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Out Of Bounds (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 3)

Page 47

by J. H. Croix

  I met Liam outside Coach’s office minutes later. Liam, being the good mate he was, didn’t say a word on the way to dropping me off at my flat. I stood outside my place and leaned down to check on Callie. She wasn’t there. No surprise given it was midday. I straightened and started walking to Harper’s. I needed to see her. Now.

  Chapter 12


  At the sound of a knock on my door, I crossed the living room to answer, wondering who it was. Usually Daisy or Olivia would be the only people to stop by unannounced. I swung it open to find Alex standing there. My heart jumpstarted at the sight of him. He had both hands resting on the edges of the doorframe with his head bowed when I opened the door. His brown hair was mussed. He lifted his head, his dark chocolate gaze slamming into mine, and my heart kicked up another notch. His gaze was direct and intense, simmering with feeling.

  “Can I come in?” he asked gruffly.

  My eyes absorbed the sight of him greedily. I’d barely been able to put the brakes on my thoughts of him ever since the other night. Two days of fevered fantasies and replays of what it felt like to have his hands and mouth mapping my body and the feel of him inside of me when I came. He wore a gray t-shirt that caressed his muscled chest and faded jeans that hugged his legs. I knew what every inch of him felt like underneath. Raw need clawed at me, and I tried to rein my body in. It was no use—having Alex anywhere near me sent my pulse into the stratosphere and heat roaring through me. I managed to nod and step back from the door.

  He followed me inside and slipped his hands into his pockets. As I looked at him, I realized he seemed, well, nervous was the only word I could conjure to describe what I sensed. I chewed on my bottom lip, uncertain what to say. “Do you want something to drink? Or eat?” I asked inanely.

  He shook his head. After a moment, he rolled his shoulders. “I fucked up,” he said suddenly.


  “I saw Joe, and I hit him. Twice,” he said flatly.

  My stomach churned as I stared back at Alex. I’d like to think I was a better person, one who could rise above the need to punch back at someone who’d hurt me terribly. But I wasn’t and I didn’t really care just now. A rush of satisfaction rose inside, and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

  “You hit him?”

  Alex nodded, his gaze worried. “Left him with a bloody nose and a black eye. I’d like to say I regret it, but I don’t. Problem is, I got charged with assault and it happened in the middle of a bunch of people. Liam managed to keep me from making more of a spectacle, but I thought you should know because, well because it’ll probably end up on the news somewhere.”

  I heard Alex’s words and knew them to be true, but I was so focused on the fact that he’d gone after Joe for me that I didn’t really care. “I…I can’t believe it. Are you okay? Did he hit you?”

  Alex looked so startled, I almost laughed. I doubted it ever occurred to Alex he might not be able to hold his own against Joe, or any man for that matter.

  “Of course I’m okay,” he finally said. “The only bad part is the charges and the fact there’s no way this will stay quiet. I don’t care about it for me, but I didn’t want it to end up dredging up what happened to you.”

  I tried to wrap my brain around that, but I simply didn’t care. Not right now. “I don’t want to think about that,” I said, reaching for his hands and giving a little tug.

  His hands slid out of his pockets and curled around mine. I took a few steps back until my knees bumped the couch where I sat down. He followed along, sitting down beside me. I didn’t quite know what to say, so I repeated my earlier question. “Are you sure you don’t want something to drink? I’ve got coffee ready.”

  His gaze searched mine before he finally nodded. “Sure.”

  I bounced up and hurried into the kitchen, snagging two cups from the cabinet and pouring coffee. Within moments, I returned to the couch and handed him a cup. He took a long swallow and sighed before leaning back into the couch. I tucked a foot under my knee as I sat down and curled my hands tightly around my coffee. I tried to plumb the depths of my feelings, but they were a muddle.

