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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

Page 14

by Jamie Lake

  With that, she twisted my body so I landed hard on the floor and she mounted me, squeezing my sides with her thighs. Her hands pinned me down and her claws lingered dangerously close to me. “Maybe I ought to have a little fun with you before I disembowel and eat you,” she suggested, squeezed my balls so tight I thought she’d smash them. She leaned down, bowing her head, and stretched out her tongue. The tip ran across my skin and made my gut twist with nausea as she tightened her grip on me.

  I gritted my teeth, crying out in pain.

  “Now, don't do that,” she told me calmly. “That will only turn me on more.”

  That’s when the door busted open with such an explosive energy it nearly knocked her head off as she ducked.


  “Get off him,” Buck told her, his body morphing into a werewolf.

  A smile broke out upon my face, as my hero had come to my rescue.

  “Or what?” she dared him, not moving a muscle.

  “Or you’ll have to deal with us,” Japheth said, dropping in from the hole in the roof. The ground shook as his mighty frame landed.

  “Both of us,” Buck added.

  “Ah, isn’t that sweet. It’s a family reunion. The boy is mine,” she told them, reaching out an arm as shielding me from them. “I’ll do with him as I wish.”

  “I’m warning you,” Buck said, snarling as he inched closer.

  “No, I’m warning you,” she said. She twisted me around, gripping my neck with one hand, her sharp claws at my throat. I strained my eyes to look down, trying to see how deep she had her claws into me. I knew that if I moved one inch she would open my throat and blood would pour out of me. My breaths were halting and I watched as a drop of sweat trickled past my eyes and dripped down.

  “You don’t want to do this,” Japheth told her, getting closer to her.

  “Oh, but I do,” she said mischievously.

  “You’re willing to undo generations of peace between our people, all for a little revenge?” Buck asked her.

  “A little revenge? Don’t try to patronize my family’s integrity. It was your people, your mother, your father who ruined everything. Killing this human is just the beginning.”

  “You’ll only cause more damage to your people at a time when our people should be joining together, uniting, not—”

  “Enough!” she told him, slicing me on the cheek. I screamed in pain as I felt warm blood ooze out of the open wound.

  “Fuck,” Buck said.

  “Back off. This will only take a second,” she told them with a warning smile, letting my blood fall from her claw.

  “Do that again and I swear to God, I’ll make you pay for it with your life,” Buck told her.

  “Quite the threat from someone who doesn’t live up to his responsibilities. Oh, yes, I know about that. Everyone in the shifter kingdoms knows about that,” she told Buck, whose mouth twisted in a snarl. “Why don’t you do what you’re good at and just run away. Let me do what I came here to do. And our people will remain in peace.” she told him.

  Buck and Japheth looked at each other. My cheek was stinging and I could feel myself getting light-headed. I glanced hopefully at the brothers but it seemed they were at an impasse. They clenched their fists and snarled, and I could see in Buck’s eyes that his mind was working to try and find some way out of this.

  “She’s right,” Japheth told Buck. “Let her have him. Why risk centuries of peace over one human?”

  What? Had he really said that? I thought Japheth cared about me, deeply. At least I had Buck, but then—

  “Fine,” Buck said. “Do what you wish with him. Just leave our people alone.”

  My heart broke as I saw Buck start to walk away. This man, who had willingly given up his life for me, was willing to see me get killed.

  It was heartbreaking but as I felt her grip loosen, Buck said, “Now, brother!”

  And before she could do anything, Japheth pounced on her and Buck pulled me free. I yelped as I felt his strong arms hold me tightly and drag me away.

  “You alright?” he asked me. But I was in such shock, I couldn’t speak.

  That’s when he stole a kiss from me, quickly and deeply. I crawled away and tried to find a safe place to hide. Then Buck joined Japheth in the battle with her.

