The Secretary
Page 43
Kim Jong Il
Kim Sung-Hwan
Kipling, Rudyard
Kissinger, Henry
Klein, Ezra
Klein, Joe
Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Korean War
Kusa, Musa
Iraqi invasion (1990)
Kwan, Michelle
HRC visits
Labott, Elise
Landler, Mark
Lavrov, Sergei
American power and
Arab Spring and
Blue Bat and (1958)
Christmas 2010 in
civil war (1975–1990)
crisis of 2011 and
Hariri assassination and uprising (2005)
Hezbollah and
hostage crisis
HRC visits
Iran and
Israel and
Israeli invasion of (1982)
Syria and
Syrian invasion of (1990)
Turkey and
violence of 2008
U.S. Marine bombing (1983)
Lee, Matthew
Lee Myung-bak
Lempert, Yael
Egypt war vs. (1969)
France and
HRC visits
NATO bombing of
Russia and
Syria vs.
UN resolution on
uprising in
WikiLeaks and
Libyan Transitional National Council
Lieberman, Avigdor
Likud Party (Israel)
Liu Xiaobo
Living History (Clinton)
Livini, Tzipi
Lukens, Lew
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio
Madrid peace conference (1991)
Maehara, Seiji
Mahfouz, Asmaa
Makhlouf, Rami
Maliki, Nouri al-
Manas Air Base
Mandelbaum, Michael
Manning, Bradley
Mao Zedong
Marshall, George
Matsumoto, Takeaki
McDonough, Denis
Mecca, siege of (1979)
Medvedev, Dmitry
Meehan, Bernadette
Meiji, emperor of Japan
Merkel, Angela
Merrill, Nick
Michiko, empress of Japan
Middle East. See Arab-Israeli conflict; Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and specific countries
Miliband, David
Mills, Cheryl
Milošević, Slobodan
Mitchell, Andrea
Mitchell, George
Mizer, Brian
Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, shah of Iran
Montgomery, Molly
HRC visits
Mottaki, Manouchehr
Moussa, Amr
Mubarak, Gamal
Mubarak, Hosni
Mubarak, Suzanne
Muhammad, Prophet
Mullen, Mike
Mumbai attacks (2008)
Murhoni, Abdullah al-
Muscatine, Lissa
Musharraf, Pervez
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim militias
My American Journey (Powell)
Myanmar. See Burma
Nakasone, Hirofumi
Narain, Paul
Nasr, Vali
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Security Council (NSC)
National (UAE newspaper)
Nation (Pakistani newspaper)
Nazif, Ahmed
Netanyahu, Benjamin “Bibi”
HRC meets with
New Jersey, USS (battleship)
New York Post
New York Times
Niles, David
Nixon, Richard M.
North American Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK)
China and
HRC visits border of
WikiLeaks and
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Nuclear Security Summit (2010)
nuclear weapons
Iran and
North Korea and
Pakistan and
Nuland, Victoria
Nye, Joseph
Obama, Barack
Afghanistan and
American power and
Arab Spring and
Asia and
Brazil and
Burma and
China and
Copenhagen conference and
early administration of
Egypt and
election of 2008 and
Guantánamo Bay and
health reform and
Indonesia and
Iran and
Iraq and
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
Japan and
Lebanon and
Libya and
Middle East and
midterm problems of
North Korea and
Pakistan and
press and
relationship with HRC
Saudi Arabia and
Shanghai Expo and
State of the Union Address (2011)
State of the Union Address (2012)
Syria and
Tunisia and
Turkey and
WikiLeaks and
Olmert, Ehud
Olson, Kurt
Beijing (2008)
Organization for Security and Co-operation of Europe (OSCE) summit (Astana, 2010)
Otpor! group
Ottoman Empire
Ozawa, Ichiro
P5 + 1 group
Afghanistan and
aid to
bin Laden and
China and
Davis arrest in
history of
Holbrooke and
HRC visits
India and
U.S. embassy attacks in
WikiLeaks and
Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI)
Pakistan Peoples Party
Palestinian Authority
Palestinians. See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict
aid to
FDR and
partition and
Palestinian state
Palin, Sarah
Pan Am flight 103 bombing (Lockerbie, Scotland)
Panetta, Leon
Paracel Islands
Pasha, Ahmad Shuja
Pearl, Daniel
Pentagon Papers
People’s Daily (Chinese newspaper)
Petraeus, David
Pitsuwan, Surin
PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party, Turkey)
Powell, Colin
Power, Samantha
Qom nuclear facility
Rabin, Yitzhak
Raddatz, Martha
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Reagan, Ronald
Reines, Philippe
Republican Party
Rhee, Syngman
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
Rice, Condoleezza
China and
Egypt and
HRC and
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
leadership style of
Pakistan and
Rice, Susan
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rudd, Kevin
