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Lovehoney Erotic Fiction: Take Your Partner and Other Tales of Seduction

Page 7

by Neneh Gordon

  His face dropped. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No, not at all.” I ran my tongue over my lips and gums, my mouth suddenly dry. “I want my promise now.”

  “You do?”

  I leaned into him, pressed my breasts against his chest. “Yeah, spank me, fuck me, do whatever the hell you want with me.”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” he said hoarsely before capturing my mouth in a heated kiss.

  Next thing I knew I was on my back, Jake’s weight over me and his cock nudging at my entrance.

  “God, you’re wet already,” he groaned, slipping his cock into my pussy.

  “I want you,” I said, reaching down and gripping his buttocks. They were solid orbs of muscle, tense and primed for action. “So much.”

  He forged in, releasing a long, guttural groan as he did so. I gasped and revelled in the erotic nip of pain at being stretched and invaded so quickly. It felt heavenly, and somewhere in the recess of my mind I wondered if this was the type of sensual pain a spank would bring. Hot and dark, sharp and searing and enough to make me scrunch my toes up tight.

  “Ah, yeah,” he said as he balls nestled up against my ass. “So fucking good. Are you ready for it?”

  “Yes, yes.” My clit was crying out for movement. For him to do that thing with his hips he was so damn good at and that never failed to take me on a wild ride to orgasm.

  “You must tell me to stop if you don’t like it.”

  “Oh, I like it.” I wound my legs around the backs of his. “Fuck, I like it, Jake.”

  Suddenly he pulled out, untangled his limbs from mine and sat back on the bed. I stared up at him, the loss of his body heat acute, the absence of his cock in my pussy a shock. “Jake?”

  He looked so damned sexy, sitting there with his erect cock shiny from my juice. His shoulders all broad and tanned, his chest shadowed from the one dim lamp in the room. But his eyes. They held an almost feral glint.

  “Turn over,” he said, then tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth. He took hold of his cock and lazily worked his hand up to the tip and back down again. “Come on, Cassie, turn over and let me spank your sweet ass.”

  I gulped and did as he’d asked. Flattened my cheek on the pillow and was aware of how vulnerable my buttocks were.

  “Up, like this.” He scooped his arm beneath my waist and hoisted me on to my hands and knees.

  “You ever done this before?” I asked, staring at my breasts, which jostled slightly as Jake moved to the end of the bed.



  So how the hell will he know how hard to spank me?

  “You’re going to have to trust me, okay?” he said.

  I hesitated. “Okay.”

  He palmed my ass, smoothing over the soft globes of delicate flesh. Palming and massaging, stroking the cleft and round to my hipbones. His breaths were noisy in the quiet room and it thrilled me to know that he was so excited, so turned on by what he was doing, what I was going to let him do.

  “I admire your bum whenever your back is turned,” he said, kissing the hollow of my spine. “I want to kiss it.” He sent kisses lower, each one a hot spark of pleasure. “I want to fondle it, and I want to do this.”

  I felt the rush of air before the connection. Then everything went white hot, his palm sending razor-sharp pinches of pain shooting over my buttocks.

  “Ah, fuck,” I cried.

  “Shh, shh,” he said into my ear as he flattened his hand over the pain, as though trying to rub it out. “Go with it, find the pleasure.”

  Another smack.

  “Fuck,” I shouted again. Instinct told me to writhe away and I shuffled frantically up the bed.

  “No, Cassie, please, a little more.” He held me firm over my hips, and just when I was about to object his cock was at my pussy.

  “Oh, yes,” I murmured as he slid in. The feeling was sublime. It was like all my senses were heightened. The heat and sting from the slaps had sent blood raging to my pelvis.

  “Good girl,” he said, pulling out and easing back in. “That’s it. You’re desperate for it, really.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. Bright lights flashed before me. If he could just keep going like that. Hitting my G-spot perfectly.

  But he stopped. Withdrew. Cupped my opposite ass cheek and I didn’t need to be a genius to know what was coming next.


