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The UnFolding Collection Three

Page 62

by S. K. Randolph

  "So my mother expected me to marry Pheet Adolean royalty in the hopes that we could bring the two opposing cultures together."

  "She did." Relevart's serious expression intensified the importance of his words. "I believe you understand the magnitude of what we have learned. Whoever gains control of you not only has a hostage, but gains control of The MasTer's wealth and property. Of all us who are Eleo Predan, you top the list of those to be destroyed or controlled." He picked up the paper, whispered, "Debrin Stersec," and tucked it inside the journal. "I believe you will be safer, and so will all of us, if we let the others assume you are still voiceless with no memory of your past."

  A shiver of excitement and dread traveled the length of Elf's spine. "What of the twins and Henri? I trust them, but Brie carries the Star of Truth."

  A frown deepened the lines around Relevart's mouth. "As we speak, Henri is instructing the twins to keep the results of their time with you to themselves. They will play their parts well. If it becomes necessary, I will remove the recollection of Penesert from Brie's memory."

  "What will happen if we find Penee―if I don't want to join with her? I love Ari, and I believe she cares for me. How do I…" He shrugged.

  "We don't know yet if Penesert is alive." Relevart's brows raised. "Or do we?"

  Elf stared at his hands. "She's alive, Relevart. I can sense her as I know you sensed my mother."

  The Universal VarTerel observed him from under bridged brows. "This does complicate things, doesn't it? And it makes it imperative that we share her existence with our companions. The knowledge will help them to keep themselves and you safe. As far as your feelings for Ari and hers for you, time is the revealer of all things. If The Unfolding taught us anything, Troms el Shiv, it is to live one turning at a time." He stood.

  Rising slowly, Elf met Relevart's understanding gaze. "Thank you for everything you're doing. You hardly know me, yet you have trusted me with your life and the lives of our companions. I will not fail you or them."

  "I trust you to do your best, Elf. You and I will speak more of this later. Now we have information to share and decisions to make. From here on out, we will communicate only telepathically."

  Side by side, they left The MasTer's chamber.




  S parrowlyn Astar Nadrugia stared into the depths of the fountain Elcaro's Eye. Almiralyn had just made a brief appearance to teach her what she needed to know to make the fountain grow bigger or smaller and how to bring the cottage back into being. Myrrh's former guardian had then wished her well in her new role and melted away, leaving the water clear and the sanctuary of Veersuni as soundless as a vacuum.

  Behind her the door opened and closed. Water trickling into the bowl sent its soothing sound through Veersuni. The momentary tranquility evaporated.

  Allynae strode to her side, draped an arm around her shoulders, and touched the open palms of the kneeling statue on the fountain's rim. "She looks just like you. How are you feeling now that you have been the official Guardian of Myrrh for several turnings?"

  She drew him with her to stand in front of the wall-sized, stained-glass window. A snap of her fingers sent colored shapes flying to hover in front of the new drapes, which covered the sanctuary's walls. The clear glass panes formed a mosaic of night sky, stars, and spiraling galaxies. She grinned and glanced up at her companion and life partner. "I never expected that to happen."

  He kissed the top of her head. "Better get used to it. I have the feeling Almiralyn will not be coming back even for a visit. Have you spoken with her?"

  "Only long enough to receive instructions about the fountain and the cottage. She said Relevart has called a meeting to discuss what will happen next. Almiralyn has already made her choice."

  Allynae turned her to face him. "And that is?"

  "She and Corvus will go to El Stroma in the ship El Aperdisa."

  "What about the girls? Do we know yet what they will choose to do?"

  Sparrow stared at the vastness of space and frowned. "It has been a little over two Myrrhinian sun cycles since The Unfolding sent them on this journey. Alli, they are only sixteen. They need to finish their education and decide what they would like to do when they are adults and…" Allynae's expression made her stop. Her heavy sigh fogged a pane of glass. A thought, a touch of her finger, and the glass shone in the light of a shooting star.

  She looked at her finger. "Did I do that?"

  Allynae grinned. "I doubt that the star was your doing but…" He shrugged.

