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The Thanksgiving Day Bride: Mail Order Bride Novels

Page 75

by Sandee Keegan

  “The hard part is yet to come because we can’t just march into the Remsen home and claim the child. They will think of me has some deranged mail order bride that got herself and husband and decided she wanted a baby too. I had reservations about telling you because we have to put emotion aside; if the Remsen’s were clever enough to steal a child, then they darn well covered their tracks.”

  John composed himself by splashing cold water on his face. “Think if it was you and your child was being raised my someone else under your nose. I’m happy but I’m madder than heck. Do you have a plan?”

  “I know that we have to be careful because they’ll run if they have the opportunity. We’ll see them at church on Sunday and you can see Ezekiel with your own eyes and we’ll know for sure. You have to sit tight for a moment and I have something I must confess.”

  “What Lexi? I’ll have a heart attack if you come up with any more surprises.” John took off his hat and raked his fingers through his thick black hair.

  “It’s nothing compared to what I just told you but I hate keeping secrets because it’s no way to start a marriage. When I was fixing my bed this morning, I inched it closer to yours because I wanted to be able to reach over and kiss my husband goodnight.”

  John giggled. “I did the same silly because I don’t think there should be distance between a husband and wife. Nice attempt to distract me from the important issue that my son may actually be alive.”

  John and Lexi had chicken and dumplings again for dinner as they spoke about the prospects of having a child in the home. Lexi assured John that she would treat JJ as if he were then product of her own body and he would know that his mother was beautiful and brave. He would never be hidden away as a secret but celebrated as a miracle,

  “You can’t know how tempted I am to run over to the Remsen’s now, Lexi. Tell me more about how he looks and how he moves. If he’s really is my son, I have a great deal to learn about his first six months. At 6-months, he can’t be walking and when does he say his first words? Will he always hold it against me that I didn’t find him sooner? Will I confuse my son when I call him JJ and not Ezekiel?”

  “I don’t have an answer for all of your questions; we’ll just have to wait and see. Going through this conflict regardless of how stressful will strengthen our marriage. I’m thrilled to be able to give you this gift,” Lexi said as she tasted another one of Maxine’s scrumptious dumplings.

  “This great news has made everything about me, Lexi. I know nothing of the life or who you left behind in Boston.”

  “This is my life now John.” Lexi tried to avoid the question. “Would you like another glass of milk?”

  “Nice try avoiding talking about Boston but I’m fine with the milk.” John smiled.

  “I think about my parents every day John and I’m surprised that they haven’t tried to find me but I suppose that’s a good thing. I’m the youngest of three girls and they must have been tired of parenting by the time I came along.”

  “I doubt that’s true Lexi because I can’t imagine anyone tiring of you. Did they approve of your move west?”

  “I didn’t give them the opportunity to voice their opinions. I left a note and snuck away with every intention of letting them know eventually. Now I’m afraid to contact them and I think they’d be happier if I were dead.”

  John shook his head. “The prospect that my son is alive fills me with a feeling of joy that I can’t explain. Isn’t that same feeling something your parents deserve to feel?”

  “You make too much sense John Stark. I’m ready to retire because we have a busy day tomorrow and the next several days until church on Sunday. It will be the day you may meet your son for the first time.”

  “You go in first and I’ll join you as soon as possible.”

  Lexi left John alone because he had a lot of thinking to do. She had just dropped a massive bombshell and she hoped her telling wasn’t premature. Lexi cracked open the bedroom door and saw the two beds flush against each other. Goosebumps appeared down her spine when she thought about the night ahead because she had never laid next to a man before. Lexi and John had been through a lot already and she hoped that laid a solid ground for the night ahead.

  Chapter Nine

  After breakfast, which Lexi successfully made the Starks rode their buggy to church. It seemed like an eternity for John since Lexi shared the news but in other ways the time flew by. They were happy living as husband and wife and looked forward to sharing their happiness with the rest of the Garvey community. It was an arrangement that was made by mail but turned out as true love. They walked up the wood steps to the church and slid onto a bench next to Jane and Jeb.

