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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

Page 22

by Jamie Lake

  I let my hand fall away from his shaft and let it slip through his dark valley, all the way down to his asshole. I felt around and started to tease his rim, feeling his whole body shudder as I played with him from both sides. I hung off his cock and released it, letting my saliva drip off in thick drops. I was flushed and breathing heavily as desire pumped through me. I wanted his cock badly, but I knew I couldn’t get it all. Not yet. Some things still had to wait. I continued to pleasure him and it overwhelmed him to such an extent that he pulled my head away and sank to his knees. I took the opportunity to wipe my lips, and as he came down, he reached out his hands only to clench them into fists again when he remembered he couldn’t touch me. He bowed his head down and let his lips linger inches away from mine. My hand rose as we gazed at each other, and I pressed a finger against his lips.

  “You’re perfect, Nathan,” he whispered, and my heart swelled. I longed to kiss him then. But I couldn’t.

  “Lay down,” I said, and he obeyed.

  His body stretched along the floor of the hut, his erection swollen and flat against his stomach. I curled my legs underneath and sat beside him, taking him in my hand again. I bowed down and continued to suck him off as he watched, holding my scalp the whole time. I felt the tension rise within him and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had the last stroke. I shook his hands away from me.

  “I shouldn’t have let you get away with that,” I said.

  “Guess I’m just too bad to play by the rules all the time,” he replied.

  His hands fell to the floor as I swung my legs over him and straddled him. I sat over his stomach, placing my full weight on him. I looked over my shoulder and sidled back until his cock was resting against me, so close to my sweet ass. He groaned as I reached behind and positioned his erection so that it was sitting in between my ass cheeks. I then took both my hands and squeezed and massaged my butt, jerking him off at the same time. I watched on as I rode him and twisted my body. His face contorted with pleasure and I knew he wanted to be inside me. I wanted him to be inside me. All in good time. His hands clenched into tight fists and he beat the floor of the hut on either side of him, bringing his hands crashing down repeatedly as I teased him and drove him wild with desire. I leaned back, showing him my slender body and pressing his erection into me. It would have been so easy for me to slip it inside and feel it stretch my sensitive, yearning rim, but I resisted.

  “Make me cum,” he begged, and I was all too happy to oblige.

  I came off him and lay beside him, placing my head near his so my breaths would drift over his ear and neck. I whispered to him as I wrapped my hand tightly around his erection and jerked him off. I felt it throb and tense and I jerked it all around, twisting and turning it. I went fast, then slow, then I went really fast and moved my hands so quickly that his whole body rumbled with pleasure. Then I slowed again. I pulled his skin back slowly. I rubbed and pinched his tip. I sped up. Fuck. Sweaty. Hot.

  I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I couldn’t. I felt his body tighten. Every muscle, every nerve screamed out to me. As I took him closer and closer to climax, he leaned into me. His hot breath made me tingle and then his cock throbbed, and oh, it came out in a massive explosion. It spurted and dribbled over my hand and his body, gushing out like a flood. He let out a long sigh as he collapsed into me, and I felt his sweaty forehead press against my shoulder. The reaction was so intense and I felt so close to him. I stroked and watched the last few drops ooze out, and then I started to clean him up.

  “Oh, God,” Buck moaned as I licked up what was left of the cum that had spattered all over his body. “What you do to me…”

  I chuckled. I loved having the power back like that, teasing him, driving him insane. His body was slick with sweat and the hut was alive with our passion. I was still ravenous, but I knew that I had to remain in control and torture him, just like he and Japheth had tortured me. I wasn’t going to be sweet, submissive little Nathan anymore.

  “I want to touch you again. I miss touching you. I miss kissing you, being with you. I want to be inside you again,” he told me.

  “Sorry,” I told him. But I wanted it, too.

  “Let me in,” he told me. His tone was demanding and his face told me that he wanted to control me and fuck me senseless, but I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted. Not this time. This time he could be the one who was left wanting more.

  “Can’t,” I said, standing up and wiping my mouth. “You know the rules.”

  He shook his head with that sexy smirk of his. I suspected that part of him secretly enjoyed being teased by me, and this turned me on even more. I walked out into the cool air and left Buck drenched in the afterglow of orgasm.


  I knew Buck had his reasons for not wanting to tell the tribe about the puma footprint. And I trusted he knew what he was doing. It was just that it didn’t make any sense to me. None of it did. I thought about going to the other wolves and telling them the truth, but I hated going against Buck’s wishes, and I had a feeling they wouldn’t believe me anyway. Best to leave it in his capable hands. As I went out to the river to clear my thoughts, Buck was having challenges of his own. He rose from the mat in which we had just had our steamy encounter and was preparing to clothe himself when he heard a voice.

  “Did you have a good time?” the voice said.

  He turned to see Elijah, the young, blond, good-looking werewolf, leaning against the entryway with an arrogant smile on his face.

  “What do you want?” he asked him roughly.

  “I can still smell your cum in the air,” he said.

  “What’s your point?” Buck asked. He rose to his full height. Elijah’s eyes followed him and the two men glared at each other. Each of them remained rigid, and a dangerous tension simmered between them.