  A snap of her fingers brought the color back to the panes. She watched them reassemble into a new design and drew Allynae back to the fountain. "I know the girls have their own destinies, Alli, but don't you want them to come home, even if it's only for a short time?"

  "I do." He pulled her close. "I have a feeling this new time of balance and integration will have its own challenges. I'd like to see everyone before they head off in different directions."

  Sparrow rested her head on his chest. "New challenges like the Pheet Adole Mocendi will not rest until every Eleo Preda, which includes all of us, are obliterated." A shiver prickled over her scalp.

  Allynae released her. "Look."

  The water spilling into the Elcaro's Eye had slowed to a stop. Sparrow gripped the rim. A large bubble floated to the surface. Inside, searching eyes peered through the eyeholes of a bronze-colored mask.

  Sparrow whispered a clipped command. The bubble burst. The eyes exploded into nothing.

  Allynae put a protective arm around her. "And so it begins. I was hoping for a few turnings of peace and quiet. I wish Somay were here to help rebuild the wards."

  The water whirlpooled downward. A spout shot into the air, sending a large bird composed of stars and sky to soar in a wide circle and land in front of the stained-glass window. The cock of its head sent color flying. Starry eyes blinked as it melted into the universal mosaic. A door-shaped opening formed. A man Sparrow had seen only in Elcaro's Eye limped forward, followed by Somay. And behind them, Esán preceded Torgin into the room. The door faded and color filled the window.

  Wolloh motioned the group into the Reading Room. The last to exit, he closed the door and drew an invisible sign on the surface. Presenting his good side to Sparrow, he bowed and offered a hand. "I am most delighted to meet Myrrh's new Guardian. Wolloh Espyro at your service."

  Sparrow placed her hand in his. "And I am glad to meet you, VarTerel of the Inner Universe."

  With the courtliness of another age, he kissed her hand, released it, and with a second bow, turned his attention to Allynae and Somay, who spoke in quiet tones to one side.

  Esán and Torgin stood together, recovering, Sparrow felt sure, from their journey through Mittkeer. She observed them with interest. Torgin had grown taller and filled out. Anxiety, once his constant companion, no longer enshrouded him. Esán, whom she had first seen in a picture she had painted of him riding on the back of Nomed's owl form and then only in the Eye, now had a full head of hair and, like Torgin, had matured. Although still too thin, his cheeks held a hint of color and the ever present crescents under his eyes had faded, no longer exemplifying his illness. He doesn't look fully recovered, but he appears to be making progress.

  He raised eyes the color of the sunlit sea to her face and said something to Torgin, who nodded and led the way to her side.

  Towering over her, Torgin said, with a formality that made her suppress a desire to hug him, "SparrowLyn AsTar, it is so good to see you. Congratulations on your new position. I believe you know of Esán, but have not met him."

  Sparrow extended a hand. "I've wanted to meet you for a long time, Esán Efre. Thank you," she smiled at both boys, "for taking care of my daughters."

  Esán touched his palm to hers. "Congratulations on your appointment as Guardian of Myrrh."

  A twinkle lit her eye. "I have a favor to ask. All the formalities are wearing me out. Please relax. Tell me about…" She grinned. "I
want to know everything about the girls and TreBlaya, and…El Aperdisa." She gave them each a quick hug. "And what did you think of the ocean and sailing and the Senndis?"

  Pulling chairs into a circle, they sat down. With animated faces and bright smiles, the boys shared their adventures. Sparrow hadn't heard nearly enough when Allynae interrupted.

  "Wolloh says we have work to do with the fountain. He would like you to join us."

  Sparrow pushed her disappointment aside. "Tell him we'll be right there."

  He nodded, grinned at the boys, and hurried into Veersuni.

  With a rueful smile, Sparrow stood up. "I expect that we are about to be very busy. Tell me…what was the most surprising thing about your adventures, the thing you would love to experience again?"

  The boy's exchanged glances and grinned. "Sailing!" they chorused.

  Sparrow smiled. "I would love to see the ocean." She edged between chairs. "We'd better not keep Wolloh waiting."

  When the wards around Elcaro's Eye had been set and stabilized to Wolloh's satisfaction, he gripped his staff, limped away from the fountain, and motioned everyone to follow.