  I moved backwards under a fallen table and disappeared into the darkness. My heart raced as I watched the carnage unfold in front of me. Japheth’s jaws were dripping with angry saliva as he pinned her down. His eyes were wild and I could see her wince as hot, ferocious breath washed over her. Japheth brought a paw up to swipe down, but as he did so she used her agility to wrest free. Her strength seemed to take Japheth by surprise, and as she brought her hind leg into his stomach, he was caught off balance and lost his hold on her. She twisted her neck and sunk her teeth into his wrist. He howled in pain as she slithered under his body. His arm came down to instinctively cradle his sore area, and she capitalized on this. She slid behind him and dug her sharp claws into his back, making Japheth’s body arch. His hand beat down on the floor as he writhed, trying to throw her off. His mighty body shook and the screams of pain rang around my ears as his teeth gnashed together. But the puma did not loosen her grip for one second. She clung on for dear life, her body flailing in the air as her claws stuck into Japheth’s backs. Her eyes were wild with determination and her red tongue hung out of the side of her mouth.

  Buck sprinted across the room, and I was sad to see him leave. But seeing his tight muscles pulse with action filled me with awe and wonder. He charged forward and barreled into the feline, butting her with his head. She hissed at the force of Buck’s momentum and her claws were torn out of Japheth’s back, pulling out shreds of flesh with them. It all seemed to happen in slow motion as I watched it. Her body slammed into the wall, making the whole place shake. She crashed to the floor but landed on her feet. Buck had no time to check on his brother, and it seemed like their rivalry was set aside for the moment. Buck sprinted forward in order to follow up his attack. He brought his arm back and went to swing a right hook at her but she dodged it at the last second, leaving his fist to ram against the wall. The puma twisted her body and ran her claws down Buck’s arm as she scurried across the floor. Drops of blood fell from his arm but Buck barely reacted. He growled and gritted his teeth, pulling his arm away from the wall. Debris fell harmlessly to the floor as he dislodged it.

  Meanwhile, Japheth had become enraged. He turned around and I winced as I saw the deep gashes she had left on his back. Dark scarlet stained his fur around the wounds, and blood oozed out. As the puma ran across the room Japheth lunged out. He was so enraged, he didn’t take the time to aim his fists but merely brought them down like great hammers, trying to flatten her. The puma was too agile, however, and dodged his blows with ease. This only served to frustrate him more, and whenever he was inches away from crushing her tail he beat the floor more severely, cracking floorboards beneath him.

  Buck calmly walked forward, and Japheth caught sight of his brother out of the corner of his eyes. This seemed to calm him a little and he stopped pounding the floor. Buck tapped his brother on the shoulder and pointed to the other side of the room. The two werewolves tried to broaden their area, although they kept a path to me blocked, as well. The puma prowled before them, taunting them.

  “You are no match for royal blood. You wolves think you are so superior but you know nothing,” she spat.

  Japheth lunged forward, giving in to her taunting. Buck yelled out as the puma leapt over Japheth’s body, placing her paws on the marks against his back. The wolf howled in pain again and twisted as he landed on the floor to get back up, but it was too late. The puma was heading towards me, her powerful legs propelling her across the room. My heart thumped as I watched her. Our eyes locked and I had to stare into that terrible abyss, as I knew certain death would be upon me. Her claws were sharp and her teeth were bared, Japheth’s blood still dripping from them. In my head I knew I should be searching
for a weapon or shield, anything to defend myself, but I was frozen with fear. As she came upon me, I could almost feel her bitter breath, and I closed my eyes, ready to surrender to my destiny…

  … But that final swipe never came. I never felt her dig her claws into my soft flesh. Instead, Buck had made it back and dug his own claws into her hind legs. She screeched as he pulled her back, dragging her across the floor. She snapped her front paws and tried to claw her way back to me. It made a horrible scratching noise as she pulled up flakes of wood, but Buck did not relent. Japheth came to her side and pummeled her with kicks. The puma’s body was tossed around like a rag doll. I heard the cracking on bone and her cries of pain were unbearable. I had to shut my eyes because the scene became too gruesome, but my curiosity got the best of me and I cracked them open.

