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The Wells Brothers: Aaron

Page 33

by Angela Verdenius

  It was a full minute before she saw a change in him. Nothing visible to the eye, definitely tangible in the air. As though he’d drawn in all that fury, roped it down deep. Back in complete control, he turned to eye her coolly. “Part of me is tempted to pack you and Cole up and take you home with me.”

  “What?” Her mouth fell open.

  “You heard.”

  “No. No way!” She moved her hand through the air in a slicing motion. “This is my home, I’m not leaving it because of some crank caller!”

  “You are my woman and I’m not leaving you here in potential danger unprotected.” His voice was calm. “That’s why you are going to do exactly as I tell you.”

  “Don’t you think you’re over-reacting?”

  Holy cow, she could swear his eyes flashed. She back-pedalled as he started forward, the kitchen counter behind her quickly stopping her retreat.

  His anger wasn’t betrayed by more than an icy look. Stopping before her, a dangerous current rode the edge of his tone. “Have you given any thought as to who this stalker might be?”

  “An idiot, of course. I’m not the first person to get idiot phone calls.”

  “How about someone from your past?”

  “My past?”

  “You blew the whistle on a shoddy health business that resulted in people out of work, registrations cancelled, connected businesses and charities affected by a sudden lack of income. This stalker, Shea, is not stable. He knows you, he’s hounding you, and he’s getting closer. This is very likely to be more than just harassment.”

  Dread slithered through her. “How do you know that?”

  “I just do. I’ve been in this security business a long time, my intuition about this is rarely wrong. You’re in potential danger, Shea, you and Cole. Your stalker is looking for more than just shaking you up. He’s out for revenge.”

  “Are you serious?” Her eyes widened, the dread inside her shifting to fear. “Cole! He’s at school and-”

  “Cole’s got a guard on him.”

  “A guard?”

  “I wasn’t going to tell you but the situation has changed with the further information you’ve revealed. One of my security team is tagging him. He’s got a GPS tracker on his pushbike, in his schoolbag and we’re locked onto his mobile. We’re tracking his every move by sight and technology. He’s safe.”

  “I don’t believe this.” The enormity of the situation swamped her. “You really think he’s in danger?”

  “Potential danger. Cole and you. Yes.”

  Her gaze dropped unseeingly to the floor between them. Fear surged through her, frustration that now, when things were going so well, her past would rise up and threaten everything. That the caller could be someone out for revenge. Why now? It had all been going so perfectly. So perfectly…

  Unbidden, tears flooded her eyes. “Goddamn it.” Her voice wobbled. “Goddamn it.” With the heel of one hand she dashed away a tear.


  “I’m fine.”

  It might have been more convincing if another tear hadn’t slipped free. Her vision blurred.

  She didn’t see Aaron move but within seconds strong arms surrounded her, drew her in against a muscular chest, his familiar scent of soap and clean male seeping comfortingly into her.

  Along with a whole lot of shame that had her holding herself stiffly rather than lean into him like she craved.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Aaron said reassuringly. “Or Cole.”

  “I’m such an idiot.”

  “An idiot for not coming to me with this earlier, yes. But you’re not the first to fail to see beyond what most people would think of as nuisance calls.”

  What could she say to that bit of truth? Not much, especially with a lump in her throat. All she could do was sniff.

  After a couple of seconds’ silence Aaron sighed. Giving her a tug that pulled her off-balance so she tumbled against his chest, he tightened his arms when she tried to push away.

  The security of his embrace, the firmness, was nice. Giving up on trying to hold aloof, Shea leaned into him.

  Aaron brushed a kiss on top of her head. “I’m sorry, honey. I’d never have ripped a client like I did you.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be comforting or not.”

  “My clients don’t mean the same to me as you do.” One big hand came up to cradle her nape, long fingers sliding into her hair to knead gently. “I tell them what the plan is. If they make a mistake, I deal with it. I point out the mistake, bring the situation under control, they listen. If they don’t then they’re on their own. I don’t lose my temper with them.” Another kiss to the top of her head. “You’re a whole other ball game.”

  Now she felt awful. “No, it’s me who should apologise.”

  He rested his chin atop her head, gently rubbed her back. “I just want you to come to me when problems arise, let me help. Problems like this that are potentially dangerous are my job. I’ll make sure you and Cole are safe, don’t doubt it.”

  “I don’t. I’d never doubt that you’re an expert in your job, that you’d take care of us. I just can’t believe I was so stupid that I never even thought it might be someone from the past.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll handle it.”

  She dabbed the dampness from her cheeks with her fingers. “Don’t even know why I’m crying. I should have just ripped you back.”

  “Don’t worry, you have backbone,” he replied with wry amusement. “Not many would have faced me down for as long as you did.”

  “Glad I pleased you.”

  He gave a small laugh.

  With a sigh, she linked her hands behind his hips. “The new business is going so well. I’m loving it, Cole is settled, we can be ourselves all the time. The thought that someone from that past debacle is trying to cause trouble just shook me a bit.”


