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Page 25

by Chloe Lynn Ellis

  Guess I’m just better with non-verbals sometimes… and not to be cocky about it, but gotta say, that whole coming out to him thing turned out pretty well, yeah?

  “Oh, we’re doing this,” I tell him now. And then, because just saying it gives me a thrill inside that’s got everything and nothing to do with my dick, I say it again: “I want to do this, Johnny.”

  He makes another one of those low groans that are like fucking Viagra for me or something, and I move his hand off my thigh and put it where it belongs, rocking up into his palm.

  Which feels amazing.

  Although when he doesn’t waste any time and starts jerking me right through my shorts? Amazing immediately updates to amazing 2.0. Amazing on steroids. Amazing maxed out to something I don’t even have a word for, because holy shit, Johnny handles me practically better than I do myself.

  My head falls back against the back of the couch and I hiss through my teeth as he works me over. Not sure how I’m going to slow down the insanely hot rush that already has my balls tighter than a fucking drum, but no way am I coming from a hand job without even getting my shorts down.

  Not that I couldn’t.

  Oh, fucking Christ, the way he’s going? I definitely could.

  Feels so damn good that I’m not even sure I’ve got it in me to stop him, but maybe I can at least slow us down a little. Draw it out. Savor it.

  I wrap a hand around the back of his neck to try and get some control back and pull him in close.

  “What, no… no romance, bro?” I tease him, already panting as I push my hips up to meet his fist. “You think… think you can just grab my junk without… without sweet talking me first?”

  “Oh, I’ll show you sweet, Matty,” he says with a dirty laugh that is hands down the sexiest fucking sound ever.

  Oh, shit. Maybe I just have to face the fact that I am gonna be done in under five.

  Especially when he finally pulls me out of my shorts.

  Closes that callused hand around my cock, skin-to-skin.

  Tugs on me slow enough to have me cursing, then runs his thumb through my slit until I’m practically crying. And then—Jesus fuck, then he goes back to stroking me with a firm hand… fast strokes… fucking perfectly, like he somehow knows my cock better than I do.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, clutching onto him hard as I gasp for breath and pray for the strength to make it last even though I’m kinda having trouble thinking anything at all other than please, baby Jesus, oh please make me come.

  I need to fucking come.

  Guess I did more than just think those words, because Johnny doesn’t let up at all, but he suddenly gives me this look and says, “Shit, Matty. I can do that. I want to.”

  His voice is kinda broken with lust, but also almost reverent, and it makes my heart do a weird-ass barrel roll in my chest, leaving me a whole new kind of breathless.

  The thing is, I was joking with that business about “romance” and “sweetness” that I was spouting off a minute ago, but maybe I was also being a little bit real, too. And don’t get me wrong, of course I don’t need Johnny to sweet talk me… but maybe I also wouldn’t mind?

  And maybe I want to sweet talk him a little, too. I mean, I love joking around with him, always have and always will, but now I just feel… I feel more, too.

  I want more.

  I want this.

  And I want to kiss him again, not just get off with him.

  Hold onto him.

  Fucking drown in him.

  I’ve got a lifetime of feelings for Johnny built up inside me, plus now a whole bunch of new ones that I’m just starting to let loose, and even though a fair share of those new feelings are about how good my dick feels around him, they’re not all about that. Some of them are about… well, about wanting to take care of him a little, just like I do with Eden. Maybe even about wanting some gentle to go along with all the hot-as-fuck rough stuff.

  Feelings about… about treasuring him.

  Cherishing him.

  Loving him.

  He smiles at me—slow and sweet and sexy as hell—and the whole time he’s still working my cock. Making me twitch and grab onto him and feel almost desperate with what he’s building up inside me. The orgasm that’s building, yeah, but also all this other sappy stuff that just gets bigger and bigger every time I look at him.

  “Johnny,” I gasp out, covering his hand with mine to slow the pace for a sec. “I—”

  Fuck it. I’m better with non-verbals.

  I twist around to face him, flinging a leg over his thighs and knocking his hand loose from me as I straddle his lap.