  The puma’s face twisted in pain as Buck stabbed at her legs with his claws, trying to tear away the muscle, while Japheth continued to kick her. However, he kicked her so violently and with such strength that it released her from Buck’s grip, and she slid helplessly across the floor. Buck cursed at his brother before he continued his pursuit, but the moment of respite was all she needed to recover a bit of her strength. She got back to her feet, breathing heavily; her whole body shook with fury. She backed up and then ran forward, leaving me for the moment and going for Japheth. She dodged his blow and sunk her teeth into his ankle, bringing him to his knee. He brought his fist down again. Earlier in the fight she would have escaped this blow easily but she was wounded and tired. Her body was a second slower than her mind and this time, his fist came down upon her tail.

  She twisted her body to escape but the wounds were beginning to take their toll. Buck rounded on her and began swiping at her. Instead of running, she swiped back, the surest sign that she was becoming fatigued, for there was no was she could match the brute strength of the alpha wolf. Buck pressed his advantage and although the puma was agile, he managed to break through her defense, bringing his claws along the side of her face. She was visibly panting as blood spread out over her legs and face. Japheth came to pile on the misery and I could see the desperation in her eyes.

  “You cannot hope to win,” Buck said.

  “You fool,” she hissed. “Do you not see that this is bigger than you, than me, than all of us?”

  And with one last effort she leapt on them, trying to deal as much damage as she could. Neither werewolf was expecting it so they were reeled back, and although she didn’t managed to wound them, she did keep them off balance for enough time to make one final attempt for me. I cowered as she approached but I need not have worried, for the wolves were not going to let anything happen to me. Both of them raced forward in an effort to save me but it was Buck who pulled her back first and slammed her to the ground. He leaned on top of her, pinning her down, and wrapped his thick arm around her. It was the arm she had wounded earlier so the blood dripped down onto her.

  Buck had her in a headlock. “Any last words, bitch?”

  She hissed at him and said, “I’ll see you in hell.”

  And with that and a quick snap of her neck, she lay lifeless in the shambles that was once the living room. Her eyes lolled in the back of her head, glassy and lifeless. Her body lay at an unnatural angle and I felt like vomiting. I wiped the sweat and blood away from my face as I slowly crawled towards them, trying not to look at the dead body.

  The two men caught their breaths, their enormous muscular chests heaving as they looked down at her. Their battle scars were fresh and raw, and the smell of sweat and blood filled the room. My heart was just now starting to return to a normal level.

  “What was that all about?” was all I could think of to say as I inched closer.


  “What do you mean it was nothing?” I asked Japheth as he drove us to an abandoned building.

  “Stay in the truck,” he told me, ignoring my question.

  I looked at Buck for an answer but he hopped out of the truck and slammed the door as Japheth did the same. I hated being kept in the dark, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Trying to play the Special One card didn’t seem to help, either.

  I watched the two of them from the rearview mirror as they pulled out the old, rolled up rug that I knew encased the puma woman’s body. They carried it together off the flatbed, kicking in the door of the old abandoned building. It was dark and ominous, and I wondered what other secrets the building hid.

  What were they doing? Where were they going? I wondered. Waiting in the silence of the truck alone was too much for me and I opened the door as quickly and quietly as I could, slipping out. I raced inside the building, throwing myself into the shadows, looking for any sign of them I could find. The building was in shambles. Debris lay strewn everywhere and it looked as though it had once been a warehouse. Cracks in the roof let shafts of light through, and as I skulked through the building I heard a lot of scurrying. I jumped at first but I figured it was probably just rats. But with all the shapeshifters around, I wasn’t sure that I could ever trust a rat was just a rat.

  I looked at what appeared to be their tracks in the dust and followed them, hearing their echoing voices looming louder as I got closer. They were standing in front of what looked like an incubator, blazing with a fire so hot I could feel its warmth from where I was. It was then that I saw what remained of the carpet, burning – and along with it, her body. I gasped, and instantly clamped my hand around my mouth. But it was too late; they had heard me.

