by Owen J. Hurd
Marcus, Josephine, 119–20
Mardi, Redburn (Melville), 70
Marine Corps War Memorial, 196
Marshall, Thurgood, 225
Martha’s Vineyard, 30
Martinez, Eugenio, 236
Marvin, Sylvester Stephen, 103
Marx, Groucho, 207
M*A*S*H (film), 208
Mason, R. B., 96
Massasoit, 24, 25
Massie, Thalia, 137
Masterson, Bat, 113, 119
Mather, Cotton, 29
Matoaka. See Pocahontas
Maxwell, Pete, 111
Mayer, Helene, 169
McCarthy, Joe, 170, 176
McCarty, Henry. See Billy the Kid
McClellan, George, 215
McCord, James, 230–31, 236
McDonald, Mike, 94
McGurn, “Machine Gun” Jack, 145, 147–48
McIntosh, Lachlan, 40
McKinley, William, 91
McLaury, Frank, 117
Medill, Joseph, 96
Mellon, Andrew, 102
Melville, Herman, 58, 64, 69–74
Menjou, Adolphe, 204
Meredith, James, 218, 225–30
Metcalfe, Ralph, 168, 169
Michael O’Laughlen, 87
Middleton, Arthur, 40
Midget submarines, 189
Miller, Dorie, 186
Miscegenation, 31
Mitchell, John, 180
Moby-Dick (Melville), 69–70, 73–74
Monroe, James, 130
Montagu, John, 15
Montgomery, James, 76
Moran, George “Bugs,” 144–45, 147, 149
Morrell, Daniel J., 101
Morris, Robert, 41
Morse, Samuel F. B., 127–28
Motley, Constance Baker, 225, 230
Mott, Lucretia, 79
Mudd (doctor), 87
My Darling Clementine (film), 120
My Luke and I (Gehrig, E.), 174
My Story (Parks), 223
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Nagasaki, 142, 193, 197–202
Narragansett (tribe), 25
National Air and Space Museum, 143
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 177, 219, 223, 225, 228
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 165
National Geographic Society, 137
Native Americans, 30. See also specific tribes
Clark and, 49–50
Lewis and Clark and, 46
Navasky, Victor, 208
Nazis, 169
NCAA. See National Collegiate Athletic Association
Nelson, George “Baby Face,” 159–60
Nelson, Thomas Jr., 40
Ness, Eliot, 144, 145, 150–55
Ness, Evaline, 153–54, 155
Newport, Christopher, 19
New York Yankees, 170–71
Nimitz, Chester W., 185, 187
Nixon, E. D., 220
Nixon, Richard Milhous, 178–81, 218, 231–32, 234, 237
North America, 45
Northwest Passage, 8, 11, 14, 46
Oakley, Annie, 56
Of Plymouth Plantation (Bradford), 27
Ogden, William B., 97–98
O.K. Corral, 116–20
Old Ironsides, 37
Old Testament, 129
O’Leary, Catherine, 93–94
O’Leary, James “Big Jim,” 94–96
O’Leary, Patrick, 93–94
O’Leary, Paul, 171, 173–74
Olympics, U.S., 163–64, 166–67, 168
O’Malley, Pat, 95
Omoo (Melville), 70
Opechancanough, 18, 23
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 190, 197, 199–202
Ornitz, Samuel, 204
Osgood, Frances, 62
Outkast (rap group), 223–24
Outlaws. See Wild West
Owens, Jesse, 163–69
Palmer, John, 96–97
Pamunkey (tribe), 18
Pan-American Exposition, 91
Pan-Electric Company, 135
Parker, Theodore, 84
Parks, Rosa, 176, 218, 219–24
Parris, Elizabeth, 28
Patent and Trademark Office, U.S., 128, 132, 140
Patent caveat, 132–33
Patuxet (tribe), 24
“Paul Revere’s Ride” (Longfellow), 37
Peabody, Elizabeth, 66
Peabody, Mary, 66
Pearl Harbor, 142, 183–90
Penobscot Bay, 35–36
Pershing, John, 108
Phagan, Mary, 108
Phelan, James D., 104, 106, 109
Philippine-American War, 104
Pierce, Franklin, 65, 67, 68
Pierce, Jane, 23
Pierre, Or the Ambiguities (Melville), 70
Pilgrims, 17
first Thanksgiving and, 24–27
Salem witch trials and, 28–32
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 43
Pinkerton, Allan, 108
Pinzón, Martín Alonzo, 8
Pinzón, Vicente Yáñez, 8