  “Wow Jane – you’ve popped. It’s surprising that things changed so quickly and I can’t wait to be Aunt Lexi,” Lexi patted her sister-in-law’s growing belly.

  “I know it’s either going to be an enormous baby or I have a couple growing inside. Dr. Remsen that I don’t need bed rest as long as I avoid excitement.”

  “Oh, well. I’m afraid you’re in for some excitement, Jane, and it can’t be helped.”

  “Are you and John not working out? I’d hate to see you head back to Boston because I love having you as a sister.”

  “Oh, I can’t get into it now because father is about to begin,” Lexi said as she heard the Remsen’s arrive with the baby screaming.

  Services were inspiring and Lexi didn’t realize how much she missed the church since leaving Boston. It was a reminder that no matter where she went, God followed. She hoped the Remsen’s were equally inspired. She looked towards John and saw in in a peaceful state because he knew that what was coming would be heartbreaking to Dr. and Mrs. Remsen. The reverend walked out first and stood at the door to say hello to the congregants.

  “You must be the new Mrs. Stark; welcome to Garvey. John came to me earlier in the week as he asked about having a Christian ceremony to bless your vows,” Pastor Dale said.

  “I wasn’t aware he had come to you, but it’s definitely something we agree upon. Just because I’m a mail order bride, doesn’t mean I don’t want our union blessed.”

  As Lexi was chatting with Pastor Dale she saw John walking towards the Remsen Family. She excused herself and walked after her husband. By the time she reached them it was obvious they were having a civil but emotional conversation. Tears were streaming down Mr. Remsen’s face as she spoke.

  “I thought there was no harm as Ezekiel was going to be going to be facing life without a mother. I had so much love to give and it seemed like a perfect plan. I asked my husband of Grace’s chances of survival and those of the baby and I was overcome with greed. Then I met you Mrs. Stark and I knew it was only a matter of time until the truth was uncovered.”

  Doctor Remsen stood silent as his wife poured her heart out.

  “I knew as you were approaching me John. I’m ashamed and I know this means the law will come. I’m guilty of trying to provide my wife with what she desired and couldn’t have.”

  John was about to speak but Lexi spoke up instead. “I came to Texas for a reason and now I know that I was meant to fall in love and reunite a father with his son. I didn’t come to send desperate people to jail. I know that you’ll be paying for your misdeeds every day that you wake up without Ezekiel. Enough damage has been done and all you have to do is return the child to his father,” Lexi said expecting that drama or wailing would follow but what came was a peaceful and poignant moment.

  John took the beautiful boy with striking green eyes into his arms and it was apparent that the boy was where he needed to be. Lexi looked behind her and saw pastor Dale looking on approvingly. He nodded his head towards a grief stricken Mrs. Remsen and Lexi realized that she had probably sought counsel with the Pastor. Hours were spent by the church that day as apologies and forgiveness flew like wildfire. Lexi had to prod John and his son when it was time to head home.

  “I guess this is when I finally get a chance to hold JJ?”

; “Only because I will have my hands on the reins. I’ve decided with the Remsen’s that they’ll be like an aunt and uncle to JJ. I wasn’t equipped to take care of my son until now. In an odd sort of way, I’m thankful to them and to you my beautiful wife for making all my dreams come true.”

  “I just put the pieces together. I’m sure Grace put everything into action because I can feel her hand guiding me. I was thinking it’s a good thing we have three cows because JJ is going to need plenty of milk.”

  John couldn’t stop smiling on the way home and they agreed that night that they’d walk to Grace’s gravesite and say a prayer in her honor. It was everything and more that John dreamed of but in the back of her mind, Lexi still missed her parents.

