by Neicy P.
Matteo came in after hearing what was said. “What’s going on?” We filled him in and he got quiet.
“What do you think it is?” I asked him.
“I don’t know yet. When was the last time you talked to Tyree?” He asked.
“Yesterday. He told me that he was visiting the other facilities.” Xavion said.
“When you hear from him, let us know what he found out.” I told him.
“It sound like Lord Odom.” Mateo said. Before I could say another word, Tyree appeared out of nowhere out of breath.
“We got to get to Nylah’s covenant.” Tyree said in a rush.
“Why? What happened?” Matteo asked.
“Odom destroyed the Northern and Western facility. Everything was up in smokes. When I got there, I didn’t sense any energy left from the bodies. He absorbed it all. There were eight Supremes and four Elders at each. He drained them all. He is now powerful enough to raise Ma’vere.” Tyree said.
“We need to get to that Covenant.” I told Matteo.
“Who’s Covenant?” Maxi asked. He came downstairs with the rest of his brothers.
“Lord Odom is on his way to Nylah’s Covenant to retrieve Ma’vere ashes.” Xavion said. Maxi’s eyes shifted into his wolf and let out a menacing growl.
“Then what the fuck are we waiting on. Let’s go!” He yelled. Josh and Dom stood next to Tyree ready to transport to the covenant.
“I should go with you, Alpha.” Queen said looking at her brothers.
“No. You will stay here with the rest of the women. I will leave Nico and Xander with you.” I told her. She was about to argue with me, but I gave her a stern look. “Don’t.” I growled. She shook her head and stepped forward.
“Just be careful and come back to us.” She whispered. I gave her a kiss on the lips and stood to leave. Xavion and I stood next to Matteo and transported to Nylah’s Covenant. It was in the Bayou. It looked like a school. Maxi and the other guys appeared. And without talking, Maxi took off towards the Covenant walls. We all followed behind him. Matteo and Tyree appeared over the wall, as we jumped over it. There were bodies on the front lawn. Chunks of their fleshes were missing. We heard screaming and howling coming from the buildings. “You guys go right. We will go left.” I said and shift into my wolf. There were rogue wolves here, feeding off the flesh of these vampires. I entered the front door where the vampires were fighting off the wolves. I jumped on the wolf and bit the back of his neck off. The vampire raised his sword at me. Matteo came in and knocked the weapon out his hand. “We are here to help. Unfortunately.” He said with his black eyes.
“We don’t need your fucking help, Witch.” One of the vampires spoke.
“It doesn’t look like it.” Matteo said pointing up, at all of the rogue wolves crawling down the walls. Their eyes were soulless and hungry. The vampire picked his sword up and got ready to fight. Matteo raised his arms up, and lightening came through the windows, striking down the rogue wolves. I ran up the stairs to take care of the other ones that were feeding on the dead bodies. We went through the house looking for any signs of Lord Odom.
“He’s here. On the west wing of the house.” Dom said. We all went over to Matteo and transported to where they were. We were in the basement with a big ass walk-in safe. It had the round wheel and the Covenant’s brand on it. It was dark and the smell was awful. The guards that was guarding the safe where on the ground tore up.
Dom and Josh were fighting off some of the dark Guardians, while Maxi in half form, dealt with the rogue wolves. Tyree, Nylah, and another vampire was battling Lord Odom. Lord Odom looked up at us and smiled. With one wave of his hand, he knocked them down and held the urn up. “I’ll be seeing you and the Queen very soon.” He said to me. I didn’t know why the darkness in me began to stir. It wasn’t ready to attack. It was ready to join him. That shit was odd. Nylah jumped up and tried to swing on him, but a rogue wolf jumped on her and sunk his teeth into her. Lord Odom appeared next to them and pulled out a vile to collect Nylah’s blood. Once he got what he needed, he vanished and then appeared across the basement. Two other things appeared on the side of him. We knew that it wasn’t human or shifters.
