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Breath of Life

Page 14

by Sara Marion

  He lifted himself up a bit and Paxton held on to him. The blood was pulsating within her and she looked at Duke. His face was covered with passion and need. She never felt so wanted before. As basic as the need was, it was controlling every muscle movement made. Her head drop back as her excitement built up within her. She was climbing high and she knew her sweet release would be coming soon. As if he sensed it, Duke’s movements quickened. She pulled herself closer as if it were even possible. Her breathing was erratic. As her release came, she let out a scream.

  “Oh Ell- Paxton!” Duke grunted as his own release came.

  Paxton was floating away in her post-coital happiness and felt light as ever. Duke collapsed and rolled over onto his back. Paxton found herself lying on his chest. They never broke contact. She felt Duke run his fingertips along her back. She smiled and closed her eyes. A small giggle escaped her and she was pretty sure Duke smiled at that moment because he let out a short chuckle. The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.


  Paxton woke up with the sun shining through the windows. She wasn’t sure how she got home last night. She silently admitted that she had a little too much to drink. She attempted to move but found herself tangled up against someone. She looked over her shoulder and found Duke. Her heart raced a bit realizing what happened between them last night. She shouldn’t be sleeping with the love of her best friend’s life and Jack’s ex-best friend. It was just wrong but it felt so right last night. Their needs vetoed the logical reasons why they shouldn’t be together. She turned to face the wall again. She laid there not wanting to move or wake up Duke.

  How’s Jack going to feel about this? Paxton’s conscience broke in. Fuck Jack. Her satiated side retorted. Paxton smiled siding with her satiated self. She knew whatever Jack thought didn’t matter. Quit lying to yourself, you know you went out last night to forget about Jack. You still love him. Her conscience bit back. Mission accomplished. Duke filled the void and thoughts of Jack were nowhere to be found. Beside Duke was beyond sexy without clothes. Paxton took a deep breath in a sighed. Her inner-war was going to go on and on unless she got up. She started to unwrap herself when Duke stirred. He tightened his gripped and pulled her back into him.

  “Ella, baby come on, stay with me,” he murmured.

  Paxton froze. She turned her head and saw he was still asleep. Tears stung her eyes. He slept with her last night and was dreaming of Ella. Would he regret what happened between them? It was a mistake you know it her conscience interrupted again. Fear struck her. She quickly unwrapped herself and went to the bathroom. She heard him groan but flip over to his other side.

  She closed the door behind her. She turned on the shower and let the water warm up. She looked in the mirror and chastised herself. Tears threatened looking at her reflection. She would not let them fall. Mistake or not, the sex was great and she would not regret it. He stopped a couple times waiting for her to give the go ahead. He was sober enough for that. So was she, although she didn’t quite remember it until she realized he was in bed with her. She stepped into the shower and the hot water stung her skin. She stood under the water and washed away the negative thoughts. She wouldn’t know anything until he woke up. Until then, she wasn’t going to think about it.


  Jack awoke with a start. He wasn’t sure why until he reached for his phone. He then heard a reminder for unread text messages. He opened the two unread messages from Jonathan.

  Jonathan: If you still love her you better come back. She out at the bars again.

  Jack grimaced reading that. Paxton and bars never went together. The next message failed to download. He hit the message bubble and it attempted to download again. This time it came through. Jack pulled it up. It was another message from Jonathan. A picture of Paxton and Duke filled his screen. Her fingertips were under his shirt and they were locked in a kiss. Jack couldn’t believe that she’d go after Duke. He quickly flipped through his contacts.

  “Hello?” A groggy voice came from the other end.

  “You motherfucker!” Jack screamed into the phone.


  “Yes it’s me. Do not ever touch her again. She is mine.”

  “Funny, cause you aren’t here in her bed this morning.” Jack heard a click on the other line.

  Jack stared at his phone. Duke hung up on him. Jack sat up. His anger filled him. He stood up grateful his leg was now in a walking boot. He went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. He would not stand for Paxton to travel back down the road that hurt a lot of people. He would not let her end up with Duke. She would regret it whenever Ella invaded her thoughts. He quickly threw some clothes in a suitcase and headed down to the kitchen to grab a bit to eat. He dropped off his suitcase at the bottom of the stairwell.

  “Good morning Jackster,” Kenleigh greeted as he entered the room. He ripped open the refrigerator door looking for a quick bite to eat. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m going back. Duke slept with her. She was at a bar.”

  “Oh no, is she…” Kenleigh trailed off. “Is she slipping again?”

  “I won’t let that happen. I should have stayed there. I shouldn’t have come here.”

  “Anything I can help you with?” Jack pulled out some leftover dinner from the night before. He decided that would have to do.

  “Come with me. Make sure I don’t do anything rash to mess things up further.”

  “Done. I will fly out later tonight. I will make sure things at Oasis and the boutique are covered.”

  “Thanks,” he smiled.

  His leftovers were in the microwave. He quickly scarfed it down and headed out the door. Hugh was waiting to take him. Kenleigh called him asking him to be ready for Jack. From the back of the car, Jack called booking a flight home. He was in luck that one was leaving within the next couple hours.

