Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC Book 2)

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Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC Book 2) Page 8

by Scarlett Black

  He pumps his fingers in and out of my pussy which is coating him with my need for him. His other hand runs up to my tits. His hold grips one of them hard, causing me to wince. He pulls his hand back, and my eyes pop open at the loss of it. Right before a pop and sting come from where he smacked one tit, then the other. I arch my back more, craving more from him.

  He bends forward, still pumping his fingers in and out of me while his mouth latches onto one nipple, then the other. Squirming on the desk, I pant for breath. I feel my climax almost there, but need a little push.

  He tugs at my tightened nipples with his teeth, then lavishes them with his tongue as it flicks across them.

  “More,” I beg. “Please, Axl, more.”

  “How, princess? Tell me, what do you need?”

  “I need your tongue to lick my pussy, Axl, God, I need your tongue.”

  “I love your smooth pussy, you keep this bare for me,” he requests. “It’s so fucking hot.”

  He kneels in front of me and runs his nose along my pussy right before flattening his tongue and taking a long lick of my lips. He licks over my clit, giving me the attention my mind and body need. Goose bumps spread across my skin. He licks at a fast pace while pumping his fingers in and out of me until my pussy contracts from an intense orgasm.

  Panting for air, I start to come back down to earth. Axl continues softly licking, sticking his tongue inside and humming his approval before licking again. Taking all of me with him. He kisses right above my clit, leaving deep satisfaction within my heart.

  Standing up, he pulls his pants down to his knees and frees his dick. Pushing my knees up to my chest, he pushes forward into me, crushing me with his weight. I squirm under him, trying to find relief from it. A hand comes down and smacks the side of my ass hard.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he growls again. His fingers, like claws, grip my flesh at my knees, and I still on command. He rears back before ruthlessly plunging back in. I try keeping up with his relentless pace until my body finally catches up with his.

  “Princess, make that pussy come for my cock, baby, coat me with you,” Axl demands from me. Leaning forward, he changes the angle slightly and I come. I come long and hard for him. He lets my knees go, and his hands grip my waist as he slows down, devouring every last second of his release, moving with me.

  After a couple of minutes of heavy breathing, he pulls out, takes my hand, lifts me to sit up on the desk, then tucks and zips himself back up. He helps me to the floor and back into my clothes.

  We walk out of the office and that’s when Tank starts to clap, then another clap is heard, and another, until the entire bar claps for our office sexcapade. Even Vegas, Jenn and Kat do it! My face turns beet red as realization hits me that the entire room heard us. Including my mom and dad who are standing just a few feet away. Great. My dad’s arms are crossed over his chest with a very pissed off look on his face. My mom has her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laugh when my dad turns to glare at her instead.

  I look over at Axl and see that he’s not worried one bit as he smacks an ‘I don’t give a fuck your dad’s here kiss’ on my lips. I turn to head back behind the bar when Axl decides this is the best time to also smack my ass. That causes me to squeal and rub it, which, in turn, has the entire room erupt into whistles and more laughter.

  “Asshole,” I murmur to myself as I walk away from him, and from this moment too if I could.

  Vegas leans over to me while pouring a beer from the tap into a frosty mug. “It’s so hot, isn’t it, when they are all worked up from work like that?”

  My eyes bug out at her confession. “What?”

  “Oh, yeah, you know, Blade and I were in there a while before, uhh, you, and he showed up a little worked up too, and uhh...”

  “Okay, stop,” I groan to myself. “Don’t need to know the details.”

  Kat chimes in, “But when they go crazy, and they need and crave your body… Hottest sex ever.”

  Vegas and I stop and turn to look at her, all confused. Vegas just points to her and then Tank. Kat casually shrugs a shoulder, laughing at us as we look back and forth as if the answer will be in the air between them.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Axl walks over with his dad, Maddox, and his mother, Harley, who is freaking supermodel gorgeous. That’s because she actually is, or rather was one, and still has the looks to show for it. She was a model for Harley Davidson for years while in her twenties. Axl looks a lot like his mother, with his golden skin tone, her dark hair, green eyes.

