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Pretty Prize

Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  “Yes, he’s even more handsome in person,” I admit. “And ruthless.” Yeah, that has been whispered too. The man doesn’t hold his tongue. “He’s demanding, cocky, confident, rude, overbearing and he has the filthiest mouth,” I manage to get out all in one breath.

  “You’re so lucky that Garrick picked him! Your brother is the creepiest douchebag I know so Hunter must have made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

  I was thinking the same thing. The offer had to have been good. Cara always said my brother was creepy and stared at me in ways he shouldn't. I wasn't sure. I’m not around men for the most part. Garrick made sure of that.

  “We both know he wouldn’t have let you go for some chump change. Let’s face the facts, he didn’t do this for your benefit. At least you’re free of that asshole now.”

  Yeah, I’ve been tossed from one asshole to another.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to marry Hunter Keal.” She lets out a dreamy sigh. All the girls have been wondering about him and why he’s never given any of them the time of day. It looks like I’ll be getting most of it. “I’m dying of jealousy.” Those are the last words I hear before the door is shoved open. I stand there in shock as Hunter snatches my phone from my hand.

  Not my phone. My heart drops in my chest. Cara is the only thing that keeps me sane. Garrick did not approve of my friendship with her but he couldn't completely stop it. We ran in the same circles. Hence the secret phone so we could stay close. It was easier for him to not see how often we talked or what we text to one another.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” He glares at my phone in his hand. “Cara.” He says her name like he knows who she is before he hits the end button on the call. My eyes stay trained on the phone. I will him to give it back to me.

  “Your other cell phone was left at the front desk,” Hunter reminds me. Yeah, the one my brother gave me. All cell phones had to be left to enter Hunter’s office. I gave mine over easily. Garrick made a small fit over it before handing his over too. It was that or no entry.

  I nod, my eyes still focused on my phone. I can’t look at him for some reason but I want my phone back. I’m scared he’s not going to give it to me and I know that will make me hate him a little more. I make myself raise my eyes to his. His dark gaze is always so intense. Is it me or are they always that way?

  “Please.” Once again I’m shocked when he hands the phone back to me.

  “You can have your phone, Rose.” I quickly snatch it from his hands as fast as he took it from mine. I fear he’ll change his mind.

  “No need to hide it away. I won’t take it from you.” He steps aside, motioning for me to leave the bathroom. I have to squeeze by him as I go. I stop when my shoulder brushes his hard chest. I tilt my head back to look up at him.

  “Thank you.” I swear for a moment his eyes soften but it’s gone as quickly as it was there. I go back to my seat and sit down, returning to my normal stoic self when I’m in public. This isn't public but it also isn't somewhere I can be myself. I let my mind drift trying to focus on anything other than Hunter. My silly head gets the better of me as my thoughts wander to what it would be like to fall in love and marry for that reason. To have a family filled with so much love for each other. Is that even a real thing?

  Hunter has already made a claim he’ll be planting his seed inside of me. What a bittersweet thing. I’ve always wanted to be a mom but I want to raise my babies differently from how I was brought up. I’ve seen enough loveless marriages to know that I don’t want one. They all look as miserable as me being shoved in an ivory tower. It’s not like I have a choice in the matter so I’ll make the best of my situation.

  On the bright side, he gave me my phone back so that is a plus.

  Hunter returns to his chair, neither of us saying anything. “We’ll be married today.”

  I give another nod. Isn't this what I’m supposed to do? He can have my body but I don't have to give him me. I’ve reserved a part of me that I only share with people like Cara, who actually care about me as a person.

  “Don’t get any ideas about-” Hunter is cut off when Chris knocks on the door.

  “In,” Hunter tells him. Chris brings my coffee over, setting it down in front of me. The smile he gives me is genuine and I return it.

  “That was sweet that you got that for me even if I made it a pain.” I feel a trace of guilt about being a brat. Not to Hunter but to Chris. He was a casualty in our little war. I won’t be like my brother.

