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Wild Life

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by Girl, Breukelen

  Wild Life

  A Manhattan Maen Werewolf novel

  By Breukelen Girl

  Smashwords Edition

  © Copyright 2012

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may contain violent and sexual content. By reading and purchasing this book you consent to being of legal age for such material.

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  Writing takes time and effort and Breukelen Girl goes to a lot of it for your reading enjoyment. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  You can find more of Bg’s free writing on her blog “A Werewolf Blog in Brooklyn”

  ebook titles by Breukelen Girl:

  Wild Life

  Lunar Night Stand

  The Pack


  Growing Up Werewolf

  Lunar Nights

  Of Wolf and Male

  Lycan La Vida Loca




  “She didn’t, he did.” Addison stated glancing away from the couple across the room quickly.

  The main room of the mansion was packed with bustling bodies, music that was too loud and drinks that were being served continuously. A wild party; full of wild things, in other words it was a fairly regular Saturday night out.

  “She looked like she did. Are you sure?” Jules asked Addison handing over five dollars as they looked at the couple they’d both been watching through the moving wall of bodies in front of them. “How can you tell?”

  They both looked back at the clearly passionate couple. The woman stood in front of her male partner her arms touching the top of the sofa in front of her. Her hips and below hidden from their sight. The male, stood up against the back of her. His hands barely visible at the top of her hips. He was kissing the dark haired woman’s neck. They weren’t the only couple in the room to be having sex. But they had been more subtle about it than some others.

  They watched the male, run his nose along the woman’s skin. His hands, looked like they were adjusting himself, back into his jeans. Behind her backside as her hands smoothed her red tartan mini skirt down again at the sides.

  Addison downed a mouthful of beer looking around the room before turning to staring at his friend, Jules. “Are you kidding me?”

  Jules frowned and shrugged his shoulders loosely. “No?”

  “It’s basic werewolf one-o-one stuff. Listen for the pick-up in her heartbeat. There’s a pick up at the start then it kind of hits a pace and then when they’re about to..…finish, there’s an escalation point. Distinctly different in rhythm of the heartbeat. If you can’t hear that then wait till she holds her breath for a second before she breathes again. Dead give-away.” Addison stated polishing off his beer and placing it on a nearby over crowded table.

  Jules looked from his friend and then back at the couple they’d been watching, as their pack leader Paris and his pack mate, walked through the mass of bodies in the room slowly.

  Between them and the two males there was all manner of things that made noise. A massive stereo; the noisy chatter of people, the sounds of movement were constant. “You can hear that, from here? Over all this noise?” Jules asked pointing around them at the crowded room.

  “What? Can’t you?” Addison stated looking around the room bored. Of course he could hear it if he was trying to, if he focussed. Which was how he won the bet with Jules.

  He was beginning to think he’d done this scene one to many times. The party was packed, wall to wall. But he felt like he either knew most of the party goers there, or that there wasn’t enough difference at this party from the last party for him to appreciate the good times that appeared to be having had by all, including his best friend, Paris.

  “Uh, no hotshot, I can’t.” Jules stated looking back at Addison dumbfounded. Not all werewolves, it appeared were created equal, even when born an alpha as both Jules and Addison were.

  Both males had the alpha werewolf gene from birth, but as with anything, skills and abilities, varied from werewolf to werewolf. Addison had always made a habit, of honing whatever his skills were, so he was the best at everything.

  They were both tall and of medium builds, both Jules and Addison were strong and fast. But that was about where the similarities ended. Being of the same pack, did not mean they were of the same skill levels. Addison forgot that sometimes. That he did have a far more superior skill range to most of the werewolves in his pack. It was why he and Paris had originally been singled out for the pack leadership role.

  Addison glanced back towards his best friend and pack leader, Paris, who tilted his head his head towards the stairway nearby.

  “Come on.” Addison muttered at Jules brushing past him quickly, towards Paris and taking the lead heading up the stairway before the alpha leader of the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack.

  It was his job to play body guard to Paris, to watch out for his pack leader’s safety. Being a pack leader instantly meant there was a target or bounty associated to the title whether it was wanted or not. Which was part of the reason Addison had decided not to pursue leadership.

  Paris and Addison were long time childhood friends. There was never any doubt as to who would be leader and who would be lieutenant. Mainly because Addison recognised what was involved in being pack leader and had decided some time ago, he had no desire to put that much pressure on himself for the majority of his natural werewolf life.

  He walked up the stairway, as Paris, holding the hand of his pack mate, Bg, walked up behind them, with Jules following in the rear. Being part of the hierarchy of pack meant that even going to a party such as this one, that Addison was always, on duty. Not that duty was exactly taxing, or that he had anything else to do, other than be a werewolf. The werewolf life was not easy or kind to kids, let alone adults. It was part and parcel of the lifestyle of being furry once a month. He’d grown up rather accustomed to looking after those around him.

  “You need to be satisfied, properly.” Paris muttered to Bg who looked up at him smiling as they all walked along the upstairs corridor.

