It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3
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Xavier helped me up and we walked in the kitchen, where Maxie was warming up the left-over beef and chicken. “You calmed the baby down.” Maxi teased. He was washing his hands in the sink. I winked at the water and it turned hot. Maxie yanked his hand from under the faucet and looked at me.
“Stop teasing me.” I told him and sat in the seat that Xavier pulled out for me.
“Leave my Queen alone, man. You should know how we are both feeling right now. The shi-, I mean the stuff is way from being funny.” He told Maxi.
“I can’t do nothing but make jokes with it, bruh. I tried my hardest to be with another woman. Every time I tried, I keep seeing Nylah. Patience is the first hybrid, Guardian and wolf. If she bites me, who knows what I would become. I don’t want to lose myself into some stuff that I don’t understand.” He said picking at his food.
I understood what Maxie was going through. I lived my life different from the others around me, hoping to fit in. I didn’t know what he was going to become after he bit Nylah. I just wanted him to be happy overall. “It’s going to be ok, Maxi. You know that Xoey and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” I reached out and grabbed his hand. Xoey started squirming in my belly. She wanted to talk to him. I got up and walked over to him.
“She wants you.” I told him. Instead of putting his hand on my stomach, he leaned over and placed his ear on it. They did this sometimes. I couldn’t hear their conversations when they did this. I was ok with them having their own connection. I knew that Maxie wouldn’t tell her no wrong.
Maxie smiled and kissed my belly. “Alright my favorite girl.” He said and leaned back. “Go and eat so that we can go see Dad.” I placed my hand on my belly and walked back to my seat. Xoey had this effect on everyone. Every time Xavion or Xander get down, they come straight here to the belly. She calms them down with warm words or some soft magic. I asked her not to do it all the time because the shit can get addictive. She told me that she would do anything for them. The same way I was with them.
I sat back down and looked over at Xavier. He could see how worried I was about my brother. “Hey, when are you leaving for Florida?” Xavier asked.
“Shiiid,” Maxi caught his self before he cursed. “I am riding with y’all. Lil Bit gon’ have all the best snacks on the road. I don’t know how Treasure’s pregnancy is different from yours. You don’t be in here craving all that nasty stuff. Yesterday, Treasure made a peanut butter sandwich, with slices of kosher dill pickles. And then she fu-, I mean messed up my vanilla ice cream by putting barbeque chips in there. She told me that she wanted something salty and sweet.” He said. I was happy that I didn’t have weird cravings like that.
“That is not true. Queen woke me up to get her some oatmeal. When I brought it to her, she pouted. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me that I forgot the pepper jack cheese. She wanted it melted over her oatmeal.” Xavier told him. Maxi looked over at me and frowned.
“How could you feed my favorite girl that fu, messed up shi-, stuff? Damn that. You need yo ass whip for that.” Maxi said, without dodging the curse words.
“Aye, it was her idea. She wanted some cheese and some oatmeal. I ate it, it was good.” I told Maxi and looked over to Xavier. He had his head down because he knew what I was about to say next. “And you sitting there spilling my tea. Why don’t you finish the story and tell him how you ate a bowl of it?” I said. Maxi looked at Xavier and waited for his answers.
“Please, Brother. Tell me you didn’t.” Maxi begged. Xavier started laughing and looked up at me. “It was pretty good.” He answered. Maxi dropped his fork and started looking at his food.
“What are you looking for?” I asked him.
“I am trying to see, if you and yo sick ass mate, put gummy bears in the food.” He said. We both laughed at him and continued talking about the wedding in Florida. Ms. Robin and Nico was getting married/mating in another week. They waited a lot longer to see if anything else was going to happen after we killed the Guardians at the Western Facility. We were sure that the Northern Guardians were going to attack us with the Eastern Guardians, but it was quiet. Ms. Robin put the wedding back on, after holding it back for two months. This vacation had been a long time coming for all of us.
