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Page 4

by Sapphire Keyes

  “It's my job to worry about you. Especially since Mom and Dad aren't around anymore.”

  I sigh. “Do you think they would've approved of our prank today?”

  Charlotte grins. “Definitely.”

  “Are we being childish?”

  Charlotte shakes her head. “I think the word you're looking for is vindictive.”

  We both burst out laughing.


  After I drop off Charlotte, I take out my phone. It's about time I reply to Jeremy's text.

  ME: You free tonight?

  I consider saying more but honestly things are just easier to explain in person.

  Within moments, Jeremy replies, Of course. Come over anytime.

  ME: Can I come now?

  JEREMY: Yes. Thought you were still mad at me. Glad we're on speaking terms.

  ME: You think way too much. I wasn't angry at you, just myself.

  JEREMY: So you forgive me?

  ME: There's nothing to forgive. :) See you in an hour.

  I head back to the hotel first to take a long hot shower. Can't have myself reeking of buck urine when I go see Jeremy. After I get dressed, I make a mental note to start apartment hunting tomorrow. I can't live in a hotel forever, even if it is on Will's dime. After all, I need access to my things.

  I need to start rebuilding my life, brick by brick. In a new place.

  Sliding into my car, I start the ignition. Jeremy's lived in the same place since he graduated from university. An apartment he'd spent two years saving up for. I can't even remember how many times I've called him in the middle of the night, drunk off my ass, begging him for a ride and a place to crash. He's never turned me down. Not once. That's just the kind of guy he is.

  After the divorce, he chose to stay in that apartment because he'd almost paid it off and he was proud of it. He'd upgraded things here and there over the years, made it his own.

  I know the way to his place like the back of my hand. I'm at Jeremy's door within fifteen minutes. He opens the door after two knocks. “Hey Rach. Come in.”

  “Hey Jer.” I run up to him and hug him as hard as I can. “I missed you.” I bury my nose against his chest and don't feel like letting go.

  “Are you okay? What's going on?”

  “It's...complicated,” I say.

  “Well you better get started then.”

  I follow him inside and explain, “I just poured five bottles of buck urine all over Will's new Lambo.”

  I watch Jeremy's face as it turns from disbelief to absolute shock. “You didn't.”

  I nod. “I did.”

  “I don't believe you. The Rachel I know would never-”

  “-Maybe I've changed,” I cut in. “Also, you've never gotten me really pissed off before. Who knows...if you ever get on my wrong side, I might do that to you too.” I shoot him a wink.

  Jeremy laughs. “I'll have to be more careful from now on then.”

  “That's not all. I'm going to trash his career, file assault charges and divorce him,” I say all in one breath.

  I study Jeremy's reaction but he's just stunned. “A woman scorned, eh?” he says after a pause.

  “It's been a long time coming,” I say. “I just wish I'd had the balls to do it earlier.”

  Then Jeremy rests his hand on my shoulder. “You did the right thing Rach. I'm proud of you. I'll make sure Will never hurts you again. C'mere.” With that, he kisses my forehead and gives me a tight squeeze.

  I feel a warm tingling ignite my chest. I look up at his eyes, those kind, understanding eyes, and wonder why I didn't pick him all those years ago. Why we never became a couple. Had it been miscommunication? Bad luck and timing? Had we just waited too long?

  I take in the scent of Jeremy's citrus aftershave. His freshly laundered t-shirt. He smells like a new beginning. I could really use a fresh start right about now.

  I shut my eyes and lean into him. Serenity washes over me and I don't want the moment to end. I don't want reality to shatter this moment with my best friend. The man whose kiss makes me weak in the knees. The man who will shield me from a world of heartbreak and pain.

  The man who smells sooo good right now.

  “I think this calls for some vodka,” Jeremy says, breaking off the hug. He wanders to the kitchen, opens up a cabinet and pulls out two glasses.

  “I have to go to work tomorrow,” I groan. “And I'm still reeling from my hangover this morning.”

  “Just one drink. To celebrate,” Jeremy says.