  Chapter Ten

  The rooster crowed and Lexi turned over in bed as did JJ in the crib nearby. John was the only one up at dawn, to begin his day in the field. Lexi was a mother and never considered for a moment that JJ wasn’t her biological child. Days of him sleeping in the crib were numbered as he was almost ready to climb out. His cousin Charity was still an infant but eventually the would be climbing trees together. Jane and Jeb had a healthy daughter and the family was growing. Lexi never imagined that being a mail order bride would turn out this way because it was supposed to be just a way to escape Boston. When JJ decided it was time, Lexi picked him up and carried him down for breakfast. His first word was Ma, which Lexi welcomed because she knew Grace would have approved. John would be long gone by now.

  “What are you still doing here?” Lexi asked when she saw John sipping coffee at the table.

  “I’m welcoming our guests, who’ve come for our official wedding ceremony. Surprise!”

  Lexi whipped her head around and saw her parent’s standing by the door way. They had their arms open waiting for a hug from their daughter and their new grandson.

  “What in the world is happening? How did you find me in Garvey Texas?” Lexi asked, although it was hard to speak since she was smiling so broadly.

  “We found out shortly after you left. It was a huge surprise because we knew you were unhappy with Barnabas. We contacted Mr. Burgess who assured us that you were well cared for and he said that you were one of the most capable mail order brides he’s ever come across. Our first instinct was to run after you but we thought about it and then we received a telegraph from John. He told us that we have a grandson, who we had to meet,” Mrs. Winter tugged at JJ’s cheeks.

  Mr. Winter spoke up, which was rare. “I knew you were different from the other girls – in a good way. I had no doubt that you’d find your way in the world. To be honest, I’m jealous because life on the ranch seems blissful.”

  “It is Daddy and I couldn’t have imagined a happier ending.”

  “There won’t be a happy ending if we don’t get you upstairs and into your wedding dress.”

  “I don’t have a wedding dress,” Lexi said.

  “You do now my sweet daughter.” Mrs. Winter showed Lexi a box that held her lace dress. A dress that had been worn by her mother and each one of her sisters.


  Lexi walked down the aisle more happy and confident than she ever thought possible. Everything had been arranged by Maxine, Mrs. Remsen and her mother. It was a real wedding that she had wished for. With her dark hair flowing behind her heading towards the man she loved, Lexi felt a twinge in her stomach. She patted her belly and smiled. The vows were said and JJ cried out as if he knew that things were exactly as they should be. Lexi whispered in John’s ear after their kiss.

  “I love you sweetheart and guess what?”

  “I can’t imagine.”

  “I’m pregnant and we’re two steps closer to a dozen,” Lexi said as she took John’s hand and placed it on her belly.

  It was the best mail order bride arrangement that Garvey had ever seen.


  Greta’s Surprise Baby

  Chapter 1

  Broken Hearts

  Greta Gutermuth shivered as an icy wind ran around her frozen cheeks and grabbed at her long, pretty brown hair. Hugging a thick yellow coat covering her white and brown dress, she braced herself against an approaching storm. “Where are you, Albie?” she whispered in a thick German accent.

  Standing outside of a little white house surrounded by bare trees swaying back and forth in the wind, staring up at a dark, gray, sky, a horrible feeling entered Greta’s heart. Her mind informed her that Albie, her husband, was never coming back and that she would never see him again. Feeling the wide, open, fields behind the house moaning with sorrow, Greta felt feared that her future would be filled with the sadness she heard coming from the empty fields. Bowing her head, she closed her eyes and prayed. “Dear Lord, the man I promised to marry...where is he?”

  Feeling a hard sprinkle beginning to fall, Greta sighed as tears began to flow from her eyes. Leaving the front dirt road running in front of the house, she walked away. Going back into the house, she walked into a small, cozy, kitchen and sat down at a circle wooden table. Looking around the kitchen, she admired the warm stove, the pretty dishes, the familiar tablecloth her mother had made, and the delightful smell of spices. “I suppose I could stay here?” Greta said aloud.

  A quick knock at the front door startled her. Albie never knocked at the front door when he returned home. Whoever was at the front door was not Albie, Greta thought standing up. Making her way to the front door, she quickly tried to straighten her wind torn hair. “Beth?” Greta said through red, tear-filled, eyes.

