It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3 Page 7

by Neicy P.

  There were cars and bikes parked out in front and on the side of the club. Dreams was a place that you could let your freak-self fly. Dreams was big and stayed packed. It was a small building in the middle of nowhere. Jacu didn’t care about having too many people there. He would pack the place ‘til it was impossible to move around in the club. We walked up to the front entrance, where the guard stood. His big, bald-headed ass been the guard here since the shit opened. Razor was my height and on the chubby side. He also took the form of a white human male. I knew he recognized me when he shook his head.

  “What the fuck you doing here, O? The last time we heard, they done fried yo ass up and took yo soul or some shit like that.” Razor asked while holding out his hand. I shook his hand and my head at the same time. Everyone that I ran into had a different story about how I was killed.

  “Ain’t nothing, Razor. You still guarding this piece of shit, I see.” I told him.

  “Yeah. Who else he going to get to guard this shit.” He told me, and we both laughed. Razor was also a demon that slipped through the realms. They both had been living in California.

  “Aye, I heard that, you fucks.” Jacu said, walking out of the noisy club. “How the hell are you?” He spoke with his hand out.

  “I have seen better days, old friend. What you been up to?” I asked him.

  “Nothing. Staying low and out the sun. You know I don’t need nobody on my ass for nothing.” He said looking over my shoulder at Dominick. “Goddamn! You are a big muthafucker! What are you, boy? A bear.

  “Naw. He gotta be a dragon.” Razor said.

  “I ain’t yo fucking boy.” Dominick growled.

  “Oh, go ahead with that shit. We ain’t racist around here. I called you a boy because I knew yo ass wasn’t a girl. I mean, with all the pretty hair and shit, they might look twice at you.” Jacu said with Razor laughing. Dominick took one step towards him. I held my hand up and stopped the shit before it got out of hand.

  “This is my grandson, Dominick. Dominick, this is Jacu and Razor.” I introduced them. Razor and Jacu’s eyes shot at me. “Grandson?” They asked me. I nodded my head.

  “I know fucking well that Lurita mean ass didn’t have a baby. That is one evil ass woman. And that is coming from someone that was raised in hell.” Jacu said.

  “Hey, don’t talk about my baby.” I told him.

  “That ain’t no fucking baby. She is the devil in a dress.” He said with Razor nodding his head in agreement. Jacu always had something for Lurita. She blew his ass off every time he tried. “How is she anyway?” Jacu asked.

  “She was murdered by the Southern Guardians.” I told him.

  Jacu’s face shifted and changed into is true form. His face was red and black with teeth like a shark. The shit could have giving anyone nightmares. Razor’s face also changed. His face was all black with spikes in them. They still weren’t able to control their emotions after being here for over thirty years. I knew he still had a soft spot for my baby. Razor was just a close friend of ours. I told them many stories of my girls. Jacu shook his head, to bring back his human face. When he opened his eyes, they were black and angry.

  “Let’s go inside.” He said in a deeper voice and turned towards the door. Razor stood at the entrance and patted me on my back.

  “I’ll see ya, when you come out.” He said. Dominick and I followed Jacu in the club. There was a live band playing on the stage, and the place was packed from wall to wall. I didn’t feel like walking through these drunk ass people. Jacu must have known what I was going to do, because he lifted his hand and froze time. I placed my hand on his and Dominick shoulder and transported us to the office. Once we were in the office, Jacu took a seat in his soundproof office and snapped his fingers. You could see out the large window that sat behind his desk that everything continued. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He opened his eyes and they were the regular brown color.

  “What happened?” He hissed.

  I told him everything that happened from the beginning to where we were right now. Of course, his face changed when I told him that Nesida was also killed by the Guardians. “I don’t fucking understand this shit. How the Angels leave muthafuckers like that in charge. Whenever someone don’t abide by their rules, they be ready to kill muthafuckers. This shit is getting out of hand.” He said, pounding on his desk. It cracked and broke under his hand.

