Shattered Dreams
Page 2
“Hang on there Ryan. You make it sound as if I’ve sent you a junky call girl!”
“Well haven’t you? How the hell would I know? Your investigators might’ve left that out as well” Ryan’s instincts told him otherwise. If he’d really thought this, that young lady would never have met his son. Nor would she still be in his house. But something drove him to dig for dirt. Anything that could justify sending her away on Sunday. Ryan felt surprised at his sensory awareness of her. A feeling he had not experienced so instantaneously with a woman in years.
Even though Jenny was a tad naïve, and not his usual taste in women, she was a threat to his senses and he would be a fool to try to deny it. Ryan preferred woman who were mature and knew how the game was played. Not every liaison was intended to be a relationship. Sometimes it was just what it was, a need for company and pleasurable physical release. So it would be for the best, if he came up with a legitimate reason to justify to himself, why he should not give her the position, other than because of his instant physical reaction to her.
“Ryan, I just knew if I put where she worked in the report, this would be your reaction and you wouldn’t even give the girl a chance at an interview.”
“So, what makes her so special you wanted me to interview her? You tell me?”
“Not special, Ryan, she just needs a break. She has no one to fall back on. When she left the orphanage she could’ve succeeded in getting a different job. Maybe as a waitress at a fast food outlet or family restaurant.”
Ryan interrupted him. “Well then, why didn’t she? Who chooses to serve drinks to a lot of drunk men, till 4am in the morning?”
“Ryan, man, this is not like you, think about it! She has no family, and she had to leave the only home she knew. Her main problem is accommodation. You know how expensive accommodation is in the city. The bursary does not cover all her university costs, only the tuition. So she had to find a job that gave her a place to stay. Other kids go home to their parents, where is she supposed to go?”
Sighing, Ryan had to concur.
“I knew once you met her, you would see she is fine. I assure you, she’s clean. No drugs, I promise you, my friend, despite the fact that the orphanage she grew up in is situated in a dicey area.” Paul firmly stated.
“Okay, thanks, Paul. I just wanted to make sure. She is here at the moment. I’ll make up my mind on Sunday, cheers.”
As Ryan sat looking out of the open door, he saw Jenny and his son in the garden. Andy carried his favorite brown teddy, and Jenny solemnly followed him, giving him the lead to pick out their picnic spot. Over her arm she carried a picnic blanket and balanced in her hands were two large plain carton pizza boxes. Over her shoulder a carrier which probably held cold drinks.
Andy, on finding his favorite spot, under a big tree, sat down and clapped his hands in anticipation of the pizzas.
Ryan could not hear what was being said, but she obviously told his son he would have to work for his food as she quickly had him helping her lay down the blanket and arranging the pizzas and cool drinks. They did not have any crockery or cutlery, just a whole wad of papers serviettes.
Ryan stretch out his hand and hit the speed redial, the phone on speaker, he waited. His attention still on the pair outside.
“Paul, Please.” Ryan informed Paul’s secretary again.
“What now Ryan?” Paul’s tone indicated that he’d not expected another call from Ryan this soon.
“Paul, don’t give me flak, I just wanted to know if you did a background check on the people and families she stayed with. Perhaps something came up there too, that you did not put in the report!” Ryan’s voice, though having a natural huskiness to it, still conveyed his authority.
“Ryan you’re not going to let up, now are you, I’m always going to hear about this ‘slip up’ hey! She’s never gone into foster care, nor has anyone ever attempted to adopt her. The only family she knows is that institution, Ryan.”
“Hmm is that what motivated your empathy, am I taking on charity cases now?”
“This young woman has grit. I reckoned that if there was anyone who could use a break it was Jenny. I also thought if anyone could recognize her hard as nails work ethic, it would be you. But perhaps I was mistaken?”
“Man, don’t try to appeal to my better side, I am all business and you know that. If she’s as squeaky clean as you paint her, then tell me why she’s never been given a break by the authorities to find her a suitable home?”