  Even though I’ve known Maddox for years since he is the VP to Stryker in the Las Vegas chapter, it feels somehow different since things are different now. Will he and Harley see me differently as well?

  Suddenly, my face feels hot all over again and the realization dawns on me that they must’ve been here a little while ago when Axl had his way with me. Oh God, this was the worst night for a girl to have office sex. Trying to make eye contact, I smile weakly, since my damn face refuses to fake it for me right now.

  Axl’s hand grips my own, tugging me into his side, then his arm wraps around my waist.

  “Hello, Maddox, Harley, it’s so good to see you guys up here,” I say, needing to fill with words the awkwardness I’m feeling.

  Maddox chuckles, “Honey, why are you so nervous?” Amusement lights his eyes with his question.

  “Maddox, you need to teach your son some manners before Ghost, Dana’s dad, the other VP, beats it into your son. Of course she’s feeling a little nervous,” Harley shakes her head incredulously at her husband.

  Turning her gaze back to me, she continues, “Honey, this man,” she pats her son’s shoulder, “is just as bad, if not worse than his dad. Maddox also doesn’t seem to think anything he ever does is wrong, only entertaining. I swear, since he was a little boy, they’ve always been more friends than anything else. Tomorrow they have the hill climb race in Lake Tahoe. That’s what we drove up here for, for these two to race their snowmobiles.”

  Maddox kisses his wife, effectively making her stop talking. She blushes and smiles into his eyes, looking like they hold onto each other’s soul. Maddox tells her, “How can I not love him as much as his mother, she’s my whole world. Given me the whole world through her love.”

  He pulls her tighter to him and gives her another hard kiss, then slaps her ass. “Besides, my son had to learn to be the best from me. So how can he be wrong? I taught him everything he knows.”

  Axl chuckles next me and that has me smile right along with him, until reality hits me. This infectious man will be this way forever. But is that so bad? No, no, I think I would love that kind of forever.

  Chapter 10


  The cold mountain wind in Lake Tahoe whips across my face as I crank the engine on. The hum under the snowmobile ignites the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Hitting the gas, my old man, Maddox, or Mad Max when he races, and I pull up to the Start line. Revving the engine, we look between us and the other five racers. He gives me a nod, signaling that he’s ready to go. My mom, Harley, eagerly waves at us from the stands.

  Since I was a kid, my dad would race anything that had wheels and a motor, and, in this case, tracks. He and I would be at every racetrack he could find, racing side by side when we could get away from life and let go. Other than Blade, he’s my best friend, the man I trust more than even myself.

  Anxiously, I watch the lights up ahead signaling the start of the race. The red light blinks, then turns solid, yellow light, sit and wait, I tell myself. Green! The sound of machines roar to life as the animal fighter and winner in all of us rushes for the leading spot. A white cloud of dusty snow blows behind us as the stands erupt into cheers for the men riding the powerful machines, competing to be the best.

  Our focus is to make it to the top of the mountain first. First place is a few thousand and bragging rights. Pushing my limits, I tail Mad Max as we take a sharp turn around the trail, then again around a steep drop-off down
the mountain. Phase one of our plan to win was to block the other riders at this pass. I tailed Mad Max, blocking the other riders from the trail. Mission accomplished.

  Reaching the end of the trail, Mad Max and I gun it across the open stretch that leads to the bottom of the mountain. The rest of the race is slick from the sun that melted the snow the day before and iced over this morning. Not like the loose powder from in the shadows of the trees. Straightening our snowmobiles, we start the trek up the steep, slick mountain, dodging trees.

  We weave back and forth as minimally as possible. We lean forward, lying almost flat on the narrow seat, our will to lead the way, along with the powerful engines, it all helps to push ourselves further up. The machines grow louder the higher we get from the stress we place on them to go farther, go faster. The beast is coming alive to devour the terrain underneath.

  Mad Max veers right, taking on a tougher terrain that needs having an advanced set of skills to navigate through. Another racer follows him, tailing dangerously close. Staying on my course, I focus ahead of me, working on keeping the others behind me at bay.