  “I know. That’s why Patience took all of their asses out.” I told him.

  “I can’t believe that Nesida gave birth to a Bad Ass like that. She must have got that from her father side of the family.” Jacu said. He looked over at Dominick with newfound respect. “Your mother was a great woman.” He told him.

  Dominick smirked at him and replied. “I know.”

  “So, Lord Odom is at it again, huh.” Jacu said.

  “Yeah. His ass is out here trying to revive Ma’vere. You know that one of the things that he needs is the tears from a demon. I was wondering if you heard anything about that.” I asked.

  “No, not here. And you know that no one is not trying to help Lord Odom. Once he gets Ma’vere, his ass is going to try to get the Devil’s Magic. The last time he tried that, they stripped him of his magic and left his ass to die with the rogues.”

  “Do you know who it was the stripped him of his magic?” Dominick asked.

  “No, but I do know that it was some Guardians. They sucked the magic out of him and brought it in themselves. So, whoever they are, gotta be something carrying around all that dark shit.” He said.

  “We need to find those Guardians and see if they have any other information on Lord Odom. They could help us take Lord Odom out. Because what I don’t want, is for my sister to try and save the world while she is pregnant.” Dominick suggested.

  “Whoa. Patience is pregnant.” Jacu asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “Oh, shit we getting old. Grandbaby having babies and shit. Where the hell the time went?” Jacu said pulling out a bottle.

  “Yeah, that is another reason why we are trying to find him quick. In order for him to get the Devil’s Magic, he needs a pure Dark Guardian.” I said to him.

  “What!” Dom and Jacu yelled. That was one of the reasons why I wanted Dominick with me. I haven’t been around Xavier and Patience for months. I didn’t know how the two been holding up. The last time I saw them, they were still keeping secrets from each other. In order for them to deal with this, they needed to work together.

  “We need to find this fucker ASAP!” I said.

  “Why couldn’t it be my sister? She was born of the light and dark.” Dominick asked.

  “She isn’t pure any more. Once she let Xavier bite her, she became useless to him.” I answered.

  “I will reach out to all my contacts and make sure they look out for anything suspicious.” He told me.

  “When you do, can you figure out what two demons were with him. They didn’t attack or anything. They stood next to him with the urn.” I said.

  “Yeah, I can do that. I can’t believe that he actually found someone to work with him.” Jacu said. “Razor and I will go to Dixie. You know nothing gets past him.

  “Good. We gotta get going. Hope went to see Lena. I would love to know how that went.” I said. Jacu shook his head and laughed.

  “You ain’t gon be satisfied, ‘til Ginell beat your ass. And when she do, I’ll be there cheering her on.” Jacu said.

  “Ginell don’t wanna see me, Man.” I told him. We all laughed at that because even I knew that I was full of shit. We dapped each other off and vanished outside the club. Razor was hemming some dude up and waved at us. “Talk to Jacu about what I need from you.” I told him. He nodded his head and continued with what he was doing.

  “So, why didn’t you tell Lil Bit and Xavier about ol’ boy needing Xoey for his plan?” He finally asked.

  “Because I need for Angel to focus on delivering Xoey. I don’t need
her to stress out over this shit. Xavier couldn’t hold that shit from her if he tried.” I told him.

  “I ain’t holding that shit back from my sister or my brother. They need to know about this.” Dominick replied. “They are stronger than you think.” He said and walked ahead of me.

  “I hope so.” I whispered and brought us back to the house.


  “I will not be sacrificing my grandson, Mozale. I am here to see Lena.” I told her. She had her eyes on Xavier. If she only knew who he belonged to, she would have kept those eyes somewhere else.

  “Well, my Grandmother is resting right now. Maybe you should come by later and leave your grandson here. He could call you when she is ready to be seen. Right handsome.” She walked over to Xavier and he gave her a flirting smile.

