It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3 Page 8

by Neicy P.

  “You are welcome, Eve.” He told her.

  Lena jumped out of the vision and closed her mind off to me. I opened my eyes and she was stunned. She tried to hide her expression but I saw straight through that shit. “Your daughter betrayed you.” I told her.

  She jumped up and pulled her cardigan back on. “I don’t need you to tell me what I saw, Ginell. You and your grandson could leave now. I will handle her myself, without the help of you Guardians.” She said. Mozale walked in the room with tears in her eyes. Without turning around, Lena spoke to her daughter. “I know. Find Eve.” She said.

  “Eve,” Xavier questioned. I looked back at him and his wolf eyes were flashing.

  “What is it, Xavier?” I asked him.

  “Eve was the bitch that put a spell on Xavion. She was the reason that he couldn’t find his mate. Xoey removed it though, but he still feel that voodoo shit in his body.” He said.

  “Wait. Did you say that someone removed a hex that was put on your brother by my sister?” Mozale stepped forward and asked.

  “Yes.” He growled out. Mozale looked over at Lena. Lena was glaring at me now.

  “What are you holding back, Ginell? Who is this Xoey?” Lena asked.

  “You would want to know who she is. Because if your daughter put a hex on my other grandson, you all will pay with your lives.” I told them. The snake that was still on her forehead was still hissing at me. I held my hand up and closed it slowly. The snake started wiggling, trying to get out of my hold. I squeezed it harder and its mouth popped open. I brought my hand to my face and blew in the snake’s mouth. Lena fell down and started screaming. Her snake was now frozen and won’t be of any use to her anymore. I looked up at Mozale with a warning. I took a step back and placed my hand on Xavier’s shoulder. “Let’s go.” I told him and with nothing else to say; we transported back home.

  Chapter 7


  It was three in the morning when Xavier came back home. The girls stayed in my room for hours. Dom and Papi came home first. They did find out about the other Guardians that drained him of his magic. We couldn’t find those Guardians, because Lord Odom destroyed the rest of the facilities. So, there was no way that we was going to find them Guardians. Dom asked if everyone could leave the room but my brothers.

  “Lil Bit, I have something to tell you.” Dom said. I sat up, at the seriousness in his voice. I thought that he was about to tell me that something happened to Xavier. I reached out to him and I felt that he was still here. But the way that my older brother was looking at me, had me on alert.

  “What is it, Dom?” I asked him. He sat on the bed and grabbed my hand.

  “I found out something when we went to get information from the demon. In order for Lord Odom to get this Devil’s Magic, he needs a pure Dark Guardian. It was going to be you, at first. But he found out that you were mated to X. So that leaves…” He mumbled. I stared at him, wanting to hear him say what I already knew. When he didn’t continue, I looked over at Josh and Maxi. Their wolves were coming through. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in before letting it out.

  “He is going to need Xoey, for this.” I whispered. Dom nodded his head.

  “What the fuck, Man! She is just a baby!” Josh yelled. Max got up and started pacing the room like a caged animal. He already wanted blood for what happened to Nylah. Now they were threatening his new favorite.

  “We gotta go get him, Dom. We can’t sit back and wait for this muthafucker to come on our turf.” Maxi growled. His claws were out and his eyes were wild.

  “We will, Maxwell. We have to meet up with everyone else and wait to see what Xavier and Ginell found out. We can’t go in there blind and get killed. We have to think.” Dom said. Josh huffed and walked to the window in my room.

  “He won’t get me, Momma. Don’t worry. I’ll be out soon.” I heard Xoey say. I placed my hand on my stomach as my baby talked to me.

  “I know baby,” I told her, but the shit still bothered me.

  “Don’t worry about that Lil Bit. You know that we will give our life for her.” Dom told me. Maxi and Josh nodded their heads. I knew that they would lay down their lives for her. It was too much going on. I laid back and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to hear any more bad news. I opened my eyes and turned my head towards a seething Maxi. “How is Nylah?” I asked him.

  “She is good. Whatever your Mimi did, got my girl feeling good. She up in there snoring her ass off.” He said with a smile.

  “Is she ok in the sun and shit?” Josh asked.