  “Fine.” I take the glass. “To a fresh start.”

  Jeremy knocks his glass against mine. “Salud.”

  Okay, so one drink turns into six. We reminisce about the good times and I enjoy reliving them with Jeremy. I would be lost without him and his supportive shoulder. He's my rock. I've been through more with Jeremy than any other man. He's the one thing in my life I can always count on.

  Which is why I can't possibly give that all up for a shot at something more. Even though I know he likes me back and wants to be more than friends. This friendship is too precious. I can't live without it. If I jeopardize it with another kiss (or more), I'll never be able to go back. We could never stay friends afterwards. And I need his friendship as much as I need air in my lungs.

  I already messed up my marriage with William; I don't feel like destroying my relationship with the only other important man in my life.

  “Jeremy,” I groan, “You won't leave me will you?”

  Jeremy's half-asleep on the floor. “Never. As long as you want me.”

  “I want you...” I say. “I want us to be best friends...for-ever.”

  “If that's what you want, then I want it too. I just want you to be happy, Rachel,” Jeremy mumbles before passing out.

  The next day, blinding sunlight and a beeping alarm jolts me awake. I look at the time. It's only 6a.m. My back and shoulders are sore from curling up on the couch all night and I have a bad crick in my neck. I stretch right. Then left.

  It's going to be a good day, I tell myself. A great day.

  I hear the shower running.

  Huh. Weird.

  Suddenly I realize where I am.

  I've crashed at Jeremy's place before, so it's nothing sensational, but for some reason, I feel embarrassed. As if I've done something wrong. My memory of last night is fuzzy at best, but I'm pretty sure we didn't do anything inappropriate. Nothing to garner the walk of shame. Luckily, I don't have too bad of a hangover. But my throat is parched. I stumble to the kitchen sink and drink straight from the tap. I swallow as if I haven't had water in days. While I'm bent over, guzzling to my heart's content, I hear the bathroom door open.

  I swerve around and almost bang my cheekbone against the faucet.

  Jeremy's black hair is dripping down his neck. He's wearing nothing except a white towel around his waist and his skin is still red from the hot water. I can't help but notice his sculpted pecs and six pack. And a new tattoo on his back, of a black and yellow phoenix. When did he get that? It looks badass. He's gotten bigger and more muscular since I last saw him shirtless (over three years ago). I swallow the lump in my throat and try not to stare.

  He's a walking billboard ad and he doesn't even know it.

  “Did I wake you?” he asks.

  “No, just your alarm.” I rub my eyes. “You're up early.”

  “This guy's bathtub just fell through the floor. Water everywhere,” he says. “My guys can't handle it alone. I have to go help them but I should be off by four.”

  “Okay,” I say, “Go save the day, Superman.”

  Jeremy laughs and as he does so, his whole body shakes. He towels off his hair and pads to the bedroom. “Stay here as long as you like, Rach. Mi casa su casa.”

  The selfish, weak part of me wants him to stay. Play hooky so he can comfort me and hold me and talk to me some more. But the rational part of me knows better than that. “I should probably go soon. I've overstayed my welcome.”

  “You're always wel
come here, you know that Rach.”

  After Jeremy finishes getting dressed in the bedroom, he gives me a light peck on the cheek before leaving.

  “Have a good day at work,” I call after him. The moment feels warm and domestic, a natural thing. As if we wake up every day together. As if I live here.

  “I'll call you!” he replies.

  I sit in silence for a while, relishing the feeling of being in Jeremy's cozy home. My temporary sanctuary. Everything is familiar, but I'm seeing it through new eyes. It's clear that Jeremy's been doing some more upgrades since I last came here. His kitchen is state-of-the-art and it looks like he installed a new shower.

  A tiny voice whispers in my ear, “You could be happy here.” I shrug it off.

  I glance at my watch. Almost seven. Better go to work today, I figure, or the boss might get worried.

  I quickly change into a white blouse and pair it with a navy blue blazer and grey slacks. Just as I'm picking up my purse when my phone buzzes.