  Mozale raised her hand to place it on his chest. He grabbed it and looked in her eyes with his wolf showing. “If you touch me with this hand, I will bite it off and feed it to you.” He said and threw her hand back at her. Mozale grabbed her bruised wrist and smirked at him.

  “You are mated.” She asked him.

  “That is none of your fucking business. Now, wake your Grandmother up and tell her that she has guests.” Xavier growled out. Mozale looked back at me with a frown. She backed up into the house.

  “Wait here,” she said and closed the door. We waited twenty minutes before she came back to the door. She stepped to the side and let us in. Xavier, being the Alpha that he was, walked in first to take on any attack. He looked and sniffed around, then waved me to come in. Mozale closed the door and led us to Lena. There was a staircase in the middle of the entry way. There were two rooms sitting on the right and the left. They also had two doors on the side of the stairs. She led us to the door on the right side of the stairs.

  When she opened it, we walked into a room that was different from the whole house. In the entry way, it felt warm and welcoming. But, in this room, it feels cold and stale. The walls were black and gold, with pictures of the old priest and priestess before the present one. There was a big, round table in the middle of it, with black and purple candles. The two windows that were in the room were covered with dead hanging plants. I knew that this shit was an illusion. She always did shit like this to feel out her guests. I walked around the room, while Xavier stood at the door. I stopped in front of a photo of the Voodoo Priest Miko. He was standing behind his seated wife, Belle. She was the Angel of the South. Belle was a beautiful woman. She had hazelnut skin with big brown eyes and long, wavy hair.

  “Sit and wait here. She’ll be out shortly.” Mozale told us. Xavier didn’t move from the door. I took a seat at the table, where there were cakes and pies. Don’t get me wrong, the treats looked delicious. But, I didn’t eat out of everyone’s kitchen. I didn’t give a shit if they asses were chefs. You didn’t go around trusting everyone. Mozale kept her eyes on Xavier. She just didn’t get it.

  “I see that you finally made time to visit the old gal.” Lena spoke.

  “Trust me. If I could have prevented this, I wouldn’t be here. Trust.” I said out loud. She was always about the theatrics. Speaking without showing herself was something that she always done. Well, unless it was Matteo in the room. She always tried to show him that she was more of a match for him. And by all means, she could have been. I wasn’t the type to fight over a man that didn’t want to be kept. When he showed me that he was for me only, I shut Lena and the rest of the women down. Now she trying this shit because Xavier was in the room. I looked over at him and my grandson wasn’t impressed. He let out a sigh and shook his head.

  “We do have other matters to tend to, Lena. Will you show yourself, so that we can get to business?” I told her. She appeared on the other side of the table with smoke and dust.

  “You were always jealous of what I could do, Ginell.” Lena said. Lena was a beautiful woman like Belle. She resembled her Belle a lot. The only thing that separated the two was the eyes and the color of their hair. Lena’s hair was black and had green eyes. She was 5’7 and had the body of a young woman. She was in her sixties but didn’t look it. She had on a dress with a cardigan over it.

  “I was never jealous of you, Lena.” I told her. She smiled at a frowning Xavier.

  “But I am of you.” She said.

  “He is my grandson, and you will mind your tongue when you speak of him.” I told her.

  Lena’s eyes met mine and she saw that I was done with all of the games her and her daughter were playing. She mumbled some words and the room became what it was supposed to be. The walls were now the peanut butter color with white trimming. The frames around the pictures changed from the old wooden ones to antiques. The cakes and pies were placed with fruits and seafood. The plants that were hanging up by the window, turned into gold daffodils. A big change from what I was sitting in at first. Xavier walked over towards me and stood behind my chair.

  “If you come for information, Ginell. You know that you have to bring something in return. What is it that you sacrifice for information?” Lena asked.

  “I am not sacrificing shit, Lena. I am here to exchange information with you.” I told her. She began to shake her head and sat back in her seat.

