Shattered Dreams

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Shattered Dreams Page 5

by Linde Lean

  Pushing her dark hair from her face, she undertook to do so on Monday. Jenny was relieved when the house came into view. Her breath still caught in her throat as it did the first day she arrived. The home itself looked more like a hotel to her, than a private residence. The building was a huge gothic style home with an impressive entrance and the large well maintained grounds were spectacular.

  The butler, Ben, opened the large wooden door with its decorative lead glass inlays. Politely greeting him, she quickly headed for her bedroom.

  Ryan came out of his study just as Jenny came in. She looked hot and bothered and was obviously put out by something.

  Standing at the bottom of the stairs he watched her ascend the stairs. She had almost reached the top of the stairs, when he enquired, “Jenny, where have you been?”

  She stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned to him. It must have felt strange for her to look down to him, his height always putting her at a disadvantage. “I went into the local Village, I did tell Anna.” Her tone was defensive.

  He realized that growing up in the institution she was use to having to report her ever movement to someone in authority. Smiling up at her ruefully, he told her, “I am only enquiring because you look upset and tired, you can come and go as you like when you are not on duty. Though it is of course always a good idea to let someone know where you are going. But you do not need their approval or permission.”

  Feeling embarrassed at her faux de paux, she revealed her terrible day.

  He took in her distress at not having found anything. “You can drive in with me to the city on Monday, after I’ve dropped Andy off at the play school. I’m going out again in the evening, so I’ll leave the office earlier. You can meet me there and I’ll give you a lift back.” At his fleeting feeling sympathy for her, he hoped this weakness did not show.

  “Thank you, Ryan.”

  She turned and started up the stairs, but Ryan enquired.

  “By the way, did you walk up to the house?”


  He could see that his question confused her. “Jenny, I’ll speak to Derrick. He knows that the caddy is to be used and that one of the junior gardeners is always available to fetch any staff member who has to come up to the house.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know, but please don’t take it up with Derrick I’m sure he just forgot.”

  “I know that you wouldn’t know, but he does, I will speak to him.”

  Ryan arrogantly stated as he turned from the banister where he had been standing, and went towards the security room.

  Oh boy this is all she needed, another nail in her coffin where Derrick was concerned. She felt uncomfortable with his leering looks and his sarcastic comments; this was just going to make it worse. Sighing, she went to her room.

  Later, Anna knocked at her door to inform her that her Charge was ready for his grandparents’ visit. Jenny confirmed that she would keep him busy until they arrived.

  It was still early evening when Ryan’s parents arrived, as they knew that Andy had his dinner early. Jenny came down the staircase with Andy, but he was so excited to see his grandparents that he did not wait for her and ran along, into the formal dining room. She was not sure if she should go into the room before going back to her room; just then, Ryan came out to find her, still undecided in the foyer.

  “Jenny, come in, I want to introduce you to my parents. I’ll bring Andy up to you when we’ve dined; we’re going to the theatre later. I don’t know what time I’ll be back.”

  Jenny now understood, this meant that he was staying out the whole evening.

  She entered the large formal dinning room with him. His parents and an attractive tall brunette stood at the open doors, which opened onto the terrace, drinking their sherry.

  Jenny felt very self-conscientious of herself in her plain black slacks and dark blue blouse. When she dressed earlier the evening she had selected the clothes thinking that she may meet his parents, and at the time she had felt that the clothes were suitable. However the scrutiny she received from the sophisticated brunette, made her feel inadequate.

  She was formally dressed in black evening slacks, a silver sequence, camisole top and matching black jacket. Her ample breasts defined by the plunging neckline. Her hair was fashionably styled in short layers into her neck. Jenny just knew that her jewelry was not silver and zirconias, but platinum and diamonds. At last, Jenny had an inkling of Ryan’s taste in woman, and had to acknowledge to herself, sadly she was a far cry from this elegance.

  Ryan proceeded with the introductions. “Jenny, my parents … Susan and Reed.”

  “We’ve heard such positive things from Mike and Mary about you. Haven’t we dear?”

  “That we have.” Reed replied.

  Jenny couldn’t help sending an enquiring look to Ryan. She would’ve thought that the feedback on her would’ve come from him?

  Instead of commenting or giving his endorsement, as Jenny thought he would do, Ryan instead turned to the brunette who stood next to him, and said.

  “Jenny meet Melanie, she’s an old friend of the family.”

  “Jenny.” Melanie replied, then dismissed her and turned to Ryan.

  “About that property I was telling you about…”

  Effectively snubbed, Jenny turned to leave the room. Andy however saved the day for her, when he quickly ran to her and enquired.

  “Can we watch cartoons, before I go to bed?”

  Ruffling his hair, Jenny leant down, “Of course we can.” She replied. Whereupon Andy gave her spontaneous kiss on her cheek.

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  Chapter Six

  Ryan later brought Andy up to her and with a hug and kiss to his son and a casual greeting to her Ryan left.