A howl full of rage, bellowed from Maxi. He charged at the wolf and grabbed him by his snout and throat. He ripped its head from its body. Lord Odom vanished with the rest of the Dark Guardians and the two other things. Maxi dropped to his knees and scooped Nylah up. She was gasping and moaning in pain. We all stood around, trying to figure out what we can do. “We gotta get her home, so that Lil Bit can heal her.” Dom said. The vampire that was fighting with her, jumped up and squared off with us.
“You won’t be taking my sister anywhere.” He hissed.
He tried to take Nylah out of Maxi’s hand. Maxi snarled at him. “If you want your hands, you will keep them from my mate.”
“She is not your mate, wolf.” He told him and reached for his blade. Dom stepped forward and growled at him.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” Nylah was losing blood and the light in her eyes was dimming.
“This is fucking crazy; she needs blood.” Her brother hollered. Maxi held out his wrist and sliced it open with his claws. He placed his wrist near Nylah’s mouth.
“Drink, Baby. Come on and drink for me.” Maxi coerced her. She looked up at him with dull eyes. “Please,” Maxi pleaded. If she didn’t take his blood, Maxi was going to lose his fucking mind. He kept pressing his wrist to her mouth. She looked up at Maxi and let out a short breath.
Nylah couldn’t resist the fresh blood smell that was near her. She stuck her tongue out and licked the opening of his wrist. She moaned and licked her lips. She closed her eyes, placed her mouth on Maxi’s wrist and began to pull. Maxi cradled her and kissed her on her head. “That’s it, Luv. Take as much as you need.” He told her. Nylah’s color was coming back and her wound was healing, quickly. When she opened her eyes, they were bright red. She pulled away from his wrist and stared up at Maxi. He wiped the blood from her lips and smiled. “Fuck Hector.” He told her. She shook her head and leaned into his chest.
“We gotta go.” Matteo said. Maxi stood with Nylah in his arms. The rest of the vampires came downstairs in the basement. They surrounded us with their weapons out. “You can leave, but you are leaving without her.” The vampire said. None of us was hearing that shit. Nylah was Maxi’s mate. No one was going to tell him that he couldn’t take his mate out of that place. I readied myself for another fight with the vampires. Nylah stopped things before it happened.
“Nyles, I’ll be fine. I will return when I get better. He will protect me.” She told him.
Nyles wanted to disagree. He looked on the ground at his dead soldiers and sighed. He knew that the covenant was no longer safe for any of them if Ma’vere gets revived.
“Go, but I am sending a guard with you. I expect to hear from you tomorrow, Nylah. If you don’t call me, I will come and get you.” He told her. I knew his ass was going to try and get on our territory. Dom wasn’t letting him on at all. Maxi walked over to Matteo with a big ass wolf grin.
“Tell your guard to find his way there.” He said, with his brothers disappearing with him and Matteo.
Tyree came and stepped to me and my brother. “Sorry, I don’t have any room,” he said and transported us back to the house.
Queen was watching Ginell restore more energy into Nylah. Maxi still had her in his arms. “She should be fine now. All she needs is rest. Bring her upstairs to one of the bedrooms.” Ginell told him.
“What happened?” Xander walked over and asked me. Queen saw that we were back and wobbled her ass to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me.
“We got there too late. Lord Odom has Ma’vere’s urn. He looked at me and told me that he was going to see me and Queen soon.” I answered. Queen looked up at me with concern.
“Don’t worry, Sweetie. He will not harm you.” Ginell said.
“No disrespect at all towards you, but how you know that? This muthafucker feeds off wolves and Guardians.” Xavion told her.
“Xavion,” Ma called out to him. “Your intentions may have not meant to disrespect, but you did. Watch your mouth!”
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“It’s ok, Noel. I understand your son’s frustration.” Ginell turned towards Xavion. “You do have to understand that there is more magic in this room to take care of both Ma’vere and Lord Odom.” She said and pat him on his face. She smiled over at me and walked out of the room. Everyone stared at each other. I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about, but it was clearly that she knew about some shit that we didn’t. Queen walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
“So, are we not worrying about this shit or are we going to stop him before he revives Ma’vere.” Josh asked.
“There are a lot of things that he needs before reviving Ma’vere.” Matteo spoke.