  In the initial months after Joe raped me, I’d have probably sold my soul to have someone punch him. The need to strike back had been so intense, yet it had been blunted by the mingled feelings of shame and emotional devastation. I learned the hard way it doesn’t really matter what people tell you after you get raped. It’s not your fault. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You didn’t do anything wrong. None of that sinks in when the prosecutor is telling you to be prepared for questions about your sexual history and when well-meaning people practically run from the room if anything close to the topic comes up. My sexual history had been remarkably bland in the big scheme, but it was amazing to see how things could get twisted.

  So yeah, I’d wanted Joe to suffer as much as I had, yet I’d known it was impossible for that to ever happen. Four long years later, Joe got hit. Twice. Wow. It felt strangely good to know that even though I also knew it didn’t come close to what he’d done to me. Alex ran a hand through his already mussed hair and let out a sigh before looking over at me. He set his mug on the coffee table and leaned his elbows on his knees. “I’m sorry. I’ve made a bloody mess for you,” he said, his words earnest and pained.

  I stared at him. I felt energized, buzzing with a strange elation and buoyed by the heat coursing through me. I set my coffee beside his on the table and rocked up on my knees. Not giving him a chance to stop me, I placed a palm on his chest and pushed him back, immediately straddling him. His eyes widened, but he didn’t resist.

  “What are you apologizing for? The worst happened four years ago. Maybe it’s not right, but I don’t care. I’m glad you hit him.”

  He stared at me, his intent gaze doing funny things to my insides. “Okay,” he said slowly. “Here’s hoping it doesn’t get too much press.”

  I skipped past that worry and shrugged. “Can’t be too bad, right?”

  He lifted one shoulder in a light shrug. “Guess we’ll find out. Harper, what…”

  His breath drew in sharply when I settled my hips against him and traced a finger along his jaw. I’d never really paid much attention to a guy’s face. Oh, I’d have said I was attracted to the guys I’d dated, back when I actually dated. Since then, I could say I’d notice a man was handsome here and there, but it was in a detached sense. With Alex, all it had taken was a few minutes alone with him and he’d gone from an objectively handsome man to burn-me-up, melt-me-down sexy. I wanted to gobble him up. The air around us hummed to life. That buzzy feeling inside bumped into the heat Alex set aflame inside, and I couldn’t think past anything other than wanting him.

  I followed the strong line of his jaw and trailed my fingers down his neck, savoring the hard beat of his pulse there. His gaze darkened, and I could feel his eyes on me, sparks striking under my skin everywhere his eyes landed. Heat pooled low in my belly, and my pulse ran fast and shallow. I slipped my hand around his neck and into his rumpled brown hair.

  I could feel his cock hardening, the pressure right where I wanted it. I rocked my hips subtly, watching when he closed his eyes. His gaze pierced me when he lifted his eyelids. “Harper, what are you doing?” he asked, his voice strained.


  I ran my hands roughly down his chest and slid them up under his shirt, almost moaning at the feel of his skin, hot over the hard planes of his abdomen. I rolled my hips again, savoring the little spike of pleasure from where his hard cock rubbed against my clit. The two layers of denim between us only served to heighten my need.

  His breath came out in a half-groan. He gripped my hands in his, stilling them. “I don’t know if this is…”

  I knew where he was going, and I didn’t like it. “Don’t you dare say this isn’t a good time. Whatever. Nothing that happened today should change anything. Don’t you dare try to act like I need to be treated carefully. I don’t.” My words came out fa
st and fierce. Anger flashed inside, hot on its heels was the burning need I felt. I stared back at him. Whatever he saw there, his gaze shifted from contained to just plain hot, so hot, my channel clenched at the look there.

  He moved swiftly, gripping my hips and holding me against him as he arched into me, before hooking his hand under the edge of my shirt and lifting it off in one swoop. It sailed to the floor, landing in a soft rumple. His palm swept up my back in a heated pass, pulling me to him. He took my lips in a fierce kiss. There was no hesitation. He met my reckless need with his own. Our kiss was rough, deep and wet. Meanwhile, his hands roved over my body. I didn’t want soft and slow. I needed more to slake the restless need beating inside me like a drum, drowning out everything but the feel of Alex against me. My bra was thrown aside, and he rolled my nipples between his fingers before sucking one into his mouth and driving me near to insanity with licks and nips as he alternated between them.