  “Why don’t we just blow off this party?” Bg groaned back at Paris. The happy couple had been unfortunately, apart do to pack politics and were now keen to make up for all their time apart.

  “Because, I already told you once, that we have to do appearances around here, together. And I want them to hear my wolf, howling because of me. Let them know we’re as together as we’ve ever been.” He muttered back at the black haired female before dipping his head to kiss her, longingly.

  Addison overhearing the whole conversation once again, felt good he hadn’t ever decided to pursue pack leadership. For one thing, he’d have had to have beaten his best friend, Paris to the position. That was one fight he didn’t ever want to get into. Because he was pretty sure that both alpha males if ever in that circumstance, would kill each other and nobody would win anything. Then there was the whole, everyone seemed to think they could have a say in who your pack mate should be if you were the pack leader, deal. Addison knew Paris and Bg were constantly being judged and weighed by their own pack and outsiders over their relationship.

  “Hey, what about here?” Bg asked as they stood opposite an outside door to an upper balcony. Addison opened the doors outwards and stuck his head out. “All yours.” He said stepping back inside the mansion.

  “Thanks bro.” Paris said clamping a han
d down on Addison’s shoulder as he walked out onto the balcony with Bg.

  “No problem.” Addison commented closing the doors to the outside balcony and standing directly in front of them as Jules walked over to him.

  “So they’re at it again?”

  Addison stared hard at Jules. The fact that they’re friend and his pack mate were rather madly having sex all of the party when they weren’t socialising was not as shocking as Jules seemed to make it out to be. Addison was rather accustomed to seeing Paris and Bg all over each other.

  In fact Addison found it rather intriguing that his friend Paris, was so enamoured with Bg. He’d never been so openly in lust with another werewolf before. Bg was his first serious relationship and Paris had fallen into it, head first. Addison was intrigued because he considered himself to be very similar to Paris. Both males had never wanted a steady, monogamous relationship. Then Bg came along and out went that idea.

  Jules threw up his hands in silent retreat as he stepped back. Most werewolves were rather sexual beings; it was part of their biological make up. Under the right circumstances, both Addison and Jules would be acting the same way.

  “How is this a surprise?” Addison asked him dryly. Jules shrugged his shoulders loosely.

  “I’ll take first shift, you go look around, get some drinks or something. I’ll call you if I need anything.” Addison stated dismissing Jules. Addison was just bored with the same old routine. The women, the wolves at these parties, they were like an endless repetition that just failed to get his imagination and libido fired up hotly.

  They were pretty and they were flirtatious and easy to access. They all wanted a piece of the power of his position as second in command to the Manhattan Maen pack leader. Addison’s experience with most of the female werewolves was that they thought they could somehow embed themselves into his life, make themselves a trophy girlfriend for him. But he just wasn’t interested in that. A girlfriend.

  He’d never wanted a relationship beyond a one night stand or three dates, all of which involved sex. In Addison’s mind, beyond three dates, meant you were dating. Something he couldn’t wrap his head around wanting to do, ever.

  “You sure?” Jules asked even as he started to walk away, further down the corridor.

  Addison nodded his head, watching as another body walked up the stairway, passing Jules heading his way. Addison stood still, his hands clasped in front himself, before the doorway to the balcony. His eyes following the approaching female.

  She didn’t look like she fitted in at the pack party. He couldn’t peg her for a regular. Which instantly made him curious about her. She was dressed like she was on a dinner date, not for a pack party, which generally meant most females displayed a hell of a lot of flesh.

  Pack parties were quite popular. They usually involved two or three packs getting together and having an outrageously, wild, over the top party somewhere private, at someone’s house, which almost always somehow became an open house invitation to anyone who heard about it. Which meant, humans often mixed with the werewolves of New York when these occurred.

  Granted those few humans who heard about the pack parties, were usually those that had been around werewolves before, knew of werewolves or had werewolf friends and associates. So that was why they were allowed to attend these events.

  The brunette smiled at him softly. Politely as if she was going to pass him by. This quick assessment of the brunette again had Addison’s interest pipped. He wasn’t used to being passed over so easily by the female species. Normally it was all bright eyes and big smiles at him. They liked to go in strong, when flirting with him.

  “Excuse me,” She said stepping forward as if he were meant to step aside and let her through. Addison tried to place the accent on her and frowned in thought and stood stock solid where he was, not giving ground.

  “Balcony’s off limits.” Addison stated, not moving and watching as the brunette pulled up shapely from ploughing into him.

  She straightened up and tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked back up at his face. Her eyes taking it in. He had a strong, defined jaw line, but a bit of stubble across it. Bright blue eyes that seemed to lock onto her, he was frowning back at her.

  “What are you, like the balcony bouncer or something?” She muttered back at him crossing her arms over her chest. Addison smirked. Attitude, he liked attitude.

  “Or something.” He listened to her sigh heavily. Starting to focus on the sound of her heartbeat out of habit.

