Shattered Dreams

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Shattered Dreams Page 4

by Linde Lean

As she stood at the entrance to the terrace, Jenny watched Ryan and Andy, who was busy eating his cereal. Ryan was formally dressed in cream trousers and a matching cream lounge shirt. The buttons of which were almost buttoned to the top leaving his strong, tanned throat exposed. His feet comfortably shod in socks and light brown leather shoes, which matched the belt he wore. Andy was also smartly dressed in dark blue cotton pants, matching T-shirt with white trim, and leather blue and white sandals. She felt self-conscientious in her old denim skirt with the faded matching denim top.

  When Ryan became aware of her at the terrace door, he rose up from his chair, and welcomed her. Jenny wondered if he was knew of the effect his stunning smile had on her and could only hope that he would not notice her unease because of their formal attire.

  “Good morning, just in time, help yourself, the staff didn’t go to the trouble of making bacon and eggs but you’re most welcome to order some if you feel like it.”

  “Morning. Just cereal and juice is fine for me, thank you.” She quickly gave her attention to Andy.

  “Hi there young man, did you get up very early again this morning?”

  “Daddy said I gave him a nice break…”

  Pulling his face up at his father he continued, “but I was still early enough to catch him in bed!”

  “My son is always wary of sleeping in too late over a weekend, just incase his old man is out of bed by the time he gets up.” Ryan brushed his hand through Andy’s hair with tender affection.

  Jenny smiled and nervously ate her food, from their dress code she could see they were going out somewhere, she was not suitably dressed, and so wherever they were going she was not included. She concluded that she would be dropped off in the city, after breakfast. Feeling sad at having to leave this wonderful place, she was however not sorry that she had this opportunity to meet this dynamic man, and his very precious son.

  Some of her feelings showed in her face, and Ryan could no longer keep her in suspense. “I’ve decided to give you the position. I’ll drop Andy off at my brother’s place. He and his wife have offered to take him with them to church today. I’ll then take you to your place to pick up your things, okay?”

  Jenny looked at Ryan in disbelief, was she hearing correctly? But Andy’s obvious delight and squeal of laugher at her surprised face was all the proof she needed.

  “Mister Bar … I mean Ryan, I promise you, you, will never regret this.” She solemnly promised.

  Ryan saw her sincerity and with a slight nod in her direction, urged his son to hurry up and finish he breakfast.

  Mike and Mary’s home was not far from the Estate. It was a smaller Tudor styled home certainly, only boasting five bedrooms, as Andy was eager to inform her, in contrast to theirs which had eight. Mike was a few inches shorter than his elder brother. He was also a very handsome, well built man. But from the family pictures that Jenny had seen, he had their Mother’s blond hair and fair complexion, though also nicely tanned. He boasted the same emerald eyes as Ryan, but to Jenny, they did not have the same impact that Ryan’s eyes had with his dark looks, which he had inherited from his father.

  Mike though, had a more easygoing personality than his brother and Jenny immediately felt comfortable in his company.

  His wife Mary was just as friendly, and Jenny found that she really liked her a lot. Mary was about twenty-six, also very fair and sported the most beautiful startling blue eyes.

  They saw Ryan and Jenny off, with Mike holding Andy in his arms, as they drove away. Andy had tried to elicit a promise from her that he would see her at lunch. Jenny however was aware that it would be a family affair and instead promised to see him later that afternoon, and they could play some table tennis in the games room.

  Ryan did not contradict her, so she felt relieved that she had read the signals correctly. She was after all just the hired help.

  The drive to the nightclub, was almost done in silence, Jenny caught up in her thoughts as much as Ryan was in his.

  In the harsh daylight the Nightclub looked sleazy. There were broken alcohol bottles laying on the sidewalk and in the entrance of the stairway to the staff quarters. Even though the sun was shining, the stairway was dark and dingy. Jenny tried to move quietly as the other staff were by now sleeping, but Ryan had no such qualms. He just wanted to get her out as fast as possible and back to his home. Her room was very small, but clean and neat, the furniture and the thin curtaining and bedding spoke of years of neglect.

