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Fall of the Cities_A Mercedes for Soldier Boy

Page 15

by Vance Huxley

  “I should hope not, the prices you charge. Cooper will escort you and Tessa to her place so you can get her sorted out, but I’ll send the repairs straight to your place. We don’t want guns waiting about unprotected for who knows how long.” Harold let it all slide off. Caddi wasn’t even pushing hard, so the night had gone well for the nasty little sod. “After all, you might not have enough energy left to unload them.”

  “You’d send an escort anyway, Caddi, so this won’t cost you a bean. Tell whoever to be very careful approaching Orchard Close.They might be a bit twitchy if I’m not along.”

  “ET will take the convoy.” E-Type looked pleased at the shortening of his name, a promotion in the Hot Rods.

  “Don’t worry Harry. I give you my word there’ll be no shit, and the men will remember their manners round your women.” Harold didn’t doubt that because there’d be shotguns covering the Hot Rods every minute they spent in Orchard Close.Even so,ET’s verbal assurance actually meant something. If his men caused offence, the gangster would now be expected to answer a personal challenge from Soldier Boy. These rules kept evolving.


  As Harold turned to leave, an arm hooked into his and tugged him close. “I’d better see you off, or you could turn up anywhere.” Mercedes sniggered and hugged a little tighter. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m startled. I can be quite sharp.” Her other hand dropped just a little, towards her boot and the knife.

  “You might like some sorts of surprises?” Harold and Mercedes followed Cooper, leading Mack, Chevy, ET and Tessa towards the vehicles.

  “I’ve been surprised a few times, but only once did it turn into real pleasure. Maybe twice depending how you count?” The pressure from her arm let Harold know exactly what Mercedes meant, very privately while the Hot Rods joked about what the surprise might have been. They were all in a terrific mood today. So were the gangsters in view, word of last night had already spread.

  A group of Hot Rods came out of a house near the gate. Harold tensed in case Caddi had decided to play games again, but not this time. They all started laughing, then pointed and a chant of ‘commando’ started up. “Cheeky sods.” Her voice had no annoyance in it, and Mercedes followed the comment by blowing them a kiss and wiggling her ass a bit. The Hot Rodsturned away towards their canteen, still laughing.

  Cooper headed for his car, a Mini Cooper of course. Tessa’s meagre possessions went into Harold’s pickup, which someone had brought in through the gates, before she climbed into the passenger seat. She kept very quiet, glancing around now and then as if waiting for something else, probably Caddi arriving to tell her hard luck he’d changed his mind. Harold’s weapons, including Lada’s big knife,also went into the pickup.All the lieutenants waited with expectant smiles. Harold braced himself but instead of a round of obscene suggestions about Tessa, Mercedes spoke up.

  “Well, Soldier Boy, I hope you aren’t going to rush off without saying goodbye? Sort of look and run?” She’d let go of his arm as Tessa settled in, so Harold had to turn to answer. Mercedes produced a magnificent pout.

  Harold’s didn’t have to force his completely genuine smile. “Oh, I’m sure a lot of people look and run, Mercedes, even if some wait to take a longer look first.”

  “Yes, but I wondered if what you saw might stop you from running?” Harold suddenly wondered if Caddi had asked her to recruit Soldier Boy. The gang boss had found some tempting bait this time, because Mercedes had somehow wormed her way in under Harold’s skin. A moment later Harold realised thatCaddi wouldn’t let anyone have Mercedes, not unless Caddi did first. That was a status thing. Cripes, Harold had considered it just for a few moments. The girl was good!

  “I promise I won’t shoot you or run away, even if you come and visit. If you invite me nicely, I might even come back here.” Harold grinned and borrowed Caddi’s trick, lifting one eyebrow.

  “So ask me to ask you, ‘Arold.” Harold thought this smile might be genuine. It certainly lookedmore natural than any she had given with Caddi watching.

  “Will you ask me to come back, Mercedes?Please? Or youcan visit.” Harold looked straight into those dead eyes. “Now I know you better, you can come over any time.” There, Harold saw that flicker. Mercedes had hopefully remembered her whispered words,words that Harold thought came from her heart for once.’If I ever do a runner, I’m coming to find you.’