“Ryan, I carefully checked that out myself. The realities of life are that affluent people do not adopt from that area, and the families who do, are not well off. Most prefer to foster children, the purpose to get the child grants, rather than the children. People are afraid to take a child whose family history is unknown, in case of any hereditary medical problems that could exist.” Paul informed Ryan.
“Mmmh, yes well, thanks that is all for now, oh, and by the way have you found anything on Derrick yet?” Ryan took another sip from his drink.
“No, nothing more. There is very little information on that man going round. But I’ll keep on digging. It’s a pity you employed him without a thorough check?”
“You were out of the country and I needed to replace Joe, quickly when he left.”
“Ryan, your instincts rarely let you down. I would go with them if I were you and get rid of him.”
“Paul I wish it was that easy. But an employer these days cannot just hire and fire without good reason, or without going through the proper procedures, with appropriate warnings and disciplinary hearings. This chap thus far has kept his nose clean. There is nothing, yet, other than a disquiet that I feel.” “A good thing you did not put him on the night shift. Dave is your best guy on that shift, okay?”
“Yes, thanks for the chat, but keep digging.”
“Will do, Ryan. And give Jenny a fair chance, don’t judge her on a background she had no control over. You have the whole weekend to see what your instincts say about her.”
“Sure. Bye.” Ryan knew Paul was right. Freezing her out because he felt attracted to her was not fair. He’d just have to control himself and judge her on her merits and how Andy reacted to her.” Eager to join the young duo outside, Ryan placed his empty glass on his desk and headed out via the study glass doors.
On his approach he saw Jenny’s easy manner with his son. Andy had finished his meal his mouth was stained by the juice he had and he was comfortably laying with his head on her upper thigh. Jenny was evidently savouring every bite of her pizza.
He’d almost reached her before Jenny became aware of him.
She smiled in acknowledgement in her reserved way, which he was getting use to. Then as she wiped her sensual full lips, he had to force himself to focus on Andy instead.
“Hi, is this your supper young man?” Ryan enquired from his son, who still lay so contently on Jenny’s leg.
“Daddy, Agnes makes the best pizza ever.”
“She certainly does my boy and from the looks of Jenny she thinks so too.”
Jenny, who had just taken another bite from her pizza, could only nod her head vigorously in agreement.
Ryan sat down on the blanket and leant back against the old tree trunk. He raised one knee and rested his arm on it, then proceeded to study her.
Jenny noticed his intense scrutiny and felt the return of those earlier nervous flutters. She couldn’t prevent the laugh that bubbled up and she quickly commented.
“I’ve just never had authentic pizza before; I’m used to the frozen variety.”
“Didn’t you have an Agnes to make you pizza?”
“No, Andy. No Agnes for me.”
“What about your Mom. Didn’t she make them?”
“I don’t remember my Mom, Andy. I lost her when I was very little. And my Dad as well.” Jenny didn’t want to run from her past. She wanted this job for who she was, not from lying about her past.
“My mommy died too. That’s why I live with Daddy and Agnes
. Where did you live then?”
“I lived at the orphanage.”
Andy sat up looked at Jenny and enquired.
“What is an ‘orfanage’?”
Jenny felt uncomfortable and looked to Ryan for help.
She saw what looked like a sympathetic smile grace his handsome features. Jenny tried to hide her distress by starting to clear up their supper.
“An orphanage,” Ryan articulated the word for his son “is a place where children stay when they have no Mommy or Daddy, or Gramps, Nana’s and uncles and aunts.”
“Daddy, you mean no family, like ours?”
Jenny felt her heart jump in her chest and tears that she thought were long cried out suddenly stung her eyes. She’d thought herself well pass crying because of her lack of family. Damn where did all this nostalgia come from now!
“Yes, my boy,” Ryan replied.
“Jenny,” Andy stood in front of her, and with her still kneeling he easily cupped her face in his little hands, “You can share our family.”