  Buck’s neck snapped to look at me. “I thought we told you to stay in the truck,” he said.

  “I just wanted to see—” I tried to explain, surprised they knew I was standing there. Then again, I knew they could smell my scent.

  “Wanted to see nothing,” Buck interrupted me.

  “Chill,” Japheth told him. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “What happened? What was that all about?” I asked him, approaching them as they slammed the incinerator door shut. The inferno sizzled behind the big metal door and I heard the flames lick at the flesh. It was sickening.

  “She was a puma. The princess, actually,” Japheth explained.

  So she was royalty, just like she’d said, but now she was just a pile of ash.

  “There’s too much to explain. All that matters is she’s gone now and there’s no evidence of her,” Japheth said as he led Buck toward me. “Let’s go.”

  Buck glared at me. “You need to learn to do what you’re told.”

  He grabbed me on the ass, deeply and sharply, the sensation electrifying my body as he whispered, “Meet me by the river when we get back. I need to see you.”

  And he walked past me as if nothing had happened. I didn’t know if he wanted to have his way with me or tell me something he didn’t want Japheth to know, or both. Either way, I knew better than to disobey him. I trailed behind them, then looked back at the incinerator. The foul smell of flesh seeped from its cracks. I swore I heard the high-pitched, blood-curdling screams of a woman but I kept walking, thinking about that dead puma lying there, completely lifeless in Buck’s living room.

  All I had wanted to do was take some time to myself and figure out a way to make things simple. Instead, things had only grown more complicated, and I was just glad that I had the two of them to watch over me. However, I wondered how long that would last, since I still had to make a choice. But I wasn’t sure either of them could guarantee my safety. I caught my breath. Something in the way the two brothers looked at each other as I asked them what had happened, what that was all about, told me there was a lot more to the story than they were letting on. I knew, without a doubt, that this would not be the end.


  Marked for Love Book 5


  “What took you so long?” Buck asked me as he turned toward me, that wickedly sexy smirk on his face.

  “Sorry,” I apologized.

  He’d told me he wanted to see me alone. But I was still reel
ing from the idea that I’d been attacked by a mad puma woman that they’d just rescued me from. I could still smell the stench of burning flesh as if it were lodged in my nostrils, a horrifying reminder of how they’d incinerated her in the abandoned building. The whole idea of what had happened to me the last few days was enough to make anyone’s head spin. But there near the river, things seemed a little clearer. I tried not to think of Buck and Japheth throwing the body into the fire, and to instead concentrate on the calming rhythm of the river that babbled nearby. Of course, being with Buck was comforting, too, even though it was technically in violation of the rule we had agreed upon: that I would be left alone while I made my decision. But I thought the incident with the royal puma had thrown that into disarray and I was hoping it would lead to an extension on the deadline.

  Buck opened his arms and urged me into them.

  “Come here, a little closer,” he told me and I knew better than to disobey.

  His shoulder-length dark hair fell across his bare shoulders. Why did he have to have his shirt off right now? Was it because he knew he looked so sexy the way his masculine hair feathered from his chest down to his ripped abs and happy trail? He leaned back, his legs spread as if inviting me to take a seat on him. And I would have, except for one thing.

  “You’re not supposed to touch,” I told him as a warning, but there was a hint of a tease in my tone.

  “I know the rules,” he said in his deep masculine voice, scowling.


  I sat on the rock across from him, hoping it’d be a safe enough distance – not for him to keep his hands off me but rather for me to keep my hands off of him. I was in dire need of comfort but I had to respect the rules if I was to ever make the right decision. Otherwise I feared that Japheth would tear me apart. I leaned back and placed my hand in the water, feeling the cool river rush around my fingers. I closed my eye and smiled as I enjoyed the sensation, able to escape from the drama of my life for a few seconds.


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