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rusk, Dean
p; Russia. See also Soviet Union
China and
Georgia and
Iran and
Libya and
North Korea and
Syria and
WikiLeaks and
Saakashvili, Mikheil
Saleh, Ali Abdullah
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Saud al-Faisal, Prince
Saudi Arabia
Arab Spring and
Bahrain and
China and
Egypt and
FDR and
Grand Mosque seizure (1979)
HRC visits
Iran and
Iraq and
Israel and
Lebanon and
Libya and
Obama and
“oil-for-arms” and
Palestinians and
Sunni-Shiite rivalry and
Syria and
WikiLeaks and
women and
Schwerin, Dan
Scowcroft, Brent
Scranton, Mary
Secret Service
September 11, 2001, attacks
Shanghai World Expo (2010)
Sharm el-Sheikh summit (2003)
Shiite Muslims
Sinclair, Stephanie
Slaughter, Anne-Marie
Somalia conference (London, 2012)
South Africa
South China Sea
South Korea (Republic of Korea, ROK)
Cheonan sinking and
China and
HRC visits
WikiLeaks and
Soviet Union. See also Russia; and other former republics
Afghanistan war (1979–89)
breakup of
Spratly Islands
Stalin, Joseph
State Department. See also Clinton, Hillary Rodham; and specific countries and individuals
career officers at
Diplomatic Security (DS)
elections of 2010 and
Executive Secretariat
funding of
HRC’s first days at
Near Eastern Affairs bureau
Operations Center (OPS)
press briefings and
social media and
WikiLeaks and
Steinberg, Jim
Stevens, Chris
Strasbourg summit (2009)
Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED, China-U.S.)
Suleiman, Omar
Sullivan, Jake
Sunni Muslims
Sun Tzu
Baath coup (1963)
China and
Egypt and
Hezbollah and
Iran and
Jews leave
Lebanon and
Libya and
Madrid conference and
Palestine and
Russia and
Saudi Arabia and
Tunisia conference on (2012)
Turkey and
uprising in
Syrian Local Coordination Committees (LHRC)
Syrian National Council (SNC)
Tantawi, Mohamed
Taseer, Aamna
Taseer, Salman
Taseer, Shahbaz
Taseer, Shehrbano
Tea Party
Tehran summit (2010)
Than Shwe
Thein Sein
town halls
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
Treat of Amity and Cooperation (TAC)
Truman, Harry S.
Tueni, Gebran
HRC visits
uprising in
HRC visits
Iran and
Iraq and
Libya and
Syria and
WikiLeaks and
Yemen and
Tutwiler, Margaret
United Arab Emirates
Bahrain and
HRC visits
Libya and
Syria and
United Kingdom. See Britain
United Nations
UN conference on women (Beijing, 1995)
UN General Assembly
UN Human Rights Council
UN panel on climate change
UN Security Council
Iran and
Libya and
North Korea and
Syria and
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S. Air Force Security Forces
U.S. Congress
U.S. embassies
Egypt and
Libya and
U.S. Fifth Fleet
U.S. Marine Corps
Lebanon and
U.S. Navy
U.S. Senate
HRC visits
HRC visits
Vietnam War
Walsh, Declan
Wang Qishan
Washington Post
Wen Jiabao
West Bank
Westerwelle, Guido
Wisner, Frank
women’s rights
World War I
World War II
Yang Jiechi
Yehl, Ashley
HRC visits
war of 1994
WikiLeaks and
Zakaria, Fareed
Zardari, Asif Ali
Zayed, Abdullah bin
Zhou Yongkang
KIM GHATTAS has been the BBC’s State Department radio and TV correspondent since 2008. She traveled three hundred thousand miles around the world with Hillary Clinton and interviewed her more than fifteen times. Ghattas was previously a Middle East correspondent for the BBC and the Financial Times, based in Beirut. She was part of an Emmy Award–winning BBC team covering the Lebanon-Israel conflict in 2006. Her work has also appeared in Time magazine, the Boston Globe, and the Washington Post and on NPR radio. Ghattas was born and raised in Beirut during the Lebanese civil war. She currently lives in Washington, D.C.
Times Books
Henry Holt and Company, LLC
Publishers since 1866
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Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Copyright © 2013 by Kim Ghattas
All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ghattas, Kim.
The secretary: a journey with Hillary Clinton from Beirut to the heart of American power / Kim Ghattas.—First edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8050-9511-1
1. Clinton, Hillary Rodham. 2. United States—Foreign relations—2009– 3. Cabinet officers—United States—Biography. 4. Women cabinet officers—United States—Biography. I. Title.
E887.C55G53 2013
[B] 2012043835
First Edition 2013
eISBN 978-0-8050-9833-4
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