  “How did I do?” he asks. I lift the cup, taking a sip. Even if it is terrible, I’d tell him he got it right. He went out to fetch me my ridiculous coffee order. I won’t be rude like some other people I know.

  “It’s perfect. Thank you very much.” I take another sip of the drink. It is perfect but it’s not my favorite drink. It’s the one I should drink because it’s a tenth of the calories of my favorite drink.

  “Sir?” Chris looks past me to Hunter, who I refuse to look at. It’s better this way.

  “Get her other coffee.”

  Chris nods, leaving the room. A moment later he returns with the frappuccino that I know is covered from top to bottom in caramel and extra whipped cream.

  “Girl’s gotta have options,” Chris teases me, making me laugh as he sets the drink down in front of me.

  “Then, I thank you again. It was very sweet of you.”

  “Anytime.” His smile grows bigger.

  “That is all,” Hunter all but snaps at Chris. I turn and shoot him a glare for being rude to the man. I don’t know where the moxie comes from but he somehow brings it out of me.

  “I knew what coffee you really wanted.”

  I fight a smile because I’d almost swear he’s pouting. I am learning so many things about him so quickly. He doesn't like not getting the credit for knowing what my real favorite coffee actually is. The one I indulge in from time to time. Still, I get a thrill that he knows that information. That he went seeking it out or at least took the time to remember.

  “Maybe so, but you didn't get it for me. I’m also sure you didn't get the information about it on your own. I’ll bet you sent someone else out to do that for you as well. Don’t pretend to go out of your way for me.” Men like Hunter don’t have time to worry themselves with little things such as favorite drinks or remembering birthdays. That’s what the hired help is there to do. They gather all of the tiny moments, wrap them up with a bow and hand them over so that the man in power can look good. They have someone else do the menial things because they can’t be bothered. Other things are always more important. Work, money, and power will always come first.

  I am only another piece of the puzzle that Hunter needs to complete those things. He is only relishing the fact that I am pretty. Pure, as I overheard my brother say once.

  He gave you the phone back, my mind whispers. I still have it locked in my left hand. He can't be all bad. Why did he give it back? It could be part of his game. This is growing rather exhausting. What started off as a fun sparring match is starting to push into my emotions. I can't keep the two separate. It is all starting to bleed together.

  Maybe my ivory tower was safer. With Hunter I really have no idea where I stand.

  “The judge is here.” Hunter stands from his chair, ignoring what I said. He probably didn't even hear me.

  That's right. I do know where I stand. I am about to be Mrs. Keal, whether I want to or not. I’m not going to try and weigh the pros and cons. It doesn't matter. This is happening and I know there is nothing I can do to stop it. So, like always, I stand, dropping the smile I gave to Chris to stare at my husband to be.

  He might get my body. He might even get me to beg for the things he has my body craving but he isn't going to get me. The girl I’ve kept from the rest of the world. My real self only comes out to those who actually show kindness. To the people who don't want to take advantage of me. Hunter will never have the true me because it is clear all he wants is to use me. If I am lucky
maybe I can use him a little too.

  Chapter 7


  The vows are said quickly. Rose doesn’t look at me during the brief ceremony. If she did, there would probably be daggers in her eyes.

  I smile to myself as I slide the heavy ring on her finger. I like that my rose has thorns. Pretty people, regardless of gender, are generally vapid, shallow beings. Because everything is given to them, they rarely develop any outside interests or any real personality. Nothing is required of beautiful people but to look beautiful. I believed that this would be true when it came to Rose, but I didn’t care. Marrying her was part of my revenge. It didn’t matter if she was nothing more than a vessel, a masterpiece on the surface but empty inside.

  Rose is anything but empty. She has a sharp mind and sharper tongue. Her brother never noticed, but then he’s only interested in himself and failed to realize how valuable his prize was. I would’ve paid ten times what I did if I’d known the rarity that is this flower.

  The vows continue with my assistant standing witness and my bride fixing her gaze on some spot over my shoulder. She mumbles her lines. For his part, the judge displays no consternation at the disinterested bride. Once the vows are complete, he pronounces us married.