Pipp, Wally, 174, 175
Plymouth, Massachusetts, 24
Pocahontas, 17, 18–23
Poe, Edgar Allan, 58, 59–63
Poets and Poetry of America, The (anthology), 61
Pokanoket (tribe), 24, 25, 26
Pollard, George, 74
Pottinger, Stanley, 235
Potts, John, 51
Powell, Adam Clayton Jr., 227
Powell, Lewis, 86, 87
Powers, Jimmy, 172
Powers, Tom, 114
Powhatan (chief), 18, 20, 23
Poythress, Jane, 23
Preminger, Otto, 207
Prescott, Samuel, 34, 37
Presidential election of 1960, 177–78
Prickett, Abacuk, 10, 11
Pride of the Yankees, The (film), 174
Prison Fellowship, 237
Prohibition, 145, 147, 150
Prose Writers of America, The (anthology), 62
Public Enemies (film), 156
Public Enemy list, 145
Pullman, George, 91, 96
Puritans, 22, 29
Purvis, Alston, 157
Purvis, Melvin, 144, 156–62
Quiet Strength (Parks), 223
Racism, 177
Rand, Ayn, 204
Rathbone, Henry, 90
Reagan, Ronald, 209, 234
Redford, Robert, 231
Redpath, James, 85–86
Reese, Pee Wee, 182
Remington Rand Corporation, 214
Reminiscences (MacArthur), 215
Reno, Marcus, 52–53, 54
Revere, Paul, 33, 34–38
Rich, Robert, 208
Rickey, Branch, 182
Ringo, Johnny, 116, 118, 120
Ripken, Cal Jr., 170
Robeson, Paul, 207
Robinson, Edward G., 207
Robinson, Jackie, 163, 176–82
Robinson, Jackie Jr., 181–82
Robinson, Jo Ann, 221
Robinson, Matthew “Mack,” 169
Rockefeller, Nelson, 180
Rolfe, John, 21–23
Rolfe, Louise, 147
Rolfe, Rebecca. See Pocahontas
Rolfe, Thomas, 23
Roman Holiday (film), 208
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 156, 165, 186, 190–92
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 113–14
Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development, 223
“Rosa Parks” (Outkast song), 223–24
Rosa Parks Library and Museum, 224
Rosenberg, Ethel, 202
Rosenberg, Julius, 202
Rosenthal, Joe, 190–91, 195–96
Rough Riders, 114
Ruef, Abraham, 105, 106, 108
Rush, Benjamin, 43, 44
Rutledge, Edward, 39
Sacagawea, 50–51r />
Sage, Anna, 158, 162
Sakamaki, Kazuo, 189
Salem witch trials, 17, 28–32
Saltonstall, Dudley, 36
Samuel, Zerelda James, 125
Sanborn, Franklin, 67, 77, 84
Sands of Iwo Jima, The (film), 194, 197
Sandwich Islands, 12
San Francisco
Chinese residents of, 107–8
earthquake and fire of, 104–9
redesign of, 106–7
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne, N.), 32, 65
Schmitz, Eugene, 104, 105, 106
Scott, Adrian, 204, 205
Secret Men, The (Woodward), 234
Secret Six, 84
Seelenbinder, Werner, 169
Segregation, 177
Selfridge, Thomas, 136, 140
Separatists, 24, 28
Settlers, in Jamestown, 17–20, 23
Sewall, Samuel, 28–30, 31, 85
Seward, William, 77, 83, 86
Shannon, George, 51, 52
Shaw, Leslie M., 113
Sheheke (chief), 47–48, 51, 52
Sheridan, Philip, 96
Sheriffs. See Wild West
Sherman, Roger, 42
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 97
Short, Walter, 185, 189
Shulman, Seth, 133–34
Sioux (tribe), 52–53, 55, 56
Sitting Bull, 55–56
Skelly, Charles, 148
Slaves and slavery, 30–31, 130. See also Brown, John; Tubman, Harriet
S.M.C. Cartage Company, 149
Smith, Francis O. J., 128–29
Smith, Gerrit, 77, 84
Smith, John, 17–22
Smithsonian Institute, 141, 143
Sousley, Frank, 191
South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, 101
Soviet Union, 203
Spangler, Edman, 87
Spanish-American War, 103, 104
Spartacus (film), 208
Sperry Rand Corporation, 215
Spirit of St. Louis (Lindbergh), 143
Spreckels, Rudolph, 104, 106, 109
Squanto, 24–25
St. Augustine, Florida, 17