“What are the other things that he need?” I asked him.
Matteo sat down and picked his feet up. “He need the essence of a pure blood Guardian, a heart of a wolf, and blood from an Elder vampire. He also needs tears from a demon and a feather from an angel’s wing. And last, the eyes of a voodoo priestess.” He answered. Xander’s mouth dropped open with the rest of ours. I knew that they were a lot of shit in the world, but I never heard of demons and angels appearing on earth. Queen’s friends looked like they were in a horror movie. Tori was about to ask a question, but Queen shook her head. I didn’t give a fuck. I had to ask. “Angels and demons.”
Matteo smiled over at us and shook his head. “I know you didn’t think that we were the only ones here. You sound like the humans. Besides, the two creatures that were standing next to him were demons,” He told me. Shit. I didn’t know how we were going to deal with that?
Ginell walked back in with a tray full of goodies. She placed it on the table and grabbed a cup from it. She passed it to Queen and asked her to sit. “Matteo is about to tell y’all a story.” She told us and picked up another cup and a piece of pie to give to Matteo. He took it and placed it on the table.
“Before the Guardians were placed over the territories, there were the Angels. One that covered every major point of the compass. They protected us from the ones that escaped through the different realms that were located at the main points. It was a few that got through, but never got far enough into the world to cause damage. The Angel of the west called out to the Angel in the north when there was a disturbance in the Drone area. That area was between the two.
Once they both got there, they were approached by Normaz, Vaslento, and the leader Runi. They were some of the Devil’s soldiers. Runi was one of his Generals. The Angels disposed of Normaz and Vaslento easily. And when the Angels saw that Runi didn’t run, they thought that he was stupid like the other demons that came through. Both Angels attacked him and were killed. You see, Runi was not like the other demons. He possessed something that no other demon had. He had a piece of the Devil’s Magic.
Runi took over the north and west in a day. He poisoned the minds of humans and created war between them. Runi came to the east and killed the Angel there. But before he could cause havoc on the East, the Angel of the South confronted him. When he attacked her, she dodged it and all the rest of his attacks. She knew what he was going to do before he did it. He didn’t understand why, but he knew that he had to kill her in order to create his hell. Angel of the South struck Runi with a sword, leaving him open.
The Devil’s magic seeped out of him and into the earth before anyone could obtain it. The body of Runi was placed at one of the East realms and was somehow sealed shut. The Angel of the South asked to stay on earth as a human. She wanted to stay with the man that she fell in love with. Miku, the voodoo priest, who protected her during the attacks of Runi. She was granted her request but was ordered to cut off her wings. She did that and lived on with her love.”
“But, wait. What happened to her wings?” Queen asked.
“No one knows.” Ginell said.
“Ok, what if Lord Odom knows where everything is? What if getting Ma’vere’s urn was the last thing to get.” Nick asked. Matteo looked down at his watch to check the time.
“I guess we gotta make some trips.” He told Ginell.
“Oh Lord.” She said shaking her head. “Let me get some things together.” She told him and left the room.
“Where are you going?” Queen asked him.
“Miku has living descendants. We can ask them about the Angel’s wings and if anyone been asking about their Voodoo Priestesses. He took some of Nylah’s blood and he probably already has the heart of a wolf. I also know a demon by the name of Jacu. He could tell us about the two demons that were with Lord Odom.” He looked over at Dom and me. “Do you two want to tag along?” He asked.
“Fucking right.” Dom answered. I nodded my head and turned back to Queen.
“Ok, Dom you come with me to see Jacu. X, you go with Ginell to see Miku relatives. They stay in the lower ninth ward. You both be careful and don’t eat nothing from them.” He told me. Ginell came back in with a picnic basket.
“Whenever you ready, Xavier.” She spoke. I looked at Queen. I knew she was feeling how off I was.
“Hey, are you good?” She asked me. I looked down into her concerned eyes. We promised that we were going to tell each other everything. But the way she had been feeling about the pregnancy and Xoey, I didn’t want to add anything to stress her out even more. She waited for me to answer. Her eyes turned from concerned to daring me to lie. I shook my head and told her the truth.