  I managed to yank his shirt off somewhere along the way, savoring the feel of his hardness in contrast to my softness. My hips had a mind of their own, rocking against him, chasing after the sharp streaks of pleasure with the friction between us. He muttered against my skin where he’d been leaving a wet trail of kisses between my breasts and lifted his head.

  “Bloody hell, Harper. You’re driving me mad.”

  He lifted me off of him and yanked my jeans open, shoving them down roughly. I kicked my legs free and went to return the favor. He let out a rough groan, the sound alone pebbling my skin and tightening my nipples, when I freed his cock and curled my palm around its hot, velvety length. Any thought I’d had about drawing this out fled. I needed him inside of me. Now. I moved to straddle him where he sat with his jeans open and barely off his hips.

  “Not so fast.”

  Once again, he was quick. His hand curled around my hip and held me still. Before I had a chance to speak, he leaned forward and slid a finger through my folds. I was so wet, the insides of my thighs were damp. My knees almost buckled, and I gasped when he nudged my thighs apart with his knee and sank a finger knuckle-deep inside of me.

  I looked down and couldn’t take my eyes away as another finger joined the first, stroking in and out. I was so close to release, little shocks of pleasure hit me in waves. Just when I thought I might die from the need to find release, he drew his fingers out and dipped his head, dragging his tongue across my clit—once, just once. Just enough to nearly send my flying. He leaned back, his hot gaze on me, as he yanked his wallet out of his pocket. Tugging a condom out sent his wallet tumbling to the floor. He smoothed it on with one hand.

  So frantic to have him inside, I was straddling him inside of a second. Yet again, he held me back, both of his strong hands gripping my hips. Restless, I rocked into him, a little moan escaping at the feel of his cock, so hard and hot, sliding against my folds.

  “Harper. Look at me.”

  I whipped my eyes open to find his waiting—dark and intent, a fierce tenderness there that grabbed me by the heart. I felt suddenly vulnerable, the depth of need beating between us running so hot and fast I couldn’t ignore it.

  He eased his grip on my hip and reached between us, positioning his cock at my entrance. In one surge, he flexed up as I sank down, crying out at the feel of him filling me. I couldn’t look away, his magnetic gaze held mine as we started to rock together. My skin was damp, my breasts rubbing lightly against his chest as we moved. I loved how strong he felt, how fluid every motion was. He rocked deeper and deeper into me, letting me set the pace. I lost myself in the rhythm, lost myself in the moment of joining with him. Pressure gathered within, spiraling tighter and tighter until I was teetering and breathless. He stroked between us, sliding his thumb across the slick nub of my desire, and sent me flying. Pleasure arrowed through me, little shocks reverberating as I drifted down. He held me against him as he drove deeply one last time and then shuddered, emitting a rough groan as his head fell forward into the dip of my shoulder.

  I curled against him when he slipped his arms around me and rested there in his embrace. Right then, I didn’t want to move. Ever.

  Chapter 13


  I could feel Harper’s heart beating against my chest, the rhythm fast and steady, matching my own. She was relaxed against me, and it felt so fucking good to hold her I didn’t want to move. My heartbeat gradually slowed as we sat there. I felt her skin pebble against mine and reluctantly lifted my head.

  “You’re cold. Let’s get you warm.”

  She opened her eyes on a sigh. “I don’t want to move,” she said with a small smile.

  “That makes two of us, but no sense in you getting chilly.”

  I heard motion behind us and realized Stanley must’ve woken from his nap over in the corner. Another moment passed and his distinctive steps reached us, his cold nose bumping my hand.

  Harper giggled, and I was beyond relieved she wasn’t tensing up. The other night had been mind-blowing and sublime, but I hadn’t forgotten how she’d gotten edgy afterwards. We’d had the convenience of a late hour and a bed we were already in to make it easy to curl around her and go to sleep. Now though, it was only late afternoon with the sun shining through the clouds outside and into her living room. If Stanley being nosy would keep her from starting to think too much, that was fine with me.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to think at all. More that I didn’t want her to start worrying. I sensed she was on questioning ground when it came to us. I figured she had plenty of reason for that, so I was prepared to be patient. She leaned back and looked at me. Lifting a hand, she ran it through my hair. “Let’s shower,” she said suddenly.