  He shuddered to think what view the occupants, in the dilapidated block of flats, across the road had into her room at night when the light was on, as the curtaining did not serve it purpose in giving the occupant privacy. Ryan could not imagine living here for a night and marveled how she had put up with it. He saw that she was finding it very hard to meets his eyes; embarrassed that he saw where she lived.

  Ryan now understood her attempt in the car, to get him to wait for her while she collected her things. He could not think of anything to say that would make her feel better, his opinion of the place quite clear on his face. The fact that she was embarrassed just showed him that she had enough pride to feel ashamed of the place.

  Looking at him, she felt compelled to say,” I know very well from where I come, but I will work very hard, for you and your son. I am grateful for this opportunity, and with a university degree, I will better myself.”

  Taking her pitiful few possessions from her, he smiled his assurance and said, “I have no doubt.” Ryan then quickly went down the stairs and headed for his car.

  Her gentle, restraining hand, on his arm, stopped him. Lifting an enquiring brow, he waited for her response.

  “I must get my wages from the Manager.”

  “No need, I’ll make up whatever he owes you.” Ryan arrogantly advised, moving off.


  Her quiet no, had him stopping in his tracks, had he heard correctly?

  “I’ve worked very hard for the money he owes me and I intend to collect what is owing to me.”

  He could see the firm set of her jaw and knew that she was not budging without her hard earned cash. Indicating that she should lead the way, he followed her.

  “My Girl, you’re back!” A gray haired Austrian greeted her.

  “Hi, Dieter, I’ve just come for my pay cheque. I have the job I told you about.”

  Dieter gave Ryan a thorough look, obviously sizing him up.

  In Ryan’s estimation Dieter came far short, he was over dressed in a black shiny shirt and pants too tight for his overweight frame.

  Dieter’s opinion of Ryan was clear on his mature face. Ryan was just too good to be true, perhaps out for a bit on the side with a young filly. Looking at Ryan he said. “You take care of her, man. She’s been a real Trojan. Jenny is a hard worker. The first to come in and the last to leave. But she needs protecting, if you know, what I mean?”

  Ryan acknowledged the Austrian’s good intentions, and agreed. “Yes, I will and…” Looking at Jenny he added, “Yes, I do know.”

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Five

  Jenny did not get to play table tennis with Andy after all, as Ryan and his son only returned late on Sunday evening.

  Ryan on their return did not call for her assistance and put his son to bed without her seeing them. Well, he had mentioned to her that he would inform her in advance when she would be needed. It appeared that she may, after all find that she would have more free time on her hands than she had anticipated.

  Monday morning, found Jenny at a bit of a loss as to what to do. Her duties would only commence that evening, however when she woke up her first thoughts were that she could spend the day with Andy. Her university classes only started in the New Year and as her enrolment was complete, she would only go into the City again at the end of the month when she received her wages from Ryan. She wanted to buy the books and stationery that she would need for her classes, to avoid the New Year rush at the Campus bookstore. This would also enab
le her to source good second-hand books.

  She also needed more suitable clothing and decided that she would go into the local village at Constantia to buy a few outfits, in the coming week. She quickly dressed and tidied her room. On her way to the terrace Derrick, the officer in charge of the day security waylaid her on his way back to his office, a mug of coffee in his hand. He was a young man in his early twenties with fair hair, that looked sun bleached. However his very fair complexion indicated that he seldom ventured outdoors for long periods of time.

  He’d initially been friendly when Jenny came for the interview, but she’d but noticed that his smile did not reach his eyes. His eyes were a silver blue, snake eyes, was the description that had popped into her head. And this made Jenny feel uncomfortable with him.


  He did not wait for her reply before continuing in a sneering tone,

  “I see you are not housed in the staff quarters?”

