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Wanderers in the Dark : Part 1

Page 12

by Carlos Vergara

  The Dean kept quiet the entire time before asking, ‘Can you describe to me what you saw?’

  Alyssa gave her description of the creature, describing body type, complexion, physicality, along with its capabilities like its inhumane speed and strength, and how the temperature had dropped drastically, covering the floor with ice.

  The Dean didn’t seem amazed by its capabilities, but instead, his expression tensed.

  ‘Okay. The second question is: do you have any reason as to why it might have decided to attack you?’

  ‘No, sir. None.’

  ‘You haven’t had an encounter with it prior to today’s meeting?’

  ‘No, sir. That’s what’s I find odd. I’ve had no interest in it ever since it started popping up… well, not until now.’

  He exhaled. ‘I see. Well, clearly it had an interest in you, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened.’

  ‘It’s possible, though it’s too early to say.’


  ‘Do you have any idea what it might be, sir?’

  ‘No, I don’t. All I know is what I saw from the surveillance footage and what you told me. What I can say is that the creature was adamant about doing significant harm towards you. For what reason, I don’t know. Will it come again? Possibly. However, for now, I’m just relieved to know you survived and you’re doing okay. I don’t want to lose anyone under my watch while everyone is in the early stages of their training. I don’t want to lose anyone at all, regardless of where they at. Your safety, along with every other student here is paramount in every decision I make.’

  ‘That’s comforting to hear, sir.’

  ‘Well, it’s the truth. I may not have quality time with every one of the students, but I do my best to meet the wishes of everyone here.’

  There was a pause.

  ‘Now, there is one thing I require from you.’


  ‘You need to keep quiet about this.’

  Alyssa was taken aback. ‘Might I ask why?’

  ‘It’s simple. I don’t want to cause a panic. If word broke out about today’s incident concerning a student being attacked by this very thing, there’ll be students who want to leave the academy which could raise eyebrows of people outside of the academy.’

  ‘Is that why the alarm wasn’t sounded when the creature appeared?’

  The Dean nodded. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Won’t you tell the students though? They have a right to know.’

  ‘They will. An announcement will be made so that they are aware of it, but in the meantime, I need you to stay quiet about this. I understand you’ll arouse curiosity from students when they see you, however I need you to be quiet, okay?’

  Alyssa paused to think. ‘Can I tell my friends about this?’

  ‘Of course, but not now. But let the announcement be made first, okay?’

  ‘Okay.’ Alyssa hoped she wouldn’t have to wait long to discuss her encounter with the creature.

  ‘Good.’ He stood up and looked at Alyssa kindly. ‘I’m glad you’re okay, Alyssa. Get some rest. I hope you feel better tomorrow.’

  ‘Thank you, sir.’

  With that, Mr. Atkinson left her. the next returned inside to continue treating her injuries for another thirty minutes

  Once everything was checked and treated, Alyssa was permitted to leave the infirmary. Before she left, she recalled that Clara visited the infirmary and she wanted to see if Clara was still in here. She searched the floor and found her friend sleeping.

  To her surprise, Yannick was also there, and asleep. She watched them from afar, not wanting to wake them.

  What’s going on here?

  A nurse walked passed to check on Clara before checking the other patients lying in their beds in the same room.

  Alyssa approached the nurse to see if Clara was okay. The nurse mentioned that she was in better state now than she was when she came in.

  ‘She’ll be well soon,’ the nurse said. ‘She’s in good company.’

  ‘Is it serious?’

  ‘No, not at all.’

  Alyssa was happy to hear that Clara was okay.

  She was escorted back to her room by to two patrolling officers. While on her way back, she noticed security had tightened throughout the premises, both inside and outside the area.

  There were security officers everywhere she looked, though their presence didn’t bring comfort to her, as she was aware of the fact the creature was able to slip inside the academy without anyone noticing.

  When she arrived at her building, it appeared as if no one had been alerted to what had occurred. There were some who peered at her as she ascended the levels to her room, looking as if they were wondering why she had injuries and why she was being escorted by patrol officers.

  ‘I can walk on my own from here,’ Alyssa said.

  Once in her room, she sat on her bed, gazing at her injuries. She thought about sharing her encounter with Eikichi, but she disregarded the idea when she checked the time: 11:27 PM.

  He’s probably asleep by now.

  She laid her head against the pillow, letting her fatigue set in. Her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she was asleep.


  WITH ONLY A week left till the supply ship departed for its trip to the Space Academy, Evelyn contemplated her course of action. After her failed operation, she knew her next unplanned operation had to work. The message from the suspect was well imprinted in her mind. Whatever she did to keep herself busy, her mind would find its way back to her last encounter with the culprit.

  News of the failed operation had reached every employee at Interpol Headquarters, which concerned many because they were indirectly in a position of futility. They realised they had no strategy in place to retaliate against the culprit who has done well to keep hidden while they made commands and toyed with the best detectives at Interpol.