  He laughs—sounding a little breathless, a whole lot turned the fuck on—and steadies me with his hands. He opens his mouth like he’s gonna say something, but then I rock my hips forward and grind us together, and he shuts right up, the most beatific look on his face that I’ve ever seen.

  This is what I want.

  I want to put that look on his face. Always.

  I push my fingers through his short hair, forcing his head back a bit so I can take his mouth the way I’ve been needing to for days now, and… fuck. Maybe it’s all the cheesy chick-flick feelings he’s got stirred up in me, but gotta say, kissing Johnny is… well, it’s perfect. There’s just no other word.

  It slows me down and speeds me up, both at the same time.

  He’s my roots, but he’s also wings.

  Kissing him is exactly and nothing like kissing a girl. Lips, mouth, tongue—the fundamentals are the same, and they’re hot as hell—but there’s not even a second of it that I don’t know I’m kissing another man.

  And not just any other man, but this one.


  Johnny moans into my mouth, his end-of-day stubble scraping my face. Heating up my skin with a rough friction that’s the perfect contrast to how soft his lips are. Wouldn’t have expected it, as hard as the rest of him is, but they are—soft and fucking delicious as they open up to me, inviting me inside like he knows I belong there.

  And Jesus, the taste of him.

  I could live on it. I want to just breathe him in—inhale him—and I know that sounds gay as fuck, but—

  “What?” he asks when I start cracking up and roll off him.

  “Nothing,” I say, still snickering. Just gotta embrace it though, amirite? Get over the bullshit voice inside me and claim my gay. So I tell him: “Just if you could be in my head right now, Johnny. I’m so, so fucking gay, like, when the fuck did that happen?”

  He’s laughing at me, of course he is, but he’s also pulled his cock out of his shorts and is stroking it, so… yeah. That’s distracting.

  I lick my lips, staring at it.

  Wanting it.

  “Gay, huh?” he says, a hitch in his breath as he twists his palm over the slick head of his cock. His hips jerk a little, breath hissing out of him, and I shit you not, my mouth fucking waters.

  Hell yeah, I’m gay.

  “I blame it on that thing,” I tell him, fucking mesmerized as I watch. “It’s got superpowers, yeah? One touch and it turned me gay. Mega gay. Super gay. The gayest.”

  “Oh, this thing definitely has superpowers,” he says, eyelids dropping low and voice rasping, telling me just how good his hand feels to him. And fuck if I don’t want it to be my hand. “But you’re not gay, bro,” he adds, which is just ridiculous enough to trip me up, right when I’m about to reach out and take what I want.

  I laugh at his crazy, eyes snapping up to meet his.

  “Johnny, I want your cock,” I tell him baldly, words that a few months ago I legitimately would never have thought would come out of my mouth. “Can I get any gayer?”

  He grins, still stroking.

  Still mesmerizing me.

  “Eden,” he says, which just makes my cock all the harder. “You’re into her, too, so you’re not gay, you’re bi.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely into her,” I say, making sure it sounds just as dirty as I mean it. “As often as possi
ble… doesn’t mean I don’t wanna be into you, too.”

  “Oh, fuck, Matty,” Johnny says, huffing out a breathless laugh as his face flushes with heat and his hand goes still on his cock, squeezing it tight like he’s trying not to shoot. “You’re… you’re making my point for me.”

  Guess he’s right with the bi thing, but I can’t focus on that right now. I knock his hand aside and finally take over like I want, and that laugh of his turns into another one of those hot groans I can’t get enough of.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I growl, my own cock jerking against my stomach at the feel of him… and fuck if he isn’t a little thicker than me—which I guess I sort of knew, but didn’t really know, you know?

  A dick is a dick, yeah? So holding him like this doesn’t feel strange… except it kind of does, too. Differences in size and shape and the angle I’m holding him at versus when I’ve got myself in hand, plus his cock is cut, unlike mine.

  Johnny’s is also long and fat and hard as steel right now, and finally getting it in my hand? No joke, it threatens to set mine off like a rocket… especially when I see what touching him like this does to him.