  “Why do you think that you are exempt from sacrificing anything, Ginell? I am pretty sure that, what you have to say, I already know. So you have wasted my time.” She said staring over my head at Xavier. “But you did give me something to dream about. Would you like an apple?” She asked him.

  I took all the light out of the room and replaced it with the room with an unsettled darkness. The bitch didn’t know when to stop. The air became thick and hard to breathe for them. Lena and Mozale gasped for the air that was there, but not for them. Xavier and I breathed in calmly and waited for them to cooperate. I didn’t know how they became the evil lil bitches that they were, but they had to see who they were dealing with. I wasn’t a random in here asking for a voodoo doll to stick pins in. Mozale fell to the ground. She was turning purple, like the color of the house. Lena held her hand up and nodded. I returned everything back the way that it was and leaned forward. “Now, as you were saying.” I told her.

  She took in a deep breath and glared at me. “What do you want?”

  “Lord Odom is back. He is trying to revive Ma’vere. In order for him to do this, he needs the eyes of a Voodoo Priestess and a feather from an Angel’s wing. Have you heard anything about that?” I asked her. And you would have thought that I took the air from her lungs again. The look on her face was of fear. She looked back at Mozale and she looked the same. “I guess this was some information that slid by you.” I told her.

  “I heard that there were a lot of things going on in the North, but I didn’t know that it was him causing the trouble.” She whispered.

  “What did you hear?” I asked her.

  “A lot of the rouges been traveling up north. Not only wolves, but panthers, bears, and other shifters. Even the dragon of Mortom was seen flying that way. Mozale told me that she saw a few in the city when she was out getting things for a potion. I told her to stay away from them and mind ya business.” She said standing up. She went and grabbed a map of Louisiana and spread it out on the table. She mumbled a spell and cut her hand over the map. Lena pulled out a cigar and lit it. She blew the smoke on her blood and it began to move around the map. Xavier pulled my chair back, as I stood up and we both walked around the table. The blood circled around New Orleans. “He is here, in the city.” She whispered and looked back at Mozale. “Call Aunt Nita. See if she is alright.”

  Mozale ran out the room. She started pulling other shit out of drawers and from under the table. She sat and the room changed again. It was all a dark blue with nothing on the walls or on the table. The windows disappeared from the room and the ceiling had writings on them. “What does he have already?” She asked.

  “He has Ma’vere’s urn and the blood of an Elder vampire. We also believe he has the heart of a wolf. Matteo is gone
to see Jacu about the demon’s tear.” I told her. She was throwing all types of shit in a pot. She pulled off her cardigan and revealed the snake tattoo on her body. She crossed her arms and held her head up. The snake began to move around her body. It wrapped itself around her neck with its head landing on the middle of her face. It hissed and showed us its fangs. Lena’s eyes opened and they were the same as the snake.

  “What do you see, Lena?” I asked her but she didn’t answer. Her head was moving side to side and her face was frowned up. I sat next to her and closed my eyes. I went into her head to see what she was seeing. I relaxed until I saw what I needed to see. Lord Odom was at a restaurant, having dinner with a young lady. The girl looked homeless. She had on some rags and her face had welts on them.

  “Do you have what I asked you for?” Lord Odom asked the girl.

  “Yes. But only if you give me what I need.” The girl replied. Lord Odom stared at the girl with a blank expression.

  “Why do you want this? I thought that you came from women with very strong magic. Why do you need this from me?” Lord Odom said. She looked up at him with sad eyes and bowed her head. She was in pain. She looked back at him with what looked like acid running down her face as tears.

  “Because, I love him.” She whispered and placed two boxes on the table. She passed them over to Lord Odom, who opened it and smiled. He then placed his hands on hers and started mumbling under his breath. “Use this wisely.” He said, then transferred some magic into the girl’s hand. She closed her eyes and took it in her soul. The marks on her face vanished and the girl looked brand new. She smiled at Lord Odom with big brown eyes, like her mother. “Thank you, Mi Lord.”


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