“When we were in the basement with Lord Odom, I felt his magic calling out to me. It felt like, I was ready to join him. I don’t know, Queen. The shit felt weird.” I told her.
“Maybe we need to talk to Papi and Mimi about that. They may know what is going on.” Queen told me. I placed my hand on her stomach. Xoey pressed her hand on mine but didn’t say anything.
“Maybe, you should get off your feet, Queen. You still look pale and weak, Baby. Let me get you in the bed.” I said and scooped her up. The rest of our brothers were going to stay the night until we figured this shit out. There was a lot of shit going on. And on top of all this, we still didn’t know when Xoey was going to make her appearance. I wanted to be here for her birth, but I had to protect her from the dangers of the world that she was entering. I got to the room and nudged the door open with my hip. Queen was holding on to me, weakly. “Did you eat baby?” I asked her.
“Yes, not too much. I drunk a lot of water though.” She told me.
“I will ask Ma to send you something up to eat. You have to be strong for the delivery Baby.” I told her. She nodded her head in agreement. I placed her on the bed and took off her shoes. I usually give her a foot massage before she go to sleep. She told me that it relaxed her. When I went to grab her foot, she placed her feet under the covers and laid down.
“I’m ok, Alpha. Go with Mimi and find out as much information as you can about Lord Odom.” She said with a yawn. I leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.
“Ok, just holla out if you need anything. Maxi is down the hall with Nylah. I will send your friends up to keep you company.” I told her.
“No, Alpha. I am fine. I am about to go to sleep. I don’t want to be a bother to anyone.” She said with her eyes closed. I kissed her again and walked out the room. Jess and the rest of the women, including my mom were coming up the stairs.
“She is kinda tired, Ladies.” I told them.
“It’s fine. We are just going to sit in there until you get back. We don’t want her to be alone after what we heard.” Jess said and walked past me into my bedroom. The girls followed her, leaving my mom in the hallway with me.
“Be careful, Son.” She told me. I pulled her into a tight hug.
“I will, Ma. Just watch over my family.” I asked her.
“Boy, you
know I will.” She said. She walked in the room with the girls, while I walked downstairs. Ginell was standing in the same spot, holding onto a necklace around her neck. Nick had a couple of his pack members come over for more protection on the family. Errol and the first squad were already running perimeters around the territory. Xander and Xavion walked over to me.
“Hey be careful, bruh.” Xavion told me. I knew he was feeling some way about me visiting the voodoo lady. We didn’t know who the woman was that put the curse on him.
“I will. Please keep an eye out on Queen. If there is any signs of her going into labor, let me know.” I asked the both of them.
“You know you got that.” Xander said and dapped me off.
I dapped Xavion off and walked over to where Ginell was waiting. I nodded my head to Dom and Josh. Ginell held out her hand. I grabbed it and we vanished. We appeared in front of one of those funny looking houses in the ninth ward that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie built. One side of the house was purple and the other was green. It had two stairways and was elevated, due to Katrina. It had a wide porch and a balcony circled the second floor. I mean, the house was a masterpiece.
I followed Ginell to the door. Before knocking, she turned towards me. “I will do all of the talking. Do not accept anything from them.” She told me. I nodded my head. She knocked once lightly on the door and stood back. I didn’t think that no one heard the knock. I was about to ring the doorbell when the door opened. A beautiful woman was standing there, staring at me.
“Oh my, Guardian. I will agree to anything if this is whom you sacrifice to us.” She told Ginell, while licking her lips.
Chapter 6
Dominick and I appeared in Los Angeles in no time. I hated that this shit was going on during Angel’s pregnancy. She didn’t need all this shit going on. I was happy that Angel accepted Ginell into the family. That would have been a fight that no one would have been able to stop.
We were outside a bar called Dreams. It was a bar for all of the supernatural beings. I used to come here from time to time, after my split with Ginell. The owner, Jacu, was a cool lil demon. He was a tall medium built white man, in his human form. He didn’t try to take over the world or some shit like that. He just wanted to live a free life. I didn’t go around passing judgment on no one. Shit, we all had our faults.