  Rose starts to move away, but I remain still.

  “You forgot to tell me to kiss the bride,” I say, holding Rose in place.

  Her lush lips purse into a frown. “This is a civil ceremony.”

  She really has done her research. She knew what terms were valid in a contract and now she’s pointing out that the kissing at the end of a marriage ceremony is ceremonial and not an act required for our union to be legally binding. Too bad that I want it all now. I jerk her to me.

  “Tell me to kiss the bride,” I command in a voice that says if I have to ask one more time the judge will be ruling from a hospital bed.

  “You may kiss the bride,” he hurriedly orders.

  I expect Rose to run away, I even tighten my grip to keep her in place, but instead of fleeing, she steps toward me and lifts her pert chin in defiance. Her eyes gleam with pride. I can take her name, I can take her body, but her soul remains hers.

  I cup that stubborn chin and tilt her head back even more. “I will own you, my girl. Just you wait.”

  Her nose flares. “Maybe I’ll own you.”

  She couldn’t have said anything else to make me want her more. My mouth crashes down on hers. Her response takes me by surprise. She doesn’t stand passively under my assault. Her tongue darts out, sweeping across my lower lip and then diving in to tangle with mine.

  She’s trying to claim me, assert dominance over me, draw battle lines. My knees nearly buckle at the erotic pleasure. I curl my tongue around hers, welcoming her advances. She freezes with shock. Perhaps she thought I would be angered or unhappy, which goes to show her inexperience. A fight is only satisfying when the opponent is an equal.

  I plunge my tongue inside, fucking her mouth, cradling her head in my hands, eating all her surprise, her hesitation, her burgeoning lust until my being is full of her. Her hands tighten around my forearms, not pulling me away, but hanging on as if she’s being swept away by a roaring wave and I’m the only beacon of safety. But I’m not steady either. Her passionate response, her stubborn independence, her delectable submission are all so unexpected. I don’t know what to make of her, but I want her. I want her in a way that I hadn’t thought I could want someone. I want her in a way that makes me weak and strong at the same time.

  If not for the judge’s discreet throat clearing, the kiss might’ve lasted for hours. It might have led to her dress on the floor and her heels in the air. It might’ve resulted in Chris ordering me a new desk due to the damage Rose and I would’ve inflicted on it.

  “The car is here, sir,” Chris murmurs.

  I draw away slowly and reluctantly. My cock is tenting my pants and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  “Please see the judge home safely,” I say coolly, as if I’m not sporting a giant erection. The only sign that Rose is affected is the color on her face and the slight wobble as she walks on those stilettos.

  “Shall we go?” I gesture for Rose to go ahead of me.

  “Where are we going? To your house?”

  “No, my dear. We’re on our honeymoon now. We’re going to Rome.”

  She stumbles but I’m there to steady her as I will be for the rest of her life.

  “R-Rome? I don’t even have a passport. I’ve never been to Rome.”

  The girl hasn’t even been out of New York, but I keep that to myself.

  “Yes. Don’t worry. Your papers are all in order.” Garrick brought all of her legal documents to me. While we are gone, Chris will do the hard work of converting everything in Rose’s name to mine. When we return from Rome, the Vandermeer name will cease to exist for her. And, in short time, the name will be eradicated entirely because the life raft I’ve tossed to her brother can be pulled out from under him at any moment.

  “Rome,” she whispers to herself. “I get to go to Rome.”

  I may have found the perfect partner in Rose but that doesn’t mean my need for vengeance is sated. On the contrary, I feel it imperative to repay him not only for my wounds but for hers as well.

  I tuck her small hand in the crook of my arm. “Marriage to me isn’t a prison, Rose. It’s a reward.”

  Chapter 8


  If he keeps kissing me like that maybe this marriage will be a reward. My mind keeps playing the kiss over and over again as we sit in the back of the town car on the way to the airport. My mouth still tingles from his kiss. So do other places, for that matter. I keep my legs tightly together trying to get the tingling throb between them under control. It doesn't help that Hunter has me tucked right into his side. His hand rests on my shoulder in a possessive hold. Every so often he strokes my skin as he plays with the small hairs that have escaped my clip before gripping my shoulder again. I’d almost swear he's having an inner war between keeping a tight hold on me or stroking me softly. I can see he wants me but he’s not sure how he wants to handle me.