  “As I am required to look after Andy in the evenings, I have to be close to him.”

  “Yaw, right, his father is more often than not, at home at a decent hour, so you could be housed in the staff wing. On the rare occasions he does stay out all night,” Giving her an all knowing leering look, “you can take up in the kid’s room, on the sofa.” Lifting his one hand up dismissively, he said, “But then, I am not the boss. By the way if you are looking for Anna she is in the Kitchen. Ryan and Andy have already left for the day.” He then walked away to his office and the monitoring room.

  Jenny wondered how he knew how often Ryan stayed out for an entire night? As she watched Derrick’s retreating figure, she wanted to call out to him, yes you are right you’re not the boss! But she thought better of it; he did scare her for some reason.

  On entering the kitchen she was met by all the staff including Dave, the night security officer. He was waiting on his wife and his young daughter, to come and pick him up after his shift. He was also very well built and almost seven foot. He had red hair and lots of freckles. His eyes were friendly but wary. He introduced himself to her, and told her that if he could be of assistance to her she was not to hesitate in asking.

  She thanked him, and then asked Anna where Andy was. Anna told her that Andy goes to the play school three times a week in the mornings. One of the neighbors brought him back at lunchtime with her twin girls who were the same age as Andy. Anna also confirmed that Andy would be going to nursery school full day in the New Year as she was getting on, and found her spirit willing to keep up with him but not her body.

  Jenny eagerly told her that she could get to know Andy much quicker if she spent time with him now already. She had more than enough free time until the University opened.

  Agnes, Jenny learnt, was Anna’s younger sister, and that she took care of the kitchen and all the catering needs when Ryan entertained. She was just as friendly as Anna, she had dark brown hair, which she wore short, and she had a slender build. Agnes told Jenny, cooking food, was her passion, not eating. But that she expected the rest of the household to love her food and Jenny could do with some fattening up.

  Anna then introduced her to the rest of the staff. She’d been concerned that they would react to her staying in the main house as Derrick had, but none indicated that they found it strange that she was not living in the staff quarters. Anna also took her to the staff wing of the house, the furnishings and accommodation not as luxurious as the main house, but still a far cry from what she was use to. Each staff member that stayed on the property permanently had a bedroom and en-suite with a small kitchenette. There was a communal lounge with a large flat screen television and state of the art sound system as well as a staff games room. The furnishings and drapes reminded Jenny, of the four-star hotels, in the travel magazine she liked to read.

  That afternoon when Andy returned from his play school Jenny went out to meet him and introduced herself to the neighbour and her children’s au pair. Andy was excited and pleased to see her, and when she told him that as she was free until after Christmas, she could spend time with him during the day as well he was very pleased and gave her a tight hug.

  After lunch and his nap, they went to the games room, were they then played the promised table tennis.

  When Ryan came home, Anna told him he would find them in the games room. He walked into the room, to find Jenny, on her knees in front of the mini table tennis table, with his son laughing himself silly at her antics to hit the ball back. Andy’s delight in winning each and every game was evident.

  Ryan took in her casual attire, the white shorts and T-shirt off setting her dark hair and tan. She looked very desirable and he knew that he would have to keep her at a distance if he was going to keep his promise to himself. He would appoint her and give her the break, Paul said she needed. He would allow Jenny to spread her wings and watch as she matured. Then he would take it from there.

  When he felt his resolve slipping, like now, he had to keep telling himself that it was just a mater of time, until these feeling he had for her subsided. But for now, that did not change how he felt right now. He decided it was best if he took his son, and made themselves scares for the rest of the evening.

  “Evening Jenny. Son come join me for a swim.”

  Andy immediately put his bat down and ran to his father.

  Jenny envious watched them as they walked hand in hand to go for their evening swim, her exclusion obvious.


  This set the tone for the rest of the week.

  Friday morning however while busy tiding up her room she was startled when the phone rang. Picking it up carefully Jenny hesitantly answered, not for one moment thinking that the call could be for her.