  “Whatever you want,” I replied, meaning it on multiple levels.

  A shower sounded perfect. It would chase away Harper’s chill. She carefully climbed off my lap, and I missed the feel of her instantly. I gave myself a mental shake and stood, following her into the bathroom off of her bedroom. She had a half-bath beside the living room and a rather luxurious bathroom adjacent to her bedroom with a large oval-shaped bathtub and a walk-in shower.

  I tossed my condom in the trash and kicked my jeans off, following her into the steamy shower. I was quickly discovering that any time Harper was near me, my body was on notice. It didn’t matter that I’d just spent myself inside of her. Nope. I took one look at her—her skin slick under the water with soap running all over her—and I wanted her again.

  I shackled my needs and took the soap from her when she handed it to me. I couldn’t manage to keep my hand from sliding down her back and over the curve of her bottom.


  Monday rolled around, and as instructed by Coach, I met him at his office for a meeting with a lawyer after practice. At my knock, he called for me to come in. I stepped inside to see him at his desk as usual, idly tossing a mini basketball in a hoop mounted to the wall beside his desk. Coach wasn’t one to sit still. He had a variety of fidget toys on his desk and was usually playing with one of them. He glanced up at me with a smile.

  “You’re doing better at blocking shots in the far left corner,” he said by way of greeting.

  The far, upper left corner of the net was the one and only place a few goals had slipped past me last season. As such, Coach had assigned the offensive players to attack that corner every time we practiced. End result: only one goal had gotten past me this season. I threw him a grin. “That’s the plan, eh?”

  “That it is.” The ball swished through the hoop and bounced back into his hands. He set it on the desk and spun to face me. “Okay, let’s deal with the mess. Management sent a lawyer our way, but forgot to give me a name. We have attorneys on staff, but criminal defense isn’t what we hire them for. Whoever this lawyer is will be here in a few minutes. You either have more sense than most, or you’re really good at playing it cool. Which one is it?”

  I shook my head, puzzled. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Coach barked a laugh. “More sense. If you’d listene
d to or read the news, I figured you might not be too happy about it.”

  Truth be told, I didn’t pay much attention to the news, at least not anything that even brushed up against gossip. I’d seen the damage it did to teammates before, so I mostly tried to live a life that was so damn boring, I wouldn’t even blip on the radar. I wasn’t so stupid as to think punching a guy on the sidewalk wouldn’t be news for a player on our team, I was just studiously avoiding thinking about it. There was the fact I didn’t want to worry about something I couldn’t control, and I preferred to focus on Harper. I was doing my damnedest not to interpret too much, but I’d lucked into another night with her after being all but ordered over to Liam’s for Olivia to chew me out.

  Olivia was none too happy about what had happened, although in between every sentence, she kept saying how much Joe deserved to get punched. Liam finally interrupted and pointed that out, only to get a pillow thrown at him. I sat through her lecture because I knew why she was worried. Harper sure as hell didn’t need anyone to stir up the past for her, and I’d gone and done it.

  I looked over at Coach and ran a hand through my hair, still damp from my shower after practice. “Figured it wouldn’t do me a bit of good to pay attention to the news. Anything I need to do about it?”

  Coach leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “Meet with the lawyer and hopefully get those charges dropped. The media is completely shocked because you’re supposed to be the good lad from Britain. Good news is they’ve already dug up Joe Schmidt’s past, so he’s not looking too rosy. Bad news is your girlfriend was mentioned too. I had our PR guy check on the past stories because they don’t usually name victims when it comes to rape cases. Sad to say, she was named before because he released her name to the press and claimed the sex was consensual. Guy’s a damn asshole of the highest order,” Coach said flatly.


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