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Between a Ridge and a Hard Place

Page 5

by Annmarie McKenna

  “Then let me ask you this. Do you always try to seduce both your bosses at the same time?”

  Amy Lee gasped, Carter turned a narrow-eyed glare at Max and Ridge smiled. He wasn’t aware anyone else had known she’d been in his office, but he wasn’t surprised Max had worked it out. After all, there was only one way out. She would have had to walk past both men, making it kind of obvious where she’d been. Max, though, had put two and two together.

  “I have never—”

  “You may want to think long and hard before you answer him, Amy Lee,” Ridge said softly.

  Her gaze flew to his, as did Carter’s, who shrugged off Amy Lee’s touch like it was suddenly burning him. “What’s going on?”

  “I think we’ve just found our mole.” Ridge stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. “Now I want to know why you chose Morgan to frame for your stupidity.”

  Amy Lee shook her head vigorously.

  “What better way to divert attention from yourself than to use your body to entice the men who pay you?” Max remained in his bored slouch, letting things play out around him, but Ridge knew the photographic memory of his was taking notes.

  “I—” She broke off and eyed each man in the room.

  “Amy Lee?” Carter’s voice was deceptively menacing. “If you’ve got something to say, you better damn well say it. And let me make it clear, I’m pissed about having accused an innocent woman.”

  Her chin wobbled for a fraction of a second before she composed herself and sniffed. “I didn’t have any idea who Richard was when I went to bed with him the first time. It was only later when he said he would pay me to do a little snooping. I needed the money,” she implored.

  Christ. For what? he wanted to shout. “So you sold us out instead of coming to us for help? Do we look like that big of bastards we wouldn’t help an employee in trouble? Did we ever give you that impression?” He wanted to keep at her but Ridge didn’t have time to listen to her sob story. He had more important things to do. Like hunt down his woman and apologize. On his knees if need be.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, but Ridge didn’t see even an ounce of guilt on her face.

  He turned his attention to Carter. “I trust you can handle things from here.”

  Max and Carter nodded.

  “Go find Morgan. She looked upset.” Carter waved him off. “Who could blame her,” he growled, pinning Amy Lee with a glare.

  “Upset is an understatement.” Ridge centered his anger on Amy Lee. If he lost Morgan over this nonsense, Amy Lee better pray she never crossed paths with him again.

  Chapter Six

  It took an hour to get his afternoon in order, find Morgan’s address, and get there. The hardwood door greeted him like an impenetrable barrier. He only hoped she didn’t keep him out too long. There was only so much heartache a man could take. And the worst part was that she hadn’t even given him the chance to explain the octopus on his lap, though he could well imagine what she’d thought she was witnessing.

  He’d have gone ballistic too if their roles had been reversed. No, strike that. He’d have stormed across the office, yanked the bastard off her lap and put his fist through his eye. But that was neither here nor there because Morgan was a woman and thus prone to getting angry and giving him the silent treatment.

  How long did those things last anyway?

  No time like the present to find out. Staring at the door would never get him anywhere. He rapped on it and leaned closer, trying to hear her coming. Unless she’d gone for a stress-relieving jog or something, she was home. Her car was parked in the driveway.

  Nothing. No sound within. He couldn’t even hear a TV or radio. Ridge dropped his forehead to the wood. No doubt she’d peeked out a window, saw him standing there and was now waiting him out.

  Then she was in for a long wait. He stepped back and knocked harder, using the meat of his fist.

  This time when he put his ear to the door, he heard her. Still not happy by the sound of her stomping.

  “Damn. Oh you sorry son of a b—” She was muffled by the door, but what the hell was going on in there?

  His heart racing, Ridge pounded, making the door shake. If he’d had a gun, he would have drawn it and shot the lock off.

  “Would you wait one dang second?” she yelled.

  Ridge cocked his head. That didn’t sound like a female in trouble. Pissed off, maybe, but not in trouble.

  “Good grief.” The door was ripped open to reveal a very surprised, very wet Morgan, wrapped in nothing but a thin robe.

  Her skin was flushed. He guessed its pink tone came from a bath or shower. No wonder it had taken a while for her to get to the door.

  She gripped the edge of the door with white knuckles. “What?”

  Okay, he deserved that. For about five seconds.

  “Is there a reason you were cursing just now?”


  He waited. Getting no elaboration, he asked, “Care to explain?”

  “I stubbed my toe on the end table trying to answer the door someone was pounding on. I thought surely someone had died or was going to if I didn’t get here quick. Impatient bastard.”

  The last words were mumbled but he heard them all the same. He hid a smile. Now probably wasn’t a good time to let her think he found her anger humorous.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Do you smell like her?”

  Ridge raised an eyebrow. He kind of liked her angry. Kind of. “If I do, it isn’t my fault.”

  Her shoulders deflated and, dropping her hand to her side, she blew out a huge breath. “I know.”

  “You do?”

  She stepped back, allowing him entry. “Yes. I figured it out about five minutes after I ran out the door and could make my brain work.”