  “Come back nicely please, ‘Arold. But only if I’m home.” She sighed dramatically. “Caddi will be keeping me too busy for some time now, but I will remember your invite, ‘Arold. Now say goodbye.”

  “Goodbye Mercedes.” It couldn’t be that easy.

  Mercedes looked at the grinning men, then back at Harold. “No, no, no, ‘Arold, that’s not how to say goodbye. Now”—she took the hand she had ‘claimed’ last night—”what do you want me to ask you?”

  “Will you ask me to put my hand on your ass, Mercedes?Please?” Harold put some real emphasis on the please, enough to get the blokes laughing again. A little something to let Caddi know Soldier Boy might be hooked.

  “Ooh, naughty! Still living in hope, ‘Arold?” More laughter from the men greeted that. “‘Arold, will you put your hand on my jeans, right where they cover my ass?”

  Harold ignored the murmurs from the men at a second partial yes, and got a good solid grip this time.He tugged slightly. “Like this?”

  “You’re learning.” Mercedes smirked at the other men. “I might get him trained, eventually.”

  The muttered comments included “might get him killed” but Mercedes hadn’t waited for their replies.

  Her hands walked up Harold’s arms and round the back of his neck. “You have been a good boy, ‘Arold, so you deserve a reward.” Mercedes licked her lips and for a moment Harold wondered just how far she intended pushing this. Maybe it was an adrenaline thing, the buzz, riding the thrill? Mercedes pulled his head forward and brushed Harold’s lips, just. She glanced to the side, grinning. “Always leave them wanting a bit more. Works every time.” Harold would confirm that any time he was asked.

  She’d done it again, got him relaxed while she’d got much too close. Bloody treacherous, those hormones, they could get a man killed. Harold had reacted automatically to the kiss by squeezing her ass a little and pulling a bit. Mercedes let herself come forward until those firm, pert breasts were near enough for Harold to feel her body heat through his tee. “I might work harder for a bit more.”

  “But could I restrain myself to just a bit?” For a long couple of seconds Mercedes stayed close, before stepping back and sliding his hand off her ass. She turned smoothly away from the one on her waist and started back towards the Mansion. After a couple of steps, Mercedes turned enough to call, “Watch this space,” and pat her ass, before wiggling it enough to make sure all the men did.

  Cooper sighed, Mack laughed, and ET whistled quietly before calling the others’ attention to Harold. “Hey, he looks as if he’s been clouted with a bat.”

  “Christ Almighty, if she treated me like that you could hit me with a bat. It might be worth it.” Cooper sounded as if he might mean it, so maybe Caddi wanted to get all the lieutenants hopeful and tie them tighter? That idea worked its way into Harold’s mind and got him back on balance.

  “Bloody ‘ell, ‘Arry. Never seen ‘er do that.” Mack had to be steered off that idea, that there was anything special going on.

  “Oh, I think Caddi’s got ideas for me and mine, and he’s using very juicy bait.” A round of agreement followed, either to the idea that Mercedes was bait, or juicy. Harold turned to the pickup with, “See you for a beer, Mack,” followed by “Yeah, you scroungers as well” to stop the protests. Cooper gunned the engine, advertising to all that the car belonged to one of the elite. Harold took his chance to get the subject away from Mercedes. “How the hell do you lot get the diesel? Everyone keeps screaming it’s all gone.”

  It worked because Chevy laughed. “Caddi’s supposed to have grabbed a couple of tankers before
the shit truly hit, and they’re tucked away safe. Only maybe, because none of us know where, so the sneaky bastard probably shot whoever hid them. The rest of us? We used petrol while we could, then when it all spoiled we went onto the diesel. We’d got it all in cans by then, emptied every filling station and vehicle, and nobody else gets to use any.” He looked at the pickup, then at Cooper’s car. “Charger put diesel engines into our gang cars but even so,yours isn’t up to a race.”

  “Don’t worry about it. If I get lost, Tessa can put me right.” Harold waved to get Cooper going and the car accelerated off down the road. With a sigh of relief, Harold followed at a more modest pace.