  “I miss it. Your cum, that is,” he told him as he entered without being invited.

  Elijah moved slowly and walked around the edge of the hut, dragging his fingers around the wall. Buck folded his arms and turned to follow Elijah’s path.

  “Let it go,” Buck said. “What we had was a long time ago.”

  Elijah stopped suddenly and cocked his head at Buck. He moved slowly into the middle of the hut. Buck didn’t move, but he did tilt his head upwards and took a defensive stance. Elijah sauntered forward.

  “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Elijah told him, wrapping his hands around his strong arms.

  Buck shrugged them off. “I’m spoken for,” he said, glaring at Elijah.

  Elijah growled at him. “You want that puny human?”

  “He’s important,” Buck told him.

  “To who? To this tribe or to you?”

  “To me,” he said, and smiled viciously. He hissed at Elijah and flexed his muscles, making sure the younger wolf knew exactly where his loyalties lay.

  “Yeah, right. I know you, Buck. I know you well. I’ve been inside you, remember? And you’ve been inside me. I know what drives you, what makes you tick. I know what drives you wild and what gets your rocks off. This human ain’t it,” Elijah told him, almost spitting as he said the word ‘human.’

  “You don’t know a thing,” Buck said. “You knew the old me. You don’t know the new me.”

  “Don’t kid yourself, Buck. People don't change; neither do werewolves.”

  “I know who I am. I don’t need you to define it,” Buck said. The two of them circled each other as they spoke, and where the hut had just been a cauldron of unbridled passion, it was now a furnace of bitterness and jealousy.

  “You’ll miss me, Buck. I promise you that. There will come a time when you’ll be down on your knees and you’ll be begging for me to come back to you.” Elijah was right up in Buck’s face and he poked his finger into Buck’s tight chest.

  “Dream on,” Buck told him, sneering.

  “We’ll see about that,” Elijah warned as he exited the hut, leaving Buck with a few things to ruminate upon.


  Buck was agitated by the time he left his hunt. He definitely wasn’t in the mood for Japheth, but Japheth was what he got just the same.

  “What did he want?” Japheth asked as he stormed up.

  Elijah strode off in the distance and rejoined the other wolves.

  “Nothing,” Buck grumbled, trying to push past his brother, but Japheth stood his ground. The two of them met each other’s glare.

  “Has Nathan made his decision yet?” Japheth asked.

  “If he’d made it, don’t you think you’d know by now?” Buck asked him.

  “Why are you so grumpy?” Japheth asked. “No one has relieved you today?”

  Buck turned back, trying to hide his smirk. “Seems to me like you’re the one who’s uptight, brother.”

  “I’m serious. Why don’t you just get one of the little ones to relieve you of your stress?”

  “I make sure my needs are met,” Buck said.

  Whenever they encountered each other, it seemed like they immediately became hostile. It didn’t help that they both knew how to get under the other’s skin. “Besides,” Buck added. “We both know there are bigger matters to attend to. Someone found a puma print outside our tribe.”

  “Where? Who did?” Japheth asked, alarmed. Suddenly, the balance of their conversation shifted and their petty squabbling was put aside. There was nothing more important to Japheth than the pack he led, and any threat to them needed to be dealt with immediately.

  “Doesn’t matter who. It was found. This proves my point, brother. We can’t just sit here like sitting ducks. We have to move on,” Buck said.

  “I know what’s best for the tribe. I’m the alpha now, remember?” Japheth said, raising his voice.

  “For now,” Buck taunted him.

  “You lost those privileges when you abandoned the tribe,” Japheth said.

  “Everybody makes mistakes. But I’m back, and sooner or later, I will lead the tribe,” Buck said.

  It was the first time Buck had voiced his ambitions out loud, and part of him said it just to irritate Japheth. But when it came out, it sounded natural. He had to admit it to himself: he did miss being the leader of the pack. Being a lone wolf wasn’t as much fun as it seemed. Japheth bristled at the comment but he took a deep breath before relaxing. Holding up his hand, he responded with the maturity of a leader.

  “Save it,” Japheth told him. “I’ve given this some thought. Perhaps staying put may not be the wisest move for us, but preparing for war would.”

  “War? Are you mad?” Buck asked him, gripping him by the arm. His eyes were wide with panic, but Japheth brushed his concerns away.

  “It is better to be proactive than waiting to have our heads cut off,” Japheth said. “It’s what our father would have wanted.”

  “So, now you care about what he wanted. Didn’t seem like you did before you killed him.” Buck’s hand fell away from Japheth’s arm and he looked at his brother with a mixture of rage and disappointment.

  “I don’t have time to argue with you, brother. We have a war to wage,” Japheth said, pushing forward.

  He walked away from Buck to make the final preparations. Buck stood by helplessly, knowing he wouldn’t be able to change Japheth’s mind.

  “Think carefully, brother. This doesn’t feel right,” Buck warned.

  “Remember who you’re speaking to, brother. I’m the alpha, after all,” Japheth said without looking back.

