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Wanderers in the Dark : Part 1

Page 4

by Carlos Vergara

  ‘Have you not apprehended him?’

  ‘Mark and Luther are trying. But his capabilities far exceeded our expectations. He’s not making it easy.’

  ‘I see. Are they carrying a bomb with him?’

  ‘Not sure yet. But he is carrying a black bag, which I suspect is holding one. Have your people ready by the nearest potholes above the passage. Have them set their weapons for stun. We’re going to make him come out.’


  Mark and Luther manoeuvred around the man to trap him between them and Evelyn. They landed blows with little effect. The two detectives attempted a quick takedown, but the man launched punches to both. They blocked the attack, but the immense force of the punches sent them sliding back a few meters.

  This gave the man enough time to execute his escape plan. He threw a grenade toward the ceiling which connected with the metal pipelines that ran along the wall.

  ‘Watch out!’ Mark shouted.

  A second later, the grenade detonated, blasting a large hole in the ceiling. The man leaped through the ceiling and disappeared.

  ‘What the hell?’ Mark said. ‘The guy just literally jumped 10 meters in the air like he was hopping on stairs.’

  ‘Never mind what he did,’ Evelyn said as she passed him. ‘Focus on catching him.’ She ascended the ladder quickly.

  Mark scoffed. ‘That’s looking to be a tougher task to do, you know.’

  When Evelyn made it back to the surface, she found officers and civilians injured from the detonation. ‘Martha, we’re going to need EMTs here. We have multiple casualties, including your own.’

  Mark and Luther joined Evelyn on the surface.

  ‘EMTs are nearby,’ Martha said. ‘They’ll be there within the minute.’

  Evelyn turned her attention to the sound of shots fired. The area was in a state of frenzy. People were running and screaming from the explosion, making impossible for her to pursue the man through the crowd. She pushed through and caught sight of him pulling a biker from their hoverbike before powering away. She did the same to a nearby civilian in a car, without identifying herself or explaining the need for it.

  The transition from foot to car chase made things worse for Evelyn and colleagues, as they now had to concern themselves with bystanders and drivers.

  The three detectives swerved through traffic while shortening the distance between them and the man. However, he slammed the accelerator, propelling him at ever faster speeds whenever they got close.

  Evelyn struggled to close the distance between her and the suspect, as he took off. She had no idea where the man was going or what he was going to do.

  The chase moved onto one of the highways leading toward the city centre.

  ‘Evelyn…’ Martha said.

  ‘I know,’ she replied.

  ‘If this guy has a bomb with him,’ Mark said, removing his mask, ‘he could do serious––’ He swerved between lanes, as Luther in the passenger seat, frowned at Mark’s driving. ‘damage to us.’

  ‘Nothing will happen. We just need you, Martha, to barricade the road ahead on Ocal Ring.’

  ‘Got it,’ Martha said.

  Evelyn slammed the pedal, clocking speeds well beyond the speed limit. She sped after the man, coming within shooting distance. She aimed her pistol.

  ‘Evelyn,’ Mark said, ‘we might have open space around us, but there are still people on this road and on the next.’

  ‘I’m aware.’

  ‘Okay, just letting you know that I’m not worried about you missing your shots. I’m worried about him open firing on the people to keep us away.’

  The man noticed Evelyn catching up. He aimed his weapon at her vehicle and barraged it with shots.

  Evelyn drove between lanes, hiding below the dashboard to avoid being hit, though it didn’t help. The attack took a toll on the vehicle, causing smoke to rise from the engine after multiple shots struck the engine.

  ‘Any more shots and your car will explode, Evelyn,’ Mark said.

  Mark positioned the car close enough to the man for Luther to shoot and divert the attention from Evelyn. The man noticed the two detectives approaching, and he hit the brake, resulting in the two cars passing him before he hit the accelerator again. The reversal of roles resulted in the detective being pursued and the man firing at them.

  ‘Dang it!’ Mark admonished.

  Luther stuck his body through the window, sat on the frame, firing at the man. Several of his shots hit the suspect on the chest but didn’t faze him. His body jerked as the shots hit him, but he didn’t shout or wince in pain.

  What are you? Evelyn noticed and stayed within striking distance of the man, confining him to two lanes.

  Mark stared at his side mirror to get an idea on where the man was positioned, but the mirror was blasted into pieces, and the engine was shot, causing them to plummet into the jersey barrier. ‘You son of a––’

  Evelyn could tell the vehicle, Mark and Luther were in, was no longer functional. She hid for cover again, swerving away as the man drove past, firing his weapon at her.

  ‘Sorry, Evelyn, but you’re on your own,’ Mark said. ‘There’s nothing we can do this moment with the car totalled.’

  Evelyn could see law enforcement completely barricading the road ahead. She knew there were caltrops on the ground. She looked at the man, but his path didn’t diverge from the highway.

  What are you doing?

  The man reloaded his weapon. This time he fired grenades at the caltrops and officers ahead. The barricade was taken apart, giving him room to pass through.

  ‘Evelyn, you have to stop him!’ Martha shouted.