  His parents’ used their own chauffeured car, while Ryan used his Bentley. The top was down, and Jenny watched from her bedroom window as Ryan waited for Melanie to secure the scarf over her head, to protect her hair from the wind. He then leaned in close to her and said something that made her laugh. Ryan then turned to start his powerful car and Jenny watch them drive off.

  Andy came to stand by her and tugged at her hand, eager for them to go down to the family room. Jenny wished that Ryan could have been there to share the evening with them as he had last Saturday.

  Later, after Jenny put Andy to bed, she went to her bedroom and stood at her window. The garden did not hold her attention, what her heart wanted was to hear Ryan’s car coming up the drive. But the driveway stayed empty and so did her heart. Her dreams of Ryan were so unrealistic, but still she found herself unable to let go, despite the hurt it was causing her.

  All her life she had never been shown what it is like to be loved. She wanted Ryan to be the light in her darkness, she needed him to shield her from the storms of life, to keep her safe and warm in his arms, and to show her that love. Slowly she wiped the traces of her tears from her face.

  As promised Ryan took Jenny with him, to do her much needed shopping.

  He stopped at the Barnard Building in the heart of the Mother City, and leant over her to open the door for her, her breath caught in her chest at his closeness. Then totally unprepared, for the look he gave her as he heard her soft gasp.

  His emerald eyes as changeable as the ocean, darkened as he looked into her eyes. His nostrils slightly flared, and then his eyes moved down to her lips and involuntarily, she licked them. She heard a soft agonized groan from Ryan and Jenny fastened her eyes on his mouth. As if in slow motion, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  The electric shock that went through her transmitted to Ryan, he hesitated for a moment, but when he felt her lips tentatively move against his, he ardently covered her lips with his.

  He urgently needed her, and despite this being a very public place, he just did not care.

  “Open your lips for me sweetheart.”

  Deepening his kiss, Ryan swept the bad of his thumb over her nipple, he felt her instant response, as her small breast firme
d and swelled under his caress.

  Encouraged, he undid the button of her white serviceable blouse. With this barrier removed, the weight of the petite fullness of her breast in his hand Ryan groaned his pleasure. Her soft sighs answered his need and Ryan leant down and took her erect nipple into his mouth.

  Jenny clasped her arms around his neck, and raised herself against him almost straddling him in her eagerness. As Ryan sucked, nipped, and squeezed her breasts she felt the warm, moistness between her thighs from her arousal.

  His kiss took everything that she had to offer. Jenny curled her fingers into his hair. The silky smoothness of his hair sending tiny bursts of sensual delight to Jenny’s fingertips. How was it possible to feel such pleasure from the simple exploration of his hair!

  A fleetingly thought to their surroundings gave her pause but the privacy of the tinted car windows assuaged her sense of propriety.

  Ryan gasped.

  “If we keep this up, we just might be the talk of the town.”

  Before she could utter a reply his mouth settled on hers again, in a searing urgent kiss an assault on her already overwhelmed senses. Then his hand moved down to her knees, gently parting them.

  This brought a reciprocal response from her body, closing her eyes, she let him have free reign.

  Slowly he traced his hand up between her parted legs. When Ryan’s fingers, touched her wet panty, she heard his husky response. Moving her hand down from his neck, she trailed her hand down his firm chest. Slowing, shyly she worked her way down. Guided more by desire than by expertise, she found and softly, gently traced the huge bulge she found there, she elicited a deep guttural groan from him.

  She wanted the kiss to go on forever, a blast from a motorist’s car horn somewhere near them, brought them back to reality.

  Ryan’s face was slightly flushed as he broke their heated kiss. But he did not immediately pull away from her instead he gently, tasted and teased her lips in a quick successive kisses before reluctantly ending the kiss.

  Just as Jenny was about to move out of their embrace he pressed his forehead to hers, their lips separated by a breath. Giving another agonized groan, he pulled her onto his lap, and his lips sought hers again.

  When, he at last brought his head up, he looked into her confused and glowing face. A rueful look on his face, then, as if realizing the futility of it all, a sensual smile spread over his handsome face and into his eyes.

  Holding her mesmerized, he leaned back from her, and said as if speaking to himself, “I can’t stop it, I though I could.”

  Then with firm resolve he lifted her off him with a groan and leaned over her to open the car door for her. With trembling limps she started to climb out the Porsche, but just before she closed the door, Ryan put his hand on her arm and retained her. Turning back she looked at him. Expecting him to comment on what had just happened, instead she heard him huskily say.

  “I recommend you walk one block up into Loop Street and there, you will find the up and coming fashion designers’ boutiques.” Expertly informing her “Most of them have a second hand section, as well as a cheaper ‘off the hanger’ range.”

  Feeling a bit dazed at the fashion advice coming from a hulk of a man, packing a mean six pack, Jenny nodded her head.

  Almost as an afterthought he added, just before she closed the door.

  “Stick to classical lines that won’t date, and monochrome colours. Let the sales lady lead you in the accessories, but don’t skimp on your shoes, they are always a dead give away.

  Jenny looked at him as if he had somehow grown two heads, at her look he just laughed and added,

  “You will soon learn that the Barnard men are for some explicable reason expected to attend our woman’s fashion shows, and to sit quietly and listen when our woman discuss fashion”

  Jenny felt dazed, was he classifying her as ‘his woman’? No surely he was just using it as a figure of speech?”

