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The UnFolding Collection Three

Page 65

by S. K. Randolph

  Wolloh bowed and positioned himself nearer to Evolsefil.

  CheeTrann called out, "Guardian of Myrrh, make yourself known."

  Sparrow motioned Somay and the boys to follow and walked into the dim interior of the tower. Evolsefil gleamed to her left. CheeTrann knelt on one knee and bowed his head.

  Shrewd wisdom washed over her as he lifted his gaze. "I offer you my loyalty, Guardian of Myrrh. I am your servant and your protector."

  Sparrow experienced a wave of astonishment. "Thank you, CheeTrann. I accept your loyalty and your protection."

  He rose to his full height and boomed, "Spirit Boy, you have been to Tao Spirian. Health and vitality stir within you. Do not linger long on Myrrh, Esán Efre, or you will undo that which has been done." He nodded to Somay and fastened his intimidating gaze on Torgin. "You have acquired much power since you were last in my tower. Your adventures have honed your skills. I look forward to hearing you play your flute once again.” His gaze shifted.

  Zugo quaked beneath his sudden attention. "Yookotay's son, you once again journey into the Outside." His eyes narrowed. "Beware the desire for adventure. It may well bring more than you can handle."

  Allynae strode into the tower and stopped at Sparrow's side. "Hello, CheeTrann. Paisley sends his regards. He looks forward to a rematch soon."

  The imposing figure pursed his lips in annoyance. "You are, as always, impetuous, Allynae Nadrugia. Tell our friend I await his return and anticipate our game."

  The throbbing hum of Evolsefil shook the tower.

  CheeTrann's piercing eyes swept to the crystal and back. "VarTerel, it feels the presence of Spirit Boy and calls to return to Canedari."

  Wolloh beckoned Esán forward. "The ancient writings state that the one who removes the crystal from the cave must be the one to return it. We will all help, but you must accompany it to the caverns. I do not want you to deplete your energy reserve, so your father will go with you. Torgin, please prepare to play the flute. Sparrow and Allynae, stand on either side of me. Zugo, join our circle and lend your support. CheeTrann, remain alert. Warn us of any strangeness in the forest."

  Evolsefil began to vibrate. Gold filaments within the spire quivered and gleamed brighter. The gold pedestal glowed. Torgin lifted the flute and began to play.

  Esán placed his hands on the silky crystal surface. Power flooded through him. The tower faded. Memories of his escape from Seyes Nomed, the journey to Nevah Efas, and Elae's battered body surged through his mind. Music starting softly and building in volume and intensity chased the memories into abeyance. Each note helped him to form a picture of the Cave of Canedari. Zugo's presence brought clarity to the image. Opposite him, his father's energy merged with his. The support of Wolloh and Sparrow, of Allynae and CheeTrann bolstered his resources. Molecule by molecule, he learned the crystal's structural make-up. Inhaling a cleansing breath, he thought Evolsefil through time and space. The sound of water lapping told him they had arrived. He opened his eyes. The walls of Canedari enclosed them. Water rippled over the floor.

  Rorret's bombastic voice welcomed them. "At last you return Evolsefil to my care. It has been too long since its magic filled the caverns." The lake withdrew.

  Dazed and weak in the knees, Esán stumbled backward.

  His father caught him, steadied him, and drew him away from the power of the crystal. Tears came unbidden. "We met here for the first time, Father."

  Somay smiled through his own tears. "The Unfolding has changed so many lives, Esán. The most important thing of all: it brought me you."

  Esán threw his arms wide. "I have met my mother and I have seen my home planet." He dried his tears. "I have learned about friendship and love and…" Laughter bubbled up and spilled into Canedari.

  Understanding and pride shone in his father's eyes. "You saved Evolsefil, Esán Efre, by removing it from harm's way. Now you have returned it to its home as the ancient texts dictated." He rested a hand on his shoulder. "We must go back. Are you ready?"

  "I am."

  The next instant they stood on the edge of a field of sunflowers.

  E sán and Somay materialized as Sparrow raised her arms and began to recite:

  "Time is illusion…Something but not.

  It holds things together. I retie the knot.

  Returning the cottage, no trick of the sight;

  The spell that's unbroken, I now make it right."