  Buck watched his brother walk away and wondered whether it was the folly of pride leading him to this decision or actual strategic thinking. Buck shook his head, ran his hand through his hair, and walked in the opposite direction.


  By the time Buck caught up to me, I was lost in my imagination. I was staring up at the infinite sky and wondering about the immeasurable mysteries of the stars, and where I fit into it all. I found it remarkable that in the endless glory of the universe, I existed. Whatever happened in my life mattered in the grand scheme of things, because I was just as much a part of the cosmos as the glittering stars and the inky black sky. Sometimes I felt so insignificant that I forgot.

  “Breathtaking, isn’t it?” he asked me. His deep rich voice shocked me out of my daydream, melting into me. “Mind if I sit next to you?”

  “Sure,” I answered, scooting over to make room for his big, muscular body. The night was cool but my temperature instantly increased when he was beside me. I caught his aroma in the night air and the lilt of his voice made me tingle. We were sitting so close together that I could have easily nestled into him, but I did not. Instead, I settled for the fact that our thighs were touching.

  “Whatcha thinkin’?” he asked. I loved the feel of him next to me. So peaceful, so comforting, so secure.

  “Just about how much my life has changed,” I told him.

  “What? Why? You’re not used to having a bunch of werewolves around you or a puma hunting you down?” he teased.

  “No, not really.” I smirked, looking back at the silvery moonlight. “Do you think that things will ever get back to normal?” I asked.

  “Depends on what you mean by normal,” he said. “But yeah, one day things will be balanced.”

  “But when?” I asked.

  “Don’t know,” he said. “But hopefully soon.”

  “Your kind of soon or mine? Remember, not all of us are 100 years old,” I teased.

  He chuckled. “Nearly 200.”

  “I knew I liked older guys but this … this takes it to a whole other level.” I chuckled. The laughter brought a little joy to the air but it dissipated and we were left in silence.

  He looked at me, his gorgeous eyes dancing as he gazed into mine. “Nathan, I—” he started to say but stopped himself.

  “What?” I asked, taking my eyes off the stars and the moon to look at him.

  “I care about you deeply. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I said.

  “And you?” he asked. “How do you feel about me?”

  “I … I feel the same way, Buck, but I—”

  “But what? If you feel the same way about me and I feel the same way about you, why are you taking so long to make your decision? You know very well that I’d make the best mate for you.”

  “I know you’d make a very good one. I know I could be very happy with you...”

  His straightforwardness took me by surprise. He had to know that it wasn’t a fair thing to put me on the spot like that. No matter the strength of what we shared, there were other factors. And I didn’t just mean Japheth.

  “Good, it’s settled then—”

  “But, there are others involved.”

  “Who cares about anybody else?” he asked me with a straight face. “All that matters is you and me.”

  He turned on the rock to face me. He licked his lips and it was a side of him I had never seen before. He was finally naked with me, raw and vulnerable, bearing his soul to me. He took my hand in his and started to circle my palm with his finger. It would have been so easy to fall in love with him in that moment, but lingering doubts remained.

  “I just don’t … Sometimes I don’t know if it’s me you want or if it’s because I’m the special one. I don’t know if it’s love that you feel for me, or lust. I don’t know if it’s that you want to be with me or you want to possess me.”

  “Why can’t it be all those things?” he asked me. I started to pull my hand away but he clasped it tightly.

  I turned to him. “I guess I’m kind of old fashioned. If I’m going to choose someone, I want it to be for love and nothing else.”

  He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. For a moment, I wasn’t sure if he was going to say anything else. Then the words fell out of his lips, falling upon me like heavy raindrops. “Run away with me,” he said.

  “What?” I asked him, hardly believing that I’d heard what I did.

  I went to pull my hand away again, and shifted my body to create a
bit of distance between us. He looked worried, and this made me paranoid. My throat felt dry and I wondered what danger lay ahead for us. After all Buck’s posturing about the prophecy, I couldn’t believe he just wanted me to run away with him and leave the pack behind. I didn’t know what to say. I was sure my mouth moved, but no sound came out.

  “There are things, some things that are going to happen, and this will be a dangerous place to be. I can protect you. I can keep you from all of it.”

  “Why does everyone keep telling me bad things are going to happen?” I asked.

  His expression changed instantly. “Everyone? Who else?”

  I swallowed, remembering I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Elijah had warned me that if I did, there would be consequences. Consequences that could endanger the lives of those close to me, including my family.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I told him, shaking my head. “What matters is I feel like people are keeping things from me. You’re keeping things from me. If you want to be my mate, Buck, then we’ve got to tell each other everything. Everything. I’ll settle for nothing less.”

  I looked at him earnestly, hoping that my wide eyes would catch a reflection of the moonlight. I squeezed back against his hand to show him that I was with him. I genuinely cared for him, and I wanted to be with him. I just didn’t think it was as simple as he was making it out to be.

  He took a deep breath and stared towards the faraway moon. Somewhere under the stars there was peace for us; there was a place where we could be together and not have to worry about any of the drama currently surrounding us. But in order to find that place, we had to find each other first. I couldn’t find him if he was always hiding something from me.


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