  “We’re here, my wife.” The way he says ‘wife’ is as possessive as the hold he has on me. The car door opens and he helps me out, still keeping me snug to him. I should hate the way he keeps me close but it’s so different than I’m used to. I’m enjoying his touch. I’ve been starved for male human contact for so long. That must be why my body continues to press itself into him every chance it gets.

  I’m not surprised when I see the giant private plane with the name KEAL written across the tail. Hunter guides me up the stairs, where we are greeted by a man who looks to be about my age. He’s in a button-up shirt and a pair of black slacks. He almost looks like a businessman ready for a meeting, except he has a tray gripped in his other hand.

  “Mrs. Keal. It’s a pleasure to be serving you this afternoon. Can I get you anything?” Hunter’s thumb moves back and forth against my collar bone. Both of them seem to be waiting for an answer from me. I was taken aback that I was greeted before Hunter. Normally I stand in the back and try and pretend to be invisible. My brother always takes center stage. He demands it while leaving me in his shadow to fend for myself.

  “Rose?” Hunter prompts when I don’t answer the man.

  “I’ll have-” I trail off, not sure what I’ll have. What is wrong with me? I’m supposed to be pretending to be a snooty brat right now. That kiss and his touches are starting to be my undoing. I have to get myself together and get my wits about me. I can’t allow Hunter to unravel me so easily. I need to be tougher.

  “Get my wife a menu,” he tells the man, who nods. “This way, dear.” Hunter guides me over to one of the seats. The plane is freaking giant. I can already tell there is likely a bedroom or two. My breath catches. Will we be using it? A flight to Rome has to be long. We’ll likely sleep but will it be together? Will it be more than sleep? My body is screaming yes but my mind is still trying to
play catch up.

  The man comes back a moment later, handing Hunter a drink and me a menu before disappearing again. “You have a menu? Fancy,” I tease him.

  Hunter throws his drink back before dropping the glass back down onto a table then taking a seat next to me. There are five million other seats but again he’s pressing himself against me. If I was a freaking cat I’d probably purr but I do my best to pretend my body isn't going haywire at his closeness while still secretly enjoying it.

  “I had a menu crafted for you,” he says as he stretches his legs out. I stare at the menu, seeing all of my favorite foods are listed on it. Everything from crème brûlée to a barbecue cheeseburger, spaghetti with meatballs, and my all-time favorite, prime rib. How do they even have all of these things on a plane?

  “How did you...” I trail off before an unexpected knot forms in my throat. My eyes begin to sting at his effort to make me feel comfortable. This is too sweet. I’ll never be able to hold out emotionally if he does little thoughtful things for me.

  “What can I get you?” The man appears almost out of thin air again. His sudden appearance reminds me to get it together.

  “I shouldn't but the crème brûlée.” I lick my lips thinking about the treat already. “Thank you,” I add. “What was your name?” I realize I was in such a daze when I got on the plane I rudely forgot to ask him.

  “Mark,” he answers quickly.

  “Thank you, Mark,” I say again.

  “Anything else for you, sir?” He looks to Hunter.

  “Bring my wife the prime rib too. Medium with raw horseradish.” Mark nods again before taking off. Holy crap. How did Hunter know so many details about me? Furthermore, he remembers them and has them all ready and waiting. He takes it a step further by not only having my favorite things but knowing how I liked them prepared.

  “He’s nice,” I tell Hunter, leaning back in my seat. Not sure what to say or do now. All of his staff have been kind to me. Hunter is having some nice, almost sweet moments himself. My brother’s staff ignores me for the most part. It’s probably at his direction because he is the only one that matters, according to him. I was always only the pretty face. My mood darkens for a moment when I go down that road. Hunter’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts.


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