  I'm still not ready to talk to him yet. At least not until I file charges and hire a lawyer. I press ignore and start heading for the door. Before I can reach the doorknob, the door swings open.

  “Did you forget something, Jer-”

  By the time I realize that Will is on the other side of the door, it's already too late. He pushes me inside and slams the door behind him. “I knew you'd be here, crying to your boyfriend.”

  I try to stand up but he forces me to the ground.

  “You fucking bitch!” he roars, wrapping his hands around my neck. “What the fuck did you do to my ride?” Veins pop out of his forehead and his eyes have a crazed look to them. Glassy, with dilated pupils. His fingers dig into the sensitive flesh around my throat.

  I can't breathe.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you woman? First you move out in the middle of the night without telling me. Then you wreck my shit? Did you think the security cameras wouldn't catch you?”

  “You-You c-can't...” My face is growing purple and my arms and legs flail, trying to kick him off of me. But he's 250 pounds of pure quarterback muscle and I'm a rag doll in his grip.

  This is it.

  This is how I die.

  At the hands of a murderous spouse.

  While he chokes me with his left hand, he raises his right hand in the air, ready to slap me. “Why, Rachel? Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you?” Spit flies from his mouth and lands on my cheeks.

  “Be-Because...Y-You're a fil-thy cheater,” I croak. I make a swipe at his face and miss.

  After dodging my swipes a few more times, Will relaxes and lets down his guard. That's when my nails find his face. I dig them into his eyes and claw at him until he surrenders.

  After he stumbles backwards, I rub my neck, trying to catch my breath. He's crumpled against the front door, screaming expletives. I stumble around and try to find my cellphone but I can't. It's not in my purse. Or on the counter.

  I'm out of time.

  Will is already back on his feet. His eyes are red and bloodshot and mad. “Get back here you cunt!”

  He lumbers towards me like a lunatic on drugs. He probably is on drugs.

  I run into the bedroom and lock the door. It's useless trapping myself in the bedroom without a phone but it will buy me some time. A few precious seconds to think.

  Will pounds his fists against the door. Then he throws his entire body weight against the door, making the wood shake. “Get...Out....Here...Now!” he roars.

  I hear something splinter. The door won't hold for long.

  I crawl into the closet and sink to the floor, burying my head between my legs. I can't breathe and my throat is blistering with pain. Tears race down my cheeks, neck and leave a wet stain on my blouse. “Get out! Get away from me! Just leave me the hell alone!” I scream. “Please!”

  But of course my feeble pleas only enrage him further.

  I'm surprised the flimsy door held together for as long as it did.

  After a few more blows, Will manages to punch a hole right through it. Then he shoves his hand through and unlocks the door.

  I crumple into a ball and hide behind some of Jeremy's clothes, praying Will won't find me. It's a stupid and ridiculous thought but at that moment, it's the only thing I have to hold on to. A desperate prayer. Will throws the comforter and pillows off the bed. “Where are you, Rachel?” he cries. Then I hear him crouch down to check under the bed.

  I have a few seconds, if that.

  It's now or never.

  While Will is pressed against the carpet, I get up and make a run for it.

  Of course he senses my movement and chases after me.

  But I have a two-second lead.

  It's enough.

  I bolt for the front door, pull it open and barrel down the hallway. Just before reaching the fire exit, I smack straight into someone coming from the opposite direction.

  When I look up, I realize it's Jeremy.

  Thank God.

  I never thought I'd be so happy to see him.

  I don't even have time to say anything before William appears behind me. His hair is tousled and his face, blotchy. His brawny chest is heaving like a gorilla's.

  He's out for blood.

  Quickly assessing the situation, Jeremy pulls me behind him. “My neighbor called me. Said she heard some screaming. Thank God you're okay. Stay back. I'll handle this.”

  Jeremy's eyes bore into Will's and they stare at one another for what feels like several minutes.

  Finally, Will breaks the silence. “This is none of your business. Step aside, plumber.”

  Jeremy replies, “Not in a million years, asshole.”