  A young woman Greta's age rushed past Greta into the warm living room. She ran to a small fireplace and began warming her hands. “I'm nearly frozen in half,” she said in a heavy British accent. “I declare, this weather will ruin my skin.”

  Greta watched her friend warm up by the fire. She liked how pretty Beth always looked—how her blond, curly, hair always seemed fresh and natural, her rosy cheeks always soft and healthy, and her dresses always delightful to the eye. “Why are you here?” Greta asked confused.

  “Albie,” Beth said in an angry voice. “That awful man was at the bank earlier. He took out all of your money...well, at least he tried to. Mr. Benjamin knew Albie was up to no good and only let him draw out half your money. He told Albie straight to his face that if he was running out on you, then he would not leave you without any means to buy food for yourself.”

  “Oh dear,” Greta said fighting back tears. “When was this?”

  Beth continued to warm her hands. The heavy, dark blue coat she was wearing made her appear like a giant blueberry. Beth didn't care. She never cared about what people thought about her. “Shortly before lunch,” she told Greta. “Oh, I knew that bloke was no good!”

  “How...much money did Albie take?” Greta dared to ask as panic and worry gripped her heart.

  “Only half,” Beth assured Greta. “You have enough money to get through the winter and into early spring… after that,” Beth gave Greta a sad face. “You can come and live with me and mother. We have plenty of room.”

  Greta walked to a brown sitting chair and sat down. Listening to the icy winds cry outside of the little white house, she nearly began crying. Instead, she forced herself to remain calm and think. Becoming panicked and foggy minded only destroyed a woman's ability to think clearly. “Albie will be going back to Germany. He has enough money to buy passage.”

  “Good riddance to that rat,” Beth said in an angry voice.

  Beth reached down into her coat pocket and pulled out a letter. “My Uncle Eldwin has a friend...a preacher...who lives in the Nevada Territory. Albie and I supposed to go and visit Uncle Eldwin, but he died of pneumonia last year. This is the last letter he wrote me. He said the preacher he knows began a school and was in need of a teacher and wanted me to accept the position.”

  Beth walked to Greta and politely took the letter from her. “May I?”

  “Yes,” Greta said.

  Beth read the letter. “What do you want to do, Greta?”

“What God wants me to do,” Greta answered her close friend. “And maybe God took Albie away because he was preventing me from serving God.”

  “Very well,” Beth smiled and handed Greta back the letter. “I will buy you passage to Nevada, and you will leave first thing before the heavy snows start.”


  “And mother and I will sell this house and land for you and send you the money,” Beth interrupted Greta.

  “I...” Greta began to object and then felt a powerful rush of hope comfort her heart. “Yes, I will go to Nevada and become a school teacher. I will begin a new life.”

  “And when summer arrives, I will join you,” Beth promised Greta. “The change in weather will be good for mother. The doctor has been urging my mother to travel west for many months.”

  “Oh Beth,” Greta exclaimed happily. Standing up, she hugged her friend and thanked God for His sudden mercy on her life. “I will do as you command me, no matter how hard or difficult,” she promised.


  “Greta Gutermuth?” a man wearing a light gray suit asked.

  Greta spun around and saw a man who was up in age walking toward her carrying a Bible in his hands. Cold winds coming off the valley struck the man in the face, causing him to dip his chin down onto his chest. “Yes, I am Greta Gutermuth,” Greta replied hugging her frail shoulders with her arms. Her coat was doing very little against the dropping temperatures. The white bonnet sitting on Greta's head struggled to remain in place as her long hair flapped in the winds.

  “My dear, you look as cold as I feel,” Matthew Greenwood said, holding down a gray hat covering his thin gray hair. “My name is Matthew Greenwood. I was very happy to receive your telegram.”

  Greta looked into the face of a warm, caring, sincere man. The man spoke with a faint German accent. “You are from the old country?” she asked.

  Matthew smiled. “I left the old country when I was a mere little boy,” he explained. “I have been in this land ever since. Greenwood is not my original last name. It is a name my parents choose to be accepted in this country.”


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