Book Read Free

Love Returned

Page 17

by Mildred Colvin

  So many coincidences. Had they been designed by a loving Heavenly Father to bring her and Scott together? Or to drive them apart?

  Her first stop when she got to town would be Scott’s house. In spite of the wedge she’d driven between them two nights ago, she loved him. And Randy. Her love for him would never change. He was the son she didn’t have but wanted so much. Finding her son had in no way lessened her love for Randy.

  Megan pulled to a stop in front of Scott’s house. He’d had plenty of time to reach home, yet his truck wasn’t there. She rang his doorbell anyway, but the sound echoed in the house. They weren’t home. Where could they have gone?

  Had Scott stayed in Columbia to look at apartments? Her stomach clenched. She’d driven them away. She had no one to blame but herself. With a heavy heart, she returned to her car and drove to her mother’s house. Maybe she could still do one thing right. The time had come for some forgiving.

  Megan stared at the house from the safety of her car, gathering courage to enter. For years she’d been at odds with her mother and didn’t expect to make amends easily. God had forgiven her for the mistakes and sins of her past. Today for the first time, she’d been able to forgive herself. But Mother could be so unbending.

  Drawing courage from her Heavenly Father, Megan approached the door and opened it. Shelly, reclining on the sofa with a book, straightened as Megan stepped inside.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here.” Megan paused in front of the door. “I didn’t see your car.”

  Shelly’s eyebrows lifted, and Megan could only imagine what she looked like. Even now tears hovered close to the surface. Shelly spoke. “I walked over. I’m not working today.”

  Megan shook her head, willing her tears to go away. “I’m glad. Can you get Mom? I have something to say to her, and I want you to hear it, too.”

  Shelly rose and walked out of the room. She came back with her mother leading the way.

  With Shelly and their mother listening, Megan told what she’d learned. As she finished, she leaned forward, her expression intense. “For the first time in my life, I feel clean and free. I’ve been able to forgive myself for giving away my baby. I don’t think I knew until today how much I’ve hated myself for that decision.”

  She looked at her mother. “I hated myself and took it out on you. I’m sorry, Mom.” Her voice broke as she whispered. “Can you forgive me?”

  Megan’s mother opened her arms wide. Her eyes filled with tears. “I have nothing to forgive. The question is can you forgive me?”

  With no memory of moving, Megan found herself on the floor at her mother’s feet, her head cuddled in her mother’s lap with tears running down her cheeks. “Yes. I’m so sorry, Mama.”

  “Hush, it’s all right.” Her mother’s hands were gentle, her voice soft. “I thought I knew what was best for you, Megan. You don’t know how hard it was to stand my ground, but I knew you’d never have another chance to make your dream of teaching come true if I gave in. Life isn’t easy, and an unwed mother faces many problems even with her mother’s help. Still, every day for the last nine years I’ve questioned the wisdom of what I did.”

  Shelly slipped out to go home while Megan and her mother talked and cried for over an hour as God’s healing worked in both their hearts. “Will you attend mid-week church service with me, Megan?”

  Megan hadn’t been to church on Wednesday night in years, but she looked into her mother’s hope-filled eyes and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Her mother’s bright smile and hug carried her out the door to her car. She drove past Scott’s house, but nothing had changed. He still wasn’t home.

  That evening Megan and her mother found a place to sit near the center of the sanctuary.

  Pastor Turner stood behind the pulpit and took prayer requests. “I received a call a couple of hours ago from Scott Landis.”

  Megan gripped her Bible while her heart raced. Something was wrong.

  “Scott received word this afternoon his father is at the point of death. He and his son have gone to Iowa to be with the family. Scott expected bypass heart surgery would be taking place about now and asked the church to pray especially at this time.”

  Megan didn’t hear the other prayer requests. Her heart ached for Scott and Randy. How hard this must be for both of them! She prayed for Scott’s father throughout the Bible study.