St. Louis Missouri River Fur Company, 48
Stack, Robert, 155
Standish, Miles, 25, 27
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 79
Starving Time, 20
Stearns, George, 84
Stilwell, Frank, 116, 118
Stockton, John, 41
Stockyards Fire of 1934, 96
Stoller, Sam, 168
Story of the Outlaw, The (Garrett), 114
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 26, 58, 64, 70
Strank, Mike, 191
Stuart, J. E. B., 83
Sturgis, Frank, 236
Suffrage movement, 78–79
Sullivan, Daniel “Peg Leg,” 93, 97
Sullivan, Dennis, 104, 108
Supreme Court, U.S., 124, 129, 148, 205, 221
Surratt, John, 87
Surratt, Mary, 87, 88
Sweeney, George Wythe, 42
Taft, Robert, 211
Tainos (indigenous peoples), 3–5
Taney, Roger, 129
Teapot Dome Scandal, 109, 115
Telecommunications, 127
Telegraph, 126–31
Telephone, 132. See also Bell, Alexander Graham
Telephone Gambit, The (Shulman), 134
Tennes, Mont, 94
Tenting on the Plains (Custer, E. B.), 55
Tetrazzini, Luisa, 109
Thanksgiving, 17, 24–27
Thomas, J. Parnell, 204, 205
Thoreau, Henry David, 64, 66, 83
Thornell, Jack, 227
Thurmond, Strom, 180
Tibbets, Paul, 202
Tisquantum. See Squanto
Tobacco farming industry, 22
Torrio, Johnny, 95
Torso Murderer of Cleveland, 152–53
Townsend, George Alfred, 87
Tracy, Spencer, 205
Trade, 3
Trail of Tears, 50
Transcendentalists, 66, 83
Truman, Bess, 212–13, 215–16
Truman, Harry, 199, 201, 203, 210–16
Trumbo, Dalton, 204, 205, 207, 209
Tubman, Harriet, 75, 76–80
Tubman, John, 80
Typee (Melville), 70
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 26, 64, 70
Underground Railroad, 76
United Railroad Company, 105
University of Mississippi, 218, 225, 226
Untouchables, the, 150–55
Untouchables, The (book), 151, 155
Untouchables, The (film), 150
Vail, Alfred, 131
Valentine’s Day Massacre, 144–50
Vendetta (Purvis, A.), 157
Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 1–2
Vespucci, Amerigo, 7
Victoria (queen), 103
Virginia Company, 19
Wadsworth, Peleg, 36, 37
Waldseemüller, Martin, 7
Wallace, Lew, 111–12, 115
Walton, George, 40
War of Independence, 39
Washington, George, 26, 35, 39, 42, 85
Washington, Lewis W., 85
Watergate scandal, 230–37
Watson, Thomas, 132, 133, 137
Wayne, John, 194
Weather Underground Organization, 232–33
Weissmuller, Johnny, 166
Weller, George, 198, 202
Werowance (chief), 18
Western Electric Company, 135–36
Wheatsone, Charles, 127
White, William, 149
White-Jacket (Melville), 70
Whittaker, Frederick, 54
Wilber, Zenas, 134–35
Wilcox, Rosanne, 160
Wild West
Billy the Kid and, 110–15
James, F., and, 120–25
O.K. Corral and, 116–20
Williams, Abigail, 28, 30
Williams, William, 39
Wills, Frank, 237
Wilson, Frank, 145
Wilson, Woodrow, 95, 108
Winkler, Gus, 161
Winslow, Edward, 25, 27
Wolcott, Oliver, 39
Wolfegg Castle, 7
Wolff, Albert “Wallpaper,” 155
Woman of the Year (film), 205
Woodward, Bob, 230–36
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe, The (Griswold), 62–63
World’s Columbian Exposition, 98
World War I, 108, 142
World War II, 142, 160–61, 163, 167, 169
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and, 142, 193, 197–202
Iwo Jima and, 190–97
Pearl Harbor and, 142, 183–90
Wright, Katharine, 142
Wright, Orville, 138–43
Wright, Wilbur, 138–43
Wright Company, 142
Wright Flyer II, 140
Wyatt Earp (Masterson), 119
Wythe, George, 41–42
Yamamoto, Isoroku, 184, 189
York (slave), 49–50
Younger, Cole, 120, 123–24
Younger, James, 120
Younger, Robert, 120