National Women’s Trade Union League, (i)
Neider, Charles, (i)
Nelson, Henry Loomis, (i)
New Leader, The, (i)
New Masses, The, (i), (ii)
New Negro, The, (i)
New York Review of Books, Love and Revolution review in, (i)
New York Times: Lenin’s Testament printed in, (i); Lot’s Wife reviewed in, (i); Venture reviewed in, (i)
Nicholas II (tsar of Russia), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); film material by, in Tsar to Lenin, (i)
Nicolini, Giovanni, (i)
North, Sterling, (i)
North American Review, The, (i)
Norton, Florence (later also Florence de Leon; Florence Ponce de Leon), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); editorial jobs of, (i), (ii); health of, (i), (ii); journals of, (i); marriage of, (i); and Max’s marriage to Yvette, (i), (ii); pregnant by Max, (i), (ii); relationship with Max, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)n107; secretary to Max, (i), (ii), (iii); takes care of Claude McKay, (i)
nudism, Martha’s Vineyard ban on, (i), (ii)
nudity, Eastman family attitudes toward, (i), (ii)
O’Carroll, Joseph Ely (“Joe”), (i), (ii)
O’Mahoney, Joseph C., (i)
O’Neill, Eugene, (i)
O’Neill, William, (i)
Open Court, (i)
Palmer raids, (i)
Papandreou, Georgios, (i)
Park Church, Elmira (NY), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Parsons, Elsie Clews, (i)
Paterson (NJ) silk strike, (i); Max’s speech in support of, (i); in Venture, (i), (ii)
Patterson, Malcolm R., (i), (ii)n95
Paul, Alice, (i), (ii)
Peabody, George Foster, (i)
Peirce, Waldo, (i), (ii), (iii)n152
People’s Council of America for Democracy and Peace, (i)
Perkins, Maxwell, (i), (ii)
Pfeiffer, Pauline, (i)
Pickering, Ruth, See Pinchot, Ruth Pickering
Pilnyak, Boris, (i)
Pinchot, Amos, (i)
Pinchot, Ruth Pickering, (i), (ii), in Glenora, (iii); and Eliena’s death, (i); Max’s interest in, (i)
Pittsburgh Survey, (i)
Plath, Sylvia, (i)
Plato, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); and Gorgias, (i); Max’s dissertation on, (i), (ii); Max’s identification with, (i); in Max’s Seven Kinds of Goodness, (i); and Protagoras, (i); and Trotsky, (i)
Podhoretz, Norman, (i)
Poetry Society of America, (i)
Polonsky, Vyacheslav, (i)
Ponce de Leon, Guy, (i)
Poole, Ernest, The Harbor, (i)
Pound, Ezra, (i); “A Few Don’ts by an Imagiste,” (i)
pragmatism, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Prescott, Orville, (i)
Pride and Prejudice, (i)
prison reform, (i), (ii)
Provincetown Players, (i)
Pryce-Jones, Alan, (i)
Psychoanalysis: lay analysis, (i); Max’s experience of, (i); Max’s magazine articles on, (i); of “social and political mind,” (i)
public speaking, Max’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); antiwar/antimilitary, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); audiences for, (i); income from lectures, (i); marketing of lecture tours, (i), (ii); in Masses trial, (i), (ii)n85; Max’s sexual appeal in, (i); as performance, (i); at Poetry Society of America, (i); topics and venues for lectures, (i), (ii); at Williams College, (i); on women’s suffrage, (i)
Pushkin, Alexander, (i), (ii), (iii)n7
Radek, Karl, (i), (ii)
radicalism: Max’s conversion to, (i), (ii), (iii); and redefinition in The Masses, (i); and revolutionary action, (i)
Rakovsky, Christian, (i), (ii)
Randall, David, (i), (ii)n8
Rand School Press, (i)
Rauh, Ida (first wife), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); activism of, (i); birth of son, (i); breakup of marriage, (i), (ii); characterized, (i); at Glenora farm, (i), (ii), (iii); honeymoon in Europe, (i), (ii), (iii); influence on Max’s poetry, (i); marries Max, (i); Max radicalized by, (i), (ii); Max’s autobiography on, (i); and Max’s polyamorous desires, (i), (ii), (iii); on Max’s sex drive, (i)n6; physical appearance of, (i); poetic tribute to Max, (i); pregnancy of, (i); on prospect of war, (i); with Provincetown Players, (i); as sculptor, (i), (ii); in unconventional marriage with Max, (i); worried about her son, (i)
Reader’s Digest, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); and Amos Smalley prize, (i); global reach of, (i); Max’s animal behavior essay in, (i); Max’s condensations in, (i); Max’s European travels for, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Max’s Florence essay in, (i); Max’s nightmare about, (i); Max’s roving editor position on, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Max’s “Socialism and Human Nature” essay in, (i); pressures on Max’s writing style from, (i); religious undertones in, (i); “slavery” imposed on Max by, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); style and content of, (i)