I ate small bites of my food and pushed it to the side. Xoey wasn’t that hungry either. Xoey couldn’t wait to talk to her Papa, either. After dinner, Xavier caught up with some pack business. Maxi and I walked towards the tree. Dom and Josh were meeting us there. We all came together at the end of the day and discussed new things with Poppa. Dom thought that it would be good to keep a close connection with him.
When I got back from the battle, the tree was the first place I came to. Poppa wanted to know if I was ok. I told him what I was planning on doing. He disagreed with everything and told me that I should have shared my plans with my brothers and mate. As you could tell, I didn’t listen and had to hear an earful from him. He didn’t want me or his grandchild to get hurt. But, once he saw that I was ok and gave him a visual on how everything went, he forgave me and made me promise to never do something like that again. That promise was easy to make. I never wanted to see my Alpha that way again. The pain in his eyes almost brought me to my knees. The pain and the worry that my brothers felt were indescribable.
And I think that was another reason why Maxi didn’t call Nylah. In his heart, he knew that she did it because I asked her to do it. He also knew that Nylah would have gave her life up to save mine. His mate was from the family that bad mouthed our name and our people. It was hard letting someone like that in. It was harder to dismiss what she had done for us. Maxi reached down and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it, gently. “Stop thinking so loudly.” He whispered. I nodded my head and followed my big brother to our Poppa.
Dom and Josh were already there. They couldn’t stay long. Camryn needed help with D-Max. That’s the stupid name that Maxi gave him. It was something that he kept calling him and it kinda rubbed off on everyone. The craziest thing about that was, he only answered to that. “Pops, you gotta tell me how you did it. Dominick have me running around, doing cartwheels.” Josh told him.
“Stop whining. You have a strong son, with some strong names. How else you thought he was going to act? Weak like you. Besides, Nanny be with y’all every night.” Maxi said, as we approached them.
“Shut yo dumbass up. I was talking about, how was he able to leave us every morning. I catch myself not wanting to leave the house at all. I told him that I was coming out here, and he started pouting. I was going to bring him out here, but Cam just gave him a bath.” Josh stood up and fist bumped Maxi. He gave me a kiss and rubbed my belly. “Hey Little Little Bit. How is my favorite niece?” He asked.
“I am your only niece.” She told him. I walked over to a drained looking Dom and gave him a kiss. “You look tired, Brother. Treasure killing your butt.” I told him. He smiled down at me and pulled my ear.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He told me and then addressed his niece as well. Maxi pulled the other two chairs from inside the tree and sat mine on the side of it. Xoey and Poppa started talking instantly. We all sat in silence, but the voices were very loud.
Chapter 2
Things with the Queen had been more than great. After the battle, I was ready to tear her ass up. Xoey stopped me. She reminded me of the promise I made to her. Baby Girl just didn’t know. I was far from mad. I needed to be inside my Queen, but the shit was a big turn-off hearing my daughter’s voice. I tried tasting my Queen a few times, but Xoey would always ask her Mommy what she was eating. Queen could never hold in her moans. I couldn’t wait for Xoey to be born. I want to meet the Princess, but I was taking Queen to our home in New Orleans for a week. If her ass got pregnant again, oh well. I wasn’t gon’ hold back shit.
I was at the station in the workout room with my brothers and a couple of my pack members. Louisiana wasn’t known for basements, that was why Xavion and Xan
der built the station with one. It had weights with a weight bench, tread mills, bikes, an elliptical, and televisions mounted on the wall everywhere. The locker room was in the back with the showers, Jacuzzi, and an ice tub. We also had a boxing ring in the middle of the room. Any time we wanted to let out a little aggression, we would jump in the ring and spar with each other. My ass been in the ring every week. I already bit the shit out of some of my pack members, who didn’t bother coming back to the gym. Xavion and Xander jumped in there with me a few times and told me that I needed some pussy quick.
I sat on the bench looking at them getting dressed to hit the tread mill. I pulled out the gloves and threw them at Xavion. He batted the shit down without looking at them. “Fuck you, X. I ain’t playing with you. You get in that ring and get all Chaos on us. I ain’t fucking with you today.” He told me. I didn’t bother with responding to his dumb ass. I looked over at Xander and he was already shaking his head no.