  “Morning Jenny.” Ryan’s husky voice came across the line to her.

  “Good morning.”

  Ryan could hear the surprise in her voice. “Jenny, tonight you get to earn your keep, I am going out. I do not know what time I’ll be back”

  “Okay.” Jenny did not know what else to say to him.

  “Jenny?” Ryan enquired,


  “How are you settling in?”

  Before she could reply, he continued, “I hear from my son, that he has been spending most of his afternoons with you. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you, Anna is responsible for him during the day.”

  “No, I mean, no one is taking advantage of me. I am free now anyway and I enjoy his company, he is a super child.

  “Yes, I know, bye.”

  Ryan ended the call before she could reply.

  Later that evening Ryan went to the family room to say goodnight to his son. Jenny and Andy were engrossed in what they were doing, and Jenny was seated with him on the soft carpet as he built his puzzle.

  Andy was the first to notice his father. His pleased look alerted Jenny to Ryan’s presence.

  Coming into the room Ryan went down on his haunches in front of Andy. “Give me a hug, I will see you tomorrow morning, be good for Jenny.”

  Andy eagerly went to his father to do his bidding.

  Jenny had seen so little of Ryan the past week that she was still not over her initial shyness of him. Her freshly washed hair hung loose over her shoulders and ever so slightly hid her face from him forming a thin curtain between them, as she looked at him.

  Ryan noticed the look and a knowing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  Jenny could smell the expensive aftershave he liked to wear, and he looked very attractive in a dark blue pair of trousers and white shirt, his black leather jacket swung casually over his shoulder. His dark hair was wavy after his shower and hair-dry, his hair naturally failing into place. She felt the usual awareness of him, and the fluttering in her stomach caused her breath to catch in her throat.

  A tell tale pulse beat at the base of her neck, which Ryan’s observant eye immediately homed in on. His casual worded greeting only elicited an acknowledgement from her.

  Andy went to the window to waive his father off. Jenny stoo
d next to Andy and watched as Ryan drove away, in his midnight blue, Bentley Continental GTC convertible, his usual car, the Porsche Cayenne, not in use tonight. She wondered where he was going and whom he was seeing.

  Jenny did not have a good night, waking often to check on Andy. But he never stirred. The inter-leading door remained closed and, when the red rays of the sun came up, Jenny knew that wherever he was, Ryan had spent the night. She felt a heaviness of heart as she contemplated in whose arms he was.

  As it was Saturday, she decided that she should make an effort to go into the Village, to buy the clothes she needed. She went down to the security room, before Derrick came on duty and asked Dave if he could give her a lift into the village that morning when he left.

  He was quite happy to assist her, as he would have to drive through the Village in any case on his way home. His, manner towards her was now more relaxed. She noticed during the week that when Derrick came on duty and he handed over the shift to him. Dave appeared quite reserved with him.

  Jenny then quickly went to find Anna to tell her that she was going into the Village. Anna was busy in the formal lounge arranging fresh flowers and advised Jenny that Ryan’s parents’ were having supper there that evening and that Andy would be joining them.

  Jenny went back to Andy’s room, he was just waking up, and she told him that Anna would be up in a few minutes to take care of him, as she was going into the Village. He was disappointed that she was not going to spend the day with him, but took it in good spirit, especially when Anna came in and told him that their neighbour had phoned to confirm that the twins and their au pair would be over later, so that the children could play together. Jenny noticed that Andy did not enquire where his father was.

  Later that afternoon it was a very dejected Jenny that took a taxi back to the Estate. Derrick buzzed her in, but he did not send down the caddy to pick her up at the gate so she still had the long walk up to the house, which was obscured from view by the huge evergreen trees, which lined the driveway up to the house.

  She had only bought some toiletries she needed. The local boutiques prices far exceeded her budget. She felt annoyed with herself for not realizing that their prices would be out of her league, she should have taken a taxi into the City.


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