  “Yeah, she will be. She got the blood of an Elder. They are immune to the sunlight.” He said. My smile widened at that information.

  “Y’all been talking.” I said to him.

  “Somewhat,” he mumbled. I was able to see that he didn’t want to give a lot away. “Are you hungry? Or do you want us to stay in here until X come back?” He asked. I looked at my brother’s tired face and knew that they needed rest.

  “No, I’m ok. I’ll let Xavier know the bad news. You all get some rest. I know that tomorrow is going to be busy once we put together all of the information.” I told them. They all kissed me on my forehead and left me alone. I had been up ever since. I couldn’t sleep after hearing that news. Xoey tried reassuring me many of times, but I couldn’t shake this. Baby girl went to sleep as I waited for her father. Xavier came out of the bathroom and saw that I was up.

  “What you doing up Queen?” He asked.

  “Waiting on you of course.” I answered. He slid in the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “I need you to get some rest, Queen. There is a lot of information that we need to go over.” He said. I turned around and faced his concerned but angry eyes. There was so much there that I knew that we all weren’t going to get sleep after this night. I kissed his lips and leaned into his chest. He placed his hand on my stomach and in no time, we fell asleep.

  I woke up the next morning reaching out for Xavier. When I didn’t feel him there, I opened my eyes to breakfast on a tray with some yellow roses. I tried to sit up, but I felt heavier than yesterday. I looked down at my stomach, and I swear I could see the outline of Xoey. I pushed myself up and Xoey shifted in my stomach.

  “Shit,” I hissed. Pain shot to my back and my side. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew that this shit wasn’t right. My body was soaked and I felt weak. I closed my eyes and tried to reach out for Xavier, however I couldn’t get through. I felt myself falling back. I caught myself and leaned back on the headboard. I reached out to the phone and called his cell. He picked up on the first ring. “I am in the family room, Queen.”

  “I need you here.” I said. Xavier and the rest of the family was in my room in seconds. Nylah and Tyree were there and ready for war themselves. Xavier and Mimi rushed over to the bed to check on me.

  “What’s wrong?” Xavier asked.

  “I feel weak and I couldn’t reach you. I had to call you on the phone.” I said out of breath now. Mimi placed her hand on my head and then on my chest. She looked over to the women and nodded her head. They began to move around the room, leaving the men clueless.

  “Angel, tell me are you feeling any pain?” She asked me. I winced after more pain shot to my midsection.

  “Yes,” I said with discomfort. Xavier grabbed my face and looked into my eyes.

  “Talk to me, Queen.” He said softly. I opened my mouth to speak, but the wetness of the bed stopped me. I knew I didn’t have to pee, so why was the bed wet as shit. I lifted the covers and saw clear and pink liquid. “Fuck,” I said. Xavier pulled back the covers.

  “Oh, shit. Her water broke.” Maxi said. He stepped forward along with Josh and Dom. Mimi held her hand up and told them to stand back.

  “She don’t need to be crowded. Give her some space, Babies. Mimi is going to take good care of her.” She told them and started placing camellia flowers everywhere. The white ones were hanging by the window,
while the pink and lavender ones were surrounding the bed. “Breathe, my Angel. Let the pureness of the flowers and the love of the family help you. Xavier, put the pillows under her neck. She needs to lay down.” She said. Xavier helped me scoot down to lay on the four thick pillows.

  “Concentrate, Queen. Take my energy if you need it.” He whispered. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the flowers and the brightness of the room. The air got thicker and it was becoming too much. I looked over at Xavier and pointed to my mouth. “I can’t breathe.” I told him.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Xavier yelled.

  “I need you to stay calm, Xavier. If she sees you panic, she will panic and things will go wrong. I need you to keep her calm.” Mimi said.

  “How in the fuck am I supposed to keep her calm, if she can’t breathe?” He growled. Mimi looked up at me and walked back to the bed. She waved her hand around my face and the air began teasingly going through my lungs. I was afraid to talk, thinking that it would bring the pain back or take the air away. The women were back with towels, a big ass bowl of hot water, scissors, and other things that I saw in the delivery room. “Who all staying in the room.” Mimi asked.