  “This is between me and my fucking wife,” Will snarls. “Now step...aside!”

  Jeremy takes a step towards Will.

  It'll be a bloodbath if the two start a fight.

  “Jeremy...Please...” I whisper. “Let's just go. We can call the cops-”

  “This has gone on long enough, William. Leave Rachel alone and go home,” Jeremy says, clenching his jaw.

  William starts laughing. “I knew it. I knew something was going on between you two. I just can't believe how much of a hypocrite she is...Making me feel like shit for hooking up with Tiffany...When all along she had a side piece too.”

  Jeremy looks like he's about to explode. “NOTHING is going on between me and Rachel. She came to me for help after you hurt her. Now get the fuck out of here before I call the cops.” Jeremy digs into his pockets and takes out his phone. His fingers hover over the keypad.

  “You really gonna leave me for this asshole?” William asks, sizing up Jeremy.

  “William, get the fuck out of my life. I'm going to file a restraining order on you. And assault charges,” I choke out. I rub my throat, which is still burning like hell. “I should've divorced you the first time you laid hands on me. Now just leave!”

  Jeremy sees the red marks on my neck and I notice his fingers dialing 911. Moments later, he raises his phone and says, “815 Westmont-”

  But before he can finish his sentence, Will lunges forward and knocks the phone out of Jeremy's hand.

  With feral growls, the two go at each other.

  I stand in shock as Will wrestles Jeremy to the ground and the two start pummelling each other right in the hallway. It doesn't take long for Jeremy's neighbors to take notice. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a frightened old woman dial her phone.

  “Stop it! Jeremy! Will! Stop it!” I scream at the top of my lungs. I try to pull them apart but Will flings me against the wall. A river of blood is already running out of his nose and his right eye is swollen. Jeremy isn't much better. He has a purple cut on his lip and his cheeks are bruised.

  Jeremy's fist crunches bone and a nasty gash on Will's forehead begins oozing blood. Will makes a pass at Jeremy but he dodges so Will's fist lands on drywall instead. Jeremy hauls Will up by the collar and slams him down across his knee. I can't
believe Jeremy's that strong. But I guess a part of that is the adrenaline talking. Will spits out a mouthful of blood, some of which splatters on my face. I cringe and crawl away, backing myself up against the fire exit.

  Where the hell are the cops?

  I keep shuffling back until I reach the elevator. I have no idea how to get the two men to stop fighting. My fingers find an emergency case containing a fire extinguisher. Without even thinking, I smash the glass casing with my foot and haul out the red canister. Somewhere a loud alarm begins to ring. I feel enraged and disoriented. I aim the nozzle at the two brawlers and spray them with a shit ton of white powder.

  That stops them alright.

  The two stumble back, blinded and caked in cold and damp foam.

  I rush to Jeremy, wiping his eyes with my sleeve. “Are you okay, Jeremy?”

  He mumbles something incoherent.

  The police arrive a couple minutes later and arrest both of them. I try to explain that Jeremy is innocent and that he was just trying to defend me against my husband, but they wouldn't listen. I watch helplessly as the two men in my life are hauled away.


  I go down to the station and file charges against William. I explain to a very sympathetic female cop that William has been abusing me for almost an entire year. I never really had proof before, but I certainly do now. Jeremy is my main witness, but the woman down the hall also heard my screaming and crying. In fact, she was the one who called Jeremy to make sure everything was okay. That's why Jeremy came back. Just in time too.

  Jeremy and Will are both released by 10p.m. The cops hand Will a restraining order and tell him he's not allowed to come within twenty feet of me. Will shoots me a venomous glare. “This isn't the end, Rachel,” he says before getting into a cab.

  I turn to Jeremy. He looks like a soldier coming back from the war. Battered and bruised, but grinning anyway.

  My war hero.

  “You really shouldn't have punched him, Jer,” I sigh.

  “He needed to learn a lesson,” Jeremy replies.

  “Oh, what lesson?”

  “That nobody's allowed to mess with you,” Jeremy says, cracking a painful smile. “Except me.”


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