  Evelyn didn’t mind that her colleagues were aware of the result, so long as it didn’t reach any broadcast network, reporter, or the one person she dreaded to speak with every time there was a scheduled meeting, particularly when it concerned her actions exercised in her work––her boss. She knew her boss would eventually find out and request her for a meeting, which eventually happened. The day after the operation, Cecille called her on the office phone and the pair had a lengthy conversation discussing her performance and the activity occurring at Headquarters.

  Evelyn recounted the events that transpired during the investigation, starting with the bombing at Ascent University, followed by the second encounter on the highway, and then the recent operation. When she finished her story, she listened to his disappointment, something she hated hearing because it was the manner in which he conveyed his disappointment.

  He never berated her or raised his voice at. He would sigh and express his disappointment in such a contemptuous tone, expressing his expectations of her in a way that it made her feel worthless and want to leave the room immediately. Sometimes, the effect was far worse, but she tolerated it because she respected him.

  Despite her many meetings with him, she listened because she wanted to learn and improve herself. Cecille was one of the most intelligent and respected people in the field, so she took everything she could from him as constructive criticism regardless of how he made her feel.

  ‘By the way,’ Cecille said. His voice was calm. ‘The Council is aware of your failures, including your recent operation.’

  Evelyn remained quiet.

  ‘They have asked for a full coverage on the events that transpired. I expect a report from you, regularly, which I’ll review before sending it to them. I can’t afford you to make any more mistakes, as humiliating as this is already.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’

  ‘I trust you handle this matter quickly and quietly like a professional. Little as they are, my expectations are to do exactly that. I expect result, not disappointment.’

  Evelyn could feel the weight of her shoulders
increase and a lump in her throat, as she didn’t expect the Council to be aware of the situation.

  Before the meeting ended, he advised her not to fail with her next operation because should another operation fail under her management, the investigation would be handed over to another officer while her position would be posted elsewhere, something she didn’t want.

  When the call was over, Evelyn sat in her chair and looked around aimlessly.

  What now? If the Council knows of this, this places an immense of scrutiny on us.

  She glanced at the image Heidi sent.

  I need to find out who this person is, but how?

  The detective sighed, looking blankly into space, wondering where she could go from here. She remained seated for another fifteen minutes, and then came up with an idea on her next course of action. She knew it was a ridiculous idea, however, her options were limited, except for one. One that would instantly get her suspended from her job.

  After some research on several key factors that she needed, she sent a text to Mark and Luther to meet her at their rendezvous point––a hidden place only known to them where they could talk and have no one eavesdrop on them.

  She left the building and drove away from the city toward the last ring––Quin Ring. The drive took her to apartment buildings, parking in front of one before entering. She descended in an elevator and stopped on a quiet floor underground, where there was zero sound coming from neighbouring apartments.

  She strolled through the corridor, stopped in front of a door and could hear someone sneezing. It was Mark. With a quick tap of her keypass over the sensor, the door slid aside, where she found Luther sitting at a coffee table beside two emptied foldable chairs.

  ‘Sssshhhiiittttt!’ Mark admonished, while he continued to sneeze in the toilet.

  ‘You’ll have to give him a moment,’ Luther said. ‘He’s been at it for a while.’

  ‘Is he okay?’ she asked.

  ‘He should be.’

  Evelyn casted a concerned look toward the toilet door.

  The apartment was spacious and filled with the necessities and nothing else. One of the living room walls had several monitor screens online, using the CCTV surveillance feed running through the city.

  Meetings happening here were a rare occurrence, and only when they had options available to work with.

  They waited five minutes, listening to Mark sneeze until he went silent.

  Later, Mark arrived with a red nose. ‘I’m sorry about that,’ he said, joining them. ‘I just can’t control it when that comes over me.’

  ‘It’s alright,’ she said.

  Evelyn sat opposite her colleagues, lit a cigarette, and smoked a bit.

  ‘Well, Evelyn, what happens now?’ Mark asked.

  She paused before responding. ‘We’re going to blow up the ship,’

  Mark’s eyes widened in shock, while Luther held his gaze on Evelyn.

  Evelyn couldn’t tell if Luther reacted the same way because his tinted glasses covered his eyes.

  Mark spoke, ‘Evelyn, you c––’

  ‘Before you make your remarks, just listen to what I have to say first. There are some things you need to be aware of now.’

  Mark went quiet.

  ‘I just finished having a meeting with Cecille, which was possibly the most uncomfortable one I’ve had yet.’ She blew out smoke. ‘He’s informed me that the Council have been made aware of our recent operation. He’s requested full coverage and demanded reports on our efforts from here on out, which places immense pressure and scrutiny on us from eyes above, a position I never intended for us to be in, and for that I apologise.’

  Evelyn paused before continuing. ‘I understand that this plan will bring us more problems than solutions since we’re not the only ones who are going to be affected by it, when it happens, which is why I propose we do it with nothing on board.’

  ‘A ruse?’ Luther said.

  Evelyn nodded.

  ‘But how do we do that?’ Mark asked. ‘From what I can tell, this person possibly has the capabilities to find out exactly what we’re doing. They’ll know if there’s something out of the ordinary with the ship.’