  “Ah,” I called again. I couldn’t help it. It hurt like a bugger. Jake was putting some real male muscle into the strikes. They weren’t girly slaps; they were intended to inflict pain, to smart and to mark my skin.

  Another strike. This one made me dizzy, the pain layering up now. My ass felt on fire, as though flames were licking over it.

  “Fuck, you look beautiful,” Jake said, slipping his cock into my pussy again. “Your bum is all red and glowing. I can make out some individual finger marks.”

  “Oh, God, Jake, I…”

  He sank deep, condensing all the searing sensations in my buttocks and buffeting them into my pussy.

  I groaned, loud, abandoned. I didn’t care how wanton I sounded, how base and carnal. Having Jake sink into my pussy while my ass cheeks were burning was overwhelming.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked.

  I opened my mouth but no sound came out.

  “Cassie, tell me.” He withdrew, teased me with the tip of his cock.

  “Yes, fuck, yes, please, Jake, more.” I was asking for more of his cock, but he misunderstood me and brought down another hard slap onto my right buttock—and then immediately afterwards, before I’d recovered from the shock of the first, he dropped one on my left.

  I reached round, grabbed my ass as if shielding it. “Ah, ah, ah,” I panted.

  “Shit, is it too much?” he asked, fear in his voice.

  “It hurts,” I managed. “But when you fuck me too it’s intense, really intense.” My words were stumbling. I felt a little high, like I was floating.

  “You want me to stop?”

  As soon as he said it I knew my answer. The pain was switching to pleasure, the heat and endorphins giving me a new heady, edgy experience. “No, no it’s okay, but please, fuck me too. Not just the slaps.”

  He hesitated, pressed his hand firmly on my lower back. “Okay, but you have to keep still and be a good girl, Cassie. Stop wriggling.” His voice deepened. “Or you will just get the spanks and nothing else.”

  Oh, fuck. Jake was really getting into character. I bloody loved it.

  His cock was back at my pussy, riding in. He sank to the hilt, pulled out then rained two blows down, one on each buttock.

  I let my head hang low, willing myself not to jerk away from the pain and instead let it bloom over my skin. Goose bumps had risen all over my flesh; sweat popped on my forehead and cleavage.

  He fucked me again, slowly, languidly, several deep strokes, and when he stopped and withdrew I knew what was coming.

  “Oh fuck, it’s amazing seeing you like this,” Jake said. “I fucking love you giving your body to me.”

  I couldn’t answer. I was in a strange dimension where only the sweet, fiery pain on my ass cheeks and my G-spot’s build to climax existed. No other part of my body seemed to remain. I couldn’t feel my hands on the duvet or my bent knees. It was just my buttocks and my pussy and all the wild and wonderful things Jake was doing to me.

  “Fuck, I want to come,” he said. “I want to come so badly, in you, on you. Fucking hell, Cassie, you’re making me insane.”

  Two more slaps to each buttock and Jake sank deep. He gripped my bum, hard, one cheek in each hand, and squeezed. I cried out in pleasure and pain, the added insult onto such tender flesh a blast of agony that went straight to my pussy.

  Jake was fucking me wildly now, steaming in and out like a man possessed.

  “Fuck it, yes, yes, yes,” he shouted, slamming his balls up against my pussy and his thighs into the backs of mine with each frantic thrust of his hips.

p; I braced onto the bed, stretched my arms to the headboard and locked my elbows. The pressure was about to overflow, my climax so near to eruption. But I let it hover before I claimed it. I allowed the deliciousness of it to consume me, rule my world. Knowing it was there—an almighty, soul-ravaging orgasm—was the sweetest anticipation I’d ever experienced.

  “Baby, I’m coming, come with me, please,” Jake shouted, releasing my bum and gripping my hips. Pulling me onto his cock with all of his strength.

  I was forced to release the slats on the headboard and because I was so floppy, let him hold me like a rag doll, exactly where he wanted me, as he spilled his load high up inside me.

  I split apart, tail-spun in a hundred different glorious directions as my orgasm wreaked havoc through my pelvis. My face was buried in the duvet, my body at Jake’s mercy.