“I already called somebody to come spar with you.” He answered instead. I got dressed and hoped it was someone that can take a hit. I followed my brother from the back and went straight to the ring. Maxi was in there doing his whole Creed routine. The shit was hilarious. I didn’t know if I wanted to hit him or laugh at him. Dom and Josh walked in with Tyree. They all started laughing as well.
“What are you doing, bruh?” Tyree asked.
“I’m warming up. What the fuck you mean?” He said.
“Who are you sparring with?” Josh asked him. Maxi nodded over to me. Nick and the others, grabbed some chairs and sat in the front of the ring.
“Oh, I need a good laugh right now.” Nick said and leaned forward with his elbows on the ring.
“How you gon’ clown me like that?” Maxi told him.
“Because this fool is suffering from not being able to have his mate. What are you suffering from?” Nick asked.
“I already told you that I haven’t been able to fuck nobody since Nylah brought her Queen of the Damn looking ass here. I almost took one girl head off for touching me.” He told the men. They all sat back and looked at me.
“Well this should be a good fight.” Josh said. I jumped in the ring and started stretching. All of my brothers were great sparring partners. The only one out of the group that could go toe to toe with me, was Dom. That was before I pulled some of Chaos energy into me. I didn’t know how much stronger I was than him.
“You ready, Lil Brother.” I taunted Maxi. He gave me a smirk before moving quickly to my left. I dodged and swung at his ribs. He jumped back and tried to swipe my legs from under me. We continued this for another two minutes ‘til I landed a nice right on the left side of Maxwell’s jaw. He went flying into the ropes, bounced back, and came at me with one helluva left hook to my face. I went a few steps back and smiled at him. “Nice warm up,” I told him. I cracked my neck and started bouncing on my feet. “Let’s really get this shit started.” I told him.
“Don’t go crying to my niece about this ass whipping.” He replied with instead.
“Never that,” I told him and then vanished in front of everyone’s eyes. I appeared behind Maxi and swung on him. He ducked and swung around with a round house kick. I blocked that and went straight for his body. Maxi had a hard head like the rest of us. I was swinging body shots at him to slow him down and tire him out. After hitting him with four major blows, I knew that he wasn’t going to last long.
“Aye, you can’t use your Guardian powers, you Pussy. Fight me man to man or wolf to wolf.” He began to complain. I started fighting him the way he wanted, and still was beating his ass. Our brothers were watching on the sidelines while some of the other pack members were working out.
“Stop yo bitching, and take that ass whipping like a man.” Nick yelled at him when I pushed him with an energy wave. Patience has been teaching me a lot about my magic. I learned how to pull and push the wind. I pulled him to me and grabbed Maxwell, dropped to the floor, and to put him in a sleeper. Our brothers jumped up and came closer to the stage.
“Rockabye baby. On the tree top.” Xavion started singing. Maxi struggled in the hold. He started kicking and his wolf began to growl. Wolves hate being held down. Maxwell’s wolf felt that he was in trouble and tried to come out. I didn’t want this battle to get ugly and caused a bigger fight. I pushed him off me and got up. Maxi was laying on the ground with his eyes closed. I reached my hand out to help him up. Maxwell opened his eyes and grabbed my hand.
“I’m going to get you back.” He told me.
“You almost there.” I told him and pulled him up. We went around the gym and started working out on different equipment. After we all worked out, we took showers then went upstairs to start working. Tyree stuck around after the battle. He wanted to keep a close eye on the Queen. He was also dating Tori. It was crazy how all my Queen’s friends were dating non-human men. I was happy that she could have them by her side.
Xavion and Xander walked in my office. They shut the door and sat in in the chairs across from my desk, quietly. We had been working on projects, with Dom and his company. We wanted to build something with both of our names on it. This was something that our fathers thought of a long time ago. It was time for us to make that happen. I looked over at the two men and thought that I forgot something else.
“What did I miss?” I asked them.