  Jack landed in Kansas City within the next few hours. The flight wasn’t bad but Jack grew anxious. He didn’t know what he was walking into and he definitely did not want to run into Duke right now. He would beat the living shit out of him for touching Paxton. Even though he and Duke went their separate ways when he left Paxton the first time, he thought Duke would stay away from her. That they still had some sort of respect for each other. His fist clenched when he realized that was not true. Duke just blew any chance of their friendship recovering.

  He rented a car and found himself finally driving into Manhattan. Descending on 177 always brought him back and he loved that feeling. The feeling of being home even though he didn’t live here as long as he was in New York, but he placed roots down here. He created a wonderful life and this was more of a home than New York was because of the memories it held. He navigated toward the Comfort Inn & Suites by the local Wal-Mart Super Center. It was the only place he found with two vacant suites. He checked in and walked to his room. He needed to figure out what his next move was. He needed to make sure if he went to the house Duke would not be there. He pulled out his phone.

  Jack: I need your help.

  Jonathan: Sorry about last night. Thought you should know.

  Jack: I’m here. In town. Comfort Inn & Suites.

  Jonathan: What do you need help with? Why don’t you stay with me?

  Jack: Thanks, but I need my space right now. I need you to make sure Duke is not at my house when I go to see Paxton. Could you make dinner plans with her or something?

  Jonathan: I don’t know if she will want to see me or not but I will see what I can do.

  Jack: Thanks. I owe you big time.

  Jack put his phone on the charger. He only had about thirty-percent battery life left and he was going to be going out tonight. He needed to make sure his phone didn’t die. His phone buzzed.

  Kenleigh: My flight is about to take off. Should be there soon. Need addy of where to go.

  Jack gave her the address. He let her know that she had a room under her name. He sighed trying to come up with his plan. He was still empty handed
when it came to what to do. He wouldn’t do anything until he ran it by Kenleigh. She always made him see reason and gave a girl’s point of view. Paxton told him to show her how sorry he was. He had done a piss-poor job so far and he didn’t want to make it even worse. His phone buzzed again. This time he had two messages.

  Kenleigh: See u soon. Xoxo

  He smiled. He loved that fact that Kenleigh would do anything for him and that she really was his best friend in the whole world. She even help him chase the woman he let slip through his fingers even though she didn’t always agree with what Paxton did. He checked his next message. It was from Duke. It was a picture of Paxton cooking a meal. She looked somewhat happy but it look like she wasn’t expecting the picture. Underneath was a message.

  Duke: You are a dumbass. You let this slip through your fingers.

  Jack gripped his phone. He knew he shouldn’t respond. He was already having a hard time controlling his anger when it came to Duke at the moment. He put his phone down. He decided to drive across the way to Wal-Mart to stock up on food and drinks for his room. He reserved the rooms for a week.

  When he got back to the hotel he checked his phone. He left it to charge. Jonathan texted saying that Paxton agreed to dinner tonight. He was going to pick her up around 6:30. Jack texted back letting Jonathan know to text him when they leave heading back. He was going to stop by when they were done. It was already 4:45 so he wouldn’t have to wait long. He hoped Kenleigh would be here soon. Jack wanted to talk to her about Paxton before he went to the cabin to see her. He knew Kenleigh would make sure he was doing the right thing. Jack just wanted to talk to Paxton. To see if she really was moving on with Duke. If she was happy then he would leave. If he saw a flicker of doubt, he would fight until she said she knew who she wanted.

  Time flew by for him. It was getting close to eight. He still hadn’t heard from Jonathan. Kenleigh knocked on his door a few minutes earlier. She was excited to be done traveling. It was her first time to Kansas since he and Paxton got married. She never was a fan of traveling by car. She preferred flights and someone to drive her. Jack was glad to have a couple friends to help him out. He didn’t know what he would do without Jonathan or Kenleigh.

  He spent the next half hour talking to Kenleigh about going over there tonight. She didn’t agree with going over there right now and that he needed to sleep on it but Jack kept pacing the room. She said it was not a good plan but he needed to do what made him feel better. Jack kept going over his plan as the clock continued to say it was getting later into the evening. He couldn’t possibly think of dinner going until nine but now it was a quarter to nine.

  Kenleigh settled on his couch in the living room area of his suite. She was channel surfing trying to find something to watch. He briefly let his mind wander to what would have happened between them if they were together. They would be a powerhouse couple in New York. She knew how it felt to have money and didn’t bother with the whole ‘it’s your money, not mine’ argument that he and Paxton often had. He wondered if they would have lasted or not. They were both headstrong. He shook the thoughts as his phone buzzed.

  Jonathan: Heading back. She has no plans. Should be there in a few.

  Jack: Great. Let me know. I’ll leave in 10.

  Jack knew he was about ten minutes away from the home he shared with Paxton. He was becoming nervous. He was still so in love with Paxton and tonight would make or break them. As much as New York was a distraction for him, at night when he was alone, his thoughts drifted back to Kansas, to Paxton.