  ‘We don’t know that for certain.’

  ‘No, we don’t. But, we can’t afford wasting any time on what’s certain and what’s not. Everything we’ve done to this point has been based on hypotheticals and mere hunches. We must take into consideration that this person, whoever they are, is highly intelligent and able to make things happen. And I don’t want to take any chances against someone like that.’

  ‘None of us do, which is why we’re going to do it on the day.’

  ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘There won’t be enough time,’ Luther said, ‘to make all the necessary arrangements for this ruse, sir.’

  ‘I’m aware of that,’ Evelyn said. ‘However, I believe by doing this we might have a chance to in catching this person.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’ Mark asked.

  ‘Because I believe this person is going to be there.’

  Mark frowned. ‘You’re expecting this person, who has been very much in the dark, will be watching the explosion from a close distance rather than monitoring us through surveillance?’


  ‘That there, that there is a big hunch, Evelyn.’

  ‘Why do you suspect this person is going to be there?’ Luther asked.

  ‘I believe this person will want to see this through personally, while proving that they’re in control. I’m getting the idea that this person is getting a thrill out of this.’

  ‘Okay,’ Mark said, holding his index finger up. ‘I have a question. What if – and this is just a what if – they’re not there, and are actually watching us through the surveillance feed miles away on a desktop screen? How are we going to fool them? You can’t just try and fake an explosion.’

  ‘We won’t have to, but there’s going to be an explosion. There’s no other way around it.’

  ‘So, what are you suggesting?’

  ‘If you recall, there were several trips made between Earth and Mars during the development of the academy. Many of those trips involved ships carrying materials, equipment, and supplies.’ She glanced at Mark. ‘Those trips were recorded, which included everything that happened on those days.’

  ‘And you want to play old recordings for the whole time this is happening?’

  ‘Yes, but we’ll have to start playing old footage a day or two prior to the actual day.’

  ‘Don’t you think this person will noticed the change? Like for example, if they’re watching right now, and we go to the army base and alter the surveillance footage, they’ll see it and they’ll do something about it. We can’t risk that.’

  ‘Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of minimising risk. The stakes are high as it is. This is what we have to do. If they notice a change, they’ll have no choice but to come.’

  ‘They might not have to. They could simply just give you a call and demand you to reverse the changes, and threaten you with Martha, if you decide not to do it.’

  ‘I’m aware of that. But I doubt that’ll happen.’


  ‘Because of what I said before. I believe this person is going to be there when this all happens.’

  ‘Sir,’ Luther said. ‘Why bother setting up the ship for detonation, then?’

  ‘If the person is there, they’ll have to see things are going according to their plan. Otherwise, this ruse won’t work.’

  ‘Look,’ Mark said, ‘even if you want to do this, how are you going to do it? You’ll need to get permission from the General, and that’s going to take quite a bit of convincing. I take that back, it’s going to take a whole lot of convincing. Plus, the Council is going to find out, and I certainly don’t want to be paid a visit by any of them.’

  ‘I know. I’m going to take my case and present it to the General. I’m hoping he’ll give us a chance. As for th
e Council is concern, should the worse come about with this operation, I’ll bear the responsibility.’

  ‘And if the General doesn’t allow?’

  Evelyn paused. ‘Then we’ll have to blow up the ship.’

  The two men glanced at each other. With everything explained, the detectives kept quiet as they felt the immense pressure weighing upon with this operation.

  Evelyn kept smoking her cigarette in silence and glanced at her colleagues.

  Mark had his hands on his head while he stared directly at the table. Out of the three of them, he looked like he was the most affected, while Luther was calm, appearing unaffected by the plan.

  Mark sighed before responding. ‘Okay, look. I’m all for supporting you, Evelyn. But I want it on record that I don’t like this idea. This is too high risk. If the culprit happens to notice a slight change with the recordings, or if they see something out of place, or if we happen to screw up just once on anything we do from here on out, this operation is over.’

  ‘I understand.’ Evelyn said. ‘So, are you with me?’

  There was a pause.

  ‘I am, sir.’ Luther answered.

  Mark smirked. ‘I’m all for supporting you, Evelyn… always will be.’

  Evelyn was comforted by their agreement to help.

  ‘Oh, god,’ Mark said. ‘just imagine the look of Cecille’s face if he heard about this plan of yours. It’ll probably be the first time we get a chance to see him angry.’

  ‘I rather not think about that,’ Evelyn said.


  THE FOLLOWING MORNING on Mars, Alyssa commenced her day as usual––take a shower, have breakfast, make conversation, and go to class––all the while keeping quiet about her encounter with the apparition the previous night.

  As she occupied herself with her own business, she noticed students walking past, looking at her scars on her face. Some approached her to ask her what had happened, though she never gave them the truth. Her replies were always the same––a fabricated story which she’d worked on before leaving her room to start the day.

  The reaction from her the group was no different from the others. They were curious, bothered, and upset by what they saw. They constantly asked her questions about what happened to her face, but she didn’t give them answers.


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