  He stared unseeing, then blinked. "Relevart is about to meet with your families and friends in TreBlaya. He feels you should be present."

  Esán spoke up. "What about my Aunt Merrilea and Torgin's parents? They were here, right?"

  Sparrow answered. "They have returned to Idronatti to help plan for the city's future."

  "And Yaro?" Torgin asked.

  "Lorsedi released Yaro from his service. Your heart brother is now on ReTaw au Qa, beginning preparations for his initiation as the Nep Rin Tese Venerat. I have arranged―"

  The sanctuary door flew open. Zugo, his burned arm in a sling, launched into the room. Pale eyes gleaming, he strode up to Esán and Torgin. "You are here! Where are the twins? I am so glad to see you."

  Wolloh cleared his throat and narrowed his good eye. "You are Zugo if I am not mistaken."

  Zugo wrapped the dignity of his lineage around him. "I am Zugo, the son of Yookotay, the ReDael of the DeoNytes. Welcome to the Dojanack Caverns, VarTerel of the Inner Universe."

  Wolloh stifled a spontaneous laugh. "Thank you for your most gracious welcome, Zugo." He raised his staff. "The meeting is about to begin."

  Everyone congregated around Elcaro's Eye. The sound of dripping water stilled. The surface gleamed, reflecting those gathered―those whose destinies would be determined by the reading of a will.

  Sparrow gazed at Relevart's countenance filling Elcaro's bowl. White hair moved with the water's final ripples. Stillness brought his dark russet eyes into focus. His gaze came to rest on Zugo.

  "It is good, Zugo, to see that you are doing so well. Soon, I will bring Ari and Efillaeh to heal that arm and hand." The astute gaze moved to Esán. "Ahhh. You are looking much better, Esán Efre. After Evolsefil is returned to Canedari, your father will take you back to Tao Spirian to complete your recovery." He waved a hand.

  The fountain zoomed out. Almiralyn, Corvus, Mairin, and Lanli sat on one side of The MasTer's assembly table. Henri, Nomed, Teva, and Lenadi sat on the other. Ari, Brie, and Elf had arranged chairs in a small semicircle at the end opposite Relevart. At the table's center, a large, shallow bowl of water with a round crystal at its center mimicked Elcaro's Eye. Like a split screen, it showed those in Myrrh on one side and those at Shu Chenaro on the other. A charged silence permeated the room and those joined by the Crystal Web.

  From Veersuni, Sparrow searched the faces of her daughters. They had grown so much since the day they and Torgin had gone to DerTah to rescue Esán. Ari's hair, cut short to help her maintain her boy's shifted form, brushed her shoulders. Elf draped an arm around the back of her chair, his expression bemused. Brie sat next to her twin, her attention riveted to the bowl at the table's center. Esán smiled as they connected briefly across the dimensions.

  Torgin cleared his throat. "Desirol isn't with the others. Is he alright?"

  Wolloh smiled. "Desirol has recovered well from his encounter with the Mindeco." He indicated the bowl on the table. "He has been taken to Shu Chenaro to join his parents."

  Elcaro framed the bowl within its alabaster rim. On one side, Desirol sat between his mother, Chyneria, and Gerolyn. Lorsedi stood behind them. Stebben and TheLise sat opposite. The Eye reverted its focus to Relevart and the pile of papers in front of him. The Universal VarTerel selected an official looking document and cleared his throat.

  "Let us begin. Rayn, The MasTer and my birth-mate, left us much information to contemplate and much to accomplish before the Cycle of Dovi brings portal travel to a halt ten turnings from now. In this stack of papers are the family trees of everyone in this room, those in Veersuni and those on DerTah. I will deliver them to you as soon as I am able." He paused to scan the document. "The MasTer's estate is massive and complex. Rayn had holdings on most planets in this solar system. She owned the mineral rights here on TreBlaya and on the El Stroman continent of El QuilTran. I have been in contact with her financial and resource reckoner and her legal advisors. She left the majority of her wealth and holdings to me with the stipulation that it pass to Troms el Shiv when I feel he is ready to take the reins. To each of you, she has bequeathed a small gift, which I will distribute individually. Any questions thus far?"