  I was in a new, wonderful place within myself. Jake had taken me there and I hoped he would bring me to Earth again.

  Eventually he slowed, withdrew and dropped down next to me. He pulled my back into his chest and cradled me, spooning his legs around my hot buttocks.

  With my eyes still closed, I nestled into him.

  In that moment I knew full well I would ask Jake to spank me again. Very soon.

  The Princess and

  the G-Spot

  by Neneh Gordon

  Once upon a time there lived a princess fair whose clear green eyes and raven hair were immortalised in songs and poetry throughout the kingdom. She was as wise as she was beautiful, and when her parents retired she became a well-loved princess regent. As she approached her thirtieth birthday, a line of suitors stretched from the palace door to the edge of the deep, dark woods.

  Day after day, the court would admit another cohort of eligible men. Day after day, Princess Araminta would peer down on them from her uncomfortable throne and find them lacking. They were too old, or too young. Too boring, too self-absorbed, too arrogant or just too… wrong.

  “Will I ever find a husband?” she asked her lady in waiting as she prepared for bed one evening.

  “Of course you will,” Elsie reassured her.

  “But I’ve seen hundreds of them already.” She frowned at herself in the mirror as she watched Elsie brush the knots from her long dark hair. “I just wish it didn’t have to take so long.”

  “Why don’t you set them a task? Something they have to do before you agree to see them.”

  Araminta sucked on her bottom lip and mulled it over. “Actually, that’s a very good idea.”

  That night, she had a deep and dreamless sleep. In the morning, she announced a new decree.

  In order to expedite Princess Araminta’s search for a husband, each suitor will be required to present her with a gift that says something unique about the giver. The princess will only meet with those gentlemen whose gifts are sufficiently engaging to pique her curiosity.

  The news spread around the kingdom quicker than you could click your fingers and it wasn’t long before all the exclusive jewellery and trinket shops were full to bursting with wealthy eligible men, eager to impress.

  Princess Araminta took full advantage of the lull at the palace to catch up on the latest Nora Roberts and veto some of the more ludicrous proposals put forward by her government. By the end of the day, she had a chamber full of presents to get through. Elsie helped with the unwrapping, carefully keeping the tags with the right gifts to avoid confusion. When they were done, there was a mountain of crystal ornaments, an avalanche of gold clocks, a deluge of pearls and diamonds and not a single item that caught her imagination.

  “Is this all that they think about? Riches and baubles?”

  Elsie shrugged and Araminta wondered if it had been such a good idea after all. Things were likely to turn ugly if she announced that none of the presents she’d received were interesting enough to merit a face-to-face meeting.

  Oh well. It might all look better in the morning.

  Elsie helped her bathe and brushed her hair before she retired for the evening. She turned out the light and got under the covers, but before she got as far as lying down, a vibrating buzz made her jump back out of bed. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest, but she ignored the impulse to run and squinted under the bedclothes. There was no obvious source for the droning noise, so she flung back the sheets. Still nothing.

  No, wait, there was a bulge under the mattress. When she prodded it, she could feel vibrations through the bed. Rolling up the sleeves of her nightdress, she heaved the mattress on to its side and revealed a curve of purple shuddering its way across the base of the bed. How on earth had that got there? She picked it up and it trembled in her hand. It had a pleasing softness and yielded when she squeezed it.

  “So, how does my gift measure up?” a voice enquired behind her.

  Araminta jumped and nearly dropped what she was holding. She turned to see a man a little older than herself standing at her open window. He was tall and broad, with shoulder-length golden hair and dark brown eyes. He was dressed simply in a plain white shirt, brown trousers and brown boots—an ensemble that gave away little about his standing or his origins. A moustache curled rakishly on his upper lip. Her heart gave another flutter as he smiled at her.

  “What are you doing here? I should call the guards.”

  “So why haven’t you?” He took a step further into the room and his smile lifted his mouth at one side. “You haven’t answered my original question.”