  Almost to the top, Mad Max and I are neck and neck, and I grin to myself that one of us will be taking the win. The racer behind him foolishly accelerates, causing him to lose control and hit the tail end of Mad Max. My heart hammers as I can’t see what happens next, but powder flies and my instincts say this is all wrong. I can’t stop here, at this steep of an incline, I’ll fall. I can’t see what happened behind me either. I have to reach the top. I have to see that he made it too.

  Pushing myself harder, I whip myself across the finish line, the momentum pushing me high into the air. The machine crashes to the ground, my hands hold on strong as my heart hammers erratically when my chest hits the handle bars, knocking the wind out of me.

  Grabbing the breaks, I squeeze as hard as I can. Jumping off my snowmobile and whipping the helmet off, I hear sirens going off, and the other snowmobiles fly past me. I run through the pain in my chest in the direction of the staff that are running down the hill, and I’m trying not to fall down the mountain. I see a man trapped underneath his snowmobile. Another machine is caught in the trees, and people are helping that rider stand.

  Desperately looking around, I don’t see my old man anywhere. Fear ices through my veins, and I pick up my pace to get to the scene ahead of me. An EMT has his radio out calling for a helicopter and some other codes that don’t make any sense.

  A larger group of men circle around and we all team up to push the machine up and over to the side. Mad Max lays there underneath, unmoving. My breath escapes my chest in a rush and I can’t seem to pull anymore air back in as tears prick at my eyes.

  The EMT’s attempt to remove Mad Max’s helmet snaps me out of it. Kneeling in the snow, I rip off my gloves, looking to help. My mind is numb as I sit there. My heart is as cold as the snow when I look into the face of the man who has always been my hero. My dad, my Mad Max, my Maddox, and, most of all, my best friend.

  Chapter 11


  Handing my motorcycle helmet to Mom for her to wear, I remain impassive, unfeeling, un-wanting. I didn’t want this day, I sure as fuck didn’t ask for any of this shit.

  Harley jumps on behind me as a long procession of club members follow behind the black hearse that caries Maddox, VP of the Battle Born Brothers, the Las Vegas chapter. I rev the engine and take the lead with all the Club Presidents behind me, the VP’s, Road Captains, Sergeants-in-Arms. We are all fuckin here. And not one of us can say shit.

  My mom’s hands tighten on my cut and I feel her head hitting my back. She can’t even look at the road, her heart went to heaven with the man who owned it. My large hand holds onto one of hers all the way to the graveyard where the remains of our souls will be buried.

  Since we got off the mountain, I haven’t been able to talk. I haven’t gone home, I haven’t done anything. The pain is so severe that it threatens to kill me. The look on my mom’s face from that day will be permanently etched into my brain, along with his. As soon as I got to the hospital, we didn’t even make it to the waiting room. Dead on arrival, the doctor explains in an empty patient room.

  Those words. Those words stopped all things in this world that existed within me. I hear people talking to me after that moment. But I don’t give a fuck what they have to say. Can you bring him back? No. Fuck off.

  Parking my bike behind the hearse as it comes to a stop, my mom wails her pleas to God to take her. She can’t move, just like I can’t. We’re stuck in this pain and in this moment. We sit there, glued to one another when the man that drove the hearse opens the back. I want to fucking shoot him. Who told him that he could open the fucking car?

  Heavy footsteps crunch in the gravel behind me. Soon, Blade stands to my right and grips my shoulder with his hand. I bow my head, looking for some sort of grace to save me. Tank stops at my left and peels Mom off my back as she’s kicking and screaming. She starts pounding her small fists on Tank’s chest. She begs for him to stop, to leave her alone. He tries to reason with her and console her through her pain as she pounds away at him.

  It’s all too fucking much, so I yell at her as loud as I can, “Enough, MA! Fucking enough!” Shock hits her at finally hearing my voice after days of silence, paralyzing her. The other Ol’ Ladies run up to us to take her.

  Looking back toward the hearse, I get off the bike and walk forward, one step after another. Somehow, I make it there. My hands grip the cold poles around the casket. I welcome the cold currently residing inside of me, wanting more of it. To numb me.

