he pulled her top down and started sucking a rosebud nipple into his mouth. Damn him, that felt better than good. “If I wanted a romantic get-away with you, I wouldn’t bring you to Boston.” She managed to get out just before a gasp left her mouth.

  Wiatt let go off her nipple and looked back up at her. “Firstly, I can do romance anywhere, I’ve got mad skills. Secondly, I think we’ve got a better shot at finding our prey at night, because it seems to me, that’s when he likes to hunt.”

  Tatum frowned and suddenly felt very uncomfortable with Wiatt’s choice of words. She pulled her top out of fingers and covered her breast back up again. “Prey, Hunt? Do you hear yourself Wiatt?” Tatum said scrambling up to a sitting position on the bed, making him move off her as she did so.


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