  Megan went in her mother’s house after the service. “I can’t stay, Mom. I’m tired tonight.” She gave a quick laugh. “Probably emotionally tired, but I want to get some rest, anyway.

  Mom patted her arm. “I understand, but don’t worry, Megan. Scott will be fine. His faith in God is strong. The church is praying for him and his father. We’ll continue to lift them up, and God will take care of everything.”

  “I know, but sometimes it’s hard.”

  “Megan, I thought Randy was your son. Maybe our acceptance of him was God’s way of preparing us to welcome him and his dad into our home and into our hearts.”

  Megan gave her mother a hug. How wonderful the simple action became when her mother hugged her in return. She smiled as she pulled away. “Thanks, Mom. I’ve missed you.”

  Later, sitting in bed with her Bible on her lap and Bagheera curled up beside her, she thought of what her mother had said. If only Scott and Randy could join their family. Would the damage Megan had made in their relationship ever be repaired.

  She stroked Bagheera, and he rumbled his contentment. She and her cat had been together a long time. From the looks of things it would be just the two of them from now on.


  Sunday morning, Megan listened carefully to the prayer requests. “Let’s continue to lift Scott Landis’s family in prayer. The latest word is his father came through surgery and is holding his own.”

  What did that mean? Would he live? Would he gain strength until he could live a normal life again? Megan bowed her head and prayed for him and for Scott and Randy.

  One day became the same as the day before while Megan cleaned her house from one end to the other, took Derek and Cody on outings, and longed for Scott and Randy.

  Another week passed, and Pastor Turner again stood before the congregation. “Scott Landis called early this morning to thank the church for our prayers. His father seems to be doing well, but until he goes home, Scott plans to stay and help his mother.”

  By Wednesday, Scott had been gone two weeks. Megan swallowed the hurt that rose every time she thought of him. He’d made no effort to contact her. He’d likely forgotten her. She carried a smile on her face to hide the ache in her heart as she went through each day. She prayed and read her Bible, reveling in her newfound freedom to worship the Lord.

  On Friday afternoon late, Megan’s doorbell rang. Her heart leapt as she thought of Scott. She tripped over Bagheera in her hurry to get to the door.

  When she jerked it open, Shelly and Joe grinned at her. Shelly stepped in. “Hi, we thought you might need some company.”

  Megan held a hand against the pounding in her chest and moved to the side. “Sure, I can always use company.”

  She’d been so caught up in her own problems, she’d neglected her sister. “So what’s going on with you two?”

  Shelly and Joe shared a smile. “We wondered if you’d like to go with us to Columbia tonight? We’re going to eat and then play some miniature golf."

  “No, I don’t think so.” The idea of being a fifth wheel on Shelly and Joe’s night out didn’t appeal to Megan. Not even with them married.

  “Oh, come on, Megan.” Shelly pleaded. “You’ve been moping around here long enough. Besides, Joe has a friend who wants to come along and he doesn’t have a date.”

  Megan’s eyes widened. They found her a date? As Scott’s image came before her mind, the thought of being with anyone else made her stomach turn. She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Megan, you need to get out and have some fun.” Shelly persisted. “I really want you to go.�

  “Fine, I’ll go if I can choose my own date.”

  Megan watched Shelly and Joe exchange a look. He shrugged and Shelly turned back to her sister. “All right. I just didn’t realize you had someone since...”

  Her voice trailed off, but Megan knew she meant since Scott left. Megan smiled. “I’ve been running around this summer with a couple of guys. One named Derek, the other Cody, in case you haven’t noticed. If I can’t go with the two boys, I won’t go at all.”

  Joe shrugged. “I don’t care, but Cody and Derek are at your mother’s.”

  Megan walked across the room and sat on the sofa. “Fine with me if they’d rather sit and play video games when they could be out having fun. Bagheera and I will find something else to do.”

  “Megan, please.” Shelly sat beside her. “I really want you to come.”