  Her skin gave off warmth, and he could smell whatever fruity shampoo she’d used. She had a nice house. He could see through the living room into the kitchen and breakfast area. To the right was a hallway he assumed led to the bedrooms.


  She sighed. “So I know Amy Lee put herself in your lap. Probably with the knowledge that I would find you there.”

  A huge weight lifted off his chest. “She’s the one who’s been selling our bids.”

  Morgan sank onto the couch and held the lapels of her robe shut with one fist. He itched to pull the damn offending thing off and lick any stray drop of water from her skin that might still be lingering.


  Ridge shrugged. “She said she didn’t know who Richard Biggs was when she started sleeping with him and that he’d offered money she supposedly needed. I don’t know what for, and I split before I heard anymore.” He stepped in front of her and sat on the coffee table, encasing her knees between his. “I only had one thing on my mind.”

  She sniffed and he saw for the first time some puffiness around her eyes. He hated that he’d made her cry.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  Morgan nodded and raised her gaze to his. “You thought it was me, didn’t you?”

  His jaw ticked. “For about twenty seconds. But, see it from my point of view, will you? The woman I’d been pining for for a year, who never made her attraction to me clear, suddenly shows up at work wearing…well, not a lot, and we end up in my bed for some of the most fantastic lovemaking of my life. Then I get a call saying someone in our office is selling bids, and you”—he touched her nose—“say you have this oh-so-important thing you have to do and run off. I get to work and Carter’s at your desk. Your computer’s filled with evidence that always seemed too pat for my tastes but there was this whole thing with—”

  “Me sleeping with you out of the blue and running off, making me look guiltier than hell.”

  “Pretty much,” he admitted. “I didn’t believe it for long, but it did cross my mind.”

  He stared at her, hoping she understood. When she didn’t speak, he put his hands on her bare knees and squeezed. He counted i
t as a good sign that she didn’t bat his hands away or cringe.

  “Bath or shower?” he whispered. She gasped when his hands slid higher, delving beneath the robe’s hem.

  “Bath. I was stinky.”

  “Yeah? How come?”

  “Went for a run.”

  “Stress relief?” His fingertips brushed her pubic hair.

  “Yep.” Her head fell back on the couch, exposing the long column of her throat.

  “Because of me?”



  “Because of her.” Her head snapped up. “Can we not talk about her right now?” In a bold move, she grabbed his hand, spread her legs as wide as his would let her and covered her naked mound with his palm.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He wasn’t stupid. With his free hand, Ridge untied the belt at her waist and separated the fabric. Smooth, creamy skin appeared, and it was all his. He leaned in and kissed his way from the top of her pubic bone to her chin, licking along her throat when she displayed it again.

  Not one to neglect a woman’s body, he caressed her breast as he melded their lips together. She squirmed beneath him, opening herself up to him.

  “Make love to me,” she rasped, attacking the buttons of his shirt until they popped off and flew across the room to click on the hardwood floor.

  He had to remove his hand from her pussy to tug his shirt off his shoulders and pull it out of his pants. He threw it over his back. Her fingers wrestled with his belt and zipper, but she took too long.

  Pushing her hands aside, he growled, “Let me.” In record time he shucked his shoes, pants, underwear and socks, tossing them to join his shirt.

  Her hand wrapped around his erection, making him hiss. Her lips followed before he could stop her and she sucked him deep.

  “Ah, fuck.” He held her head in his hands, trying to keep her still while she did her best to suck the come from his balls. His legs shook, his breath heaved in and out. “You gotta stop, Morgan.”

  Her gaze met his and damn if it wasn’t the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Her cheeks hollowed around his cock.

  “Christ.” With supreme effort, he forced her off then followed her down on the couch, stretching them out and fitting between her thighs like he belonged there.

  “Yes.” Her back arched when the tip of his cock touched her entrance, slick with her juices. Hot, wet juices.

  “Shit.” He dropped his forehead on hers.


  “No condom.” He leapt away and scrambled after his pants. There had to be one more. “Yes.” He ripped the foil with his teeth and rolled the rubber on before rejoining her.

  She giggled at him.

  “This is no laughing matter.”

  “You’re very enthusiastic.”

  “For you? Hell yeah. I told you I’ve waited a long time. Better get used to it.”

  Her eyes widened. “Used to it?”

  “Absolutely. I figure it’ll take me about…sixty years to get you out of my system.”


  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  “Tell me I’m not dreaming.”

  He took one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it. Her initial squeak turned into a moan when he bent and drew the hardened peak into his mouth.

  He released her after a strong last tug. “Nope, you’re not dreaming.”

  “If I am, this is the best dream I’ve ever had.”

  He guided his erection to the sweet opening between her legs once more. Now he wished he hadn’t had a condom. He wanted more than anything to take her au naturel and make her completely his by spilling his come inside her.

  “I know it’s the best one I’ve ever had,” he murmured, and entered her in one thrust. He forced himself to stay perfectly still, relishing the sensation of her tiny muscles squeezing him. Her ankles locked together at the small of his back and her hands went to his shoulders. Already he felt her claws unsheathed.