Unable to resist Jenny hugged Andy in response to his generous offer and closed her eyes. She tried to hide her feelings from the world. But she was unable to avoid the break in her voice though, when she softly answered. “Thank you, Andy.” Then putting him from her she declared. “It’s time for a game of catch; we have to work off our supper.”
Andy was immediately up for the game, and Jenny felt pleased when Ryan joined in. He, allowed Andy to catch him with ease. With Andy still hanging onto his legs, he conceded. “I give up.”
Ryan then looked at Jenny.
In that moment it felt to her as if a reciprocal awareness flashed between them.
Ryan detached Andy from his legs and headed her way. Jenny put in a tremendous effort to avoid being caught, but unlike his game with his son where Ryan feigned hardship in catching Andy, he held nothing back chasing her. Putting in a last ditched effort, Jenny turned trying to avoid Ryan. But his arms closed around her waist and she found herself lifted off her feet in one easy movement. Ryan swung her around to face him. He pressed his body against hers. She saw the fine laugh lines around his eyes deepen.
An indefinable message played in his eyes … But before she could try to decipher his look, he released her, letting her body slide down his, until she touched the ground. Jenny lowered her head, and tried to catch her breath. Aware that the pulse at the base of her throat beat frantically and that Ryan could see it. Then Ryan brushed a wisp of hair, from her cheek and she felt the gentle trail of the pad of his thumb along the side of her face, before he raised her chin.
“I think we have a ton of trouble here.”
And though he turned to Andy, she had the decided feeling he was talking about her, rather than his son. She fell into a quiet reflection as they walked backed to the house. Only half listening to the verbal banter of easy comrade between Ryan and Andy.
Ryan turned back to watch Jenny approach at a sedated pace, her silence beating at his conscious. He berated himself for giving in to his primary instinct. He surely had learnt his lesson, and a hard one at that. And he should know better than to give into sexual impulses. Now he would have to go for an uncomfortable cold shower!
“I will see you guys in forty-five minutes.”
Jenny swept a glance at his muscled thighs, under the denims he wore. Then stopped at his groin. She felt a warm flush spread up her face and neck. Thank goodness Ryan chose then to leave, and did not notice her look just there, or the lingering one she gave his retreating back. He sure had a cute butt
Some time after she’d read Andy’s bedtime story to him, Ryan came into the bedroom to say goodnight to his son. As Ryan aftershave filled the room. Jenny found her heart fluttering in anticipation of what, she did not know. For some unknown reason, she felt this way each time she looked at him. His thick, black hair was still damp from his shower. He’d changed into black pants and a very dark gray, silk shirt. A thin gold chain nestled amongst the sparse black hair, where his shirt was unbuttoned.
Forcing her gaze away from Ryan, Jenny quickly excused herself.
She heard Andy reassure his father that his Dad was still his most favorite book reader, but Jenna, as he now called her, was a good reader too. Well at least she’d pleased someone today!
At a loss she went to her room not sure what was required of her now. Standing at the bedroom window, she looked out onto the garden, the green lawns and trees. Illuminated by the security spotlights, the lighting in the garden still succeeded in creating a muted tranquil atmosphere.
Jenny heard a light tap at the door.
Turning back from the window, she called, “Come in,” the door opened to reveal Ryan.
He held the copper door handle and did not step further into the bedroom, and enquired.
“The rest of the staff are having dinner in their recreation room if you’d like to join them?”
“No, thank you. The pizza was more than enough. I think I’d rather have an early night.” Jenny realized how tired she really was. It had been a long week at the nightclub and she got to bed only at 4:30 am this morning. So with only three and a half hours sleep before she woke up to prepare and arrive for the interview today she was wacked..
Standing here now in this mansion, in the affluent Constantia suburb, her life in the City felt a lifetime away from her present reality.
Ryan let go of the door, and walked into the room, Jenny took a few steps back. The room was large, but he dominated it with his presence.