  As she city got closer, Evelyn considered her options quickly in the seconds that remained. She slammed the accelerator, taking position in front of the man. She glanced at the rear-view mirror and could see him.

  Hopefully this might work.

  She hit the brake and swerved the car to face the man. Just as the man drove by, she pressed the passenger door to open, which swung out into the bike. The man collided into the door, taking it with him.

  After a moment, the detective peek out of the doorless gap to find the man lying on the road with his body, bag, and bike in different places.

  She exited the car and approached to the man, who was slowly dragging himself to his bag. She grabbed it and searched inside. Her suspicions were correct. There was a bomb, but it wasn’t set to detonate yet.

  ‘Who are you?’ she asked, kneeling beside him.

  The man smirked but didn’t answer.

  ‘Who are you?’ she asked again, firmly.

  ‘One of the many vessels employed to carry out my task,’ the man said. He had an unrecognisable accent.

  ‘What task?’

  The man remained quiet.

  ‘What task?’

  ‘This was fun, detective. I look forward to our next encounter.’ The man kept his eyes fixed on Evelyn.

  ‘What do you––’

  Her question was cut short when she saw his face cracking away, as if his very skin was falling into tiny pieces like sand. Within seconds his entire body was gone, with a pile of sand-like substance lying on the ground and inside the body suit.

  What… is this?

  She stared at the remains of the man in confusion. She fiddled through the remains and found a small circular object near the collar. It had tiny sharp edges around the device with a sapphire light in the middle.

  Mark and Luther soon arrived in another car. They exited and approached Evelyn, while she held some of the substance in her hand.

  ‘Evelyn, what happened?’ Mark asked. ‘Where’s the guy?’

  ‘You’re looking at him,’ she answered as she let the sand-like substance fall through her fingers.


  WHILE IN BED, Alyssa wondered whether she’d been accepted into the Space Academy. She pondered her chances, but her mind kept going back to the attack at the university, hoping those who were th
ere were okay.

  She got out of bed to go the bathroom. She washed her face to cool herself down, and as the water streamed along her cheek, she stared at her body. Curious, she pulled her shirt up to see if the injuries received from the explosion were still there. They weren’t. To her it was normal, though when she compared her recovery time with others, she always found there was a big difference. She never understood why, much like her physical abilities.

  She returned to bed, tucking herself under the sheets and did a quick search on her hologram tablet about the attack, finding several articles and reports about the detective in charge of the investigation, along with the recent pursuit of the bombing suspect.

  She put different articles in the air, skimming through them before her phone rang. She ignored it, until she couldn’t any longer.

  Eikichi, you changed my phone settings, didn’t you?

  It was common for Eikichi to play tricks and orchestrate surprise pranks on her, which she’d grown used to over the years living with him.

  Alyssa answered the call. It was Eikichi.

  ‘Hey, slug-bug, guess what?’


  ‘I got accepted into the space program.’

  ‘Really? You passed?’ she asked calmly, yet excited.

  ‘Yeah – just check the results, first. It was sent into POSIT account.’

  ‘You sound surprised.’

  ‘I am.’ She opened a page of her POSIT account in the air. ‘I thought nothing would happen after the attack.’

  ‘So did I, but I guess everything will continue as planned. It seems the academy is scheduling another exam.’

  ‘Another exam? That’s interesting. Janice isn’t going to enjoy that.’

  ‘You still thinking of going through with it?’

  ‘Aren’t you?’

  ‘After what happened, I don’t think I can.’

  She found the email and opened it.

  Dear Alyssa,

  We want to preface by apologising for any unfortunate consequences that might have befallen you or someone you know, due to the tragic incident which took place during the entrance exam. We hope the event does not deter you from maintaining your application with us.

  We want to congratulate you on your results in both the physical and written exams. As you would have expected, this would have guaranteed a position for you in the Academy, had we received the expected number of applicants for the entrance exam.

  However, the number of applicants who participate exceeded our expectations. Therefore, another test will be arranged and from there, a definitive answer will be made to your pending application with the Academy. Be ready to expect further information.

  Kind regards,

  Talent Recruiter

  ‘Judging by the silence, I’m assuming you found the e-mail.’

  ‘I did.’

  ‘So, what do you think?’

  ‘I’m a little surprised… but it makes sense why this is happening. I suspect the next test will be harder, and stricter compared to the first one.’


  ‘Are you going to continue with this?’

  He sighed. ‘Depends on you. I don’t like leaving you on your own, and now with this – planning to travel outside of Earth.’

  ‘You know I can look after myself.’

  ‘I know, but family stays together. Or at least close to one another.’

  Alyssa smiled.

  ‘I will be there. I just hope they give us time to prepare for the next test. I have a feeling it’s going to be another physical one instead of a quiz.’

  ‘Hopefully, we do.’

  ‘Anyway, gotta now. I’ll see you soon.’

  ‘See you soon.’

  The call ended.

  Alyssa was left to her thoughts. The e-mail didn’t dampen her spirit. If anything, it did the opposite. She was determined. She wanted to get into the academy. The next test was just an obstacle she had to overcome, and with her performance on the first exam, she had confidence in her ability to make her goal a reality.