  “Matty,” he says, sounding wrecked as he thrusts up through my fist. “Oh, fuck. Matty.”

  And that tone in his voice? Suddenly, I’m not worried about whether I’m gay or bi, or about romance or sweetness or any other cheesy crap, I’m just thinking one thing: how fast can we make this happen? But then the lock turns in the front door, and we’re both suddenly staring at each other like a couple of deer caught in the headlights.

  Frozen… for a second.

  For less than a second.

  After which we’re moving fast.

  “Oh shit,” Johnny breathes out, shoving my hand aside and stuffing his cock back into his shorts so quick I’m almost worried he might have hurt himself.

  Of course, I’m not worrying too much, since I’m too damn busy doing the same with mine.

  Miraculously, we both manage to tuck ourselves away without injury, and we leap to opposite ends of the couch and slap matching throw pillows over our laps like some kind of synchronized Olympic “it wasn’t me” team, just as Eden walks in.

  We probably look guilty as hell since we’re both trying so damn hard for the exact opposite, amirite? And to be honest, I’m not entirely sure why we’re acting like guilty teenagers. I mean, it’s our own home, yeah? And pretty sure neither one of us is planning on, you know, hiding this new development from Eden or… or sneaking around.

  I guess it’s just that we haven’t really mentioned it to her yet, and it still feels so new between us, and—

  Hell, I don’t know.




  Maybe a little bit of all of the above.

  Truth is, we’ve barely even had a spare second to breathe all week, what with how busy it got at the station and the insane shifts we both pulled. This right here is as close as we’ve gotten to even talking about it between ourselves so far, and somehow it feels like a really big deal… and also like it’s really not a big deal at all.

  Because it’s me and Johnny, what’s more right than that? We fit. Always have, always will.

  Eden comes in, and she looks gorgeous. Flushed from the heat outside and sporting a sexy little sundress that begs to be taken off her—and maybe that’s the thing, the reason we’re both suddenly being weird about it. Sure, me and Johnny fit, but it’s not just me and Johnny, is it? It’s about me and Johnny and Eden, and as much as I want to do this new thing with him, the thought that it might mess things up with her fucking kills me.

  All of that flashes through my mind in about 0.25 seconds, and from the look in Eden’s eyes, that’s about how long it takes her to take in the sight of us and jump to exactly the right conclusion about what we’d just been up to.

  “Oh, Lord,” she says, her eyes lighting up as she slaps a hand over her mouth and looks back and forth between us. “I… I interrupted, didn’t I?”

  “What? No,” Johnny says, lying like a rug.

  I look over at him and snicker. Can’t help it. Hair mussed up in back and lips still puffed out and wet. Skin flushed red and guess I marked his neck, too. My boy looks a little wrecked.

  He looks like temptation.

  Definitely fuckable.


  No way is Eden gonna buy that “no.”

  My cock twitches again and I push the throw pillow down against it harder, stifling a groan as I drag my eyes off Johnny and look back at her. She’s grinning at me like it’s Christmas, and suddenly my cock is twice as hard.

  Not gonna lie, I fucked her a lot while I was stuck at home in that cast and Johnny was away at work, and being with Johnny the other day? That was hot as hell, too. So yeah, I’m never gonna say no if I get a chance to hit it one-on-one with either one of them, but the three of us together? Sweet baby Jesus, all I’m saying is I must have done something right, because when it’s all three of us, it’s like I don’t even have to wait for the afterlife for the kind of reward that should only be found in heaven.

  “I didn’t interrupt anything at all, hm?” Eden asks, putting her purse down on the entry table and slipping her shoes off.

  She’s got this sexy little smile dancing over her lips, and that tone means my favorite kind of trouble.

  She glances up at us. “That’s… too bad.”

  I hear Johnny swallow next to me, but I can’t take my eyes off her.

  “Too bad, huh?” I say, and—fuck it—I move my hand and let the pillow fall off my lap.

  This isn’t gonna ruin us. We fit.

  Eden’s eyes go wide as she takes in my erection, and I give her a hot smile. “You know I hate disappointing you, beautiful.”