  When no one spoke up, he continued. "Rayn's biggest concern, and the reason she used her resources to gather us together on TreBlaya, is that we represent the power structure of the Eleo Preda. Although more Eleo Predans escaped to this side of the Décussate, they are in other solar systems and other galaxies. We are the closest to the Outer Rim. We are also the descendants of El QuilTran's brightest minds and most revered leaders. The Pheet Adole fear that we might seek revenge and use our combined power to wipe them out. Were the persona of The MasTer still a living, thriving personality, his desire would be to do exactly that. Rayn's true personality, however, had other plans." He placed the document he held on top of the stack and glanced in Elf's direction, his expression questioning.

  The boy removed his arm from Ari's chair, clasped her hand, and nodded.

  "Rayn's ultimate goal was to end the war and unite the opposing cultures on El Stroma. Toward that end, she used the process of Protariflee to not only provide a child for herself, but to create a birth-mate for Elf, a birth-mate from the egg and sperm of the Rompeer's daughter and his most trusted counselor. Penesert el Stroma was kidnapped at the age of five sun cycles. Elf's heart tells him she lives as mine told me of Rayn's existence."

  Everyone's attention focused on Elf. Ari tried to pull her hand free. Elf held fast. His dark eyes sought hers. Her spine stiffened and her chin went up. "You have a birth-mate. You have no need of me."

  He held her hand firmly in his. "If you run, you will never know if what we share is strong enough." He looked from one side of the table to the other. His voice rang out. "With all present as my witness, I state that I, Troms el Shiv, love Arienh Lynae AsTar Nadrugia." He held her gaze and continued. "We cannot know what the future brings, but I swear to stand by you until my last breath."

  Ari paled. Then a flush crept up her neck. "You have a birth-mate." She looked at Brie. "I know the loyalty that comes with gestating in the same womb, of being born on the same turning, of sharing a bond that is deeper than the breadth of the Universe." She pulled her hand free. "Do not make promises, Troms el Shiv, that you cannot keep." Head held high, she walked from the room.

  Elf's dismayed gaze flew to Relevart. "I'm so sorry. I forgot…"

  Murmured sound pervaded the chamber.

  Relevart raised a hand. The murmur of voices quieted. "I believe a break is in order. Let us reconvene in one quarter chron circle."

  The image in the fountain faded, leaving those in Veersuni and Shu Chenaro wishing for more.

  While those in Veersuni dispersed to think and clear their minds, Sparrow and Allynae remained in the sanctuary. Seated on a bench, her gaze fixed on stained-glass color, Sparrow waited f
or her companion to join her. Instead, he stared into the fountain and cracked his knuckles one at a time. When at last he faced her, puzzlement clouded his eyes.

  "The twins are only sixteen sun cycles. How can Ari think she's in love? Elf isn't much older, is he? And Brie and Esán?" He sank onto the bench.

  Sparrow clasped his hand. "Our girls are not much younger than I was when we first met, Alli. Do you remember how much in love we were? Whether their first loves will be their last, only time will tell. Don't fret. I'm more interested in learning our ancestry and how it affects them and us. I'd also like to know if they'll be coming back to Myrrh in the near future." She sighed. "I know they have their own destinies, but I'm not ready to let them go."

  The sound of dripping water ceased. Allynae pulled her to her feet. "Here we go, Guardian of Myrrh."

  They moved to the fountain, where Almiralyn smiled up at them. "Good to see you, Alli."

  "And you, Sis. How are Maman and Papa?"

  "They're fine. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't see them soon." Her attention shifted to Sparrow. "How are you holding up?"

  Sparrow smiled at her sister-in-law. "I have lots of support. Wolloh will work with me before he leaves. The Galactic Guardians have been in contact. They tell me my gifts are maturing." She cocked her head to one side. "Are you coming to Myrrh prior to leaving for El Stroma? Are the twins?"

  "I don't have the answers, Sparrow. Relevart has not made any decisions yet."

  Corvus appeared at her shoulder. The dimple in his cheek deepened as his smile widened. "Good to see you both. Congratulations, SparrowLyn." He turned to Almiralyn. "Relevart would like to confer with us before we reconvene."


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