  “We staying,” my brothers said in unison. Cam and Treasure asses weren’t going nowhere. They were the only medical people in this room.

  “If it is ok, we would like to stay as well,” Xander said to Xavier.

  “Of course. I would like it if you all would stay.” Xavier said to everyone.

  “Ok, now I need everyone to step back, except Noel. You can stand on the side of the bed. Matteo get yo ass back.” She told Papi when he crept up to my bedside. “I am going to need some room. Xavion and Dominick, go get the other mattresses that we bought out of the other room. After Angel gives birth, we can replace them.” She said, as she stood at the end of the bed with her eyes closed. I felt the energy building up in the room. It was strong and pure. Lights began to bounce off the wall. It circled around me and Xavier before settling at the foot of the bed. The figures that appeared were shaped like women. I tried to concentrate harder but the pain was coming back with a vengeance. I winced and yelled.

  “AHHHH,” I let out. Xavier brought his eyes back on me. Dom and Xavion brought back the mattresses and stayed back with the rest of the family.

  “Breathe Queen. Take your time and breathe baby.” He said urgently. I tried to breathe and do all that shit I saw on the TLC channel, but the shit wasn’t working. I felt like I was about to split in two. I closed my eyes and tried to do what I did for Cam.

  “Get her out of me.” I yelled with my eyes closed. Xavier was talking while I heard gasps around the room. I was in too much pain to open my eyes.

  Then there were two sets of hands on me. Cold ones and hot ones. The power that I felt through those hands, made the pain go away. When I took a deep breath in, the air seemed cleaner. It was fresh with nothing tainting it. I opened my eyes and saw the two figures standing next to Xavier. The women were smiling down at me. “Is that better, Angel?”

  Shocked was an understatement. Papi told me that I could pull them to me whenever I needed them. I just didn’t know how. I was happy that today was the day that they both showed their faces. “Yes, Mommy. It feels much better.” I finally answered.

  My brothers stepped forward to make sure that what they were seeing was real. My mother was all that they knew. When they lost her, they were devastated. “Mom,” Maxi’s voice trembled. I didn’t think that Dom and Josh trusted themselves to speak. Their hands were shaking and they both had tears in their eyes. Mommy looked back at them and smiled.

  “Hey, my babies.” She said and walked over to them. Maxi tried to grab her but his hand went straight through her. She smiled and shook her head.

  “I can only be touched by magic, son.” She told him.

  “As long as I can see and talk to you, I’ll be fine,” Josh said walking towards her. My mom looked at a still stunned Dom. He always thought that he failed us. He explained this to Poppa before. Poppa tried to reassure him that he wouldn’t have been able to help us. Dom didn’t believe him and continued to hold that guilt in. Mommy walked up to him and smiled.

  “I have never been more proud.” She told him.

  “But, I-I,” Dom stuttered. The first time I heard him speak that way. He was unsure of what to say and how to say it.

  “You’ve kept this family together. You help Noel, raised your brothers into the men that they are now. Dominick, you are a strong leader. The Alpha that your father would be proud of today.” She told him.

  Dom chuckled at that. “He tell me that every day.”

  “I know. He told me how you guys go and see him every night. You don’t know how much that means to him. You didn’t fail us, baby.” She told him. Dom shook his head and smiled at her.

  “Thank you, Mom.” He told her, with relief.

  “Why are you up in here screaming like that? It can’t be that bad.” Aunt Lurita told me, nonchalantly. All the women looked at her like she done lost her mind.

  “Coming from a woman that didn’t go through childbirth.” Mimi told her.

  “Oh, please. Patience could have eliminated that pain a long time ago if she would have just focused.” Aunt Lurita said, while leaning over me placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “Be quiet, Lurita.” Mimi told her and came closer to the bed. It was so much positive energy in this room. “Now that everyone is here, let’s get ready for Xoey. She will be here shortly.” Mimi then turned to the other women and asked for warm blankets and nasal pump. She looked around the room to make sure that we had all that was needed.

  I looked at my mom and motioned for her to come near. “Mommy, is Xoey really ready to come out. I am only nine weeks.” I asked. Xavier and the rest of the family leaned in for the answer to that question.