  “Oh, Matt,” she says, her breath starting to come a little faster. “You never disappoint me.”

  She’s still staring, licking her lips now, and I shit you not, my cock is going for full lift-off. There’s a wet spot on my shorts already, right over the head, because Johnny just got me going that fast, and when I grind the heel of my hand against it because I have to, Eden’s eyes dart up to mine.

  She smiles, definitely turned on, but then she flicks her gaze over to Johnny and a look of uncertainty crosses her face. “Do you… do you want me to, um, give you guys some privacy? I can—”

  “No,” Johnny cuts her off. They do some kind of weird eye contact thing, and then he gets a wicked smile on his face and says, “Now that you’re home—”

  “I get to watch?” she interrupts him, all breathless and yearning and instantly making it the number one thing on my to-do list.

  Put on a gay porn show for our girlfriend? Fuck yeah.

  “What do you want to see, beautiful?” I ask her, my mind suddenly filled with all sorts of ideas as I stand up and shuck off my shorts and briefs.

  Johnny and I had already stripped down to just those when we’d gotten home, because even with the A/C, it’s fucking ridiculous out, yeah? End of summer in Boston is God’s test for the righteous. But hey, closer to naked is just that much closer to happy, amirite? So guess there’s always some glass-half-full if you just take a minute and look for it.

  Both Eden and Johnny are staring at me with hungry eyes, and can’t say it doesn’t feel good. I run my hand down my chest real slow, enjoying putting on a little show, and sure enough, I’ve got them both breathing hard by the time I make it down past my abs and wrap that hand around my happy stick.

  “You wanna see something happen here, Eden?” I ask her, giving it a slow stroke. “You want me to do something with this, baby? Something to Johnny?”

  He mutters a quiet “oh fuck” from the couch that’s got me throbbing, and Eden licks her lips, nodding as she looks back and forth between us with hungry, horny eyes.

  I know my girl’s tells. Her nipples are trying to poke two holes in her dress, and that gorgeous chest of hers is rising and falling so fast she’s gonna make herself dizzy. She sque
ezes those pretty thighs of hers together, and I know she wants to touch herself.

  I know it.

  “You’re wet now, aren’t you?” I say, still stroking.

  It’s not really a question, but she nods like a good girl anyway, and the way she’s so quick to give me what I want in the bedroom is such a fucking turn-on it makes me crazy.

  “Johnny, take that dress off her, yeah?” I say, keeping my eyes on her just so I can enjoy the way those words make her start to pant. “If we’re going to give her a show, seems fair that we get to enjoy the view, too.”

  He’s already on his feet. Got her in front of him, those big hands of his sliding up her bare thighs and pushing the little skirt up to show off today’s scrap of lace. She’s so fucking sexy I can’t stand it, and by the time Johnny gets her all the way naked, I’m thrusting into my fist hard.

  “This working for you, princess?” he asks, towering over her from behind. Hands overflowing with her breasts as he pushes them together and leans down to nip at the long line of her throat. “You gonna watch me and Matty?”

  “Yes,” she says, all breathless and sexy. “Oh, Lord, yes… please.”

  “You gonna touch yourself while you watch?” he asks, taking one of her hands in his and pushing it between her legs.

  She whimpers, doing just that, and it’s all I can do not to cross the space between us and slide into that sweet pussy of hers, right there while she’s in his arms.

  Eden cranes her head around to look up at him, panting as she fingers herself, and it’s like they’re having some kind of silent communication on a whole different level. After a minute, she bites that delectable lip of hers and cuts her eyes in my direction. “Johnny, are you two really—”

  “Yeah,” he says, tilting her head back so he can take her mouth.

  Fuck, they’re hot together. My dick jerks against my stomach, and I’m almost tempted to tell them to keep going. Just take care of myself while I watch Johnny push her to her knees. I want to see him get that thick cock of his out again. I want to watch as that sweet mouth of hers gets him even harder. I want to see him bend her over the coffee table between us and fuck her the way I can tell she needs.


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