  Ryan leant across and took his wallet from the cubbyhole, and held out an obscene amount of notes at her.

  Shocked and surprised she stammered, “I couldn’t possible accept this!”

  “Take it Jenny. See it as an advance on your salary. If you’re going to be part of this family you need the proper attire.”

  As Jenny took the money from Ryan, she somehow felt that this signaled a change in their relationship from just employer and employee.

  Ryan subtly initiated her into his life, at first just incorporating her in his family activities.

  But the past few months saw a more drastic change. She also now accompanied him to his business functions. She soon realized that he was initiating her into his professional life, in stages as well, and kept her close to him.

  At first she thought just to keep an eye on her, so that she did not embarrass him, but when she confronted him why they were always seated together at the formal dinners when other couples were inevitably split?

  He’d arrogantly advised that his acceptance to any function was conditional that she was always seated with him. Ryan then paused, as if pondering the best reply. Then on seeing her determined enquiry, confirmed that he felt more comfortable with her by his side. He was able to concentrate on the business at hand, and know she would not be exposed to any negative experiences.

  Though, she doubted that there was anyone, who would dare cross him by being anything but courteous toward her; she felt the gesture was sweet coming from him, and she hugged this to her. She wanted to believe that this indicated his commitment to her and her place in his world.

  His sexual advances were, however firmly in control, and he did not allow his control to slip again. In public his hand at the small of her back, his casual use of her nickname ‘Jenna’, or an endearment, ‘Honey’, the extent of his sexual overtures.

  At home with his family and close friends, he went a little further, a playful act of pulling her onto his lap, a favorite of Ryan’s, his gesture of his possessives towards her.

  In private he took their lovemaking to seductive foreplay, which he never took to its conclusion for his own release. His own self-imposed, control never waived. No matter how far he took their lovemaking. He always had her withering in erotic pleasure, as his lips, tongue and hands pleasured her. He felt no qualms and often went down on her. His breathless confession, that he loved the taste of her pleasure. She often orgasmed to the zenith, whilst rubbing her wet clitoris against his encouraged erection as she took the dominant position whilst straddling him.

  There were a few times she had tried to initiate a oral release for him. But though he let her have almost free reign in pleasuring him. He would not allow her to make that final intimate gesture.

  She asked him why he would not allow her to give him the release he sought, but he’d told her, that once that fine line was crossed there was no turning back. He would not be able to do so.

  Instinctively she realized that this was his sexual weakness and that if he allowed this, he would reach a point of no return and ultimately lose his self-control, which he kept firmly in check.

  Once she’d reached her climax he would patiently lay waiting until she came back from that wonderful plateau. The clenching of the muscles in his jaw was the only indication of how he fought against taking his pleasure from her.

  She wanted to cross that invisible line, but his maturity and expertise still held her in a little awe, and the fact that he could want her, and chose to court her in this old fashioned way.

  Jenny spent a wonderful Christmas with the family that first year, at their home in Aspen.

  Ryan found the books she had read in his study on etiquette as well as finding the historic history on his computer, which revealed her research. She so well remembered his tender reaction when he found out, surprised but pleased he reassured her that she fitted perfectly into his world. But her past would never quite allow her to believe that.

  Jenny did not know what Ryan told his parents’, his brother Mike or Mary, but they all acce
pted her as if she was always a part of the family.

  In hindsight though, she had concluded after getting to know him, that he’d most probably informed his family that he wanted her included in their family life—period!

  Mary and Jenny had grown especially close, and Jenny felt that she may have found the family she had always longed for.

  This did not prevent her though from longing for permanence in her relationship with Ryan and his family. Especially the way in which Mary interacted with Ryan’s mother, Susan. Some times she couldn’t prevent the tightness in her chest and the tears that pricked behind her lids. Their closeness as Mother and Daughter-in-law something she did not yet share.

  One such occasion, she found Ryan watching her intently, then as if to silently console her he’d taken her in his arms, and cubbed the nape of her neck with his large hand and held her head against his chest.

  Then very slowly he’d leant down, tilted her chin up with the pad of thumb and gently kissed her. When the kiss ended, he’d looked at her and at that moment she’d seen a promise of something … perhaps for their future reflected there?

  She was doing well in her studies, acing her subjects. Jenny received confirmation from the State Nursery School that she could do her practical year there. Jenny had been surprised at Ryan’s reaction. Now use to his usual supportiveness she’d wanted to know what the problem was. Ryan had advised that he’d prefer it if she went to a private school instead. Adding, for no other reason than that the conditions and safety issues in these areas were an ongoing problem, not only for the State, but especially also for him. He would not be able to protect her in this environment.

  But she knew that her vocation lay in helping under privileged children. The only other cloud on her horizon, after all this time was still Derrick.

  He openly criticized her when Ryan was not at home, and he’d boasted to all that he had seen it coming. ‘The little hussy would have them all running after her to do her bidding the way she had the boss eating out of her hand.’


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