  “Yes, baby. She is ready to meet her family.” My mother told me. The women in the room started bringing the items closer to the bed. Mom was on the other side of the bed with Noel, and Aunt Lurita was at the foot of the bed with Mimi. I felt pressure down below and sat up with a frown on my face.

  “What’s wrong, Queen?” Xavier asked me.

  “I don’t know, I feel like I have to use the bathroom.” I told him. I picked the best time to have to go.

  Cam came forward and placed some gloves on her hand. “Relax, Sis. Let me see how many centimeters you are.” She said as I laid back down. She placed her fingers inside of me and I wanted to push them back out of me so bad. She pulled them out and smiled, “No! No! You mean you gotta push! You are fully dilated.” Cam cheered.

  Mommy and Xavier adjusted my pillows, so that I could sit up more. Aunt Lurita and Nanny grabbed my legs and pulled them towards my chest. Mimi was at the end of the bed in between my legs. “Come on, Angel. Push out the Princess.”

  I tucked my chin in my chest and pushed down. “Keep going, Angel. You got it.” My mother encouraged me. Xavier was whispering, how much he loved me and how beautiful I was.

  “AHHHH!” I yelled out. I felt my baby coming out of me slowly. I stopped and took in another deep breath and began to push again. I did this for fifteen minutes.

  “Oh, shit! Hell no, man.” Maxi yelled out. Dom slapped him on the back of his head and told him to shut up. “Man, do you see this shit.” I ignored him and kept pushing.

  “I see her, P. Keep going. I see Xoe’s head.” Loreen said. The women began to come closer.

  “Come on, Queen. You got this, baby.” Xavier said.

  “Here she comes.” Mimi said. Mommy and Auntie Lurita closed their eyes and began to chant something. Her head was out now. “Wait, Angel.” Mimi said and unwrapped the umbilical card from around her neck. “Okay, Angel. Just one small push.” She told me. I pushed down and felt all the weight and pressure gone. I dropped my head back and waited for the cry of our baby girl. When I didn’t hear it, I forced my tired head up and saw my baby girl in my Grandmother’s hand. She clipped the co
rd and began to suction her nose.

  Mimi held on to Xoey and began to chant with my mom and aunt. She lifted Xoey up and energy from the room went straight into Xoey. Everyone in the room began to kneel with their heads bowed. I looked around at my sisters and brothers. The emotions and tears from them was overwhelming. I felt the tears running down my face and on my hand that was in Xavier’s hand. I looked up at him and he was also crying. Tears of joy and pain. His precious baby girl being born in a world full of hate and evil. Mom and Auntie Lurita walked over to her and placed their hands on her head. Streams of light were being transferred from them to her. Baby girl looked at us and gave us a sweet smile. Her eyes caught me off guard though. They were red. I didn’t know what that meant, but we was going to deal with whatever it was.

  Her eyes then rested on her father. She widened her grin and blinked. When her eyes opened again, they were grey like his. “My Princess,” I heard Xavier say. Mom and Auntie stepped back to let Mimi pass. She went to clean Xoey up and put her in a white gown. It was the gown that my mother and I was placed in the day we were born. Mimi walked Xoey over to us and placed her in my arms. I never knew love like this. I didn’t want to look away. She stared up at me with knowing eyes and in that moment, I knew that I would level the world for her. I was ready to eliminate any threats that would or could cause her any pain.

  “We will do it together, Mommy.” I heard my baby girl say. I felt Xavier lean in to us. I looked up at his beautiful grey eyes and smiled at him.

  “You did it, Queen. She is beautiful.” He whispered.

  “No, Alpha. We did it.” I replied and kissed him on his lips. I looked back down at Xoey and saw that she was looking at her father. “You want to meet your father, Xoe.” I nuzzled her nose and passed her to Xavier. He reached for Xoey, then cradled her in his arms.

  “How was your trip, Princess?” He asked her. They began to have their own personal conversation with everyone still in the kneeling position. The bond that we had, became deeper with each other that day. “Whatever you want, Princess.” Xavier told her. I looked back at her and saw that he held her up, facing our family. Her eyes rested on my favorite. Maxi picked his head up slowly and looked at her. His eyes changed into his wolf and he nodded his head.


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