“When are you and Queen’s mating ceremony? Everyone else around this bitch is getting mated but y’all two. What’s the hold up?” Xander asked. Xavion looked at me, waiting for the answer as well. My brothers and I haven’t had a sit down in a minute. We all were busy with our mates and businesses. That was the one thing I envied about Patience and her brothers. No matter what they were doing, they always took the time out and visited their father. They sat around each other for hours. I pushed my keyboard to the side and gave them my undivided attention.
“Are you in the mood for company? Xander and Xavion is coming over with your sisters.” I asked Queen.
“Yes. I would love some company. Maxi told me that he had some errands to run and my Papi didn’t arrive yet. I took out all this food to prepare for his arrival. The steaks are already seasoned and ready for the grill. I’m making some sides right now.” Queen answered.
“Why don’t you guys bring over your mates tonight? We can talk about all that around the grill. I think it’s time for us to sit down and talk, yeah.” I told them. Ma had been helping as much as possible with D-Max. She was ready to bounce from house to house to help out with the baby. She didn’t see Xoey being her first grandchild. D-Max was, just like Dom and the rest of his brothers were her sons. And there was no one that was going to tell her different.
“Hell yeah. I am down for some grilling. Do you need us to bring anything?” Xavion asked.
“Nah, just bring yourselves. I’ll see you both at eight. Please be on time. Xoey gets irritated if she doesn’t get to eat.” I told them while shutting off my computer.
“Princess Xoey is going to be a handful. She already running shit now.” Xander said, shaking his head.
“It’s not about running things. As parents, we have to adjust our lives to our children. They got muthafuckers out here still doing shit like they don’t have kids. Goin out on a Tuesday and Thursday night, trying to catch a drink sell. They leave their oldest at home, who is only twelve, to babysit their other children.” I answered.
“Then they have the audacity to get mad when the children don’t respect them. Calling them by their first name and shit. I am happy that we have mates that know better.” Xavion said.
“You right about that. Jess and I are trying for kids now. I know I am going to wound up like you and the rest of my brothers. But that is something that I am looking forward to.” Xander said with a smile.
“Yeah, man. I can’t wait to hold Xoey in my arms.” I told them. The thought of her had me packing my shit up quick. “I’ll see y’all at the house.” I told them and followed them out of the office.
When we got to the front of the station, there were a group of men standing in front of my pack members.
“What is the problem?” Xavion asked.
“They are here to talk to Alpha.” Errol stood forward and said.
“Aye, I know y’all not here for a challenge.” Xander stepped in front of their Alpha and said. The men behind him began to growl at the disrespect. That shit didn’t bother Xander. He kept his eyes on their Alpha and waited for him to answer. The Alpha met Xander’s glare but spoke to me. “I am not here for a challenge. I come here seeking help.” He said.
I walked forward and tapped Xander on his shoulder. Xander stepped aside for me. I stared in the eyes of the man before me and saw truth in his words. “Follow me, Onyx.” I said and led them to our meeting room. Xander and Xavion came in with Onyx’s Betas. The rest of their men stood outside the door with the rest of the pack members. I took the seat at the head of the table, with Xavion and Xander standing behind me. “The next time you come on my territory, make sure you call first. I don’t like people popping up without giving notice.” I told him.
We had been dealing with a lot. I wasn’t excepting any challenges. Anyone could see from a mile away that Queen was mine. Now that she was pregnant, I had to be extra cautious with how I did business with anyone. I was still the Alpha of the Southern Territory. I had to lend a helping hand to the other Alphas, but it wasn’t going to happen if it was going to put Queen and Xoey in danger.
Onyx nodded his head. “That is understandable, Alpha. It won’t happen again. We had been dealing with a lot in Shreveport. One of my Betas and ten of our pack members went missing two weeks ago. I sent out a search party to their last location and they disappeared as well. When I went with my other Beta, we found evidence of foul play. Theo, my Beta, was found buried under the dirt. We found his scent and started digging. The dirt didn’t look disturbed or as if was tampered with before. It took the three of us to dig him up. When we did, his body looked drained. Theo was the youngest of my Betas. When we saw him, he looked like he aged.” Onyx told me.