  “That and the fact that my stupidity has put Cole in possible danger. I should have thought about it.”

  “Stop it. It’s done. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Maybe I can get the caller to meet-”

  His arms tightened a fraction. “Don’t even go there.”

  “It’d be ideal-”




  “So how are we going to find him?”

  “There is no ‘we’,” Aaron said firmly. When Shea looked up at him, his eyes narrowed. “No arguments. I will be putting a GPS tracker in your handbag and in your car, and you’re to carry your mobile at all times. I have a guard on you that you won’t ever notice.”

  “A guard?” She was astounded. “Are you serious?”

  “You had no problem with a guard being placed on Cole.”

  “He’s my baby brother, there’s a difference.”

  “You’re his big sister and my woman. You’re both under my protection.”

  Realising how dumb she sounded, first arguing with him then agreeing, then stating some obviously stupid comments, Shea dropped her forehead to rest against his shirt. “Geez, Aaron. How do you put up with me? I’m such a drongo sometimes.”

  “I love you just the way you are, argumentative and all.”

  “Lucky for me.”

  There was silence for a second before he said, “No. Lucky me.”

  She smiled faintly. “You’re so sweet.”

  “I’m not.” His voice was husky as he nuzzled her temple. “I love you, Shea. I love you just the way you are.”

  She froze before, stunned, she attempted to pull back, and this time he let her enough so that she could stare up at him. “What?”

  He regarded her steadily. “I love you.”

  Her eyes widened, her heart picking up pace. Okay, he’d hinted at this before but had never said it straight out. “You - you love me?”

  “You know I do.” Typical Aaron, direct and to the point.

  Even as her heart filled, she responded
honestly, “I guessed.”

  He looked at her.

  “You hinted at it.”

  He continued looking at her.

  She looked back searchingly. Calm face, quiet assurance, solid strength, intense gaze. A softer emotion within the pale eyes, tenderness in the way his hands now cradled her hips.

  “Why didn’t you tell me straight that night?”

  Calm gaze.

  “You could have said that night.”

  Unwavering gaze.

  “You could have mentioned it anytime from then.”

  Calm gaze.

  “We’ve been going out for awhile with this unspoken between us.”

  Unwavering gaze.

  “Dinners, family days with your mob, dates, even picking out stuff for the shop when you’re not working.”

  Calm gaze.

  “We’ve hung out at your place, you’ve hung out at our place with and without Cole.”

  Unwavering gaze.

  “We’ve been alone many times.”

  He wanted something, was waiting for something, was waiting for her to… Comprehension hit her. “Oh.” She blinked. “Oohhh.”

  If her heart swelled anymore with mutual emotion, it would surely burst. Coming up on tiptoe, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back enough to look him right in the eyes. “I love you, Aaron.”

  “Took you long enough,” he drawled, and kissed her right back.

  Only his kiss was a toe-curling, deep, drugging plunder of her mouth that left her heart pounding and her feminine secrets dampening while she gasped for air and hung onto him.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I was waiting for you to realise that what we have is so much more than boyfriend/girlfriend.”

  Happiness surged through her. “I pretty much knew the next day.”

  “Ah. Next day.”

  She smiled sheepishly.

  “After I told you.”

  “Hinted, Aaron, hinted.”

  Those firm lips quirked at the corners.

  She gave his backside a squeeze.

  A hot twinkle warmed his eyes.

  “But still, why did you wait so long without actually telling me?”

  “Because you have had so much happen I was determined not to push it, wanted you to come to your own realisation without me influencing you.”

  “That is so sweet and thoughtful. And, you know, possibly wasted some time.”

  “Is that so?” His hands slipped from her hips to her bottom, a big palm cupping each cheek to send slithers of heat through her. “And if you knew so quickly, why didn’t you say anything?”

  “About your hint?”

  Her bum cheeks were squeezed warningly.

  “If that’s meant to intimidate me, it’s having the opposite effect,” she purred.

  Laughter and heat combined filled his eyes. “Answer the question, Miss Winters.”

  “If you’d stop pawing my arse, Mr Wells, I might be able to formulate a sensible reply.”

  “You like me manhandling your derrière.”

  “It’s so sexy when you say it like that.”

  “Answer my question, Miss Winters, before I’m forced to interrogate you.”

  “Really?” she asked hopefully.

  That earned her a warning tap on her bum.

  “Oh yeah, do that again.”

  “Incorrigible.” He kissed her soundly then hugged her close.

  Arms around his neck, she snuggled into him, enjoying the warm strength of his body surrounding her. “Okay. I didn’t say anything when I realised I loved you, because even though you hinted that I was more than just a girlfriend, I kept wondering if I’d misread you. But I also knew that I was right, but I didn’t know what you were planning. You don’t give much away.” When he said nothing, she added, “I noticed you don’t argue that.”

  “No arguing with the truth.”

  She laughed.

  The phone ringing had them both looking around at it.

  Arm around her waist, Aaron walked her across to it. Once beside it, he gave her a nod. “If it’s the stalker, keep him talking as long as possible.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better to-” She stopped when he cut his eyes to her. Picking up the phone, she quickly said, “The Mystic Shop, Shea speaking.”