  I can do this...

  Later, she received calls from the people she met at the entrance exam. All of them were surprised and excited about another test. Although, Janice wasn’t overly fond of the idea of her application on another test.

  ‘So much for doing that test, aye?’ Janice said.

  ‘Oh, come now, you know love them,’ Ali said.

  ‘Ha… ha...’

  Ali chuckled.

  ‘Everything will be alright, Janice. You’ll see,’ Clara said.

  The day passed into the night with the clock striking seven.

  Alyssa knew Eikichi had finished with work and was on his way home, so she prepared dinner. When she finished, Eikichi arrived. They dined together, chatting about the space academy until bedtime.

  The following day, they received an e-mail, outlining the test. It was a 10km obstacle course set outside the city and scheduled to happen in three week’s time, although there weren’t any pictures of the course.

  This might be tricky.

  A few days after receiving the email for the second entrance exam, Alyssa and Eikichi went to the nearest park. They walked along the footpath centred between wide grass areas beside apartment buildings. There were kids playing with their family, people exercising, and others sitting or resting on the grass.

  The pair found an equipment area and worked hard on calisthenics exercises, sprints, and long-distance running. Their peers accompanied them, and Alyssa noticed everyone was improving quickly. Day by day, they committed themselves to their training.

  Soon, the day of the test arrived.

  Everyone was taken away to an enormous tunnel which was closer to the surface and stretched way inward with lights running along the ceiling inside. On the ground were large dried tracks of machinery, and many foot tracks heading in all different directions.

  ‘Talk about having large tunnels on Earth’ Janice said, surprised. ‘This is nuts.’

  ‘This is one of the excavate sites for soil,’ Ali said. ‘The area must have been cleared for the academy to use for the exam while other places are examined.’

  Alyssa accompanied everyone as they journeyed toward the entrance where the obstacle course would start.

  ‘Okay, before the test begins,’ an examiner said. ‘The Space Program only has three thousand positions available. If a participant fails to complete the circuit within the time limit, their application will be rejected. In addition to the exam, you’ll be required to carry a twenty-kilo vest throughout the course. Failure to reach the end without it, will result in your application being rejected as well.’

  ‘Damn, this is going to be tough,’ Eikichi said.

  The group watched the participants attempting the obstacle course. It was clear that it would be far more difficult to complete than the first physical exam. Many participants crashed out three-quarters of the way, while others failed to reach the halfway mark. It was discouraging for the those waiting their turn.

  Alyssa noticed the area was filled with security patrolling the entire area. Each security officer was heavily protected in an armoured suit, firmly grasping their assault rifle against their abdominal region.

  ‘Security is tighter this time around,’ Alyssa said.

  ‘It has to be,’ Ali said, surveying the area himself. ‘They can’t afford to have another attack made against us. If there was, I don’t believe officials of the Space Academy would be able to gather enough funding to set up another test – let alone – convince the government to allow them to continue with the academy, so everything is hinging on the success of this exam going without incident.’

  ‘Let’s hope that’s the case today.’

  ‘Yes, I don’t want to be a victim of another attack.’

  ‘Agreed. How did your father take it when you told him about the entrance exam?’

  ‘I haven’t told him.’

  ‘Will you tell him?’

sp; ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘At some point, there will have to be a discussion. What are you going to do if you get accepted in the program? That’s something you can’t hide.’

  ‘I’ll think of something if it happens.’

  Alyssa remained quiet. She hoped everything went okay for Ali and his situation.

  By the time she and the group were chosen next to complete the test, roughly a thousand participants had already attempted the obstacle course. Only thirty-seven participants succeeded in making it to the finish line.

  Alyssa put her vest on and immediately felt its weight.

  This... should be alright.

  The group assembled at the start line.

  ‘Alright, guys, this is it. Everything we’ve done was for this moment. I’ll see you on the other side.’ Janice said.

  ‘Feeling confident, are we?’ Ali asked.

  ‘Just keep faking it. Tip from my momma.’

  ‘Smart woman.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Janice, you’ll be fine. We’ll all be. We prepared for this like you said, remember?’ Clara said.

  The man to the right fired the starting pistol, and those in front of the group bolted into the cave like a pack of hyenas converging on the prey, as they sprinted to the first obstacle––the Frame Cargo, which was a tall rectangular post covered by a thick net, which the participants had to climb over.

  Alyssa scaled the vertically suspended net before pulling herself to the top, then descended with one hand, proceeding to the next obstacle––seven rows of long logs, which she was required to jump over. Alyssa breezed through the obstacle and went onto the next.

  The challenges ahead were physically demanding and used by the army for recruiting new members.

  For the most part Alyssa noticed everyone in the group was sticking together. Even Ali was keeping up with them. The course led them further inside the tunnel where everyone trudged through mud under barbed wire before having to carry a large bucket to another site and fill it with rocks, and bring it back to show examiners and then return it without dropping the bucket or any rock.

  The last obstacle was another run which was turning out to be longer than the first one.


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