  He looked over at Kenleigh, she was absorbed into the show she settled on. He heard it go to commercial and she glanced over at him. She smiled at him. He could see the worry in her face. If he was a smart man, he would go back to New York with her. They could build a life together. They were comfortable with each other. Jack thought maybe they could eventually build a romantic relationship that their parents always dreamed of, but she took the role of his being his best friend.

  “I’m heading out,” he said as he leaned over to grab his coat.

  “Ok, I’ll be here waiting. If I get tired I will go to my room.” She stood and gave him a quick hug.

  “Guard your heart. Be objective, understand where she’s coming from.” She pulled away and fussed with the collar of his jacket.

  “I will. Thanks Kitten.” He kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door.

  His car was silent as he drove out to the house. He took Tuttle Creek Boulevard towards the state park. It would buy him a few minutes. As he wrapped around the bend and was coming up on the back end of Seth Child’s Road he was growing nervous but anger built within him that Duke sent that picture of her cooking for him.

  He didn’t know what to expect when he pulled up to the house be he would find out in about five minutes. He turned on Seth Child’s and went about a quarter mile before he turned to head down their driveway. He parked in front of the house and killed the engine.

  He stared at the house waiting for movements. The foyer light was on but no other cars were here. He couldn’t tell where she was in the house. He hoped that she was here. He saw a shadow pass the window by the door. He breathed a sigh of relief. She was home, by herself, just as Jonathan said she would be. He climbed out and headed to the door.

  Jack didn’t hesitate at the door. He rang the bell. He figured he would scare her more if he tried to walk in. Paxton’s face appeared in the door way. He saw the flicker of pain cross her face and she went to slam the door in his face but he stuck out his hand stopping the door.

  “Pax, please. I just want to talk.”

  “Leave. I don’t need you here.” She attempted to push the door close but she failed. She couldn’t shut him out.

  “Please. Just a few minutes, I flew in from New York hoping you would at least give me that.” He saw her curious look as to why he came.

  She just had to let him in. He pleaded silently as she stared through the small opening of the door. She gave him an exasperated sigh and opened the door. She walked to the staircase and turned to face him, crossing her arms across her chest.

  Jack entered the house and closed the door. He faced her noticing she was in a very defensive pose. He found an array of emotions crossing her face but he couldn’t pin point some of them. He noticed that she lost weight, too much weight. He thought for sure by now she would be back to her normal self. Jack stared thinking she was still punishing herself for something that was out of her control. He took a step towards her, reaching out for her, wanting to touch her but she took a step back.

  “Say what you have to say so you can leave,” Paxton finally said. Jack heard the irritation in her voice. “I am expecting someone.”

  “This late?” Jack thought she would be alone. Obviously she didn’t fill Jonathan in on her plans.

  “Yes,” her voice clipped.

  “Listen, I didn’t come here to fight. I came back because I am miserable without you. You told me to show you how much I regret what has happened to us. Until this morning, I was giving you your space so you can deal with whatever you need to deal with.”

  “What changed?”

  “The pictures that were sent to me.”

  “What pictures?” She took a step closer. Jack wondered what she was so worried about. What has she done since he left her?

  “You kissing Duke on the dance floor and one of you cooking for him. What the hell Tiger? He’s my goddamn best friend!”

  “Don’t you dare! Don’t you say that he’s your best friend when you haven’t spoken to him since you left me.” She glared at him. She was only an arm length away from Jack.

  “I wonder why that is Paxton. He took advantage of you back then. You let him!”

  “He wasn’t the one I was sleeping with! He only comforted me when you did not. You drifted away from me, leaving me when I needed you most. I took comfort where I could get it because you sure as hell didn’t give it to me!”

  Her words stung and he flinched at
her word. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy. The fight was inevitable even though he didn’t want to fight with her tonight.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do when I walk in on you two sleeping in our bed? I was gone for a night, did you even wait for me to be gone for more than an hour?”

  “You didn’t come back that night. Duke came over to see you and found me in pieces. He stopped me from going to another man. He didn’t touch me like you think he did. You threw your friendship away that night, not Duke. Don’t you dare blame him. Despite the fact that he was grieving himself, it didn’t stop him from helping me. You checked out on me, so in return I went out, yes. I slept with men when you were gone because I so goddamn drunk. I messed up. I did, but where were you? Huh? Where were you?!” Jack saw the tears falling down her face. She was angry. “Oh, that’s right….you weren’t here. You didn’t care about what was going on with your wife! You buried yourself in work!”

  Jack reached out to her. He wanted to be there now. She slapped his hand away and stared at him. “I’m here now. That has to count for something.”

  “Why are you here? Because of those pictures you were sent? Who sent them?”

  Jack hesitated. He knew that she would not like the answer. He kept his mouth close.

  “Who. Sent. Them?” She punctuated each word.

  “Jonathan and Duke,” he said quietly.

  Paxton took a step back and covered her mouth. She had a look of disbelief on her face, like everyone she trusted turned on her. Then it turned to something else that Jack couldn’t describe. He saw hurt, anger, and regret. She sat down on the stairs. Her elbows rested on her knees. She dropped her head and put her hands on the back of her head. She was trying not to fall apart. Jack knew that much just by looking at her. He heard the sob escape from her.


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