red-baiting, (i), (ii)
Reed, John (“Jack”): (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); antiwar journalism of, (i); in Croton, (i); as inspiration for Venture, (i); and The Masses, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); withdraws from The Liberator, (i)
reproductive rights, (i), (ii), (iii)
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, (i)
Richards, I. A., (i)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Barbara Dmitrievna (“Madame Barbe de”), (i)
Rimsky-Korsakov family, (i)
Rivera, Diego, (i)
Robertson, Cliff, (i)
Robeson, Paul, (i)
Robinson, Boardman, (i), (ii), (iii)
Robinson, Ione, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Roebuck, C. M. (Andrew Rothstein), (i)
Romanov, Nikolai Nikolayevich, Grand Duke, (i)
Romer, Alfred, (i)
Roosevelt, Eleanor, (i)
Roosevelt, Theodore, (i), (ii)
Röpke, Wilhelm, (i)
Rosenfeld, Paul, (i)
Rothstein, Andrew (C. M. Roebuck), (i)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, (i), (ii), (iii)
Ruesch, Hans, (i)
Russell Sage Foundation, (i)
Russia: Bolshevik regime, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); death of Lenin, (i); famine in, (i); at Genoa Conference of 1922, (i), (ii); Krylenko family, (i); and Slavic mentality, (i); succession to Lenin, (i); under Stalin’s rule (see Stalin, Joseph)
Russia, Max’s visit to, (i); on ballet, (i); on beneficial changes of revolution, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); and critics of Bolsheviks, (i), (ii); decision to go home, (i); at Fourth Congress of the Third Communist International, (i), (ii); in Kislovodsk, (i); on Kremlin, (i); in Moscow, (i); observations of Bolshevik regime, (i); relationship with Eliena, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); relationship with Nina Smirnova, (i), (ii), (iii); in Sochi, (i), (ii); travel to Moscow, (i); Trotsky biography written during, (i), (ii); Trotsky’s meeting with, (i); at Twelfth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, (i); in Yalta, (i)
Russian Association of Proletarian Writers, (i)
Rustic Canyon (CA), (i), (ii)
Sacco and Vanzetti case, (i)
Sade, Marquis de, (i)
Sahler, Charles Oliver, (i)
Sandburg, Carl, (i)
Sangster, Margaret, (i)
Santarelli, Raffaello, (i)
Santayana, George, (i), (ii)
Sartre, Jean-Paul, (i)
Saturday Evening Post, The, Trotsky’s History serialized in, (i), (ii)
Schwartz, Harry, (i)
Schwarzschild, Leopold, The Red Prussian, (i)
Scribner’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n61
Scripps, E. W., (i), (ii)
Scudder, Vida, (i)
Sekey, Suzanne (“Sue”; sister-in-law), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n32
Seldes, George, (i)
Selwyn, Edgar, (i)
Sevastopol, Max’s visit to, (i)
Severance, Caroline Seymour, (i)
Shaw, Anna Howard, (i)
Sheridan, Clare, (i)
heridan, Richard, (i)
shirtwaist strike, (i)
Shvigovsky, Franz, (i)
Simkhovitch, Vladimir, (i), (ii), (iii)
Simon, Carly, (i), (ii)
Sinclair, Upton, (i), (ii), (iii); King Coal, (i)
Slater, Joseph, (i)
Sloan, John, (i), (ii), (iii)
Slocombe, George, (i), (ii), (iii)
Smalley, Amos Peters, (i)
Smirnova, Nina, (i), (ii), (iii)
Smith, Preserved, (i)
Snowden, Ethel, (i)
Sochi, (i), (ii)
socialism. See Marxism
Socialist Party of America, (i)
Socrates, (i)
Sonnenschein, Hugo, (i)
Southard, Florence, (i)
Souvarine, Boris, (i)
Soviet Union: appeasement of, (i); and Cold War, (i). See also Russia; Russia, Max’s visit to; Stalin, Joseph
speech making, Max’s. See public speaking, Max’s
Spencer, Theodore (“Ted”), (i)
Spitzer, Florence, (i)
Stalin, Joseph, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); artistic/cultural repression under, (i); condemns Max, (i), (ii); executions/purges under, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); influence in America, (i), (ii); Max’s anti-Stalinism, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); nonaggression pact with Hitler, (i); removed from Lenin’s tomb, (i); socialist surrender to totalitarian rule, (i); successor to Lenin, (i); and Trotsky assassination, (i)
Stazione Zoologica (Naples), (i)
Stecher, Werner, (i), (ii)n80
Steele, Wilbur Daniel, Contemporaries, (i)
Steffen, Bernard, (i)
Stern, Alfred, (i)
Sterne, Maurice, (i)
Stevens, Doris, (i), (ii)
Stevenson, L. L., (i), (ii)
Stout, Rex, (i), (ii)
Studs Lonigan Ball Team, (i), (ii)n37
suffrage movement, (i), (ii)
Sukhanov, Nikolai, (i)
Székely, Artur, (i)
Szekely, Margaret, (i)
Szekely, Yvette. See Eastman, Yvette Szekely
Tacitus, (i)
Taft, William Howard, (i)
Taggard, Genevieve, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n85