Jenny noted his slight hesitation at her defensive move, and a strange smile tugged around his mouth. However he did not comment on her action, and instead went to a lovely wood cabinet, which when he opened it, revealed a television and sound system. The like of which Jenny had never seen.
Ryan sat on his haunches in front of the cabinet. “Let me show you how to operate the television and sound system.”
Seeing her hesitation in joining him, he sighed, not sure if her reaction was due to his presence or if she was daunted by the intricate systems. “Come closer Jenny, it only looks more intricate than it really is.” He waited for her to join him. When he handed her the remote controls, he showed her how to use them. Ryan let her flipped through the cable television and sound system until she grasped their use.
“Thank you, you’re right, it looks more complicated than what it is,” Jenny informed him.
Straightening up from his haunches, he towered over her. Resisting his impulse to pull her near, he pushed his fingers down into his pockets, and walked to the door. “Goodnight Jenny, and please I want to reassure you, you are safe in my home.”
Frowning, she gave him a worried look.
“I know.” Jenny, searched for a wittier answer, but nothing original than this sprung to mind. She realized that her action could be interpreted, as fear. She did not quite know how to explain that she was not afraid of him, but that it was her own reactions to him which had her a little a lost and wary. But before she could reply, he was already in the process of closing her door.
“We’ll see you at 8.30 am on the terrace in the morning, Jenny.”
The definite click of her door closing prevented any further response from her.
Jenny, Jenny, he must think you such adolescent! Chiding herself, she went to the bathroom. The bathroom vanity contained the most delightful range of bath products. Eager for this pampering experience, Jenny ran the bath water, and poured some of the expensive body oil in. Laying in the large bath she enjoyed every moment of her leisurely bath. Later, while changing into her cotton blue and white stripped shorts and plain blue T-shirt, she stood in front of the huge bathroom mirror. Turning this way and that she critically looked at her body. Her hips, abdomen and legs were firm and trim but for the first time in her life, she wished her breasts were bigger! Her black waist length hair was perhaps her best feature. But with her blue eyes, perhaps blond hair would’ve been sexier. Yikes! Why was she so fixated with her looks now?
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Chapter Three
She again felt her body slide down Ryan’s, her soft contours pressing against his hard muscled body. But instead of lowering her to the ground he held her in his arms. Lowering his head, his lips rained a tail of soft feather kisses along the soft curve of her neck, moving up across her jaw, homing in on, the side of her mouth, before settling on her lips. As he masterly coaxed her lips, his tongue slipped into her mouth. Totally owning her, as he explored her. Jenny felt her body respond to his bold seduction. Shivers of pleasure run up her spine, as she pressed her body against his. Standing on her toes, she moved up and down, rubbing herself against him. Then she felt his hands pushing up the skirt of her dress, his fingers expertly finding the cleft between her legs. As his thumb rubbed her nub, her breath caught in her throat, as she felt a warm hot, wet rush between her legs, unlike anything she had ever experienced.
Jenny came awake as her body orgasmed and pulsed, from her dream, groaning she turned onto her stomach and looked at the bedside clock, seven am! Not wanting to be late, Jenny harried to the bathroom.
Pulling on a pair of old faded jeans over her hips, she fastened the clasp to her frilly white lace bra.
Jenny quickly shrugged into a plain white cotton short sleeve blouse.
She wore plain blue flat slipslops and tied her hair up in a ponytail. With her hair swept way from her face, she hoped that her youthfulness was not too accentuated, but this was the more practical way to dress today, she thought.
As a last touch, she put on some clear lip-gloss, checking herself in the mirror she was glad that her dark lashes did not need mascara. She did not have perfume, but liberally sprayed herself with the young designer notes cologne which was so popular with the teenagers and which the less expensive pharmacies stocked for their younger clientele.
Closing the door to her room, Jenny looked in on Andy, but saw that his room was tidy and the bed already made and the little man was not to be seen. The inter-leading door was closed as was Ryan’s bedroom door, so best to go down to the terrace.