  “You’re there.”

  Her eyes locked onto Aaron’s. “Yes, I’m here.”

  Reaching out, he pressed something on the phone.

  “I’m getting closer.” The voice came out of a small speaker she suddenly noticed was attached to the phone.

  Shea watched Aaron take his mobile from his pocket and swipe it on. “Why do you want to see me?”

  “Surprise, surprise.”

  “Surprise what?”

  Aaron was doing something on the mobile. He gave her a brief nod along with a ‘go on’ gesture.

  “You’ll see.”

  Suspecting the caller was going to hang up, Shea hastily sought a way to keep him on the phone. “It won’t be a surprise if I’m not here.”

  There was silence for a few seconds, then, “You’re going away?”


  “That is unexpected.”

  Aaron swiped the mobile screen, started thumbing something into it.

  “Maybe I don’t want to be here when you come.”

  “I feel so unwelcome.” There was menace in the caller’s voice. “You don’t want me to feel unwelcome, do you, Shea?”

  For the first time he said her name.

  Aaron caught her startled look, gave her another nod of reassurance.

  She swallowed, surprised to find her hand was shaking a little. “You know my name.”

  “I know all about you, Shea Winters.”

  “Hardly seems fair that you know me but I don’t know you.”

  “Forgotten me already? I’m so disappointed in you.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Aaron was still texting with lightning speed, yet his stance and expression were both calm and efficient. Having him standing before her was hugely comforting, especially knowing that this caller was no ordinary nuisance caller.

  “You have me at a disadvantage,” she said.

  “You have no idea.” The tone had turned ugly.

  “So where do I know you from?”

  “You’re very chatty, Shea.”

  “Maybe I’m just tired of you hanging up on me, and me hanging up on you.”

  More silence, some heavy breathing as though whoever was on the other end of the phone was dragging in angry breaths.


  There was a click and the dial tone hummed.

  Shea looked from the phone to Aaron reading something on the mobile. “Can I hang up?”

  Not looking up, he wordlessly took the phone from her, hooked it back on the wall, slid an arm around her waist and drew her in against him.

  Heart beating unsteadily, she was grateful to lean against his solid strength as he continued to flick the screen with his thumb before finally switching the mobile off and sliding it into his pocket.

  He dropped a kiss on top of her head. “You did good.”



  “Did you tap my phone?”

  “Not going to lie to you.”

  “I don’t like this.”


  “Okay. Do we ring the police?”

  “I have contacts there. They’re getting my message now.”

  “What will they do?”

  “Check your phone records, investigate.”

  “So why don’t you leave it up to them?”

  Aaron arched an eyebrow.

  “Dumb question, right?”

  “They investigate their way, I investigate my way.”

  “Because you have secret weapons.”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners.

  “So why are we telling the police in the first place?”

  “Because i
t’s a good thing to legally report harassment for future reference.”


  “Especially in light of what happened back in NSW.”

  “Okay.” She looked at the phone. “You’re tracing the calls, aren’t you?”



  “And I need to go back and make some calls.” He kissed her brow. “I won’t let anyone hurt you or Cole, all right?”

  “I trust you.”

  “Good to know.”


  Entering his building, Aaron noted the car parked opposite Shea’s place. Inside, apparently reading the newspaper propped against the steering wheel, was one of his security team dressed in plain clothes. Just an average man reading the newspaper, apparently waiting for someone. Kennedy glanced over at him, back to the newspaper.

  Raymond’s expression was grave. “Anything I can do?”

  “Just do what you do.”

  He nodded.

  Peeling away from his desk, Ryan followed Aaron into his office.

  Aaron stopped in the doorway. On his desk doing his Sphinx pose was Ginger. His eyes were half closed, his appearance aloof. In the last few weeks he’d taken to sporadically visiting Wells Security. Someone had even put a bowl of water and some cat biscuits in the tea room for him. In fact, someone had to let him in and Aaron had his suspicions it was Raymond. Or maybe Marietta. Possibly Ben. He wasn’t sure who but didn’t really mind. The cat had character, and unlike Red or Carrot wouldn’t destroy his office.

  “I think he’s getting a thing for your office,” Ryan commented.

  “I doubt Shea even knows he’s missing yet.” Aaron called over his shoulder, “Raymond, let Shea know Ginger is here, I’ll bring him back later.”

  “No worries.”

  Rather than go to the desk, Aaron sat down in one of the two old brown armchairs in the corner of the room. Leaning back, he crossed one ankle over the opposite knee, rested one forearm on an armrest, his elbow on the other, rested his loosely curled hand against his mouth with his thumb under his jaw in what Luke called his ‘freaky secret thoughts’ pose.

  Silently, Ryan leaned back against the wall, arms folded over his chest, ankles crossed.

  Alone with his friend, Aaron allowed his anger to boil forth, his hand curling into a tight fist. Some bastard was stalking his Shea, the threat to her and her brother evident, so very bloody clear in the tone and words.


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