  An Other Woman

  Cooper went roaring through the streets doing some imitation of a rally driver. The pedestrians in the few inhabitedareas scattered when they heard the car coming, because any motor vehicle had to mean one of their lords and masters was on their way. Cooper used main roads and only made six turns, so Harold did his best to keep the scroat in sight. He didn’t want Cooperpoking around in Tessa’s house, or telling little Ed his Mum had been bought. Judging by the rubber Cooper left as he skidded round the corners, and the locked wheels and screeching halt before the gangster hopped out, Caddi must have a good supply of tyres.

  Thinking of that, and trying to keep up, kept Harold from worrying about what Cooper would say when they arrived. Not only that, but he wasn’t sure how Tessa would take his next suggestion.Cooper waited, smiling, as Harold pulled up. “We don’t get the chance to race very often now.” The driving had stripped as many years off Cooper as it had put on Harold. The madman had to be a fan of that TX-Box game, the one where players stole cars and raced them around a ruined city.

  Harold shook his head. “Not exactly a race.”

  Tessa climbed out, looking around as if she had never expected to see home again. Harold looked around because he’d never seen where she lived. Tessa had moved here when conditions worsened just prior to the Crash, to look after her late Dad. She lived in one of the older council terrace blocks with brick chimneys, the ones that had been slated for demolition every few years then reprieved.

  “Nearest we get to racing these days. We used to have competitions but there isn’t enough diesel left now.” Cooper paused before getting back into his car. “I’m coming back this way tomorrow. I’ll escort you home if you’re still here getting Tessa”—Cooper smirked—”sorted out. Use your radio if you want one of the others to escort you.” The car shot off leaving two strips of rubber on the tarmac, the raucous tune from the air horn echoing as Cooper screeched around the corner and out of sight.

  Tessa had a carefully blank look on her face, and her face looked a bit pink. That had to be the ‘sorted out’ dig. Harold put on his weaponry before picking up Tessa’s bag. “I don’t expect I’ll still be here tomorrow.” Silence. “I came because, well, it might be better if you moved into Orchard Close.”

  “Whatever you say, Harold.” Harold looked sharply at the young woman. Tessa’s set face and blush told him what she thought he meant.

  “Cripes, no! You can live where you like, Tessa. It’s just that it might be better if the two of you left here.” Harold sighed and kept going because Tessa just didn’t get it. “Safer for you because Caddi is permanently pissed off with me. I’ve been careful to never let on I know you, because the arse will use you to get at me. But if you want to stay?”

  Now Tessa looked Harold in the eye. “Don’t you like me, Harold?”

  “Eh, what? Yes. You’re a fine woman, and a good mother, but it wouldn’t be right to expect you to, you know.” Harold could flirt or talk dirty with Mercedes, but Tessa tied his tongue up. She was too nice. Normal.

  Her face cleared. “Ah, that woman.” Slut, the tone said. “Will she be moving in?”

  The question might be serious but Harold couldn’t help it, he laughed. “No, Mercedes is not the type, and she’s not allowed to leave anyway. There’s nothing like that between us.” Harold hoped not, because that would be a real chance for Caddi to wind him up.

  “Why not, you sure as hell want to.” Ooh, that was sharp!

  “Look, I only spent the one night in her bed, same as anyone else who allegedly gets treated. That’s a test, a deadly game Caddi plays, and Mercedes plays it very well. She’s killed four men that way.” Harold wondered why he was defending himself. “There’s nothing real about it.”

  “Not much.” Yes, he could hear a definite edge in Tessa’s voice. “So why didn’t you tell them what she was wearing?” Tessa’s tone changed, inquisitive now. “What was she wearing under her nightie?”

  “It was a big shirt, not a nightie, big enough for Mack. Now why would I tell you, when I wouldn’t tell that lot with all those coupons up for grabs?”

  “Yes, why would you, Harold? Because I’m a woman?” Tessa snorted. “We’re better at body language than blokes. You only look at the tits and ass.”

  “And her eyes.” Not necessarily first, Harold privately confessed.

  “Yes, but if that’s true you’re an exception. Maybe that’s it? Anyway, she walked in there with you as if you’d been screwing her all night with her enthusiastic assistance!” Tessa laughed out loud. “Oh Harold, your face, but that confirms it. I don’t care what the sound and vision saw and heard, you two had a lot more fun than anyone else thinks. I get it, it’s not allowed, but you’ll need to be a lot more careful in the future.”