  Where the cottage had once stood, diffused light glistened. Vague shapes and muted colors wavered, grew more distinct, wavered again. The illusion shimmered and shifted. The cottage solidified. The garden spread outward from its perimeter like ripples in Elcaro's Eye. Grass and flower beds flowed into focus as they reached the borders of the sunflower field and the Terces Wood. Sparrow led her companions around the side of the cottage in time to see the maple with the swing and tree house take shape. The red barn and the paddock, the pond and the caretaker's cottage glistened into being. The chicken coop sprang up by the barn. A rooster crowed. The pounding of horses' hooves sounded, and Gemlucky trotted into the garden with Tam and four horses in his wake.

  Wolloh rapped his staff against the ground.

  Sparrow called out, "Seal and Secure."

  The VarTerel raised the staff. "And it is so." Lowering it, he acknowledged Myrrh's Guardian with a slight bow of the head. "Well done, SparrowLyn."

  When at last she walked their direction, Esán caught his breath. Her resemblance to the twins brought a sharp pang of loneliness. I miss you, Brielle.

  Sparrow greeted them with a tired smile. "How did things go?"

  "Evolsefil is safely in the cavern." Somay brushed a strand of chestnut hair from her cheek, erasing her fatigue with the touch of a finger.

  She grinned. "Somay, you are magic. Thank you." Her attention switched to him. "Are you content that Evolsefil is where it belongs, Esán?"

  "I am. The Cave of Canedari feels alive again. And Rorret is very happy."

  "Then you have done what must be done. Go and enjoy your friends."

  Zugo waved as he jogged across the back garden. Torgin, happier than Esán had seen him in a long time, greeted him with a slap on the back. "It is good to be here." He ran a hand down Tam's back. "Isn't she beautiful?" Not waiting for an answer, he rubbed her nose. "I have missed you, Tamboreen."

  The tan and cream pony tossed her head and flicked her tail. Ears twitching, she swung her head toward the barn and gave a soft whinny of recognition.

  A man, well past middle age and bristling with energy, strode from shadow to sun and paused to wait for a tiny woman who stepped shyly from the safety of the barn and clutched his hand. They made their way along the garden path to the horses. He patted Gemlucky's gleaming hide and murmured a quiet word. The big stallion tossed his head, snorted, and led his charges through the barn and into the large back paddock. The man drew the woman back to his side.

  "Hello, Esán. You are looking well. You remember Feela, my wife."

  "Hi, Katerrace. Feela. I don't believe you've met my friends Zugo and Torgin."

  Zugo smiled and nodded. Torgin offered a hand.

  Katerrace shook it. "Friends call me Race."

  Feela peered timidly at Torgin. "Tam told me about you. She has missed you." Her shyness dissolved as she told him how Tam had shared her name when Almiralyn first came to Myrrh.

  Race observed her with an indulgent smile. Tidy as a pin in his overalls and blue plaid shirt, he exuded the aura of a man comfortable with himself.

  Esán had only met him once before The Unfolding had sent the couple back to their village. He had liked him then; he liked him now.

  Allynae strode up to them, shook hands with the caretaker, and smiled at his wife. "Feela, Sparrow is in the kitchen. She would love to have you join her. Race, I'll take you to the RewFaaran camp and introduce you."

  Torgin offered his arm. "May I walk you to the kitchen, Feela?"

  Her shy smile flickered. "I would like that."

  Esán sense
d Zugo's energy flagging. "Come on. Let's find a quiet place to rest."

  Zugo touched his scarred chest. "I could use some time to recoup."

  Leading the way to the barn, Esán climbed the ladder to the loft, pitchforked hay into a nest, and plopped down next to his friend. Zugo's soft snores, like dust particles in sunlight, soon drifted through the barn. Esán stretched out and let his mind draw an image of Brie. Will I ever see you again?




  A curious quiet settled over the meeting chamber at Soasi. Relevart leaned back in his chair, his attention fixed on Rayn's personal servant. Almiralyn rested a hand on Corvus' knee. He covered it with his. Brie tugged at a red curl, brown eyes searching the Astican's face.

  Abarax sat as though preoccupied, clawed fingers massaging his chin. With a sigh, he lowered his hand to the table and began.