  Suited him just fine. Any way she responded to him suited him just fine. So long as she always did. He didn’t know when it had happened, but at some point in the last year he’d fallen in love with her.

  “Move.” She pulled him tight against her with those fantastic legs he wouldn’t let her hide anymore.

  “I’m trying not to explode before we’ve even started,” he panted.

  “But I need you to move.”


  “You haven’t seen pushy yet.”

  Ridge started a slow rhythm, withdrawing almost all the way before sliding back in as deep as he could go. He couldn’t get close enough. Sweat beaded his forehead and his heart hammered. She countered his thrust with her own and sobbed when she didn’t get what she wanted.

  “Please, can we dispense with the slow and easy?” she cried, tilting her head back.

  Ridge licked along her pulse, up her jaw and nibbled at her earlobe. “Slow and steady wins the race.”

  She jerked her chin down and glared at him. “Slow and steady isn’t getting me an orgasm.”

  He grinned, but reached a hand between their bodies to slide his thumb over the bundle of nerves peeking out of its folds.


  “You’re easy.”

  She licked her lips. “Only with you.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Her hips shifted, seeking more contact, and he gave it to her. He’d had enough himself. With a frenzy of hammering hips, he took her. Every little noise, grunt and moan spurred him on. His balls were taut and a tingle worked its way from the base of his spine.

  “Come with me,” he urged. Her teeth found the skin between his neck and shoulder and she bit down. It was all the incentive he needed, not that he needed much. The tingle that began down deep spread the length of his erection and exploded out the top. Every muscle in his body grew rigid as he emptied himself inside his woman.

  His woman. Without a doubt. If she thought for one second he was going to let her go, she was crazy.

  Bracing himself on his elbows, Ridge lowered his body to hers. The hard peaks of her nipples stabbed into his chest, and the only noise to be heard was the harsh rush of breath from their lungs.

  “Please tell me we don’t have to use a condom ever again,” he whispered in her ear, biting gently on the lobe.

  “Ever? ’Cause, I’d kinda like to have some sort of break between babies.”

  Ridge lifted his head and stared at her in wonder. “You said it and now you can’t take it back.”

  Her lip disappeared between her teeth. “I don’t want to take it back.”

  “So you’ll marry me?” His heart thudded, and not because of the energy they’d just expended.

  “That depends.”

  “On?” She was killing him here.

  “Do I have to take orders from you all the time?”

  He shifted his hips, reveling in the wet heat still surrounding his cock and grinning at the gasp that pushed past her lips.

  “Only at work.”

  Her face turned thoughtful for a bit too long. Ridge reached down and pinched her ass.

  “Ouch,” she squeaked. When she still didn’t answer, he raked his fingers along her side, making her squirm and laugh. Every time she moved, his cock hardened further inside her. “Okay, okay. Uncle.”

  “Don’t ever mistake me for your uncle, sweetheart.”

  “Never.” She smiled, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “Yes.”

  “Talk about keeping a man in suspense,” he grumbled, rubbing his nose on hers. “I love you, Morgan.”

  “I didn’t really expect this to happen when I was getting dressed this morning.”

  “I’m glad it did.”

  “Me too. Can we do it again?”

  He groaned and dropped his forehead to hers. “I’ve created a monster.” He was obviously going to have to work on his stamina to keep up with the insatiable creature below him.

  She giggle
d, and with an amazing show of speed and strength had their positions reversed. Hands braced on his chest, she bent to kiss him again before growling, “Rarrrr.”

  About the Author

  Annmarie McKenna lives in Missouri where she stays busy writing, shuffling four kids to various activities, and training for triathlons. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached at To learn more about Annmarie, please visit or join her Yahoo! group for updates on her latest releases or other information.

  Look for these titles by Annmarie McKenna

  Now Available:


  Seeing Eye Mate


  Two Sighted


  The Strength of Three

  Look What Santa Brought

  Court Appointed

  Between a Ridge and a Hard Place

  Coming Soon:



  She didn’t ask for 10 days of hot sex. But guess what she’s going to get?

  10 Days in Paradise

  © 2008 Dawn Halliday

  Relationships? Commitment? They’re a waste of energy for career-obsessed Celeste McMillan. She’s determined to make partner at her management consulting firm or die trying. Forced to take a long-overdue vacation, she decides to use the trip to Hilo, Hawaii to prepare for the business challenges ahead. The last thing on her mind is living out her sexual fantasies—until she meets Kanoe, a tattooed native surfer.

  Kanoe Anakalea is driven by love for his family, his island home and his heritage. Celeste is a white visitor, a haole, ignorant about his culture. Celeste and Kanoe see one another as stereotypes, but as they shed their clothes, they can’t keep from revealing layers of themselves. What starts off as incredible sexual chemistry soon turns into something much deeper. But Celeste only has ten days…and everyone knows vacation flings can’t last.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for 10 Days in Paradise:

  “I’m going to show you something,” Kanoe said.


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