  “How? What do you mean? We didn’t.” Harold took a breath. “Look, I swear to you, if I’d turned round she’d have killed me. It’s the deal.”

  “Stop it. You did, well… something.” Tessa shook her head at Harold’s denial. “There was something in your faces when you looked at each other. Yes, Harold, in your eyes and even in those dead things of hers, and a something in your voices. Those stupid bastards wouldn’t see it, but another woman...?” She glared at Harold in exasperation and shook her head again. “Bloody men.”

  “Shit. Could anyone else see?” Harold flinched at the thought of Caddi knowing. “Cripes, don’t breathe a word, to anyone. He’ll kill her, but only afterwards.” He spat the last word out.

  Tessa stilllooked unhappy, maybe at Mercedes’ possible fate. “I won’t tell. I owe you.”

  “No you don’t, but I’ll make you a deal. I’ll answer the other question if you promise to keep your trap shut about all of it?” Harold was horrified, and scared shitless, as much for Mercedes as himself, which was all wrong considering how lethal she was.

  “I won’t tell anyway. You don’t think I’d give that arsehole anything to use against anyone, especially you?” Tessa smiled properly at last. “But I would really like to know.”

  “Nothing. Ab-so-bloody-lutely nothing. I swear, I thought I was a dead man.” Harold snorted. “And no, I didn’t look at her eyes until afterwards.” He caught Tessa’s eyes. “I won’t give that arsehole anything he can use either.” Harold looked around. They were out in the street and not talking loudly, but there were faces peeking cautiously from some of the windows. Nobody would actually bother them because Harold had turned up in a motor, and carried a weapon openly. That put him at the top of the local hierarchy and untouchable, but the locals would listen if they could. “Now can we go indoors and discuss where you’ll be living?”

  Tessa’s face blanked again. “Wherever you say. After all, you just bought me, and my son.”

  “Stop it. We’ll talk inside.” Harold grinned, trying to make it a joke. “All right, if I’m your master you’re supposed to say ‘yes Harold,’ and lead me to the kitchen.”

  “Yes Harold.” Deadpan, no humour. Tessa turned and headed for the house, pulling out a set of keys. Damn, Harold thought, that didn’t work.

  It took two cups of tea and some fairly heated conversation before Tessa accepted that Harold hadn’t actually bought her, regardless of what everyone else assumed.Tessa considered herself in debt for whatever Harold had paid. According to the Hot Rod rules, rules she’d lived unde
r for over three years, the debt meant she was, in effect, owned. Sometime during that stay with Caddi, Tessa had given up hope, and she didn’t truly believe the nightmare had ended. Oddly, it was Mercedes who finally got the message through. Tessa kept harping on about the amount that Harold had paid to buy her.

  “Did you see that pile of coupons on the table? The ones that were mine if I confirmed that Mercedes wasn’t wearing panties? That was more coupons than those games were worth, easily enough to pay both of the debts and the interest.” Harold watched it finally sink in.

  “So why didn’t you tell them?” Tessa still wasn’t completely convinced.

  “I told you. I wouldn’t give the arseholes the satisfaction.” Harold smiled at the memory. “And for the one smile.”

  “She was already smiling. She does it a lot, smiling.”

  “Not with her eyes.”

  A long silence followed while Tessa got her head round it all.”What do you intend doing about her? Will you pair do a runner one moonlit night? Romeo and Juliet with shotguns?” Tessa had a little half-smile now, much nicer than Caddi’s version.

  “Hell no!” Harold gave a short, uncomfortable laugh. “It’s not romance. I don’t know what it is. Some sort of animal attraction, or maybe it’s the thrill of the forbidden? Mercedes has no real feelings left, not human ones, and I really, really don’t know why she’s picked on me for her latest toy. As in the mouse caught by the pussy cat toy.” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “It won’t happen again anyway, because I survived the test. I doubt I’ll see her at Orchard Close, and probably not at the Mansion.It won’t be fun for Caddi anymore.”

  “Maybe you will, if only because she hasn’t met someone with morals for a while? Anyone else she knows would have only paid that for a woman for one reason, and would have bragged to everyone about what he’d seen.” Tessa gave Harold a long look. “Would you have paid that to get any woman out of the shit? Given it away like that and wanted nothing back?”


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