  "Rasiana traveled with Rayn from El Stroma in the last wave of rebels that escaped. She was several sun cycles Rayn's senior and dedicated to both her and her cause. The more venomous The MasTer's personality became, the fewer appearances Rayn made. Rasiana learned to stay out of sight. Then one turning, Rayn's form and personality materialized and held firmly to reality. She asked Rasiana to carry her son and his birth-mate. The Protariflee lab, which had been set up soon after Soasi was completed, had been destroyed by The MasTer. However, by that time El Aperdisa, Rayn's pet project, was a reality." He paused.

  Brie leaned forward. "She had a lab built on the ship, didn't she?"

  "She did." Abarax looked pleased. "A secret lab was set up, and professionals from El Stroma were located and recruited to run it."

  Relevart gazed at the Astican over steepled hands. "Where did she obtain specimens for implanting?"

  "Rasiana discovered The MasTer's plan to destroy the lab and its contents. With my help, she rescued and hid several cryogenics canisters. As soon as the new lab was ready, she informed our mistress. The canisters were transferred to El Aperdisa and additional specimens were taken from hand-selected Mocendi. When everything was ready, Rasiana was impregnated with Elf and Penee. For some time after their birth, The MasTer's personality and form remained in a state of dormancy unless circumstance demanded he emerge."

  Corvus put an arm around Almiralyn. "What made her decide she wanted another child?"

  Abarax's cherub-blue eyes narrowed in thought. "Even though Rayn loved her son and daughter, the longing to have her birth-mate's son haunted her. Eggs and sperm that had been collected from her and from Rethdun when they were children were among those Rasiana had saved. Rayn had already directed a team to experiment with specimens taken from kidnapped children to see if they could be matured in the lab. After many failures, success was achieved and a process perfected. Again Rasiana, the only other human woman still living at Soasi, was impregnated. When the first baby died, The MasTer raged to the surface, squelched Rayn's personality, and went on a rampage across the Inner Universe. Upon his return, he grew more and more distrustful and suspicious of everyone around him."

  Abarax scowled and sat in silence, appearing to be lost for the moment in memories of that unpleasant time.

  Relevart cleared his throat. "Do you need a break?"

  "Just water."

  Corvus filled a tumbler from the large pitcher on the table. The Astican quenched its thirst and set the glass down. "Vygel Vintrusie became The MasTer's most trusted Mocendi." The cherubic features dissolved into an acrimonious mask. The gray scales covering its body quivered. It shook itself and continued.

  "When Rayn finally reasserted herself, she ordered a second try. Her delight when she held the newborn Rethson once again threatened The MasTer's personality."

  Corvus refilled the Astican's glass. "Why did Rethson's birth threaten him when Elf and Penee's didn't?"

  Abarax dipped a finger in the water and let a drop fall back into fluid anonymity. "Rayn's love for her children, her birth-mate's son in particular, consumed her. She decided to abandon her male form forever. The two personalities battled. The MasTer emerged triumphant, found the baby, and ordered Vygel to take it someplace Rayn would never find it. He didn't want it destroyed in the event that it might at some later time be of use."

  Almiralyn frowned. "Does anyone know where Vygel took the child?"

  "Not even The MasTer himself knew." The creature flexed long, clawed fingers, curled them into a fist, and continued the story. "Over the course of the next two sun cycles, The MasTer made certain Rayn's appearances to visit Elf and Penee were rare and of short duration. He lavished affection on the boy and ignored the girl child. The turning of Penee's kidnapping, he hid Elf and soon thereafter sent him to El Aperdisa to train as a Mocendi."

  Sadness broke over Relevart like a storm. "I can't even imagine how horrible that must have been for Rayn. All her children gone." My son gone, too. The loss of parenthood he had never considered flooded his heart in a torrent of anguish. He blinked tears away and motioned the Astican to carry on.

  Abarax pursed rosebud lips. "Rayn never recovered from losing them. Her desire to hold onto her own personality faltered. The MasTer dominated for several sun cycles. It was during this period that he burned the flesh from his body―Rayn's body―and developed The Reach."

  Brie bit her lip and asked a quiet question. "Where was Rasiana during this time?"