  As he came closer, Araminta felt his gaze sweep across her bare collarbone and she clutched her nightdress closed. “What question?” She should have shouted for help, but he intrigued her. How had he found his way into the princess regent’s bedchamber unchallenged?

  He closed the distance between them. She could smell fresh sweat on him—the sweet scent was like a cologne. She knew he’d ridden to the palace. And he’d ridden hard. He took the buzzing device from her.

  “How do you like my present?” he asked with a grin.

  “It was you?”

  He nodded.

  A thousand responses rushed to her lips. She wanted to slap his arrogant face for daring to enter her private rooms. She wanted to call her guards and have him thrown into a holding cell. She wanted to kick him in the shins for frightening her like that. But most of all, she wanted to feel his full lips pressing down on hers until she didn’t have to think any more.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  He held it up between them and his crooked smile broadened into something wicked. “It’s a vibrator.”

  She blushed red hot and looked away from his hungry eyes. How could she be so stupid? But then, she’d never seen one up close before.

  “Do you know what a vibrator is?”

  She looked up again and felt hot anger rising in her belly. “Of course I do.”

  He laughed at her. “You could have fooled me. You don’t look like someone who’s getting much… release.”

  She pursed her lips in indignation. “How dare you!” she spluttered. “How dare you break in here and speak to me like that!”

  “So you don’t like my gift?” He twisted it in his fingers and she couldn’t help staring. It looked more like a piece of modern art than a sex toy. And she’d always wondered what it would feel like to use one.

  “I… er…”

  “I could always demonstrate.” He touched the toy to her chest and drew it down to her stomach in one fluid movement.

  The vibration hit her like an electric shock that flashed all the way from her breastbone to her clit. “Oh!”

  “See, you do like it.” He edged the vibrator back up and over the thin cotton of her nightdress until he found a nipple. The buzzing at her breast made her close her eyes and bite on her bottom lip. “But what am I saying? You’re right, I shouldn’t even be here.” He took the toy away and turned it off.

  Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him, breathing hard. Why had he stopped? She’d just started to enjoy herself. He lifted his eyebrows in a wordl
ess question.

  Who was this bold stranger that had such an effect on her? She should send him away, before she did something regrettable.

  “Sorry, I thought you were going to say something.” He stood there waiting for her reply, looking nothing like the sort of man who climbed through ladies’ windows in the middle of the night. He was cocky and obnoxious and he had the audacity of a top-ranking scoundrel. But he also had a twinkle in his eye that did things to her nether regions that she hadn’t experienced in quite some time.

  “I’ll take your silence as a sign of approval,” he said, and swooped in for the kiss she’d been dreaming of. His lips claimed hers with a firm authority and she gave in without protest. He tasted of wine and carousing. His mouth was warm and soft, while his moustache bristled pleasantly against her face. She opened her lips to him and let his tongue dance over hers. He was so good that she felt a little pang of jealousy for the other women he must have practiced on.

  All too soon, the kiss was over. “Does that warrant an audience with the princess?”

  Reflex made her hand fly up to slap his insolent face, but he caught her by the wrist and grinned. Why did he have to speak? He made her feel so good, then ruined it by saying such cutting things.

  Using his hold on her, she reeled him in and kissed his lips. That ought to keep him quiet. She melted into his arms, enjoying the way that his body felt against hers. He was so big and strong. Just what she’d been looking for.

  He pushed her down onto the bed, nudging his knee between her legs. “As I was saying.” He took one of her breasts in his huge hand and crushed it to her chest, making her gasp. “I got you a vibrator.” Bending down, he stole a searing kiss that made her pussy wet. He paused to slip the toy under the neck of her nightgown. She arched her back up off the bed as he inched it closer to her nipple.

  “If you aren’t familiar with vibrators, you might think that they’re just for penetration.” He circled her nipple with it and she thrashed her head from side to side. “But as you can see, they are very versatile.” He pushed her clothing aside, exposing her breast to the open air. Their eyes met. Desire was written all across his face. Knowing how much he wanted her made her clit ache and her pussy throb. It was too long since she’d had a man.


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