  “No, I mean it, Shelly. I’ll go if Cody and Derek go with me. They’re old enough to understand they can’t bother you. If they need something they are to come to me. I promise we won’t interfere with your old married people date.”

  Joe laughed as he looked from Megan to Shelly. “I don’t care. It’s up to you, hon.”

  “All right.” Shelly gave in with no further murmur. “Hand me the phone.”

  Thirty minutes later the five headed south in Shelly’s van with Joe driving. Megan rode in the middle seat alone while the two boys held a belching contest in the back. Megan smiled at their play and missed Randy even more.

  They ate at McDonald’s because the boys agreed there was no place better and then drove to the miniature golf course. Megan joined the spirit of the date by walking between the two boys. She challenged them to get a better score than hers then tried her best to beat both.

  Shelly frowned at her after she danced around the boys, gloating about her lower score. Maybe she was trying too hard to prove she could have fun without Scott.

  Joe took the boys for a bathroom break before they headed home. Megan smiled at her sister. “I really am having fun, you know.”

  Shelly’s eyebrows lifted. “No, actually, I didn’t know.”

  Megan laughed. “How could I keep from it? I’ve got the two best escorts possible.”

  “Only because Scott and Randy aren’t here.”

  Megan opened her mouth to object, but Shelly cut her off. “Or have you decided to cast them aside now you know Randy isn’t your son?”

  “Shelly, how could you? You even tried to fix me up with some guy.” Pain seared Megan’s heart, and tears sprang to her eyes.

  “Only because I care about you. All you do is mop around.” Shelly frowned. “So what is it? What are you going to do about Scott?”

  Megan brushed her tears away and sighed. “I love Randy as much now as I did three weeks ago. But let’s be realistic. He isn’t my son, and I’ve lost him just the same as I lost David. Scott isn’t coming back. My guess is he decided Columbia isn’t far enough away from me. According to Pastor Turner, Scott’s father is doing fine. There’s no reason for him to stay longer, yet he’s still in Iowa. He won’t be back.”

  “I’m sorry.” Shelly placed a hand on Megan’s shoulder. “I don’t know why I said that.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Megan brushed the tears she refused to let fall. “How about you and Joe? Do you two have special news?”

  Shelly smiled. “Here come the guys. I’ll let Joe help me tell you so the boys can hear, too.”

  “You haven’t told Derek and Cody yet?” Megan stared wide-eyed at her sister. She didn’t need to wait for Joe to tell her. She’d watched them all evening and knew something was going on. Shelly didn’t show yet, of course, since they’d been married less than three months, but Megan knew her sister. She wanted a baby and she glowed with happiness.

  “We planned to do that tonight when we got back home. This is probably better. I have no idea how they’ll feel about a brother or sister.” Shelly hugged herself and laughed. “I’m a little nervous.”

  Megan gave her sister a quick hug. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. On one of our outings, the boys were talking about the possibility. They think it’ll be fun.”

  Shelly shook her head. “I hope. Here they come.”

  Megan folded her arms and waited while Shelly spoke to Joe in private. He glanced at the boys and nodded. Then he said, “Let’s go to the van. Your mother and I have something to tell you.”

  The boys exchanged questioning looks, but ran to the van and waited until Joe unlocked the doors before scrambling into the back. When everyone had returned to their places, Joe and Shelly turned to look back at them. With a smile of encouragement from Shelly, Joe reached between the bucket seats and took her hand before he began.

  “As you know, Shelly and I have been married a few months now.”

  “Dad,” Cody interrupted. “If you’re trying to break it to us easy-like that you’re gonna have a baby, me and Derek figured you would. We’re good with it.”

  “Yeah.” Derek leaned forward. “When’s it gonna be born? We’ll be great big brothers.”

  Megan burst out laughing and soon the others joined her. How typical of a child to get right to the heart of the matter. Why couldn’t adults be as open and honest with each other?