Tamiment Institute, (i)
Tangier, (i), (ii)
Tartak, Elias, (i)
TASS, (i), (ii), (iii)
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, (i)
Thales, (i)
Third Communist International (Comintern), (i), (ii)
Thomas, Marie Alamo, (i)
Thompson, Paul, (i)
Tourneur, Maurice, (i)
Trachtenberg, Alexander, (i), (ii)n98
Tracy, Spencer, (i)
Trotsky, Leon, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); assassination of, (i); biography of young Lenin, (i); exonerated by Dewey commission, (i); first meeting with Max, (i); and History of the Russian Revolution, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n56, (vi)n61, (vii)n84; illness of, (i), (ii); and Lenin’s death, (i); and Life of Lenin, (i), (ii)n80; on Marxism, (i), (ii); Max’s biography of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Max’s endorsement of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Max’s falling out with, (i), (ii), (iii); Max’s praise of, (i), (ii)n88; Max’s translation of works of, (i), (ii), (iii); on Prinkipo Island, (i); and The Real Situation in Russia, (i); refutation of Lenin’s Testament, (i); as “social engineer,” (i); and Stalinism, (i); and succession to Lenin, (i)
Trotsky, Natalia Ivanovna (also Natalia Ivanovna Sedova), (i), (ii)
Tsar to Lenin (documentary film), (i), (ii)
Tufts, James Hayden, (i)
Twain, Mark, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); Eliena’s knowledge of, (i), (ii); funeral of, (i)
Twins of Suffering Creek, The, (i), (ii)n119
United States v. Eastman et al., (i)
Untermeyer, Jean Starr, (i)
Untermeyer, Louis, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Updegraff, Frederick William (“Fritz”), (i), (ii)n31
U.S. Information Service, (i)
Ust-Kut, (i), (ii)
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, (i)
Van Vechten, Carl, (i)
Vassar College, Crystal at, (i), (ii)
Villard, Oswald Garrison, (i), (ii)
Vitagraph Studios, (i), (ii)
Vlag, Piet, (i)
Voigt, F. A., (i)
Voltaire, Candide, (i), (ii)
Vorse, Mary Heaton, (i), (ii)
Wagner, Frederick E., (i)
Wagner, Robert Leicester (“Rob”), (i)
Wallace, DeWitt (“Wally”): anticommunism of, (i); publishing preferences of, (i), (ii); questions Max’s commitment to the Digest, (i), (ii); retains Max for Reader’s Digest, (i), (ii)
Wappingers Falls, (i)
Warhol, Andy, (i)
Washington, Booker T., (i)
Watson, John B., (i)
Webster, Margaret, (i)
Webster, Noah, (i)
Welch, Joseph Nye, (i)
Weston, Edward, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n129
Wheelock, John Hall, (i)
Whitman, Walt, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); catalogue technique of, (i); home of, (i); influence on Max’s prose, (i); invoked by Yvette, (i); and John Dewey, (i), (ii); Leaves of Grass, (i), (ii), (iii); and The Masses, (i); Max’s battle with, (i), (ii); Max’s essays on, (i); “Passage to India,” (i); “Song of Myself,” (i), (ii); “Song of the Open Road,” (i); The Wound-Dresser, (i)
Wiegand, Charmion von, (i), (ii), (iii)
Wilder, Thornton, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, (i)
Wilkinson, Jemima, (i)
Williams, Albert Rhys, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Williams, William Carlos, (i)
Williams College, Max at, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Wilson, Edmund, (i), (ii); copies Max’s idea of social equilibrium and compromise, (i), (ii)n63; on eclipse of Marxism, (i); on Lot’s Wife, (i), (ii), (iii); To the Finland Station, (i)
Wilson, Woodrow, (i), (ii); criticized by Freud, (i), (ii)n138; criticized by Max for war efforts, (i), (ii)
Winterhalter, Franz Xaver, (i)
Wise, Rabbi Stephen Samuel, (i)
Wolfe, Bertram, (i)
Wolfe, Thomas, (i)
Women’s Peace Party, (i)
women’s suffrage law, New York’s passage of, (i)
women’s suffrage movement, (i), (ii)
Women’s Trade Union League, (i), (ii)
Wood, Sidney (“Sid”), (i), (ii), (iii); Western journey with Max, (i)
Word Game radio show, (i), (ii), (iii)
Wordsworth, William, (i), (ii), (iii)n103
Workers Party of America, (i), (ii)
World War I, opposition to U.S. entry, (i), (ii), (iii)
Worthy, Morgan, (i)
Wrangel, Pyotr Nikolayevich, (i), (ii)
Wright, Wilbur and Orville, (i)
Wyckoff, Florence, (i), (ii), (iii)
Yalta, (i)
Yesenin, Sergei, (i), (ii)
Young, Annis Fuller. See Fuller, Annis
Young, Art, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); on trial for obstruction of military recruitment, (i), (ii), (iii)
Young, Charles, (i)
Yudenich, Nikolai, (i)
Zaliasnik, Vera, (i), (ii)
Zamyatin, Yevgeny, (i), (ii)
Zetkin, Clara, (i)
Zinoviev, Grigory, (i), (ii)
Zweig, Friderike, (i)
Zweig, Stefan, (i)
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