  “We’ll I’m a smoker and I need a cigarette, so…”

  Addison smiled at her a closed mouth smile. “No you’re not. But nice try, original I’ll give you that.” That made him smile widely back at her. Amused by her lie. He could tell a lie from the difference in pulse and heart beat in a person, if he caught it quick enough. But that wasn’t why he knew she was lying.

  Her mouth opened into a half smile as she spoke to him. “How do you know if I am or aren’t a smoker? Who died and made you the balcony god of off limits and knowing everything huh?”

  “I’m a balcony god?” He chuckled back at her. Canadian, that was the accent. “Off limits? Is there such a thing?” She smiled at him unable to stop herself. He smiled back at her. “You’re Canadian right?” Addison asked curiously, watching as the brunette’s face show pure surprise. She blinked a few times, and stared at him.


  “So you guys always go outside to smoke, right?”

  “Hence the balcony access.” The brunette said pointing behind him not really answering his question.

  “I would normally believe that, but…” Addison paused and watched her.


  “Well, you don’t reek of cigarette smoke and I don’t see you holding any cigarettes, so no balcony access.” Addison replied smirking back at her. He couldn’t help it. It was a decidedly average night and this brunette was amusing the hell out of him. It was the werewolf in him it wanted to play with that attitude of hers like it was a chew toy to be shaken around. His werewolf was known for getting Addison into trouble.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.“

  “Kid you not. My name’s Addison, and whilst I’m many things, not really known for being a kidder, as such.” He held out his hand to the pretty brunette woman. As he did so she looked from his face to his hands, he subtly sniffed the air to pick up her scent. Her very human scent. She reached forward and shook his hand.

  “Addison? What kind of name is that?” She blurted out before she could help herself. Addison raised an eyebrow at her in surprise at her blurt. “I mean, sorry, I mean, it’s just such an unusual name.” She shrugged her shoulders ”Unusual other than perhaps having a control issue problem.”

  “Control issue problem?” He chuckled. “Are you calling me uptight?” His werewolf was pacing around him inside.

  Her mouth dropped open and closed again and she smirked before answering him. “Would control freak be a better term?”

  Addison laughed and smiled widely at her. No one would but Paris or the boys would ever be brave enough to call him that to his face so boldly and expect to get away alive with calling him that name.

  “It’s a partial name. My middle name actually. Zac Addison Harrington.” Addison replied. “I don’t really look like a Zac do I?”

  The brunette shrugged her shoulders quickly. “I don’t know what Zac’s look like, so I can’t say for sure.” She said crossing her arms over her chest and squinting at him, as if assessing his Zac-ness. Addison’s mouth smirked into a closed smile. He was having fun.

  “What’s your name?” He asked her with a smile.

  She seemed to consider him before answering. “Cassidy”

  “Nice name, clearly suits you and clearly you’re parents liked you. Unlike mine, I mean, Zac, come on. There must be a way to determine what name suits what baby. Luckily for me somewhere in my life, everyone started calling me by my middle name instead. Addison sits better with me, don�
��t you think?” He asked her, speaking too fast.

  “Are you trying to distract me from my mission to get out onto that balcony Zac?” Cassidy asked him, deliberately using his first name.

  Addison grinned broadly back at her, enjoying their banter. The night ahead was suddenly looking less like a drag. Maybe he could get off duty early and have some real fun with her. “I might be.” Except he couldn’t of course. Because she was a non.

  “Might be?” Cassidy smiled at him brightly. “So now you’re not even sure that’s what you’re doing?” She dropped her arms off her chest and he couldn’t help but check out her breasts as she did so. She noticed his line of eye sight drop.

  Cassidy was around five seven if he had to guess. At six foot three Addison thought anyone under his height was small. With perfectly sized breasts that looked like a little more than a handful. She wore a black cardigan that’s top button was closed, it had two blue sparrows on either side of her chest, which meant the rest of the top opened out across her breasts, emphasising her breasts and waist. She was in a figure hugging plain black dress that stopped just below her knees. His eyes dropped further down, noting the killer stiletto black heels she wore. He suspected her legs would look lovely and long if she wore something shorter, revealed more of herself to him.

  Addison shrugged his shoulders loosely as he brought his eyes back up to hers. “Well here I was mostly thinking, that I was enjoying chatting to you Cassidy.” He said liking the way her name sounded.

  Cassidy smiled back at him. Biting her lip for a moment before asking “Are you flirting with me? Real smooth approach. ”

  “Usually works.” Addison replied back at her flippantly.

  “Argue then flirt, hmm….well, Zac,” Cassidy said, rather deliberately. “I have enjoyed chatting to you too, but to be perfectly honest, I’m kind of over this party. I was supposed to meet some friends here and I can’t find anyone with how many people are here and well, I just want to get a bit of fresh air to clear my head and wonder if I should leave. So hence the balcony.” She said pointing behind him at the double glass doors.


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