  They stopped at Megan’s house first. She climbed from the van and thanked her “dates” for a wonderful time. Then she turned to Joe and Shelly with a smile. “Thank you, too. You were right. I did need to get out. It was fun. And Joe? I’m glad you’re part of the family. I’m looking forward to being an aunt again.”

  Joe grinned. “Thanks, Megan.” As she started to close the van door, he said, “By the way, you haven’t forgotten we go to Cub camp next week, have you?”

  “Next Thursday morning.” Scott wouldn’t be bringing Randy to camp this year as he planned. She closed her eyes for a moment against the thought. The empty space in her life left by Scott and Randy would never stop aching. “No, I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Good.” Joe nodded. “How many you got going?”

  “Besides Derek, a couple more. Their dads are going with them.”

  “Okay. They’ll need health forms. You might want to give them a call and remind them. We’ll be leaving by nine sharp this year. Tim says he doesn’t want to be late.”

  “Don’t worry, Joe, I’ll tell them.” Megan smiled and eased the door closed. “Thanks again for inviting me. I’ll see you all Sunday if not before.”

  Twenty minutes later Megan slipped between the sheets on her bed and closed her eyes in the darkened room. Tonight had been a turning point for her. She’d put her heart into having fun with Derek and Cody. Except for when Shelly mentioned Scott, she’d kept him and Randy barricaded in the back of her mind.

  With Joe’s reminder of camp, the memories rushed in. Megan closed her eyes and with the darkness pressing against her, she saw Scott with the boys in their den. So many memories of him laughing, playing, serious, or concentrating on a project with boys all around him.

  Other memories of Scott with her, teasing and loving, in a dozen places they had been together, his half-smile touching her heart. She felt again the touch of his lips on hers and his arms holding her close. He’d been gone too long, and she must let his memory go, too. She’d go to Cub camp with her den and there, where she had no memories of Scott, she’d find the release she needed.


  “Derek, go ahead and put your stuff on the bus if you want to. There should be room. Julie’s riding with me.” Megan pulled her car in behind the Scout bus parked in the church parking lot and stopped. Her gaze swept the parked vehicles for a glimpse of Scott's absent truck.

  Derek flew out of the car before she took her key from the ignition. He opened the back door and dragged his sleeping bag halfway out, letting it fall to the ground as she got out.

  “Slow down, Derek. They aren’t going to leave for several minutes, yet.” Megan opened the back door on her side and helped him free his bag. “There you go

  “Thanks, Aunt Megan.”

  “You’re welcome.” She grabbed her clipboard with the paperwork for her den and followed Derek toward the bus. Tim and Joe stood with several dads, trying to make order from the chaos of eight or so excited boys running circles around them.

  “When you get the paperwork from your boys, let me know.” Tim commanded with no greeting and little more than a glance her way before he headed off for some other task.

  “Billy, let’s start with you.” Megan smiled at the little boy and his father who stood to one side. “Hello, Mr. Harmon.”

  She already had Derek’s forms, and it didn’t take long to get the other two. Megan looked toward the road leading to the church. A car drove past, but no truck pulled into the parking lot.

  “How’s his dad doing?” Julie’s voice startled her.


  Julie smiled. “Scott. I assumed you were looking for him.”

  “All I know is what the pastor tells us at church.” Megan tried to appear unconcerned. “According to him, Scott’s father is doing remarkably well.”

  “That’s wonderful. Then Scott and Randy will be going with us after all.” Julie brushed a lock of dark hair from her forehead and smiled.

  Megan turned to face the breeze that had sprung up, putting her back toward the road. Maybe if she didn’t look for him, his absence wouldn’t hurt so much.

  “As far as I know, Scott and Randy are still in Iowa.” At least last night when she drove by their house, it was dark and she hadn’t heard otherwise.

  “That’s too bad. I know they would have enjoyed camp.” Julie looked at the overcast sky as a gust of wind hit them and her papers fluttered. “I’ll bet it rains before we get halfway there.”

  “Why don’t we give our paperwork to Tim and wait in my car?” Megan clutched her clipboard under her arm.


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