  "She hid and waited for the chance to help our mistress assume her true identity. Opportunity arrived in the form of Vygel Vintrusie, who brought the news that Thorlu Tangorra had decided to make an example of Elf. Tangorra had cut the boy's vocal cords and eradicated his memories. But before he could execute the final step―throwing Elf in the fire pits of TreBlaya―the boy escaped.

  "Rasiana realized the news would trigger Rayn's persona to fight. She created a sleeping draught that I put in The MasTer's wine at dinner."

  It's angelic countenance appeared child-like, but only for a moment, before it twisted into an ugly sneer.

  "That night Rasiana snuck into The MasTer's chamber and used her Eleo Predan training as a hypno-healer to tap into Rayn's personality. The news of Tangorra's plan and Elf's escape brought her up from the depths of her subconscious. From then on, Rayn ruled. Rasiana and I became her only companions."

  Its wings ruffled. The scales clicked into place. "That is all I know. Unless you have questions, I should oversee the preparations for Rasiana to join our mistress."

  Relevart stood. "Thank you, Abarax. You have been most helpful. I would like to be present when you are ready to take her to the fire pit."

  "I will keep you informed." Bowing, it swept from the room, wingtips brushing the floor behind it.

  Relevart laid a hand on Brie's shoulder. "You are looking worn, Brielle. Go. Rest until evening meal. I will see you there. And, Brielle, you may not share what we have learned here with anyone, not even Ari. Am I clear?"

  "Very clear." She left, shutting the door behind her.

  Almiralyn reached for Corvus' hand, her eyes on the VarTerel.

  Brie smoothed red curls back from her face and sagged against the corridor wall. Exhaustion threatened to leave her asleep on her feet. Voices headed her direction jerked lassitude to action. Ari. Elf. I can't see them yet. They'll both know I'm hiding something.

  Hurrying down the hall, she dodged into Rasiana's room. The sheets and comforter had been stripped from the bed. Her personal belongings had been removed. Nothing indicated that anyone had lived in the austere space.

  Hesitant to lie down where a woman had died, Brie wandered the room, peered between the drawn drapes, and tried to ignore her weariness. A yawn left her eyes stinging and fatigue weighting her body. She glanced at the bed and yawned again. Rasiana wouldn't mind if I rested for a few minutes.

  Curling up on her side, she gave in to her exhaustion. Sleep lulled her, cradled her, plunged her deeper and deeper until dreams shifting like patterns in a kaleidoscope dumped her into a barren place smelling of acid and decay.

strange creature leapt from the top of a rock slide. Its growl shook the landscape. Its teeth glinted razor sharp in the eerie light. Terror propelled her over charred terrain, up endless hills, and along dry riverbeds to the top of a ridge. Hot breath burning her back sent her slipping and sliding down a steep embankment. Fighting to regain her footing, she hit the bottom and dodged down a crooked path bordered on both sides by flame-blackened stumps. She came to a standstill in front of a mound of rocky debris, where the mouth of a cave yawned wide. A withered, misshapen figure blocked the way. Dark eyes peered through holes in a featureless bronze mask. A high-hitched note emitted from a rounded orifice stood Brie's hair on end. Her stalker whined and, cowering, crept away.

  Menace as thick and tangible as molasses choked her. Danger and hatred lurched toward her. Her body's refusal to obey her command to run left her gaping in horror.

  An impaired voice burbled, "You destroyer. You will suffer like so many suffered."

  A twisted appendage reached toward her. Pain piercing her mind left her trembling. Forcing herself to think, she focused on the Star of Truth. No pain. No warning. She blew out a breath. The figure wavered. She shook her head. "You're not real. You're a dream!"

  The landscape quaked and dissolved. The figure scrabbled forward. Her wards shot up. The stump of a hand struck the invisible wall, jerked away, and decomposed. One after another, malformed limbs disintegrated until only the bronze mask remained. Hatred blazed in the eyeholes as cracks split the mask into pieces, and they too crumbled into fine, gray dust.

  Throwing off sleep, Bri jerked to sitting. A man she did not know towered over her.

  "You did well, Brielle."

  She came to her feet, wards shimmering and her mind masked. "Who are you?"

  "I am CharElgan Chealim. I have a secret for you to guard until the time is right."

  "How do I know you aren't lying?"


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