  Blade, Tank, Stryker, Fuego and I carry Maddox down to his final resting place. The Nevada desert has always been his home and will be his final resting place. Slowly placing his casket on the mount above the open grave, we step back. Circling around my old man, I hold my hand out for my mom. She barrels into me, and I hold on to her as she sobs.

  Stryker starts talking, telling the club and families about the good times he and the man had. How they were some punk kids when they joined the club. My old man’s love for Harley. How when they went to a Harley Davidson show, he saw my mother from a distance and stopped. Told the brothers he found his Ol’ Lady. They, of course, all laughed at him, saying he couldn’t land a pin-up model. Well, he did. One month later, she had his cut, tattoo and ring.

  My mom can’t even hear the words through her unrelenting crying as Stryker is reminiscing on the story of how she’d met her husband, friend and Ol’ Man. She holds on to me for strength while she gasps for air. Me? I don’t even know what I am holding on to. Death, maybe.

  Everyone who’s anyone takes turns and tells of a memory in his honor. This is it, the end, as Stryker nudges his chin at me, his signal for ‘it’s time’. So, I say what’s in my heart, or what is left of it.

  “The best man in the world died. He was my dad, he was my best friend. A once in a lifetime kind of man. Not a fucking person on this earth could ever be him. He taught me to be a man, to be a brother in this club. Everything I do is because of this man. He gave me my first bike, my first beer, my first bud. This man taught me how to be in this world. Without him in it, I don’t know what that life is.”

  I go back to my mom and gently rub her back as she takes a few breaths before she is ready to say her goodbye.

  “Hey, baby,” she cries, allowing her eyes to close as the tears keep rolling. “You promised me forever, me and you, and I know. God, I know you went unwillingly. Until the day we meet again, I’ll keep an eye on Axl, our baby, from here. You watch him from Heaven. Love you forever, Maddox.”

  Taking a much needed deep breath in that rushes through her entire body, she looks up at the heavens, looking for the man himself. She puts two fingers to her lips, kisses them, then touches her heart and reaches them out to the sky. Reaching for him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Don’t Cry by Guns N’ Roses blasts through the speakers in my room at my parents’ house. No, my mom’s house now, I think to myself
as the same sharp pain slices through my heart. A room I haven’t left in over three days.

  Dana walks in and sits next to me. I don’t move to acknowledge her. I want to, but the pain hurts and numbs it all. Numbs all the joy and love I had in life. She pisses me off by being here and sticking around for me.

  She sees the fucked-up pain I’m in, and here she is to do what? Just give me some weed and go away. I want to piss her off too because it’s only fair, right? I light a joint I had rolling between my fingers and take a big drag into my lungs, then blow it all into her face.

  I want to fight, to feel something again. Here she sits, taking it. Staring into her eyes, I see the frustration there. I’ve been ignoring her for days. I can’t take her sad pity face for me any longer. Somewhere in my head, my old man is calling me a fool, but I do it anyway. “What the fuck are you sitting around here for, Dana? Shouldn’t you be in Reno?”

  Her face screws up in pain as she finally lashes back at me, “Shouldn’t you be in Reno?”

  “Maddox died, Dana!” God, saying his name guts me. “What I don’t get is why you are here.”

  “I came here for you, Harley, the club and Maddox. They all are my family too, Axl! All you’ve done is ignore me for days. Maybe I’m hurting here too. Maybe I need you too! You’ve been nothing but a selfish dick. Thinking only about yourself. What about me and Harley?”

  “Does anything you just said even matter?” I lash out at her. “None of this shit is fucking about you. Are you really that selfish? None of this concerns you, what I’m going through, because you don’t know what it feels like, so fuck off. Nothing lasts forever, Dana. Me and you, any of this shit, nothing lasts forever.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  That was the last time I talked to Dana. My memory replays that moment like a nightmare I can’t wake up from. Blade heard us fighting and came barreling into the room and saw the pain behind her eyes. He moved Vegas and her into a motel room right after that. That was over a week ago.


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